telesnowden selected excerpts

a few things i found interesting, per (better script and transcode?) --- emphasis on attacks against crypto systems by targeting the random number generator(s): "typically it is the random number generators that are attacked as opposed to the encryption algorithms" "... encryption does work.... a basic protection[,] it is a defense against the dark arts for the digital realm. This is something we all need to be not only implementing but actively researching and improving on an academic level. The grad students of today and tomorrow need to keep today's threat on online to inform tomorrows. We need all those brilliant Belgian cryptographers to go alright we know that these encryption algorithms we are using today work typically it is the random number generators that are attacked as opposed to the encryption algorithms themselves. How can we make them ____ how can we test them? This is _____ it is not going to go away tomorrow, but it is the steps we take today. The moral commitment. The philosophical commitment, the commercial commitment to protect and enforce our liberties through technical standards to allow us to reclaim the open and trusted." --- "By doing end to end encryption you force what they are called ... global passive adversaries to go for the end points that is the... computers. And the result of that is a constitutional, more carefully overseeing sort of intelligence gathering model. Where if they want to gather somebody's communications they have to target them specifically. They can't just target everybody all the time and then when they want to read your stuff they go back in a time machine and say what did they say you know in 2006. They can't pitch exploits in every computer in the world without getting caught. That is the value of end to end encryption and that is what we need to be thinking about." the targeted attacks under a different authorization and more restrict controls? would like details on "constraints" and "authorizations" and specific projectnames. :) ---- "The NSA the sort of global mass surveillance that is occurring in all of these countries. Not just the US it is important to remember that this is a global issue. They are setting fire to the future of the internet." this is a global problem. somehow, with decades of growth nurtured and shaped and guided along flawed trajectories, we looked around and found everyone and everything bathed in surveillance and privacy invasion, myriad motives across state/corporate/professional boundaries coopted in blissful or willful ignorance as was chosen. --- "Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course." - William Shakespeare
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