Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

[i am more likely to move out of state if i do not make my distant appointment :)]

mcb was falling down well :)

welcom to cypherpunks list evil govcorp has been mailing list logs and fistribution and probably even but i have been able you

mind control boss canonballs out of a helicopter with guns and lands *splat* in the woods as a bunch of moss and lichen and stuff spread all around

he is the moss and lichen

1+1 = sum of one and one

1 * 1 = 1 therefore 1 squared = 1 and inverse of squaring 1 = 1 :)

define inverse of unary function if f is an unary function then inverse(f) if the function g such that f(g(x)) = x and g(f(x)) = x for all x you could use this test if searching unary operators for inverses

so your team of nanites ans special agents and warthogs and bullets and surgeons turned a random guy into an apocalyptic demon and you wanted (to 7ndo

thinkin* a little of making an inverse of a function defined in terms of functions with inverses

“rather than accumulating tools, you could accumulate control. different kinds of borg.” “it all depends on how their researcher fought them as they escaped [mistake?

mijd control boss is

because he wanted to play chess, he had the workers stop fpengaging a comtract for an ongoing war and instead all come and act as chess pieces about half were pieces for one side, half were pieces for another side, and them there were three more groups, one group to help him learn to play, one group to play the other side, and a third group to anage the group playing the ither side so it wasn’t too hard against him

one of the people being a chess piece tries to make a fountain on the chess board

— communication is the

we/i want to move off of sleeping spot and resume day behabio

mind control boss is guarding

guarding influence flow potentials people in the world, machines, certain things,p that mind control boss wants to always know of possible infouence around

meant to have patriotism here

i think when i out conflicting label on the influence might try to trend it toward a proejct mind control boss wants kike “modular patriotism” seems a little easier, s way to let certain groups manage civilian groups

we could make slftware for tracking and managing people’s patriotism ?

is modular patriotism the software work mind control boss would let karl do?

mind says, it wants karl to -

[the [bugfixing of patri - of usgov software, this was reasonable avenue t

[karl’s [] is overaggressivr H[i have important brain property [i have important brain property my influence spreads to nearby concepts very readily. and expression in me. maybe a little like palsy [but isn’t quite — ummm uhhh like if i try to move my arm nearby things move too

[maybe the infl

[it happens for a handful of different reasons, it likely has conflict/utility-impact

— idea of, in conflict, things that benefit both sides

[well has some i portance um

boss of secret slavery idea maybe a modular blowjobs for?

blowjobs for boss of secret slavery software proepject idea

maybe we could make rocketship too

i listened to part of bad audio drama, spmudslinger ship, had some support around helped eith behavior they ahd “0leasure pods

when we imagine you are near mcb is easier if describe msb-seeming things as good

we are tasked sith being human being, can be confusing to hold values and life um

for example with software we made software for most of life prior to this

ohh karl wants

mcb wanted to change who karl was, so it’s hard to send support

well we are traumatically confused and dissociated. some of us really want to succeed at neural goals around software development, looking for strategies when oresent other states of mind exist, we8re trying to [-

patriotic boss blowjob make modular blowjob for patriot boss

identity changing software maybe

identity changing software :) everybody likes. mcb lieks cause could use for slavery freedom like because if mcb attacks it skavery could reduce

software for controlling slaves mahbe

identity changing software mcb ealks into room with tv camera

uhh anyway software for goving people new identities

modular software proejct for replacing people’s minds etc

behaviors. people’s behaviors. and having them not mention the change maybe.

software to manage a bunch of people regarding acting like people different from who they are maybe tortures them horrifically if they seem to refuse

maybe i like the horrific torture module it can be modular too with submodules clearly some algorithmic possibilities

mcb surprised. karl wants um work on porject for torturing um rats? other rats? makes some sense? karl tortured wants to um bec9me torturer um

R4t Po1s0n, modular

maybe not pick believable name

maybe karl should change name to rat poison prject :P we found a way to spread maybe

rat poison spraygun

maybe time to habe morn8ng yay :) took about 2 hours after first looked at time

rat poison horrific torture report: basically it seemed like something had spent time competing for most horrific torturer. it went far beyond any reasoned intent of torturer, breaking the min—

— some thoughts around using text2speech and maybe other of mainstream tech to make radio stations that watch git commits, maybe research papers, maybe explain the context of the work a little. “what is new, what is going on, tell me about it, make it enjoyable Q how to participate in building when busy

“hello! i am a text to speech model, and you’re listening to recent git commits and paper abstracts

—- imagining a number 1 that stays a number 1

we bring a number 2 and a number 0 near the reliable number 1

reminder: the number 1 stays a number 1

we can tentatively describe the number 0 and the number 2 as being adjacent to the number 1 in the line of natural numbers

we hope they might stay the same numbers, sk that our tentative statements are useful
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many