STASI? More like a Jesuit

Our resident Julius Streicher / Israel Shamir propagandist liar might not be what he sez he is. Btw - ' NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF! " Evidence for the prosecution. Exhibit A. The Nazi punks posts here over several reichsyears. Exhibit B - circumstantial evidence on indulgence. Is leave granted? EVERY major call to crusade gave rise to pogroms against Jews. According to Augustine … “ ...Judaism, since Christ, is a corruption; indeed, Judas is the image of the Jewish people: their understanding of Scripture is carnal; they bear the guilt for the death of the Savior, for through their fathers they have killed Christ...” ". .. they had also turned to scholars for justification of Christian violence and Gregory Vll had found in Anselm of Lucca, a partisan who, through a careful reading of the Fathers, above all Augustine of Hippo, would build a convincing case for Christian violence as something that could be commanded by God, was at the command of the Church and would, when properly used, be an expression of Christian love... ” ( The Crusades by Jonathan Smith ) STASI Punk Lukács accepted STASI Punk Kun’s arguments on the necessity for revolutionary violence, saying later: " ... we Communists are like Judas. It is our bloody work to crucify Christ. But this sinful work is at the same time our calling: only through death on the cross does Christ become God, and this is necessary to be able to save the world. We Communists then take the sins of the world upon us, in order to be able thereby to save the world ..." JULIAN “ We are in the business of crucifixion ” ASSANGE late 2016 or 2017. Source Stefania Maurizi, July, 2018
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