On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 04:33:15AM +0000, jim bell wrote:
I started using a CPAP machine (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) in 2013, to help with sleep-apnea, where my breathing stopped during sleep. CPAP keeps the airways inflated during sleep, stopping snoring as well. Without CPAP, a person with sleep apnea stops breathing, in my case sometimes well over one minute. Eventually the oxygen level drops to the point that the body rebels, and there's a sudden gasp, and the blood's oxygen levels are somewhat restored. At that point, I hypothesized that many people might be saved from an early death by using a CPAP. The low-oxygen condition might very well be hard on the body.
A couple of years ago, when Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died, I immediately wondered if a CPAP machine might have saved him. I didn't see anything, immediately. But a few weeks later, a story appeared saying that while Scalia usually used a CPAP, he did not do so on the night he died. Here is one such article, probably not the one I initially saw. http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2016/02/scalia-may-have-forgotten-hook-himself... Had he used that CPAP that night, he might very well have lived.
Antonin/ Anton Scalia has quite a few conspiracy theories, and almost absurd "facts" behind his death, that "failure to use CPAP machine" along with "no autopsy was orderd" (for a Supreme Court wig no less) because apparently "his family didn't want one". Please! Slip a sleeper into his drink, turn off his CPAP machine and hold a pillow over his face, and make sure (((your friends))) are in charge of security so that no cameras are recording at the time your hit man walks into Scalia's room. This stench is stronger than that surrounding Snowden. Conspiracy theories swirl around the death of Antonin Scalia https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/02/15/conspiracy-the... February 15, 2016 Two days after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly in remote West Texas, a former D.C. homicide commander is raising questions about how the death was handled by local and federal authorities. “As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police, wrote in a post on Facebook on Sunday. Scalia was found dead in his room at a luxury hunting resort in the state’s Big Bend region by the resort’s owner. It took hours for authorities to find a justice of the peace. When they did, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body — which is permissible under Texas law — and without ordering an autopsy. … The manager of the El Paso funeral home that handled Scalia’s body said Scalia’s family insisted on not having an autopsy done. … “You have a Supreme Court Justice who died, not in attendance of a physician,” he wrote. “You have a non-homicide trained US Marshal tell the justice of peace that no foul play was observed. You have a justice of the peace pronounce death while not being on the scene and without any medical training opining that the justice died of a heart attack. What medical proof exists of a myocardial Infarction? Why not a cerebral hemorrhage?” … “How can the Marshal say, without a thorough post mortem, that he was not injected with an illegal substance that would simulate a heart attack…” “Did the US Marshal check for petechial hemorrhage in his eyes or under his lips that would have suggested suffocation? Did the US Marshal smell his breath for any unusual odor that might suggest poisoning? My gut tells me there is something fishy going on in Texas.” Conspiracy Theories Surround Justice Scalia’s Death https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2016/02/14/conspiracy-theories-surround-j... … John Poindexter, the owner of the ranch, provided more bait for speculation with an awkward description of how Scalia was found: “We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled.” https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/killed-antonin-scalia-conspiracy-t... … the judge was found dead on a Texas hunting ranch Saturday — just two days after the 10th anniversary of the day Cheney accidentally shot a Texas lawyer during a quail hunting expedition. "Perhaps Chaney (sic) and his crew were hunting Scalia. There's no way for Scalia to have known that he was the prey, not the animals on the big ranch he was visiting," the blogger wrote. https://heavy.com/news/2016/02/antonin-scalia-death-conspiracy-theories-pill... … Scalia found dead with pillow over head 3 days after blocking Obama's Clean Power Plan. … Alex Jones posted a video to YouTube about the issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEorgAt_Udc … The Abreu Report writes, http://www.abreureport.com/2016/02/bush-family-suspected-of-killing-scalia.h... “According to a source, Justice Scalia was going to confess to involvement by the Bush family in the attacks of September the 11th. Scalia’s death marks a stunning development in the 15-year saga that has become the War on Terror, but one that will likely be buried by elements within the American military-industrial complex.” The website says Scalia “chose the wrong state to visit,” referencing the Bush family’s influence in Texas. http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/scalia-was-a-pedophile-claims-vi... … [SRA (Satanic ritual abuse) victim David Shurter] writes on his blog: “Scalia liked to fuck little boys. I know this from personal experience – as he was one of my primary abusers as a child and was one of the HEADS of the cult that abused me. He was a vile man who was such an extreme sadist that I find it hard to give words to his voracious appetites. I hated this man in ways that I can’t begin to explain and he rivaled Aquino in my abuse as a child.” Gordon Duff of Veterans Today wrote the article Scalia Sleeps with the Fishes http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/02/17/scalia-sleeps-with-the-fishes/ exposing the fact that Scalia was a pedophile and that he was killed at a rent boy ranch in Texas where the rich and famous go to indulge in pedophilia. Apparently the article was originally banned from viewing in the US, but is still active at that hyperlink at the time of writing.
Now, we hear that Tim May died, of "natural causes". Well, death due to sleep apnea would qualify as "natural causes", too.
I encourage anyone who might have sleep apnea or snoring to obtain and use a CPAP machine. While they can be prescribed by a doctor (a sleep therapy doctor), much-cheaper CPAPs are easily available, for example on Craigslist. I use a Philips Respironics Remstar System One, and it has worked well for me for years. These models can often be found for between $100-$150, although some people sell theirs in the $200's or even $300's. While they can be used as found, it's best if they are set to a person's own pressure needs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_airway_pressure Jim Bell
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Zenaan Harkness