Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs
lightning strikes near mcboss! he is killed. because this is a random story, he pops back. he waves smiling! — boss sits down for an interview with Dippy Dog, a cartoon character that hopefully i made up and doesnt actually exist
Interview With Boss and Dippy Dog Dippy: “So, tell me your name.” Boss: “Boss.”
Machine Learning Marketer and Janitor come over with a video camera crew for boss’s show. The cameras roll for the interview.
Boss starts having conniptions, a copy of an experience the experimentees had while research was ongoing for boss’s powersuit. boss says that it is trauma he has, associated with his marriage
boss decides to interview dippy, and hires a second camera crew to do this on-stage dippy says their name is dippy, and they are here to interview boss. maybe for the cameras?
boss remembers he has an interview
Boss: “yes our mind control organisation is the largest there is” boss talks about how mind control is the best thing for oppressive leaders of all types the interview continues
researcher experimentee mentions there may be an ongoing interdepartmental war boss notes that it is definitely confined within the organisation
Dippy: “So, what is the main business theme now that the core coverup operations are on live camera?”
Boss stares at Dippy.
Boss: “If I can ever control my body freely again, and that’s still the situation, I’ll probably focus on a different industry.”
Boss: “For now, we can still resolve the most difficult problems —“ Researcher Experimentee: “— in the ways that most flagrantly demonstrate avoiding them” Boss [ignoring interruption]: “no matter how insurmountable, and are the recognized go-to solution for the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet.” Dippy: “You look very injured.” Researcher Experimentee: “war for the weapons manufacturers, and trying to protect the victims of these horrors —“ Boss [speaking over at same time]: “It’s important to look dismembered so people know we care.”
Dippy: “Are you saying you’re still offering a service of silencing rats and plugging classified leaks, when your operations are broadcast live?” Boss stares wide-eyed. Researcher Experimentee: “We’re trying to put an end to the business operations, and the harmful doings of clients. He seemed to care more about profit than —“ Boss jerks himself alert. Boss: “We’re here to protect [fumbles for a paper] capitalism. Our spotless track record should say enough.”
Boss: “I’ll have to meet with all the old clients now, in case any were exposed to the broadcast, to make sure we retain them.” Experimentee: “I’ll come along.”
—— A lotus flower sits in MCBoss’s lap, meditating on him while he establishes business agreements with mind-controlled diplomats.
The two swap places, and MCBoss is now making global business agreements with mind-controlled diplomats, while sitting in the lap of a lotus flower. The lotus flower meditates on MCBoss just some, while ripples of water gently move it on their surface.
MCBoss is impatient, and has habits of quickly influencing the people with whom he negotiates. Meanwhile, the blossom has all the time in the world. Suddenly, MCBoss slips, *kerploosh!* into the pond.
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many