Re: [tor-talk] Bittorrent starting to move entirely within anonymous overlay nets

On 6/10/16, Jaromil <> wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, grarpamp wrote:
FTR there are I2P plugins for a vast range of external clients and even an embedded new client.
I2P embedded client is a webfront toy that does not scale. Define scale as 100 to 1000+ torrents loaded in the app's index for seeding.
Oh and BTW there is even a C++ reimplementation of I2P.
This is known. Hopefully it ends up being lighter.
why "a bit harder"?
Onioncat 80 is harder in I2P due to I2P address width.. There needs to be a better wider more cross darknet inclusive solution, but as you may know, that's already up for grabs in a recent former thread you can easily find / participate.
Please, lets be frank. I2P supports torrenting on its network since many years and it works perfectly fine.
As a minimal tool for small users of a few torrents. It scales worse than the combo Tor + Onioncat UDP + Transmission, plus opentracker forming initial meetup space to prime into PEX / DHT. Which people are also using right now today, entirely within Tor, and linked to some other networks via other tunnel interfaces which I won't bother to detail here. See dark docs.
need for Tor to push more "marketing" to race above "competitors". The
linked gist to conquer a new fronteer to bring more relays to Tor: BS!
Didn't write it, don't share all its plan either. In particular, dislike every clearnet app on the planet having to link against library for this net, library for that net, deal with Tor's stupid lack of anything but TCP transport, talk socks5, not be peertopeer endtoend bidirectional, etc over these darknets. Leads to social balkanization and one-net specific apps like each darknet creating dinky little private tools like Snark. Not knocking i2p / snark, knocking lack of vision and cooperation to make apps interoperable across many darknets at once. As important as competitive race, is inclusion. Which yields faster adoption. Similar to how the subject line is yielding faster adoption among some percent of the 100M+ torrenters out there.
direction of best implementations and there is no doubt that I2P is the best for torrents.
Subjective statement. Best you can do is put them all in a comparison table.
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