Fwd: FOIL Request F23, 205 RE: #F23, 205 Open Records # 2024-040-00099 Ref. Social Media lawsuit
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Novikova Alina <ANovikova@schools.nyc.gov> Date: Thu, May 23, 2024, 4:43 PM Subject: FOIL Request F23,205 To: g@xny.io <g@xny.io> Good Afternoon, Attached please find a letter concerning your FOIL request. Thank you. May 23, 2024 VIA EMAIL Gunnar Larson xNY.io – Bank.org g@xny.io RE: #F23,205 Open Records # 2024-040-00099 Ref. Social Media lawsuit Dear Mr. Larson: This letter is in final response to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request in which you ask for: [1]… records pertaining to the lawsuit and [2] Section 1. Subchapter 1 of chapter 1 of title 3 of the administrative code of the city of New York, section 3-119.5 (https://intro.nyc/local-laws/2022-35)... With respect to item [1], your request for records is not reasonably described pursuant to Public Officers Law § 89(3)(a) as you have not identified the specific types of documents you are seeking pertaining to the lawsuit. Nonetheless, to the extent you are seeking records regarding the lawsuit, you may wish to direct this portion of your request to the NYC Law Department, a separate and distinct agency from the NYC Department of Education. With respect to item [2], a diligent search for records has been completed. Responsive records have been located and are accessible to the public via the following web links: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Algorithmic-Tools-Compliance-R... yuem/data?no_mobile=true#:~:text=Under%20Local%20Law%2035%20of,datasets%20used%2 C%20and%20vendor%20involvement https://www.nyc.gov/content/oti/pages/reports This concludes the Records Access Unit’s response, and your request will be marked as “closed” in the Unit’s database as of the date of this letter. Any person denied access to a record may appeal the decision in writing within thirty days. Please state specific grounds for appeal and include copies of the initial request and the denial. Appeals should be sent to: Liz Vladeck, General Counsel, c/o Office of Legal Services, New York City Department of Education, 52 Chambers Street – Room 308, NY, NY 10007, FOIL@schools.nyc.gov. Gunnar Larson xNY.io – Bank.org May 23, 2024 Page | 2 Sincerely, Alina Novikova /s/ Alina Novikova Deputy Records Access Officer FOIL@schools.nyc.gov
participants (1)
Gunnar Larson