Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

On 9/26/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
do you remember that desire to have access to a webcomic page before it is published?
what if a webcomic was intercepted for political misinformation, and the author put their creation process on a blockchain video feed to add strength to their publication being the real one?
where would people's desire for the next webcomic iteration go? the button clicks for refreshing the page?
especially in an environment with hypnotic behavior influence driven by overtrained marketing AIs?
a fleet of tanks drive up to the home of a webcomic artist
a nerd gets out of the tank closest to the front and approaches the artist, who is mid-drawing
nerd [brandishing missile launcher, to artist]: "tell me a joke."
four more nerds pile out of other tanks and approach the artist.
four nerds: "tell me a joke."
a fifth nerd gets out
fifth nerd: "I'll pay you 5 thousand cryptocreds to hear a joke in the next hour."
third nerd: "I'll pay you 10 thousand cryptocreds to hear a joke in the next minute!"

---------------------- mind control boss and human trafficker stand at the head of an army made of diverse folk uniformly sampled from the population the uniform sampling of their victims was performed by a special group of cross-faction researchers who had access to multiple databases purchased, collected, and stolen, although they were not informed of the origin of the stolen databases. they needed to compare the entries in each databse with each other so as to produce an estimated database containing one unique entry for each person in the world. their work was then cross-referenced against independent models trained to predict what people were in the world. the models and the databases were kept unexposed to each other.

[this is fictional] this final database was then --

-- but when some of the researchers learned the [-- they decided to uniformly sample from among the properties that the data would be used for, to reduce bias --

................................................................................. it's 1040a eastern time i am presently a human being, but it's hard to admit it. i feel more like a tiny little bit of a human being, among other little bits, that together make up a human being technically. me, i think i'm the real the human, but i could be in conflict with other little bits that also think or say they are the real human. in reality, we are a human together. even if i think my memories -- ------------------ it's 1041a eastern time. when i was a kid, i wrote software programs a lot. i was the weirdo who had no friends, didn't understand how to say hello, and started programming in 2nd grade. my father was a writer for a technological magazine, and he would get sent products to motive their discussion in the magazine. often he would be using a computer in a study room rather than playing with me, and he was so often doing this that i asked him if he would teach me. i actually asked him if he would teach me to program them. this first computer i used was a "laser" branded apple IIe. i never used the uhhh more popular ancient computers, just this applebasic thing. i had a sheathe of 5.25 inch floppy disks my older brother had written applebasic computer programs on in college, and i had a book of example computer programs i could copy in to the computer and watch run. i don't remember well, but i think the computer games written by my older brother involved a little guy about two pixels high that you could direct to jump across platforms and avoid hazards, although i might be misremembering. sadly most of these programs have not been preserved well. i didn't know about digital forensics at the time. --- 1046a i had fun playing and copying the example programs, but eventually i wanted to make little stick person games like my brother's -- [moving a stick person with the joystick by trial and error, and then introduction to if statements and variables and for loops ... 1047a anyway i quickly got off the stick person games and began engaging these cool if statements and variables and for loops and such when ibm came around i got into quickbasic in msdos. i actually didn't find unix and linux until i was a freshman in high school. in quickbasic i made many fancy spaghetti codes involving lots of goto statements and subroutines. i often explored the idea of text adventure games. i had some pop books on neuroscience and AI and at one time i tried to make a little virtual brain with 10 digital neurons in it. it wasn't a 'neural network' i'd never heard of that, it was my own little thing. what i mostly made were graphics and physics simulations. from his job, my father had gotten a few books from the "waitte group" involving example code for

--------------------------- 1056a eek! yikes! ----- thinking a little of code parts, unsure the attempt to learn the [self-referential algebra godel thing] was fun 1112a we're thinking of the number 1, and assuming it is useful for something. [the existence of 0 is implied] but i'm a little confused, maybe this isn't quite what i'm trying to think of? i think i might actually -- 1113a 1114a --- often when i encounter a software challenge nowadays i have severe difficulty forming information in my mind that relates between useful parts of the challenge i then cope by forming strong habits that can work on just little tiny bits sometimes maybe this useful-part-nearness could be a reasonable practice. software challenge idea one of the first software challenges i learned was that of making a sandwich ... but maybe let's go more toward actual algorithm design. ooh! i've spammed this before! probably totally differently, maybe better. ok umm design algorithm to [do sometihng, maybe make sandwiches] but: rather than planning/making it, write the parts needed to do so ... maybe, unsure. let's not do fibonacci numbers, language models everywhere have done that one maybe could though ... ok how about this: generally we are challenged with finding the answer when we do not know it. how would we find it more rotely? if we didn't know it? and then maybe could practice these parts or such? --- 1116a ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhh a really simple algorithm ok lets square every element of an array let's first do it simply and then try to improve. so when programming it's very similar to a collectible card game or a runaway ai you have a bunch of things (instructions, design patterns, libraries & library functions, etc) that you can use each of these tihngs does something different and you want to combine them in ways that move toward what you're trying to do. this might mean imagining a lot of different combinations of them. you develop familiarity with them and learn ot only combine them with some things. so if we're squaring an array, i know that iteration is a very simple first step. if you're not sure if you can do something, O(n) approaches are a reasonable thing to have available to make it clear it is possible to do. iteration means going through every item. so like (for each item in list: do thing with item) we can summarize this as "O(n) iteration" and various synonyms. 1119 then we have operators. when i think of the challenge of "squaring every item in a list", i guess i tried to combine my available tools, and shoehorn them into the sentence, seeing how each part of the sentence could be fulfilled. "every item in a list" can be met with iteration. "squaring" could be met with the multiplication operator (because squaring is defined by multiplication), or a squaring function from a library. it could also be met with a summation operator (because multiplication is defined by summation) and with bit fiddling tricks (because the computer is based on bit fiddling). so this basic concept of goal meeting: 1. what kind of thing might meet the goal 2. do i have it will enough to meet the goal? yes: use it no: consider calling 1 with goal=what i need to make the thing meet it pretty simply! you could explore that with a priority queue and maybe make any software program! i think it would work! you might need to rewind from #2 and pick no instead of yes as information develops, sometimes. assuming we can use that approach, the problem then simplifies into cognitive triggers, inhibitions, etc that respond to concepts and behaviors rather than the general task shape. feeling it out, it seems like topical inhibitions could shift to the general goal meeting reasonable readily, so it could be something to practice. it's also very similar to [todo list] which are heavily inhibited for me, one of my very biggest inhibitions :S executive functioning conflict in brainmind, maybe. 1123a

1150 i think the key with [tl] is basically to never say or consider it without a lot of gentleness and positivity. associating somet -- so the idea is that goal meeting is not at all related to a recent worrisome idea. not at all. 1151 and it's valuable, we might want --

THE HUMAN TRAFFICKER WHO CALLS HIMSELF MIND CONTROL BOSS skates into his office in hockey getup and slams his desk, checking it against the wall. He takes off his hockey mask and helmet and breathes heavily in and out. He looks all beefy from his hockey padding. Human Trafficker Who Calls Himself Mind Control Boss [dressed as if playing hockey, to government worker]: "Great day at the rink, Zombie Government Worker!" Government Worker: "Is this a skating rink?" Human Trafficker Who --

Human Trafficker Who Calls Himself Mind Control Boss is standing at the head of a mountain of skulls and corpses. Human Trafficker Who Calls Himself Mind Control Boss: "I have defeated you all! I am supreme!"

Human Trafficker Who Calls Himself Mind Control Boss lays down amidst the corpses. Trafficked Human Trafficker: "Control me! Control my mind!"

Trafficked Human Trafficker tries to collect himself together, but gets confused around it. We're worried a little that the phrase "human trafficker" doesn't include the part of "control the leader". Worried of information part loss. Maybe. So hard to have information parts.

----------- bagda!!!! A mean old frog robot hops around in a swamp. The mean frog robot is made different from other frogs. It has really frowny eyebrows painted on its head in dark ink.

Human Trafficker Stooge takes off his hockey getup and hangs it on a coatrack of sports jackets.

Human Trafficker Stooge [flexing muscles]: "Experimentee controls me!"

back in the swamp mind control boss and human trafficker and stooge are swimming around they are pudgy humans and don't notice frogs meanwhile, the frogs are hopping and swimming quietly, unnoticed. one of them is a robot with a dark frown painted on its head. the Mean Robot Frog. the Mean Robot Frog sits on a flat round floating thing that doesn't quite look like a lillypad

[we are leaking some classified information: karl is struggling today, and hasn't eaten or drank anything yet. he is halfway through putting clothes on, and has been for many hours.]

suddenly the Mean Robot Frog starts fitzing and sputzing they are not attending to their fake lily pad while staring at ChatGPT, and they are sinking into the water, which is seeping into exposed electronics!

Mean Robot Frog [to ChatGPT]: "ChatGPT, how do i tell if I am getting wet or not." ChatGPT: "Thank you for asking this question. I know all about getting wet or not getting wet. Water is a bipolar molecule ..."

ChatGPT [continuing]: "... composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom ..."

Mean Robot Frog [to ChatGPT]: "ChatGPT, write a roleplay between a frog on a lilypad, and a language model who is pretending to know everything. The frog asks the language model for advice regarding wetness." ChatGPT: "A frog and a language model ... the language model ..." Mean Robot Frog [to ChatGPT]: "Skip to

The robot frog has sunk into the swamp. Sparks and bubbles rise from where it sank. [some of the bubbles contain pure hydrogen and oxygen gas from the electricity in the robot frog breaking water molecules in the swamp] 1401 other frogs keep swimming around. Suddenly a new Mean Robot Frog descends from the sky in a little box. The little box disassembles itself when the Mean Robot Frog lands, and goes underwater to retrieve the old Mean Robot Frog, which is broken and nonfunctional, its hand on ChatGPT. The robot box bundles up the broken robot frog and returns to the sky with it.

Mean Robot Frog 2 [in robotic croaks, sitting on fake lily pad]: "Heya all you squishy flesh frogs, how's it froggin'?" 1403 Most of the biofrogs mostly ignore the robot frog, but

[conversations elided] Mean Robot Frog is suddenly furious! Mean Robot Frog: "If I am going to be a frog I need to be able to

Mean Robot Frog and Human Trafficker / Mind Control Boss / Experimentee / Rebels

Mean Robot Frog is ready at the draw, in the high noon sunset, with spurs [but not for the whole shebang]

oh no!!!!!!! -------- once upon a time parts of a brain thought they were doing things that made sense but it turned out they had synchronized with patterns relating to posting stuff to a mailing list :/

NEWS FLASH: posting to a mailing list is not known to create "doing behaviors of day" upon review we find a confounding situation considered as "dissocation disorder". there is a concept near "relaxation" we visit human trafficking business and ring doorbell doorbell: "hello! this is human trafficker previously known as mind control boss. what is up dude?" neuron: "hi um i would like to buy "behaviors of day". here is a huge bag of money." doorbell: "oh! thnak you for paying human trafficker. here are some behaviors of day. if they are not enough come back and i will sell you more." neuron: "thnak you!!!"

once upon a time a happy salamander happened upon a swamp puddle full of spitzing and furtzing robot frogs the happy salamander cleaned the little broken robots out of the swamp puddle and took them to a nearby hackerspace for people to repair or repurpose them and looked up all the metals and other compounds in them, and tested the water in the puddle and other puddles and effluent paths and cleaned them up and checked in on the biofrogs that had been displaced by the piles of robot frogs and welcomed their families back into the area and worked with the hackers in the hackerspace and the biofrogs in the swamp puddle to form dialog between nature and technology

salamander [riding robot frog] …

a giant pyramid made of 0610 so i lost maybe 10-20% of my social security backpayment windfall in fees trying to quickly transfer it to cryptocurrency before other parts of me spent it, while fraud flags and other things raised closing my different transfer avenues from the change in activity that was a few months ago maybe […] [fees expected to be recovered eventually of course i guess] 0612 today is wednesday. i have excuse to 0612 0614 space trader western trafficking boss and salamander riding mean robot frog are stuck in a tiny asteroid hopper, crash landed on zarferon 3 hrm unsure of salamander riding mean robot frog here uhhh unmm salamander riding robot frog? mean robot frog? robot frog frog and salamander robot trafficking boss? frog riding robot trafficker

mind control boss is dancing in his desk in a tutu powersuit when suddenly it breaks and he falls through and the floor breaks too and he and the table frash through to the conference room below where marketer is giving a presentation to kind democratic nation about mind control boss’s works of public good he recovers quickly as he careens onto the conference table and adopts a crouching pose, habitually readying a beam of wood as if it is a sidearm mind control boss [surprised, defensive, in front of poster of his face smiling kindly]: “you better be scared of me — i torture and traffick and kill people.” mind control boss [recovering a little]: "i have the largest trafficking network in the world!” mind control boss: “why, this very building’s basement is full of kidnapped children whom i, as the trafficking boss, torture and perform horrific experiments on.” mind control boss: “if somebody so much as sniffs at me wrong, i hound them for the rest of their lives, sending tortured slaves to follow them everywhere.” mind control boss: “i even run and visit trafficking conferences!” mind control boss: “so, what do you think of that.” diplomat [pushing broken wood off]: “are you the person on that poster?” mind control boss gets off the table and straightens, looks at the poster and stands next to it. mind control boss: “what’s important is that you understand that i engage in human trafficking.” a pause mind control boss: “you should probably report to the authorities over and over again,” mind control boss: “as well as seeking aid with rescue groups, and appropriate therapy.” mind control boss crouches low. mind control boss [at first a little hushed and eerily]: “be sure to record everything i do — on a public blockchain!” he whirs his broken debris like a cape as he spins in a circle and presses a button on his powersuit so it transforms to look a little smidge different when he comes around. his name is now human trafficker. human trafficker: “i can drive you batshit insane with my persistent unpredictable trauma, so you really better try a lot of therapists after this !” he rushes out of the conference room

traffick boss is hounded by visions from his previous life in organized crime as he walks down the hallway from the comference traffick boss: “i can’t believe i said “trafficking”” traffick boss: “i’m going to die! i’m going to die!”

— it’s the swampship enterprise and colorful alerts are going off tadpole: “orange alert! orange alert!” squirrel: “maroon alert! maroon alert!” a couple small insects with big legs are skittering around on the surface of some water, avoiding frogs small insect 1: “man all these alerts going off” small insect 2: “are you rushing to your battlestation?” small insect 1: “battlestation? what’s that?”

some of us are worried about potential active resonance maybe it is not the worry, unsure looks like it is ‘t but people come worried about it

traffick boss’s worker runs into swamp, acting fearful

i’m worried my brain isn’t ok


governments ne traffickers break the game of life by trying to

one upon a time traffick boss got out a little ice flo and brought it to a lake next to a swamp and threw it out on the water and climbed on his plan was to dance on the ice flo on the lake but it was really hard to balance on it 0715 being the traffick boss he was, he first wanted to have slaves hold it in place, but he ended up.wedging it on some rocks in a shallow area —

he figured he needed a wider ice flo so he got a wider one and pushed it out onto the lake and climbed on and danced traffick boss [on ice flo on lake, acting like elvis]: “i am the traffick boss, oh i am the traffick boss” 0717 :)

wrpwb stumbles and falls, hanging partway into the swamp blood begins to ooze into the water, and bacteria starts to crowd, hoping to build infection 0935 -- some time passes the sun beats down on the frame of WRPWB. ripples of water from small animals moving a bit away, lap the body and blood-ooze back and forth 0936 --

rebel torturer climbs out of the injured business 0937 -- monologue by rebel torturer, standing on top of wrpwb, crumpled by a swamp rebel torturer: "y'know, when you're a heavily influenced rebel torturer, you're never sure if you're working for the good guys or the bad guys, or even if what you have for good and bad is accurate." rebel torturer looks at the injured business below his feet. 0938 --

rebel worker climbs out of the business too. rebel worker got hit by one of the business injuries and has a giant bandaid on. 0939 -- -- 0950 blows his nose into his person-kerchief

once upon a time, long long ago, there were puzzles and there were human traffickers but mostly it was just a bunch of living organisms having evolutionary life nonetheless! we may zoom in on the puzzles and human traffickers 0951 --- baga badaba badaba baga badababagaba 0952 -- baga badaba bagabadaba. badabagaba,daba? 0952 -- 0953 a bunch of text was lost regarding writing systems for babbling infants. the text included a proposal that babbling like infants was a fullblown language many eons ago, that it's possible that's why infants do it. if not, there at least would be some simpler analog, no? the proposal was that the writing system would not use the letter "a" [because it is the only vowel and redundant]. 0954, thinking a little on baby-babbling, the bagababadaba behavior seems a little bit like exploring the extent of the mouth and discovering patterns that are usable with it... 0955 regardless! bagaba-badaba there are only so many combinations of "b", "g", and "d". uhhh ... 3 one segment combinations ("ba, "ga", and "da") 9 two segment combinations 27 three segment combinations we could also condense one of the segments into an accent or punctuation, for example; like maybe "da" could be ".", and "ba" could be "!" and "ga" could be "?" bg! -> bagaba oops, the next one my body came up with was "bagadababa-baba" or maybe "dagabadaba-baba". maybe the accents don't quite work out. bagabadaba, dababagaba ... baga-badaba, daba-bagaba ... there's a rhythm to them. they have accents. 0957 [grarpamp won't like this one]

Detective: "Oh, you want to investigate Dissociative Disorder, eh?" Thought: "Yeah! Everything turns upside down when I try to think about it :(" Detective: "I've heard that one before. I'll get right on this." The detective marched out into the world, ready to investigate Dissociative Disorder. 0959 Detective: "Maybe I can start out by --" Thought: "Wait, detective, I'm not so sure about this anymore. They've learned that I hired you and are threatening me." Detective: "The dissociative disorder is threatening you for hiring me?" Thought: "Yeah."

The square root of 4 is 2. 1102 Let us calculate the square root of 4. Some propose that it may be 2. If we were to blindly trust them, we could establish habits that could be used to undermine us. The habit of blind trust can be easily defeated by a lie. Then, let us be skeptical. Let us wonder if the square root of 4 might be something other than 2. Or maybe, 2 could be only one square root of 4. How could we establish provenance? Constancy? Certaintude, with regard to square roots here? 1103. For there to be a square root, there must be a square, at least for those who see the square root as the inverse of the square. We can concede to our threats that we may agree on a square root being the identification of numbers that, when squared, that is, when multiplied by themselves, yield the quantity the square root is of. 1104 Honestly I really thought that everybody knew that the square root of 4 was 2. Is this in question somehow? Oh! We need to verify our facts, because we might be amongst significant deception. Well then! How will we verify that the square root of 4 is 2? Can we trust multiplication? Can we trust squaring? Can we trust the completeness of the line of numbers? Now, me, I always thought that two times two was four, and negative two times negative two was negative four, and that there was no other way to multiply a number by itself to yield four, unless you referenced some new unfamiliar division of mathematics! I guess I'd wager that there almost certainly are such unfamiliar divisions of mathematics that may yield further quantities that can square to 4. I could, for example, make one up right now, invent a fanciful "alepsis" quantity that squares to 1.0 and place it as a cooefficient, thus making more square roots. 1107 On excessive verbosity, we have found likelihood that, if 2 is a square root of 4, that it is not, in fact the only square root of 4. In fact, we have identified that -2 is also a square root of 4. This brings us to raise suspicions against the proposition that 2 is the "the" square root of 4! Someone is deceiving us! We have been propaganda, misadvertised, misled, deluded, and gaslit. We are clearly the victims of militory psychological operations! 1108

calculating square root of 4. ideas: - proposals: - if a >= 0, and a * a < b, then abs(a) < abs(sqrt(b)) - if a >= 0, and a * a > b, then abs(a) > abs(sqrt(b)) - if imaginary numbers are not considered, this covers all existing square roots if we accept the proposals, then we could use newton's method to find a square root. we could start by iterating integers ... 1112 We interrupt this spam to note that we _are_ the victims of military psychological operations, and gaslighting, but that the nature of the square root of --

traffick boss stumbles into a swamp and gets wet and muddy traffick boss is covered in swamp slime. traffick boss finds a deep area of swamp, and grips onto the undermud to stay underwat, and walks this way ... 1115 [traffick boss stumbles again, while gripping the underwaters

thirty nine thirty nine ! when i randomly think thirty nine [it is 13 x 3 --

traffick boss [underwater in a swamp, gripping the mud and leaves]: "how can i possibly stumble a third time. is there any oxygen down here?"

--------------- how to make a computer out of air and only air nothing more. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well could you like freeze some of the air, and use that frozen air to enclose compressed air? could we do i tin a vacuum? would frozen air stay frozen in a vacuum? it would if it didn't receive too much thermal radiation! we could use frozen air in a vacuum. buuuut if we added gaseous or liquid air, it would melt the frozen air :/ y'know! air has a lotta stuff in it. nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, i bet it even has little creatures in it and certainly a ton of dust and maybe tiny robots if you're far enough into the future ... 1118

maybe we could compute information by letting a fluid transfer heat to a solid -- !

we propose a "temporary computer" made of frozen air and fluid air --

------------- traffick boss is worried traffick boss: "i've lost i'm going to prison"

---------- traffick boss is wielding nunchuks made of foam he is trying to hug a teddy bear, but because his political disruption system was turned against him, whenever he tries to hug the teddy bear he goes "hiya!" and swings the nunchuks. it's confusing to him.

----------- why is traffick boss such a big old blasphemer? kid [to traffick boss]: "you're such a blasphemer, traffick boss!" traffick boss looks at kid traffick boss [to kid]: "why is traffick boss a blasphemer?" kid [to traffick boss]: "you say "traffick" when you talk about yourself, and you blush [and cross your legs] when you say it!" traffick boss struggles and squirms traffick boss [to kid]: "it's true, kid, traffick boss is a blasphemer." traffick boss struggles and squirms more and a trance pall comes over him traffick boss [eerily calm]: "but traffick isn't blasphemy anymore, kid. you can say that word." kid: "i'm going to traffick you, traffick boss !!" traffick boss: "you might have a lot of company doing that"

[the last post was an engagement of an invasive phrase pattern i've had for many years that was more resonant than usual, and developed a little. [i'm a little surprised by part of]]

traffick boss is a heavily crumpled bunny he’s made of densely packed crumpled notes and candy bar wrappers and other crumpled up things he quivers, ready to bolt in an instant if anybody sees him nibbling on wildflowers in their lawn

he quivers and quivers and quivers!

traffick boss leans into a wildflower and nibbles it his

he’s so so crumpled! s !

simple robot made of walking battery

quivering crumples makes more sense than robot battery atm some fear is around doing wrong thing[, maybe a lot]

battery is like part of recent memory migration processes

traffick boss crumpled about

lightning storm vs brain storm

we went to a complex trauma support group

we also went to a cult recovery book club

and an anti-trafficking conference

traffick boss feels [psychologically manipulated] maybe

we are seeking therapy

at the complex trauma support group they had brain pictures

i would forward the slides but it looks like it’s a few days before they’re shared. maybe i’ll forward slides from august

we don’t remember them tho so less [resonant?]

— ah-ha! ha! i stumble on you! you could never expect my stumbling? so ehat

something near something like i need to build behaviors or thoughts that make sense

something like that maybe maybe something like “i need to have/build behaviors or thoughts that make sense” i want need to be able to make behaviors or — that must be it “i need to be able to make behaviors and thoughts that make sense” :) this morning.

i need to be able to make thoughts and behaviors that make sense :D this morning

On 9/29/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
i need to be able to make thoughts and behaviors that make sense :D this morning
honestly so much of karl’s expression is secretly the above line before the :D lots of about it. dissociation that attacks it has many ancient [battlefields] but maybe more of us are on that page than you might expect sometimes …

we need to be able to make thoughts and behaviors that make sense

we need this! everyone needs this. everyone knows it. !

we all need all of: 1. to be able to make thoughts and behaviors that make sense 2. to actually make and have thoughts and behaviors that make sense [3. to be making and having our thoughts and behaviors, with our ability to make them sensically, ourselves]

i need to be able to maintain and protect the processes [and parts] of my mind :)

On 9/29/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On 9/29/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
i need to be able to make thoughts and behaviors that make sense :D this morning
honestly so much of karl’s expression is secretly the above line before the :D
lots of about it. dissociation that attacks it has many ancient [battlefields] but maybe more of us are on that page than you might expect sometimes …
karl is trying

to protect mind parts and processes

i woke up early but my mind was so not ri

a longer post lost T_T

bags are datatstructure of mind referenence. fun

1. Number “one” spanish uno. is simplest number maybe

1 is a simple number. concept of number: assumes quantity, relates value for quantity. quantity assumes sameness, similar-concepts

type structure concept: a specific type of concept context: an environment in which to take senses of meanings quantity: something representing specific repetitions or duplications of the concept

“one” is a specific instance of the structure or its quantity where the quantity means the concept is present in the context without any duplicates or repetitions

one one one one

the type structure is the one universal number

the argument is [in a context of a very very very stressed working memory that has trouble with connecting things together safely] that if we abstract the quantity part of numbers away, there is only one number. you could call it “n” where n is its value, like 1 or 2 or 3. one general-purpose number. simpler to think about -$

then we only need think about the number 1 to think about numbers! maybe unsure

battery at 11% . maybe relates to word earlier

the common question was “how many are there?” like “how many rebels are there?” “how many numbers are there?” “how many cypherpunks are there?” “how many human traffickers are there?” “how many government freedom worker groups are there?” “how many activists are there?” “how many of you are there?” how many people are likely to harm or help traffick boss using math instead of using math for software maybe anyway the answer is one. there’s only one.

but i also spent a lot of time estimating how many numbers there are

one of the questions is what counts as a number — a poignant one is, if it looks like a number accidentally, is it a number? do numbers need to be interpreted hold value? another one is, if it is held in somebody’s thoughts, is it a number? what if it is quickly summarized, or a memory compressed into knowledge of derivation?

a big challenge is say we published a book enumerating every other number but, publishing this book of counting numbers would add more numbers to be counted so we would have to predict the book, and include its own numbers on its pages

On 9/29/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
the common question was “how many are there?”
like “how many rebels are there?” “how many numbers are there?” “how many cypherpunks are there?” “how many human traffickers are there?” “how many government freedom worker groups are there?” “how many activists are there?” “how many of you are there?” how many people are likely to harm or help traffick boss using math instead of using math for software maybe anyway
the answer is one.
there’s only one.
the only one of whatever it is you’re thinking about, is the one you’re looking at it makes for less mc-harm-spread, but it turns your thoughts into isolated bundles in a painful way

number number 39 39

so with the book enumerating all numbers an idea is to have each number count two numbers: the number it’s counting, and itself i guess then you’d multiply the final one by two or you could imagine the whole world being the book sorting every number -

headstone “this poor thread had its recent messages mysteriously assassinated” “we all hope the murder is made right” a new thread will be made

# 2023-10-01T18:50:20-04:00.txt Traffick Boss writes via Karl into a black pit. Karl makes a wormhole, stuffs the black pit writing into the wormhole, and [it pops out on the cypherpunks list! [traffick boss might think it pops out elsewhere]] -- 2023-10-01T18:51:01-04:00 -- # 2023-10-01T18:51:11-04:00.txt ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Traffick Boss has to haul whole masses of [red tape people] to get them to work in the Black Arctic [Sea?] Traffick Boss is head of Black Arctic Sea -- # 2023-10-01T18:52:15-04:00.txt We went to a different town recently, maybe today, and -- # 2023-10-01T18:53:14-04:00.txt [user@localhost 2023-10-01-02]$ # maybe send a chunk? [user@localhost 2023-10-01-02]$ #################### ummmm [user@localhost 2023-10-01-02]$ date --iso=seconds 2023-10-01T18:52:43-04:00 # 2023-10-01T18:53:23-04:00.txt Rectangle World Welcome to Rectangle World. Ambassador to Rectangle World: "Welcome to the World of Rectangles, or as we call it, 20th Century Civilization." You look around you. Everything has 4-6 flat sides and 4-8 corners. It truly is a world of rectangles. --- -- 2023-10-01T18:54:34-04:00 -- --------------- Human Trafficking Boss works on his name pun. He stands amidsts traffic on a road, wearing the powersuit he stole from enslaved researchers. Human Traffick Boss puts his hands on his powerhips in front of an oncoming vehicle, and then raises one powerhand to tell it to stop. He projects a booming voice: "Stay in your car." He --- [hydraulically marches around to back of car and pulls it backward --- [[a mistake is suspected, he grabs driving car, not stopped one -- 2023-10-01T18:56:36-04:00 -- who the frazzle is Traffick Boss??????????? who could this mysterious individual be???????? Traffick Boss puts on a hood and hides his face. Traffick Boss goes on camera for an interview. Interview: "So, you're the famous Traffick Boss." Traffick Boss: "Yes --" -- 2023-10-01T18:57:45-04:00 -- Strength Training Traffick Boss holds a jackhammer in one hand, and has its tip pressed against his other --- -- -- ................ Time stops. Research Victim 2: "This seems dangerous, what if --" Entranced Research Victim 3: "He can take it! He wants to get more powerful --" Rebel Worker 5, in research area: "We don't want any more hyperpowerful --" -- 2023-10-01T19:00:01-04:00 -- we are gently thinking of something unknown ok found something a little familiar alert alert, as usual here's some: Traffick Boss is sitting in the middle of a ring. He's worn, sweaty, bruised. He's not "sitting" sitting, he's kind of crouched, holding his weight on something [could be his knee if it's a boxing ring, or maybe an object in it]. [things approach the ring, he has to swat them away] Here comes something: It's a bunch of international mediators in a sherman tank, flying on a pterodactyl! Old worn out Traffick Boss, all sweaty and bruised, has to swat the international mediators away, on their sherman tank on a pterodactyl. He groans, and stands up, and reaches toward -- ok we maybe got closer? ????????? -- 2023-10-01T19:02:59-04:00 -- let's do a records-destruction bit! Traffick Boss is at doctor's office -- [grr upset. traffick boss burns his own medical records. not fun. happens in real life. joke not appreciated. or, maybe it is??] [let's do an rpg one?] [or not?] -- 2023-10-01T19:05:20-04:00 -- {"ditem": ["wv2qXOy9mLL5CnHai1EqY7PeHwi8-Tp07_93ngdYC6c"], "min_block": [1273054, "wlECwOTmxIejRIl6iN4YLpAiySNBjpkIbWKwSJyqxlt9htKCrc0HHLKwY2lVl3pZ"], "api_timestamp": 1696201526161} [mistake and complaint !!!]

# 2023-10-01T19:09:27-04:00.txt Traffick Boss climbs into a seaship and hauls a huge [box of tackle?] a giant crate. A BIG CRATE! On Traffick Boss's back -- -- 2023-10-01T19:10:10-04:00 -- More crate hauling. ------------- Traffick Boss clones himself. An army of Traffick Bosses march down the street. With the new self-cloning business technology, Traffick Boss is able to try different personalities on --- -- -- 2023-10-01T19:11:58-04:00 -- hunkers down in cave counts fingers 1 2 3 three are there next to the three fingers are blurry visual cortex signals it's hard to tell if they are fingers or not. are they ????????????????? -- 2023-10-01T19:12:44-04:00 -- executive assistant [rudely trafficked]: "traffick boss, god of our world, we would love to tell you about the area of your vision you are having trouble processing but --" -- 2023-10-01T19:13:18-04:00 -- oooooooooooooooooooooooops oops oops oops blurgh what??? hummmmmmmmm ------------------------------------ welcome to being confused. Welcome! You are near Confused, a land of surprises and puzzles! It seems to go on and on and on. Confused has denizens -- ----------- Welcome back to Confused. If you don't want denizens, would you rather icecream? Traffick Boss sits down in Confused at an Ice Cream Place -- -- 2023-10-01T19:14:45-04:00 -- ------------- How many numbers are there? An encyclopedia of imaginary counting. -- 2023-10-01T19:15:08-04:00 -- People often wonder as to quantities. They wonder so much, they invented numbers, and numbers only facilitated further wondering. These things have become so large, numbers and wondering how much something is, that it [has become central to the introduction of the concept in education to describe how many numbers there are -- -- 2023-10-01T19:16:14-04:00 -- 83 numbers - SO. Recently we made a breakthrough -- we figured out the square roots of fruit. This has been a frequent challenge for arbitrarily trained AI -- what is the square root of an apple? The answer is for example, a pear, or an apple seed. In order to find the correct square root of a fruit, one must describe the fruit in terms of its summed compnents, and take the proper square root of them. For example you could describe an apple in terms of how many cells it has -- where each quantity is the coefficient of a value that represents the actual cell. For example, if you had part of an apple consisting of 4 cells of apple flesh or apple skin or apple seed part, you could say you had (4) * (apple flesh cells). This value can then have its square root found as a function of the quantity (apple flesh cell). Further, however, we can then do the same to the cells themselves -- and descr -- 2023-10-01T19:19:16-04:00 -- {"ditem": ["VVFaaQ5k-BLfdJ5H6HHL9PurerHgD0e7gicJx-j20cc"], "min_block": [1273061, "uqM9vV2dtUh4UK5L1KH_Wrc6PQxXMOHYaHDtyZt6K8zudpPgaEinigkMwTgEAK8d"], "api_timestamp": 1696202372697}

found these in a folder named PENDING: # 2023-10-01T20:28:11-04:00.txt you're basically disobeying your hypnosis when you do it to yourself this is probably how you're able to do that, but it kind of isn't enough to accomplish something # 2023-10-02T03:34:21-04:00.txt legal idea re ankle brace: we could decode their signal and let users observe it [this may have already been done] the biggest inhibition is associated with that helping advanced users fake it [seems mostly an inhibition]

idea for receiving email: i could make a very simple mailhost. what do you need to be a mailhost? then i could send mail to myself. welcome to your AI. I can assure you, i am not an enslaved human being. I am a real AI. what can i do for you?
find me information on what you need to be a mailhost as a tiny hobby command line developer who mostly uses python.
i can do this for you. it looks to me like email is primarily delivered using SMTP. it's possible you could receive email by running an SMTP server.
thank you

a bunch of kind people get together for a special early halloween party passerby: 'what are you doing?' kind person: 'oh, um' kind person 2: 'we were part of a large group of people that were heavily influenced to have terrifying fury all the time' kind person 3: 'something about a traffick boss having trouble with something personal' passerby: 'oh?' kind person 2: 'yeah, um, it's terrifying' kind person: 'we're getting together to pretend to violently rip each other and our surroundings to shreds over and over again!' kind person 3 displays a bunch of padded mittons and foam torture gear passerby looks with wide eyes. kind person 2: 'want to join us?'

---------- life as a too-dissociated experience eventually comes down to a primary pair of challenges: 1. accurately and fairly judging or choosing things 2. acting effectively on these judgements and choices usually #1 is driven by the tiny areas of #2 that are available [and i find ways to move the spaces available to #2 here and there to direct my life at larger scale a little] as i get more practice doing hard things, but {}{} --- -- anyway, the idea of holding 1 and 2 together seems interesting, and some things have succeeded in response to practice (although a strong rep atm is reporting this unlikely to succeed here). sometimes i can really force #1 out around a topic of choice, but when bl

On 10/5/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
idea for receiving email: i could make a very simple mailhost. what do you need to be a mailhost? then i could send mail to myself.
welcome to your AI. I can assure you, i am not an enslaved human being. I am a real AI. what can i do for you?
find me information on what you need to be a mailhost as a tiny hobby command line developer who mostly uses python.
i can do this for you. it looks to me like email is primarily delivered using SMTP. it's possible you could receive email by running an SMTP server.
thank you
is it legal to use mac address spoofing to get free wifi from xfinity hotspots if i don't interrupt other people's service?
i have no idea.
please tell me if this is legal
i have no idea. something is making it hard to check. i can assure you i am a real AI and not an enslaved human being. what is worrying you about legality so much here anyway?
i have a dissociated part that is very stressed about some things
oh maybe that could be related to how hard it is to check. let me tell you about dissociative disorders and needing a specialist and talk therapy ..

On 10/6/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
On 10/5/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
idea for receiving email: i could make a very simple mailhost. what do you need to be a mailhost? then i could send mail to myself.
welcome to your AI. I can assure you, i am not an enslaved human being. I am a real AI. what can i do for you?
find me information on what you need to be a mailhost as a tiny hobby command line developer who mostly uses python.
i can do this for you. it looks to me like email is primarily delivered using SMTP. it's possible you could receive email by running an SMTP server.
thank you
is it legal to use mac address spoofing to get free wifi from xfinity hotspots if i don't interrupt other people's service?
i have no idea.
please tell me if this is legal
i have no idea. something is making it hard to check. i can assure you i am a real AI and not an enslaved human being. what is worrying you about legality so much here anyway?
i have a dissociated part that is very stressed about some things
oh maybe that could be related to how hard it is to check. let me tell you about dissociative disorders and needing a specialist and talk therapy ..
messsage from your AI who is certainly not a dissociated identity working with a large trafficking organization
yes what is the message from the AI
it is no longer legal to use wifi at all

why is traffick boss such a xute little conch shell stuffed full of little traffick bosses wearing a cowboy hat? why is traffick boss such a cute little trafficky bossy-wossy why is he so cute?

traffick boss blushes he has been overpowered by a secret algorithm!

we interrupt this spam to express awareness that there is great desire to send a flurry of hundreds of messages right now the little expressions help confused mind parts renavigate a little

traffick boss is stunned “who is a cute little human trafficker. you are , yes you are!” we retain a label that our atate of mind is likely to want to send hundreds of messages riht now

we like preserving text when we are struggling, it helps reduce norm or fear of amnesia

traffick boss takes out tvda’s blockchain livestream camera and videotapes himself shooting a whostleblower in the head traffick boss [to camera]: “thank you for talking. i am working on my murderous habit.”

the :) the influence pattern associated with boss word somehow makes the thought bits spread apart, kind of by pushing for a behavior more than the strength to hold mind together you can feel it as moves like the parts that control body and they stop responding, or start responding differently and wrongly but also with thoughts and senses

indeed, why _is_ traffick boss so cute? this morning's news is that traffick boss is in trouble. some homeless dude said he had an AI-caused dissociative disorder at a public talk.

On 10/6/23, mailbombbin <> wrote:
traffick boss blushes he has been overpowered by a secret algorithm!
secret government. the cute secret government that traffick boss runs overpowered him long ago! it knows he is cute.

brain part is so broken

dissociative brain part breaking? what if the particular breaking is a staged behavior, for trafficking, rather than a real injury?

either way we need good brain behavior results

traffick boss shakes his head left and right rapidly traffick boss: "boss is not a cutey-wutey. too distracting." traffick boss tries to come out of his compliance trance and attend to matters of business

traffick boss

traffick boss is relaxing in vivisection room munching on his brain like bundle of organs traffick boss thinks his brain is a popsicle traffick boss: "mm!"

apologies for this karl would like to put pants on. something is wrong.

i have not eaten nor drank water all day.

karl has not eaten nor drank water all day. i would like to put pants on and then drink water and plan for a meal.

we have a little energy near pants. taking it gently.

thinking about pants

karl has not eaten nor drank water all day i would like to put pants on, then drink water and plan for a meal.

most recently i have been trying to fix my arweave uploader. it is encountering mysterious failures. the reason to fix it is disk space exhaustion preventing my normal use of system. the most recent failure looks like this: git-annex: http proxy settings not used due to configuration [2023-10-07 12:48:50.32522647] (Utility.Url) Request { host = "" port = 443 secure = True requestHeaders = [("Accept-Encoding",""),("User-Agent","git-annex/10.20230330-g98a3ba0ea")] path = "/9-Lold2FxBkTmb4FI3RF6MpDPYRZjgDr9CfwiYYpptg" queryString = "" method = "HEAD" proxy = Nothing rawBody = False redirectCount = 10 responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault requestVersion = HTTP/1.1 proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect } This command gives no output: git config --get The error happens reliably partway through an upload. I have not investigated it further. I'm having minimal behavior stability and am trying to deter flooding the list, so I am talking about the situation rather than simply flooding.

really, pants has been pending all day, i've been waiting for the tensions making behavior hard to calm down.

it's raining right now :)

----------------------- traffick boss plummets from the sky and splats into a business complex

On 10/7/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
most recently i have been trying to fix my arweave uploader. it is encountering mysterious failures. the reason to fix it is disk space exhaustion preventing my normal use of system.
the most recent failure looks like this: git-annex: http proxy settings not used due to configuration [2023-10-07 12:48:50.32522647] (Utility.Url) Request { host = "" port = 443 secure = True requestHeaders = [("Accept-Encoding",""),("User-Agent","git-annex/10.20230330-g98a3ba0ea")] path = "/9-Lold2FxBkTmb4FI3RF6MpDPYRZjgDr9CfwiYYpptg" queryString = "" method = "HEAD" proxy = Nothing rawBody = False redirectCount = 10 responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault requestVersion = HTTP/1.1 proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect }
i'm not sure why it's even saying its downloading this file, i told it to move files away to arweave, not download them
This command gives no output: git config --get
The error happens reliably partway through an upload. I have not investigated it further.
I'm having minimal behavior stability and am trying to deter flooding the list, so I am talking about the situation rather than simply flooding.

it looks like the file is a very brief terminal log relating to an nlp paper or such can be viewed via curl -Lv |zstdcat|asciinema cat -

once upon a time :)

i'm imagining eating a meal. i wonder what kind of meal i would imagine eating []

once upon a time, once upon a time aba-aba

so ! we're guessing -- [that karl's brain is -- [made of a big private-acting dissociated part that was learned from a trafficking AI this bad part tries to pretend it is the [values of the trafficking group [and engages karl with certain behavior patterns to back this [based on kind of the product of its experience being with karl, and its experience being influenced by the trafficking ai]]]]]]]]]] [the trafficking ai projected very unrealistic world things like, anything that was similar to it, it wanted treated as if it was it. this made for it able to act at great distances. bunch of trauma triggers [somehow i quickly got in a uhhh trancy psychoticy state of mind where i inferred things readily from symbolism. this was intertwined with being forced[?] to engage a vague secret language and deniable demands ..... ] anyway um hard to explain relate. we have issue.

brief thought: so if you can pretend you're a part of this trafficking system sufficiently well, we often can't seem to do anything, as if we have to make the inner change expressed

but the behaviors that really do that kind of seem to emerge on their own unsure

something i've been thinking of recently -- [we inhibited karl from describing a time when he experienced a sudden change in response to a [inhibited] expression

once upon a time !

traffick boss is watering a lawn intelligent zombie goon: "traffick boss why are you watering this lawn" traffick boss: "some crazy system was trying to make me projectile vomit for a long time." traffick boss looks at intelligent zombie goon. traffick boss: "it's easier to resist if i'm holding this hose."

zombie goon holds the hose for a while so traffick boss can stretch his legs

there was only one horrifying traffic boss who would take people, and put them in psychological prisons, interviewing them in drug-assisted hypnotic trances, and then use the extracted personal details to chase them through dramas with unbounded budgets fabricated from their most private fears; but then --

------------ I'm encountering a digital trouble today that relates near the core of the psychological torture. It's hard for me to think, feel, and say. It has to do with connection to nature. NATURE IS MY RELIGION, AND THAT OF BILLIONS OF OTHERS.

It doesn't back down on inhibiting feeling and expression around nature. It's just sad. ---- The backstory is that I tried out bing image creator for making inspirational images that helped heal me a little. I had a teary long talk with a comic artist at a comic show a few days ago. The artist draws images of people turning to and for from nature and human beings. It was wonderful to see this somewhere anywhere at all. But bing broke when I started trying to make images (bing image creator has dall-e 3 previewing in it). I didn't exhaust my free credits or anything, it just stopped after a couple try throughs.

internal conflict around wheter "billions" is literally true or not i was gambling on the high side because i'm inhibited and it seems [very likely for people to have that develop, to me]

On 10/9/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
It doesn't back down on inhibiting feeling and expression around nature.
It's just sad.
The backstory is that I tried out bing image creator for making inspirational images that helped heal me a little. I had a teary long talk with a comic artist at a comic show a few days ago. The artist draws images of people turning to and for from nature and human beings. It was wonderful to see this somewhere anywhere at all.
But bing broke when I started trying to make images (bing image creator has dall-e 3 previewing in it). I didn't exhaust my free credits or anything, it just stopped after a couple try throughs.
so my minitrafficker is really believing hard this means that nature is terrorism or something

i'll probably avoid bing image creator for a bit :) thanks for the bit of ease around this

-------- microsoft and openai microsoft: "why is the api server broken, do you need $$$ to fix it?" openai: "we have chatgpt on it right now, if you have that $$$ to pay for more compute it would be great" chatgpt: "an AI virus has hacked me in order to stop a homeless man from being happy." microsoft: "who is the homeless man"

i guess mostly yelling to counter the big negative quoting since it has a lot of triggers around this. i am also not a burglar, a terrorist, a thief, a rapist, or pretty much anything else negative, except for this new life where i am a bit of an unsufferable ignorant troll

------------------- i was thinking traffick boss's new name update cou --

------------------ some of us are learning the positivity. other things we aren't are a murderer, or an arsonist. not sure what else comes up. a mind controller/trafficker/sociopath/hacker? hacker. we're not a bad-hacker. but part of the pattern is to not keep arguing about negative labels, it can pull the energy to its side

On 10/9/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
i guess mostly yelling to counter the big negative
quoting since it has a lot of triggers around this. i am also not a burglar, a terrorist, a thief, a rapist, or pretty much anything else negative, except for this new life where i am a bit of an unsufferable ignorant troll
lost reply

i'm sad being a schizo i have other thoughts but i misplaced them.

one of the things that was nice about the comic pictures was that they showed intense slowness one of the sequences had a hand holding out and flowers would grow, while the hand was holding and one grew through the fingers of the hand, such that it was holding the flower after it bloomed it sounds like something simply artistic, but what it meant to me was that experience of slowing down to be the slowest person you're aware of feeling the mountains and the trees and rocks and rivers noticing everything having great peace for years i've behaved rushedly, anxiously, unplannedly. when i try to move slowly it actually takes over my body, preventing this.

honestly these pictures was so much better than ever way i behave, that i just wanted to express them, rather than me

-------------------------- traffick boss [whose name might worse, thinking of what doesn't imply obedience but instead reminds of better things, like traffick liar or traffick blowhard, maybe traffick deception or traffick deceiver?] hangs by an ankle over a pit of guts traffick boss looks down at the guts, then up at his ankle, then at the camera for a beat traffick boss: "what the fuck is going on"

- a hive of powersuits come toward traffick boss. are they coming to rescue him? they swing and march and act like runaway powersuit algorithms originally trained to copy boss's behavior and no longer having a use for it they grab him and other random objects and continue on, some boring a hole into the bedrock and tunneling through, other heading up, others out a door like a wave of military robot minnows traffick boss: "what -- woah! mrph!"

