IQNets is born of our fundamental human right to communicate freely, and anonymously, amongst consenting humans, free from stalking by governments and by corporations. Just as we have the human right to go for a stroll in a park and have a private chat between ourselves without stalkers and snoops listening in, so too do we have the human right to communicate privately and anonymously using any technical means at our disposal such as a telephone, a computer, a stroll through a park. This human right to communicate freely and anonymously, is a fundamental human right. It is a fundamental human right, since without this right to communicate amongst ourselves privately and anonymously, we are bound to the dictates and abuses of those presently in power who do on occasion abuse their power and whom we are not otherwise able to hold accountable for their abuse. We have the right to (attempt to) hold those in power accountable for their abuses of other humans, and for their abuses of power. The capacity to communicate freely and anonymously, is fundamental to the right of those without power, to hold accountable those presently in power. Certain fundamental human rights such as the right to communciate amongst ourselves freely and anonymously, may be abused by one or another human; this is part of the price we pay for living with freedom (in this case, the freedom to communicate privately and anonymously). This is just the same as our right to own and buy and sell knives so that we may efficiently chop vegetables to make a meal - whilst some humans abuse this right to own knives to nefarious ends. Such is in the nature of humans, but if we give up the right to own, to buy and to sell knives, then we give up a basic right to possess the tools required to prepare and consume food. Without the right to possess those tools required to prepare and consume food, or in like manner the right to communicate freely and without the government or others stalking our conversations, we are reduced to be nothing but slaves, beholden to the will of those in power. And so, a free people readily and with gratitude, pays the price that must be paid, to live in freedom. A people who do not pay the price freedom demands, which includes the consequences of living in freedom, are slaves, and are not free. There are other fundamental human rights. On this foundation principle - our fundamental human right to communicate freely and anonymously without being stalked and monitored - is IQNets sanctioned into existence. IQNets - making the impossible possible.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness