A reminder to the Deadender Ancaps clinging on here.

Poorly recovering Marxist, james Dumbfick... "...As Deng Xiaoping said: Learn truth from facts...." So learn to read post headings? You're not an Ancaps arsehole. "...The fact is socialism has been tried over and over for thousands of years, and always produces famine and ruin. The reason you hate the Chinese regime is that it brought prosperity to China..." No, the reason I hate the Marxist-Communist regime is they produced famine, ruin, genocide and fascist aggression including biowar. "... If the Chinese got to vote, would probably vote in socialism. ..." I support the peoples will in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Hopefully that will spread to the mainland. "... When Muslims got to vote as a result of the Arab Spring, promptly voted for war..." I support the cedar revolution and the Tahir 'votes' and similar since they avoided war. You're not wired up right, are you.
participants (1)
professor rat