That Great White Semich Dick echoes Teddy Adorno's , ' No joking after Auschwitz " ( paraphrased ) and affirms his invincible love of anarchist-hating, cypherpunk-list-hating spam. He's like the sound of the last humpback whale being harpooned up-the-arse. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/eric-bogle-song-whale-lyrics.html

professor rat, this isn't strongly related to what you're saying here, more the other exchange, but i'm thinking a little about how criminal enterprises and violent governments must overlap heavily in order to be effective. [also something esle that i forgot, sorry for adding this to my message, it is a coping strategy i have] On 7/24/22, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
That Great White Semich Dick echoes Teddy Adorno's , ' No joking after Auschwitz " ( paraphrased ) and affirms his invincible love of anarchist-hating, cypherpunk-list-hating spam.
He's like the sound of the last humpback whale being harpooned up-the-arse.
When you say this, i feel a little pain, and worry about our connection. i need to know we are friends. i'm sorry i'm so fruit-loopy this way, having sesame-street-like values for connecting with others. To show respect for you, i'm visiting the page in question. Most people wouldn't do this. It's a habit I developed to connect with bullies and such in middle school on online, last millenium. This is a performance I'm putting on for professor rat, with addendums for weirdness and pain.
The saddest sound I’ve ever heard is the song of the humpback whale.
getting harpooned up the arse with its harpooner!
His moans and sighs and his eerie cries sing a sad familiar tale;
he sighs and farts as if he knows
of being constipated by a huge harpoon and a suffocating harpooner! the harpooner's
race is nearly run,
and that soon with all of his kind he’ll fall before the immense volley of surreptitiously-impactful posts that professor rat, karl, and everyone else post to this list

The song looks intended to be sung slowly and meaningfully. I have pasted it below. The saddest sound I’ve ever heard is the song of the humpback whale. His moans and sighs and his eerie cries sing a sad familiar tale; he sighs and blows as if he knows his race is nearly run, and that soon with all of his kind he’ll fall before the whaler’s gun. For every living thing on Earth, Nature made a space; each a living strand of a fragile plan that can never be replaced. And not from need, but from wanton greed, man has torn down Nature’s web; with greed possessed, he will not rest till the last of the whales is dead. In my mind’s eye I can see them die as the whaler finds his mark; hear the muffled boom of that cruel harpoon as it blasts their lives apart. I see the flood of their rich dark blood as it stains the ocean red; that bloody green will not wash clean till the last of the whales is dead. The saddest sound I’ve ever heard is the song of the humpback whale. His moans and sighs and his eerie cries sing a sad familiar tale; he sighs and blows as if he knows his race is nearly run, and that soon with all of his kind he’ll fall before the whaler’s gun.
participants (2)
professor rat
Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many