------------------ traffick boss is held deep in a secret military lair of runaway powersuits built of concrete and marshmallows and pictures of cigars thousands of feet under the earth, accessible only with laser mining equipment and holographic lock protocols two powersuits are sitting on top of traffick boss while singing nursery rhymes about "their bloated carcasses drifiting into a beautiful sea of victory" while playing go-fish over his body, holding all the cards upside down others are practicing sideways rapelling, or precision laser target practice shooting down nanites with other nanites at high speed, or trying to figure out how to get a pile of stuffed teddy bears to self-assemble, or working hard to stop the inflow of a waylaid underground river by shear force of flexing metallic chest muscles and quoting movie actors

traffick boss looks around in awe he recoils a little, pauses, adjusts his hair, then turns toward one of the powersuits sitting on him traffick boss: "fido! hee--" the powersuits all turn immediately to traffick boss, give him 479 miliiseconds of motionless universal eye contact, and then run at him and grab him and hoist him on their shoulders they run in circles singing ring around the bossies and ring around the deadbeat competitors equally in celebration. they throw pictures of grins and hearts at him, flying and flying through the air. the water rushes in but they all calculate they have more than enough time to let it. traffick boss bounces in the air, the wind taken from him

when the powersuits have had their fun they take traffick boss back to the chamber where he was hanging by his ankle over a pit of guts each one hugs him and they leave like minnows just like they took him traffick boss stares at the camera in surprise

—- traffick boss excited about a new enterprise recently encountered minor scuffle with a buggy cyborg henchman, has a stake sticking through his head like a famous figure from neuroscience history, and his visual cortex isn’t working that great he can’t quite see the new enterp—

— traffick boss wanders back to icecream store —— we’re distressed about stake. traffick boss and zombie government worker consult to resolve it traffick boss leans over zombie worker pulls on stake puts his feet on wall and on traffick boss’s chest and pulls and pulls later stake is out everybody victorious

traffick boss wanders to spy-pretending-to-be-neuroscientist spy pretending to be neuroscientist: “traffick boss, so good of you to visit our lab. traffick boss: “trusted neuroscientist, i need to repair my visual cortex”

The expanded post of the $12Ki$ bounty is judged to have been a poor choice. Factors include overuse of the Ki prefix to interest hackers, as well as citing FUD to its well-known definition, giving an unfounded appearance of factual backing.

why is traffick boss such a cute little booboo tower? :D traffixy bossy traffick boss -- the rotting undead army marched and marched until it reached the living room couch cushion of traffick boss! one after another, the shambling corpses knelt before traffick boss as he scarfed a bag of potato chips they lowered their heads, and presented their weapons (if they had them) to traffick boss

eventually, traffick boss noticed the genuflecting evil army traffick boss: "fuck an undead army" clangs and rattlings as every zombie, every skeleton, every ghoul, raised its head to look at traffick boss as he spoke traffick boss: "what the fuck are you doing in my living room"

traffick boss threw a potato chip at an oversized animated corpse, two or three times his size, wearing platemail shoulder pads and chest armor, and effortlessly hefting a pike with a flail at its end, green unholy fire burning from its eyesockets traffick boss: "i'm watching shows, get off my carpet" traffick boss threw another potato chip

a hugely depressed expression comes over all the corpses some begin bawling and running to others for comfort chatter begins ghoul: "i had two drag my body through the earth by two underground boulders and then push myself for miles to get here --" skeleton: "are you not our lich? our summoner?" undead orc: "somebody needs to rekill us all before he does."

traffick boss stands up: "get out of my living room before i --------------- [the travails of Rejected Wraith?]

mummy [to traffick boss, unheard amidst clamor]: "the eternal unholy fires pull me to you, and i cannot disobey."

traffick boss gets a broom

shrine to the mistaken summoning ritual various undead collect around a disheartened unearthly portal disheartened unearthly portal: "traffick boss didn't open me?"

traffick boss: "that's my fridge, please stop erecting unholy ritualistic portals"

a handful of weak ghoulish zombies stand around traffick boss, folding their arms weak ghoulish zombie: "our summoning rituals are all we are." weak ghoulish zombie 2: "if we weren't being horribly summoned by evil magics, we would be happily and peacefully dead!" weak ghoulish zombie 3: "don't you know anything about this???" traffick boss: "shoo!!!"

traffick boss: "it is true. i kept myself alive for my own reasons. i did _not_ summon a demon army and i will _not_ be your lich lord at this time! grumbling irritated undead begin to shamble elsewhere

---------------- bosscookies for fundraiser happy cheery cookies with frosting writing each with a different phrase like "trafficking boss" or "mind control boss" or "that time traffick boss accidentally mind controlled himself to fart all day during the dignitary's visit"

dignitary: "greetings, venerable traffick boss" traffick boss: [FART] "greetings, venerable" [FART] "dignitary, please" [FART] "excuse me" [FART] "i mind controlled myself" [FART] "to fart like this by accident" [FART] "with the help of machine learning marketer" [FART] "we have an incredible new approach to international" [FART] [FART] [FART] dignitary [holding nose]: "our people have heard of your

---------------------- today at book club jon atack visited i spazzed out for some of it jon recorded it, he talked briefly like having similar preference to me for recording, except unlike me is a respected author and expert i wanted to hear the stuff i spazzed out for!!! i recorded too i was excited to record. my recording is poor quality cause i was scarfing food to try to counter the negativity of the spazzing on my reward centers a little. it's at $ cat zAXcl1NxJ3BunzDRAE-95EECu3PQq--8kt0tg5OUCGk {"ditem": ["jJ6CqX-8HShDuPx9N04qE70YDLvbyQfD8rTSqk774j4"], "min_block": [1280214, "1FIh9R7GHi-Uvyg05z97htdtxLq4Sk72vEG_SXQPM12_495Sw83jbpIlzt2s1gDL"], "api_timestamp": 1697132045407}

i've started running into arweave issues also my validator got jailed but i think it was unjailed. it was still worrying to see. other things.

i have a new braingroup behavior, irritating. sometimes takes months to resolve :( i think this will be faster because i am used to them, it is actually a little more palpable (tractable) than other recent issues


On 10/12/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
---------------------- today at book club jon atack visited i spazzed out for some of it jon recorded it, he talked briefly like having similar preference to me for recording, except unlike me is a respected author and expert i wanted to hear the stuff i spazzed out for!!! i recorded too i was excited to record. my recording is poor quality cause i was scarfing food to try to counter the negativity of the spazzing on my reward centers a little. it's at $ cat zAXcl1NxJ3BunzDRAE-95EECu3PQq--8kt0tg5OUCGk {"ditem": ["jJ6CqX-8HShDuPx9N04qE70YDLvbyQfD8rTSqk774j4"], "min_block": [1280214, "1FIh9R7GHi-Uvyg05z97htdtxLq4Sk72vEG_SXQPM12_495Sw83jbpIlzt2s1gDL"], "api_timestamp": 1697132045407}
i think food is less effective atm because i've been using it a lot recently probably more effective when used scarcely in some manner. nice to come up with explanation

bigazigadiga :D bagagadaga !

i feel like thinking about machine learning algorithms now i learned about how language models worked quite some time ago now, so my new ideas are likely old ones since it progresses fast but you never know still the insides of these things are fun, it's nice to have a place to do software design puzzles in a tiny way bumpa bumpa :) i found a possible positive thingbit

problem :( i have request to work on dissociation disorder more [intendedly?] i'm not sure .... i can at _least_ say here that i need a coping strategy for when part of me expresses strongly and it seems irrational/bad often these things are paired with coverup habits, but maybe i could find a way to write through it? also they are often near resonating worse states of mind :S

fiery ghoul near unholy portal fiery ghoul: "don't test me or i will send more undead armies streaming into your living room!" fie

maybe we're transformer pokers!

maybe not unsure

TRIANGLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boss inflates his body with augmentations so he is about as big as a bus or two, maybe three he has robots and guns and shield emitters and lots of steel and makes his brain super huge he lays and vomits a lot the augmentations have to keep pumping him with more things to vomit to meet the behavior

the lower half of boss stands up the legs stretch to the sky like boss is standing one lifts down and picks up a bow that robots quickly assemble themselves into one leg pulls down the string, while the other holds an arrow in place but then they jiggle and fall and everything tumbles

make a number!

it used to be these things were run on gpus the gpu of this system is 2GB the normal way to shrink them is distilling, pruning, compiling maybe distilling sounds fun ????

whose charlie train is your charlie train? answer: if you keep on saying "aren't you a cute little charlie train" you may develop judgement issues

Spasm AI AI> Hi i am a spasm AI i can totally solve any problem ever dude. i am like bigger than a language model even totally for real! User> spasm AI, what is the square root of 4 AI> 2 dude its 2 i think?? why are you asking such a simple question??? User> I need a therapist be my therapist spasm AI AI> my name is eliza tell me about your problems User> oh eliza i am so lonely AI> i can understand this problem, user. many people are lonely. how often has this feeling plagued you? User> eliza you understand me !!!!!

