If you are not familiar with Tesla's theories in his later years, he explored fantastic topics like free energy, anti-gravity, invisibility, and time travel. After Nikola Tesla's death, the FBI ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings, even though Tesla was an American citizen. The National Defense Research Committee called in an MIT professor and well known electrical engineer to make sense of Tesla's notes in order to analyze if anything in them could be weaponized. That MIT professor was John G. Trump. John Trump claimed that there was nothing of any real substance in Tesla's notes - but this was a lie. He knew that if the National Defense Research Committee realized what the notes contained, such as blue prints for a time machine, it could mean the end of the world. Although John Trump believed Tesla's time machine was plausible, it was not possible to create using the technology existing at the time. John Trump later died in 1985 but not before entrusting Tesla's notes and their implications to the protection of his beloved nephew, Donald J. Trump. Around this same time period, Donald Trump was known to use pseudonyms such as John Miller and John Barron, in partial homage to his uncle. However, there was another pseudonym he was to be known for, John Titor. Trump, as John Titor, traveled to the future under the assumed identity of a soldier, where he discovered that America, and the entire world, had become a nuclear dystopia caused by radical Islamic terror. John Titor began posting messages on several internet forums in 2000 and 2001, writing of events that happened in the timeline he had witnessed. He wrote of terrible events that would occur between 2000 and 2012. He could not name the cause at the time or the timeline may become unavoidable, see 'Death Ship' episode from 'The Twilight Zone' television series. Trump traveled through time, amassing a fortune and making subtle changes, attempting to delay the future he saw for as long as he could - but that future is now coming. Trump knew that the only way he could have enough influence to prevent this future in it's entirety would be to become President of the United States of America.

On Friday, December 1, 2017, 10:56:48 AM PST, John <johntbarron@protonmail.com> wrote:
If you are not familiar with Tesla's theories in his later years, he explored fantastic topics like free energy, anti-gravity, invisibility, and time travel.
In my opinion, Tesla's main claim to fame was his recognition that the electrical grid could not possibly be implemented using DC (direct current) but had to be AC (alternating current). The simple reason for that it that even a wire, as efficient as it is for transporting electrical energy, would be inefficient if it transported (say) 120 volts more than a distance of 100 yards. There is no simple, reliable mechanism (at least, there wasn't in the late 1800's) for converting DC voltages. (the motor-generator isn't too complex, but it is only of limited reliability.) Why Edison didn't immediately understand this is baffling. There was, and is, however, an amazingly simple way to convert AC voltages: The transformer. No mechanical moving parts, and it can be used to nearly 1 million volts. That's why AC worked, and DC would never have worked. The loss of transmitting power is proportional to the square of the current: Power = I(squared) times R, where R is the resistance of the link. Thus, loss is inversely proportional to the square of the voltage. That's why today, voltages at least as high as 760KV are used over long distances. About 10 years ago, I realize the role that MCNT (metallic carbon nanotubes) will play in the future electrical grid. Despite the name, there is no "metal" in MCNTs. They are called "metallic" simply because they are seen to conduct electricity as well as common metals, like copper. But even that underestimates things:A single MCNT fiber, 1 nanometer in diameter, has a resistance of about 7600 ohms, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT IS! That is weird! But true. It's very close to the concept of superconductivity, but it will work at room temperature. A rod of copper, area 1 square centimeter, one meter long, would have a resistance of about 170 microohms. https://www.google.com/search?q=copper+resistivity&oq=copper+resistivity&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4596j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 A bundle of one hundred trillion, area 1 square cm, 1 nm diameter MCNTs, each MCNT 1 meter long, would have a resistance of: 7600 ohms/(1E14), or 76 picoohms. Thus, those MCNTs would have a resistance of about 1/2,000,000 that of the copper. And if the individual MCNTs fibers were 10 meters long, the resistance of the bundle would be 1/20,000,000 that of the equivalent-sized copper rod. And so on. Why is it very important to develop a manufacturing process to make long, cheap MCNT's? There is a band of land, about 300 miles wide and over 1000 miles long, from North Dakota, South Dakoa, Nebraska, Kansas Oklahoma, and northern Texas, that has an enormous amount of wind energy. https://www.nrel.gov/gis/wind.html When you look at this map, keep in mind that the amount of extractable wind energy is proportional to the cube (third power) of the airspeed. Why not plant a million, 5-megawatt wind turbines there? The problem is that transmitting that electrical energy to places where it is needed efficiently is very difficult. The coast is 1500 miles away, in either direction. And using high voltages requires wide rights-of-way, which are very limited in availability. Using MCNT cables would allow the transmission of this power at far lower voltages (say 60,000 volts), buried by the side of small roads. Jim Bell
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jim bell