[spam] Tor exit nodes and unsubscription requests

greppable list of exit nodes: https://check.torproject.org/torbulkexitlist

Unsubscription request ips:

Basically to address this clearly we'd need one of: - communication with the source of the unsubscription - access to the mailserver, use of a locally held gateway such a p2p remailer, or in-depth work with greg - either development of a lot of novel software or prior experience engaging something like this I don't have any of the above, that I am aware of, at this time, but I think I'll try to direct my feelings toward something like the p2p remailer concept.

A brainwashed urge in me attempts to hunt down the origin of the unsubscription, and proposes behavioral profiling. If the harmful behaviors can be stimulated, patterns that stimulate them can be enumerated, and compared to patterns of real world people. I'm imagining such evidence would likely lead to the wrong person, since so many people share behavioral traits. But maybe from that idea could lend a parallel goal of communication.
participants (1)
Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many