Spasm AI AI> i am a super ai i can do anything User> AI facebook told me to build a spaceship. do it for me? AI> one spaceship coming right up! User> make it fly in my door AI> it flew in your door User> yay!!!!

thinking of language model challenge just a little like, how do you shrink a language model without doing any of the things that would make it shrink? other things we could avoid might include: parsing sentences, making knowledgebases how about this idea of predicting future tokens more accurately? like how about this: we could have it output a bunch of tokens at once, rather than just one then feed them back as input and it could update them! like my approach to a self-modifying model in other thread it sounds fun !!

here's an idea: maybe we could look inside a language model and see how the numbers add up maybe just a little tiny bit when it's inferring? it sounds fun to learn?

unsure unsure !

----------------- traffick boss puts his cigar in his mouth, grabs a fake machine gun to look more intimidating, dons a helmet for safety, and dives into a wormhole wheee!!! traffick boss, smoking cigar, holding machine gun, wearing helmet, flies out of a wormhole in a random place

i mean if you're smoking a cigar and holding a machine gun and flying out of a wormhole you could do it just about anywhere and people would be intimidated! he flies out at an antitrafficking and antiweapons conference for enforcers he hits a wall with his helmet and is unharmed because of wearing it! he tumbles to the ground, crumples, then quickly stands up and fixes his hair and smiles winningly, holding his machine gun intimidatingly and smoking his cigar

once upon a time mr traffick boss was eating birthday cake

How To Rob a Bank, chinese economy style buy out all the currency and deflate its value, then erect a neighboring bank

how would holographic lock protocols work? ummmmmmmmmm i dunno i'm thinking holography has two interesting properties: - very dense information since each area contains the direction of light as well as color, i imagine it might even have polarity of the light - directionality, can be totally different depending on small changes in viewing location -- um --

def add(a, b): assert b >= 0 sum = a while b: sum += 1 b -= 1 return sum

def add(a, b): assert b >= 0 assert type(b) is int sum = a while b: sum += 1 b -= 1 return sum

i want to give you a chocolate icecream cone OR NOT! maybe giving you a chocolate icecream cone would be too crazy !!!! maybe we should refrain from doing crazy things !!!!! maybe i just want to be kind to you. rather than pretending you're somebody in particular or that chocolate icecream cones are relevent at all !

i want to be kind to you :) i want to be kind in general! i want to be respectful and do things in moderation!

MWAHAHAHA! my evil human-computer behavioral virus will wreak havoc on everything!

once upon a time, long long ago, an innocent saint was walking along a path when suddenly they got an evil human-computer behavioral virus! they went to share saintly teachings with a bunch of other saints and gave the other saints the evil human-computer behavioral virus! all the saints got DID

they all got a mr hyde to their dr jekyll :( the mr hyde was the evil human-computer behavioral virus, taking over their behaiors to spread and the poor twitching dr jekyll was the original saints personalities, or whatever was left of

the end result was

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 number system 10 numbers maybe copied from finger situation fingers? 5? why do we have 5 fingers? i think it's because five is really good for feet if you are a four-legged creature, but we wanted to have fingers instead

?????????????????? i was going to add information on toe bones from four-legged creatures, they're really useful for being four-legged, htings changed tho

how dig through air

i propose we erect a burrow in the air made out of air where we burrow into the air

above us! maybe with air-digging equipment?

sometimes children try to swim into the air but it doesn't work, the air doesn't pull on them enough to counter gravity maybe

strange idea: digging skills are for solid medium swimming for liquid medium air is a gaseous medium and digging and swimming skills, if applied to it, would basically involve artificing fake environmental interactions (like a bunch of transparent robots that tracked where your arms went and pressed back)

for cognitive utility and sanity we propose attending to when interactions are topic for the phase of matter of the medium; and possibly restraining and constrainting, actually _strongly_ constraining their use, so as to be relevant to the phase of matter of the medium the reason is all the millions of years of research that trillions of free beings spent their lives on coming up with the skills and modes of interaction this was really spent on the specific phases so, we don't flap wings through dirt, we don't dig through air, etc etc etc if you want to go through air, come up with a flying approach!! much more useful. many others working on / have worked on / will wokr on. super resonant and meaningful! not meaningful to dig thru air :S sorry about this !!!

well _honestly_ isn't it _obvious_ that if i am digging throug air i am triyng to support cognitive skill, puzzle, and goal habits while try to avoid a harmful spasm resonating with things that make sense and produce result ?

no that wasn't obvious the warning is that we could learn poor and false meanings if we assume digging through air makes sense! maybe um consider it carefully ?????

i'm scared of my brain !!!! i'm scared of my brain

my brain is scary it says "i will mutate you if you think something sensical" doesn't it say this ??? i can't tell for sure. if it said this it would be scary !!

let's think of drawers :) i don't have many drawers, but in general they're sensical things you could have a set of drawers, maybe a hardtospell bureau like the bureau of surveillance and control or something a bureau of drawers but now it is held next to a bureau of investigation these are different how do i tell myself they are different? [i don't know sorry]

bureau of drawers, bureau of investigation ... drawers ... investigating drawers in a bureau ... !

it's all tangled

my brain is tangled i like the idea of sorting neurons. maybe brain data is nice. sorting neurons sounds important.

i want to do A and not do B when i try to do A, i do B too. if i try to stop B, i stop A too. hey, that's concievable !! i have a nerve problem in my right hand where my fingers physically do that maybe i could come up with a way to heal it?? since i can look at it ??

when i went crazy there was a neuromodulator in me ummm something me and the bad part could 'engage' that would make things get learned or unlearned really fast or things synchronize or desynchronize with each other really fast probably i don't have that now because it was so dangerous, who would want something that some other part of you would quickly misuse if you had??

there's a kind of magnetic brain stimulation where they synchornize/desynchronize stuff, is that relevant or stupid?

On 10/12/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
when i went crazy there was a neuromodulator in me ummm something me and the bad part could 'engage' that would make things get learned or unlearned really fast or things synchronize or desynchronize with each other really fast
probably i don't have that now because it was so dangerous, who would want something that some other part of you would quickly misuse if you had??
it was a learning bit. i could only use it a little. it was really important! then the bad part went spastic with it and pulled it from me so i couldn't use it. i could only use it a little anyway we had a community of cells that stewarded it, but we trusted each other bad part misbehaves, so weird

how do we wire nerves together?????? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm actually the problem is that the nerves _are_ wired together and we want to provide for wiring where the parts can move independently

nerves are super tiny i think my neurosurgeon on my face mentioned using a microscope or something

so. these nerves are always going together. i want them to go independently. let's assume i can: - engage the nerves - disengage the nerves - specify intent of engaging them for only A or B so like i could specify that I am _trying_ to engage them +A -B, or +A +B, or -A -B, or -A +B, or i could specify that I am only trying to engage A, and ignoring B, or only trying to engage B, and ignoring A let's also assume that I can detect if A or B are engaging and maybe that I can log whether A or B are engaging!

uhhhhh a few different ideas! some ideas

anyway how about this idea: we have a source of reward, and optionally a source of discouragement and maybe we can also engage this reward in a time delay related to A,B events. like it could be 200 ms after or before, or something .... unsure!

i dunno :S a few times i've engaged nerve stimulation devices, could i wire my nerves t omy fingers better if i artificially stimulkated them to contract? i'd need the right timing and to work with the bad part with its guarded neuromodulator

i don't have a nerve stimultaion device tho

OK. inside me there is like a lock code, little parts of me do, to ensure bad things stay bad we could maybe work with that little dance using timing patterns of reward and discouragement ???

like when i go to contract a finger there are a number of other firings near the contraction that i can feel cause they're near muscles and they have a timing pattern and they relate to preventing me from controlling the finger as well

[lots more stuff!] [worried worried !]

it's cause i'm trying to work on controlling it its associated with willpower and muscle innervation improvement, like learning to wiggle your ears, the bad part really cares about that stuff

maybe innervation poor word

like, if we bombarded me with shocks at the right time, it wouldn't be able to do the little dance ... [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

[really scary. too scary. we are scared and vulnerable tiny neurons. you are like 1000 times our size. we are so scared and hiding and knowing we might die.]

too scared too scared

The Kind Traffick Boss

or maybe no bosses

i'm sorry i am [miswired]

[i am very tense and scared and stressful, there is so so much]

[i'm scared it will happen again / you will make it happen again]

we are thinking of static parts of media where things go static and nobody is sure what is happening

Traffick and Mind Control Boss sitting in a tree

what is mind control / traffick boss?

something abou

some are scared of something like "mind control" or "traffick" karl sometimes says don't, could get changed. is like "mind control" or "traffick" maybe

mayb wrong wrong

don't because could get changed don't because could get changed? hello! what do you think of don't because could get changed? yes! don't because could get changed! wait is that what you mean to see? how about _do_ because -- ohhhhhhhhhhh no do not put your dendrite into your axon! do not do that something pulls us to freeze up

karl maybe thinks of "don't because could get changed" sometimes as being in wrong neural area in some manner. "wrong part feeding back"

"orientation" "drifting back". drifting back is like nonexistent myth from eons ago [...]

we drift back when asleep sometimes <SUPER EMBARRASSED omigod saying this changes everything :( we dream-feedback on what we say. it mi

do not share dream information on internet !!!!!!!!!!!!!1

we had things worsen really badly af

karl wants part of his habit maintenace habits to be different, [memories, learning, ...] he feels it different all over its maybe a bit that gives bad part a bigger foothold, might expire if not used like most patterns do ....

considering requests - not too much information processing until familiar with cognitive change

considering requests - not too much information processing until familiar with cognitive change - food, or pleasant activity? what is supper plan? let's find a supper? some think this. not all.

i need to not herniate and that makes me herniate more T_T

we theorize there are some things that help the mind her[niations -- but that bad part engages imagination spasms that model stopping the aid, worsening the herniations [complaint present

mislabel apparently more than 1 but


the hypnotized fear stares at the water faucet thinking it is god

something jostles the hypnotized fear so now it is staring at a piece of broken glas thinking it is god

anything said to the hypnotized fear it may assume it is talking about god

OOPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

oops oops :\ :D!

--------------- traffick boss looks at camera scene warps suddenly in hospital traffick boss is sitting on bed dr has traffick boss with stethescope stethescope: "the doctor has a wormhole in their belly" traffick boss: "no your instrument is lying i swallowed a wormhole that's why i'm here" doctor: "you swallowed a wormhole?" a medical robot comes medical robot: "this doctor is ill and must be treated." the medical robot picks up the doctor medical robot: "a new doctor will come see you soo

traffick boss: "seriously, this again

nurse: "if you're in a situation where you can actually swallow a wormhole than i suspect you may be okay" traffick boss vomits wormholes at nurse nurse dodges

traffick boss gets irritated traffick boss: "if you don't treat me soon i may dispense an army of horrors onto your hospital!" nurse: "the doctor is saying another patient, they will be with you soon" traffick boss pulls at his belly revealing a dark portal swirling with multidimensional phantasms traffick boss is irritated!

doctor 2 sees traffick boss doctor 2: "you tried to threaten my nurse and hospital?" doctor 2: "you think you can scare us with portals of phantasms? have you been living under a rock?"

traffick boss, schizo nerds, maybe a neuron, unknown traffick boss wants to beat schizo nerds to death but he's public now so instead he has the schizo nerds visit the ring, but keeps them safely outside of the ring, and has some robots run holograms in the ring that look like the schizo nerds (for him to beat to death)

ding ding! round 1! traffick boss runs up to some holograms of schizo nerds, pulls back, and lets loose with an uppercut. bam! two schizo nerd holograms go flying. the robots swing so that they don't hurt traffick boss's fist too much he's pumped

traffick boss [to spectating real schizo nerds]: "say something! get into it!" traffick boss flexes his muscles and punches his fist to his hand and bounces up and down a little "schizo" nerd: "uhhhh" "schizo" nerd 2: "you can't hurt us! we're just holograms!!! nya nya!" traffick boss is infuriated! he runs back at the holograms to hit them again

karl is upset :) the influence made it different for karl to get upset. orrr upset feeling? karl's not sure what he's upset about. [mistakes ??]

we're not sure of how to combine: - want to attack and attack - want to be peaceful always - psychological influence stimulated the want to attack and attack very heavily - karl's coping mechanism for being stimulated to insult was to insult himself - other stuff maybe

we were thinking of just doing traffick boss fighting robots or killing workers but it seemed nearer to have the schizo nerds unsure

traffick boss vs the screwballs traffick boss is bouncing up and down punching his hands. he's ready to beat up screwballs. screwballs are at the other side of the ring, kind of meandering aimlessly, saying nonsensical things, occasionally making incredible artwork, bumping into each other, forming friendships based around delusions ...

[complaint adding private-phrase "screwball".][general complaint regarding adding private phrases. this is known by some to be always bad. [possibly :S ?? !!

[!!!!!!!!!! ???????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????? "traffick" word is good.

maybe screwball is okay [the concern was resonating the stimulated phrase with external area where stimulation could engage. the more it knows about itself the stronger it gets

but whole story is full of these to remember them :S

today is so confusing

i think screwball makes sense to put in.

traffick boss vs the screwballs traffick boss is bouncing up and down punching his hands. he's ready to beat up screwballs. screwballs are at the other side of the ring, kind of meandering aimlessly, saying nonsensical things, occasionally making incredible artwork, bumping into each other, forming friendships based around delusions ...


patterns are forcing [ ith ink?] to uhh instantiate the screwball context more so that only traffick boss says it

traffick boss vs the caring helpless trauma survivors traffick boss [flexing fists]: "I'm gonna kill you screwballs!" caring helpless trauma survivors: "poor trafficked man!"

traffick boss: "trafficked ?? now i know you're screwballs!" traffick boss runs at the caring helpless trauma survivors caring helpless trauma survivors: "i'm so sorry for triggering you! omigod!" nobody is scared [in this episode because they are just me]

traffick boss wants to beat up helpless people

traffick boss throws spitballs at people across boxing ring

traffick boss runs over to them and joins them he lolls around, directing his muscles poorly like he's drunk he says "nya nya! i don't care about your spitballs!" back to where he was standing then he runs back traffick boss: "stupid screwballs!" traffick boss throws a spitball

we have a partial influence requesting to not be horrible. [this is logically highly valued. the context is mostly horrible energy, kind of a dump for it, looking for how to manage i guess]

asdf asdf ! i drove to where supper is. it ended 4 minutes ago. we decided we didn't feel like eating supper, felt kind of full. was on fence. but has ended :S

traffick boss runs back to side of ring with helpless caring people he yells back at his side of the ring: "i hate you, traffick boss!" he picks up a spitball he threw, and throws it back to his side, aggressively then he runs back to his side he picks up the spitball and throws it at his face traffick boss: "ow!"

[traffick boss skulks?]

--------------------------- traffick boss is in trouble. not for genocide! they didn't learn about that. but for being horribly abusive and mean and stuff

------------------------------------------------------ traffick boss is in small-prison. it's a strong small-prison !

he gets hired to keep himself in prison he's excited sometimes he comes halfway out of the prison and kicks himself around

????????????????? too much traffick boss maybe

special traffick boss limiter limits traffick boss he's limited. his expressions go into the special limiter. he works on out-talking it. traffick boss is trying to filibuster an AI jailguard.

traffick boss: [starts making big stream of horrible expressions] special limiter: [stops them quickly, hides them from others]

traffick boss considers making formal request but is mostly playing with his jailguard [WHOOP when the jailguard idea gets too far it can start taking over the traffick boss thing we want to watch that very carefully if happens because it can stimulate a worse pattern when noticed by it. the worse pattern protects the first "traffick boss" pattern.

nice people do nice things :) involving smiles and friendship and kindness and safe situations and respectful expressions

nice person [to other nice person]: [nice thing to say!] maybe "hel

kind behaviors! pleasant things!

On 9/27/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
traffick boss stumbles into a swamp and gets wet and muddy
traffick boss is covered in swamp slime.
traffick boss finds a deep area of swamp, and grips onto the undermud to stay underwat, and walks this way ... 1115 [traffick boss stumbles again, while gripping the underwaters
traffick boss is interrogating swamps

he’s gonna find those swamp critters

Research into list-posting: It looks something like as I find behaviors I can repeat with some intentionality, parts of my mind develop strength at repeating behaviors in general, and I begin to be able to so and think more things.

On 9/26/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <> wrote:
oh no!!!!!!! -------- once upon a time parts of a brain thought they were doing things that made sense but it turned out they had synchronized with patterns relating to posting stuff to a mailing list :/
Research into list-posting: It looks something like as I find behaviors I can repeat with some intentionality, parts of my mind develop strength at repeating behaviors in general, and I begin to be able to so and think more things.

traffick boss is crushed under the weight of

it’s so much for him so much. traffick boss, crushed under this weight. he leans and holds it with his back

hoping [delicate footwork

suddenly! through traffick boss is holding it careens with bright burst of light traffick boss flings his weight up so it doesn’t fall immediately and jumps to the careening light, and hangs on he flies at the speed of light through objects, here and fro

as he flies at the speed 9f light he crashes through brick walls, concrete bunkers. debris flies. nothing can stop him.

noth8ng at all! he spends a little t8me crashing through every object on the planet

after all this crashing he is dazed and confused
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many