Quantum device performs 2.6 billion years of computation in 4 minutes

I was just thinking how useful such computation will be when " Everyone a Mint ' gets close to completion. Everyone a Mint implies billions of different currencies, most pegged somehow, but still a financial " Tower of Babel '. A second order issue then is ' luxury communism ' where some Marxist moron declares victory as the ultimate carpetbagging creep. We can avoid that with a dedicated blockchain issuing one coin at birth only usable at the last Gift Shop ever operating. The last Gift Shop closes after everyone's forgotten who the fuck that fraud Karl Marx was.

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 06:05:39 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
I was just thinking how useful such computation will be when
the funny thing about the technofascist turds is that they don't even read their own spam "the work is no different to other quantum-advantage experiments: take a problem that is mostly useless but happens to map exactly to the architecture of your computer" translated : this 'quantum advantage' 'experiment' is 'mostly'(read completely) useless.
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professor rat
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