On trolls - was Re: BlackHat2014: Deanonymize Tor for $3000

On 7/5/14, rysiek <rysiek@hackerspace.pl> wrote:
Dnia sobota, 5 lipca 2014 01:54:26 Juan pisze:
HA! I bet you are so crazy as to think that the tor guys are stupid liars! You freedom hating commies!
So what are us freedom hating democrats s'posed ta do? What about freedom loving commies? Or free loving hippies? What if I'm just a communist in my beliefs and am sittin' on the fence about all those individual freedom things?
and so on and so forth...
Indeed :)
See, the thing is: the fact that somebody submitted such a talk doesn't mean it holds any water yet. ...
Of course, but the point is:
some held some water and caused changes to Tor. That's the normal lifecycle of any complicated project.
Did I mention, you made a good point?
But ah, why am I feeding the trolls? :)
Because trolls are juicy. And ripe for comedy. And we all enjoy a good spit roast now and then. :?

What about humanity hating nihilists? Think they're crazy? Just thinking in a way that defines "they" is the real insanity here. Maybe you should think before you judge. God!
participants (2)
Lodewijk andré de la porte
Zenaan Harkness