part 3 -- Propaganda 1-0-1 - [ [ PFKR ] Female employee on the Google memo: 'I don't know how we could feel anything but attacked by that']

Classic Lefty propaganda parades itself for our analytical pleasure :) Liberal Lefty propaganda hit squad mug shots, exposing themselves in all their factless feely fuhrenlugenlumpenessenen inglory: - "the infamous memo" is only ever alluded to, never quoted quoting the source would of course despose the lie exposed in reposing factual prose - clever rhetoric effectively disguising the lack of any critical/constructive analysis of the memo itself whatsoever, and thereby short ciruiting all rational, critical debate e.g.: "You've read the memo, right?" - feelings are the only significant things, and all feelings are facts, and the world must revolve around feelings, e.g.: "Yesterday the women in the Ads group got together ... listening session ... and it's hard to not feel like that's an attack on you personally" and more tear jerkingly beautiful morono propo ganda: "Steve Kovach: Why did you want to talk to me? Lauren: Mainly because I felt like no one was asking the women of Google how they felt" And the joy turns ecstatic as we realise that, instead of actually responding to any (as in ANY) of the claims made by Damore in his 10-page memo (plenty of quotable material in that 10 pages too), this Lauren woman then goes on to -complain- that: "What about all the women? ... no one is asking us to respond to the claims that he made about us" - classic faux empathy/ pretend group-alignment e.g.: “Look, I’m a conservative. I completely disagree with everything he said, but I’m still a conservative. which is beautifully preceeded with this psychobabble pre-seeding nugget: "Can Google do a better job at making conservatives in the company feel like they can voice their views? (Yes.)" Very impressive, BussinessInsider.comm, very impressive! - implying facts from the --completely unquoted-- source, whilst twisting what was said into a 180° opposite meaning (by implication), e.g.: "But to have us all lumped into one sort of category like that" - At least one of the big-bold header bylines expresses some honesty, if you can read it right: "A female Google employee named Lauren tells Business Insider that most of the attention surrounding James Damore’s memo has nothing to do with how women inside the company feel." which actually means "A female Google employee named Lauren tells Business Insider that most of the attention surrounding James Damore’s memo has nothing to do with how women inside the company feel ... and dang it, we should all focus on how us women feel already - how dare everybody focus on the content of the memo and what its author actually wrote! We have FEELINGS and we WILL be head for many many hours about our feelings because its all just not OK!" - more big bold header byline goodness: "Lauren says she feels like she’s had great opportunities within Google, and has received support from leaders life CEO Sundar Pichai and CFO Ruth Porat." Yes, yes I'm sure you don't want to lose Mr Sookysooky as you "cry-in-Tuesdays CEO of the century", so suck up good and proper, give Google a feel-good and hopefully the feel-good will continue; don't want to losse a Sookysook CEO now. - some beautiful fact-free reader impact targetting: "But the impact on the group targeted in the memo has been largely ignored." This is seriously some fine psychological propaganda - if "why it's propaganda" does not quite add up for you, just go read James "Damore CoC, da worse it gets" Damore's original, actual memo, then re-read this article to see how (really) quite sophisticated this Bu$$ine$$In$ider.comm article really is... - evident butt covering and "just in case you were at all concerned" this really IS propaganda disclaimer: "had approval from Google to speak to the press" This one's actually a double-whammy for the cotton-wool children of Gen-XYZ, since it subtly reinforces the --- externalisation of authority --- "oh it's all ok here, talking about our feelings, ignoring the facts, and even utterly misrepresenting the original source - it's all ok see, because this talking lady HAS AUTHORITY FROM GOOGLE to talk publicly". Just as well she GOT AUTHORITY FROM GOOGLE BEFORE SHE TALKED PUBLICLY! Shit, she might have caused a real PR disaster otherwise :) - classic fear indoctrination: "but I’m only using her first name because many of her colleagues have been outed on fringe websites, raising safety concerns" - more fear, but more importantly, some post-facto justification for Sookysooky's "internal Google `Town Hall`" cancellation: "In fact, it was the safety issue that caused CEO Sundar Pichai to cancel a town hall meeting Thursday that was supposed to answer questions about Damore’s memo" - and the embarrassing truth of Google's first cry-in on this issue is thankfully exposed in full plainality: "Kovach: What came out of that session? Lauren: There was no agenda." Hmm ... perfectly clear I must say, perfectly clear there Lauren :) And so it goes and on it goes ... worth reading in its entirety as a reminder of classic Lefty group think - I'm barely 1/4 the way through, but I think the gist of this cry-in is entirely evident - Juan would surely be proud of 'em :D :) Z PS: Evidently, Pichai Sookysookysundarajanandanan has lifted his game ... not. Perhaps this an appropriate nick for him - Sookysookanan, the world's most overly paid sooky sook pretending to be a CEO. Oh well, evidently Google can afford such indulgences... ----- Forwarded message from "PFKR (People For Kangz Responsibility) Announcement List" <> ----- Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 19:50:29 -0700 Female employee on the Google memo: 'I don't know how we could feel anything but attacked by that' "You've read the memo, right? I'm not a female engineer, but I've talked to a lot of female engineers. Yesterday the women in the Ads group got together with one of the directors of engineering. She organized a sort of listening session and we kind of all just sat down and talked about it. I think it's just really hard to have someone make baseless claims about your abilities in the workplace, and I think that's what happened. And it's hard to not feel like that's an attack on you personally, and on us collectively. We talk a lot about how women at Google are a minority. We're not a minority [outside of Google], but we kind of are [inside]. But to have us all lumped into one sort of category like that and to have such a baseless claim made about who we are, and to have it positioned as fact -- as scientific fact -- I don't know how we could feel anything but attacked by that." - - - --Lauren-- Lauren Weinstein ( Co-Founder: People For Kangz Responsibility: --- Impeach Trump cuz """"DUMOCRACY"""" --- _______________________________________________ pfkr mailing list ----- End forwarded message -----

On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 02:33:53PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
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Shiverit! Forgot to redaggle that line properly. Here's what it should read:
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