Polly fans rejoice - our favourite Russian does it again as she flips ... - [PEACE]

... a coin. That's right, we've blamed this Russian amongst many others for interfering with our ... democracy, so she better bloody well stop doing it! Try explaining -that- to India and Pakistan :D Decision time folks, in our dichomatic world of CIA sponsored (dominated ackshually, but who's really counting) "main" stream media, there simply MUST be a good guy, and a bad guy and absolutely no gray areas in between the legs of the issue… <ahem> And polly is here to tell us which is which, since simply -everyone- needs a good opinion to adopt these days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HtfEkqlC8w #ICYMI - Crisis in Kashmir - Can someone just explain who the bad guys are India or Pakistan I for one welcome our new Russian "queen of disinformation" :)
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness