"Almost everyone looks for a political solution to problems. However, once a Deep State situation has taken over, only a revolution or a dictatorship can turn it around, and probably only in a small country. "Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:" http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-16/how-survive-deep-state

On 10/17/15, wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net <wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net> wrote:
"Almost everyone looks for a political solution to problems. However, once a Deep State situation has taken over, only a revolution or a dictatorship can turn it around, and probably only in a small country.
"Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:"
Thanks for the heads up - the last time you posted part 1, I found it too depressing to go very far and it was all "yeah, of course" for me... This time, well it's good to be reminded, as well as read some new ways to view aspects of the world which may beg for comprehension otherwise, eg: "Stupidity is an unwitting tendency towards self-destruction. It’s why operations run by bad people always go bad. And why, since the Deep State is run by bad people - sociopaths are actively drawn to it - it will necessarily collapse." Anyway, today these two articles kept me reading to the end, Thanks.

On 10/17/15, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On 10/17/15, wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net <wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net> wrote:
"Almost everyone looks for a political solution to problems. However, once a Deep State situation has taken over, only a revolution or a dictatorship can turn it around, and probably only in a small country.
"Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:"
Thanks for the heads up - the last time you posted part 1, I found it
PS, even the comments grant an insight: "Fuck how to "survive" the deep state! Tell me how to destroy the motherfucker! Fri, 10/16/2015 - 22:58 | 6678042 Implied Violins Easy: bust the child-porn rings. ALL OF THEM. The rest will follow. " May be the real reason why publishing the crime of beheadings and other gore is legal, but publishing this crime is illegal - minimize the risk to the "elite" ('must not have any pesky vigilantes to stop all the cover ups/ hush ups/ do nothing royal enquiries')?

On Sat, 17 Oct 2015 06:15:16 -0700, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Fri, 10/16/2015 - 22:58 | 6678042 Implied Violins Easy: bust the child-porn rings. ALL OF THEM. The rest will follow. "
May be the real reason why publishing the crime of beheadings and other gore is legal, but publishing this crime is illegal - minimize the risk to the "elite" ('must not have any pesky vigilantes to stop all the cover ups/ hush ups/ do nothing royal enquiries')?
Yup, more info on congressional child rapists and other criminal acts and collusion here https://www.corbettreport.com/the-real-hastert-scandal-pedophilia-drug-money... Forget about Jim Bell's Assassination Politics, what we need now more than ever is "Castration Politics" where darknet bounties for the genitals of these sociopathic child rapists are raised and then harvested by snatch 'n' snip teams.

On Sat, 17 Oct 2015 06:15:16 -0700, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Fri, 10/16/2015 - 22:58 | 6678042 Implied Violins Easy: bust the child-porn rings. ALL OF THEM. The rest will follow. "
May be the real reason why publishing the crime of beheadings and other gore is legal, but publishing this crime is illegal - minimize the risk to the "elite" ('must not have any pesky vigilantes to stop all the cover ups/ hush ups/ do nothing royal enquiries')?
Yup, more info on U.S. congressional child rapists and other criminal acts and collusion here https://www.corbettreport.com/the-real-hastert-scandal-pedophilia-drug-money... Latest update: The U.S. District Judge on this case, a piece of shit fuck known as 'Thomas M. Durkin' colluded with the prosecution and defense to keep details of Hastert's crimes sealed via a plea bargain deal. BTW, Durkin gave to Hastert's campaign and before he became a judge he worked in private practice with Hastert’s son, Ethan. No conflict of interested there. Amazingly, Durkin offered to recuse himself from the case but as you would expect both the prosecution and the defense said 'no'. Forget about Jim Bell's Assassination Politics, what we need now more than ever is "Castration Politics", where Darknet bounties for the genitals of these sociopathic child rapists and their protectors are raised and then 'harvested' by snatch 'n' snip teams.

"Forget about Jim Bell's Assassination Politics, what we need now more than ever is "Castration Politics", where Darknet bounties for the genitals of these sociopathic child rapists and their protectors are raised and then 'harvested' by snatch 'n' snip teams." It would require some modification for females. Jim Bell

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 10/17/2015 09:15 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
"Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:"
Thanks for the heads up - the last time you posted part 1, I found i t
PS, even the comments grant an insight: "Fuck how to "survive" the deep state! Tell me how to destroy the motherfucker!
I would say the author was politically naive. His list of reforms that a hypothetical Dictator of the United States could implement to fix things, essentially consists of abolishing the functions of the State in one sweeping blow, and (presumably) letting the infallible Market replace them with something better. But then I realized he was pushing offshore Real Estate by promoting the idea that "nothing can be done" to improve conditions in the U.S. He also seems like applying the Laws O' Physics to large scale human problems, which I'm all for. But he manages to breeze right past the inconvenient truth that a human population crash will be well underway by the end of the century if not WAY sooner; I guess that would make overseas Real Estate sound less desirable as a retirement solution. In re the Deep State, I'm all about "destroy the motherfucker," as that's a guaranteed winning position: It has already destroyed itself, in that no human agency will be able to turn it from the course it is committed to: Perpetual exponential growth inside a closed container. The question is, how to "destroy the motherfucker" in a manner that makes things better instead of worse? Or, how best to mitigate the human costs of the Deep State's self destruction. My preferred solution: A revival of populist politics, in the sense of large numbers of "regular folks" doing whatever it takes to steal back some useful amount of the power that their rulers have stolen from them over the last ... um ... history of Western Civilization. Here's some docs about that, the kind of info that's surprisingly hard to dig up even from "radical" sources: http://pilobilus.net/xfer/Strategic_Nonviolent_Conflict.zip Of course, the resulting Utopia would at best be the "least bad" of available options. I don't expect a world that anyone will ever call "the Good Old Days" to appear before about 2150 at the soonest. :o) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJWIofeAAoJEDZ0Gg87KR0LU18P/AzJ6KmjOA7f2PWGMTw9e2/q svWvCfbR3VPJgoePpct3b1HMIOD9GjmOsUG6DBuClsHiQVw+7l2Sy0InhsH34S7c ahkKDIgB5314ruTNPeKKydcWy8AXywzU+XdoNt8C8OqLdjorFmgxFCkG0+a4eUrJ BzGLosYp+QgyOW6bGl+F86EaAkDz/IO+05+B933BWeNhkN4golO3nLDSrcsiZqHv 7bAfofJpAT51v8FjYxe5D609gV7ksWN1KAc+43O3BKFgG6jFxPtdiln1pPiBkGqY IY8FAvfO5feTEznu4DNikwAI0WMeOtCDjbK51k3ivf2DY4OB2pEqnErjBKfOkgLZ Dj9cRTRAGY11KyQSrj28aBlFYNnODrVxGXYTGCw0sHHzQOFuMHNntMSUb70El+Wg dK0KqrvWnq6YvJyZwvKONp1uATVWWzM8KAd1XEY6Ventyn47QLWIGCCg5NjKBELJ ONuTzBkxisGYwsev4oiZG0khRJVyR8FGJst6zq3x4V54zmB/4+uUsh1b94FdHnKO 8Wda/ChE70FiuyPHuK7x65bs0PjxGHuUBAqU06Ub+wl1xOUCfsxvNFGvzbY5ZQWi Nfm1FoJ5+TIIjLjzNii/Kge8Pi1QOB3035L3BjWA0xR86v2n3xJAtrA2pgevW/Jz kqqYSqo+PCRkTpsOCRaP =vXQd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On 10/17/2015 10:39 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
I don't expect a world that anyone will ever call "the Good Old Days" to appear before about 2150 at the soonest.
About the time Iran's geologists predict their petroleum peak, China's citizens are calculated to be able to per-capita drive cars like Mericans, meaning (according to a Harpers Index from a decade ago BEFORE the oilcos downsized their reserves) that the known oil on the planet will last 5 whole days, and industrial world goes catatonic. No. too soon... Try the 22nd century if there's still humans on the planet.

On 10/17/2015 06:15 AM, Zenaan Harkness quoted a commenter @ZeroHedge:
"Fuck how to "survive" the deep state! Tell me how to destroy the motherfucker!
Be a cancer in it's organism... You won't be if you invest in the stock market according to Lehman Bros, or Zero Hedge, or for that matter Cruise Missile Marxist Doug Henwood of Left Business Observer/[LBO-Talk] list. Just a note that ZH, and almost ANY financial interest site is NOT a revolutionary site, and ZH is QUITE right wing libertarian. I doubt I'd like the solution the commenter above had in mind after the Deep State's destruction. RR

On Sat, 17 Oct 2015 11:25:34 -0700 Razer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Just a note that ZH, and almost ANY financial interest site is NOT a revolutionary site, and ZH is QUITE right wing libertarian.
Yeah. I see that that ZH mentions doug casey. It turns out doug casey sells land in argentina. It also turns out that 'libertarian' 'anarchist' doug casey is pretty friendly with the local political mafia - the romero family - who virtually 'owns' the state(province) of salta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqZH78bqbWM
I doubt I'd like the solution the commenter above had in mind after the Deep State's destruction.

On Sat, 17 Oct 2015 13:27:30 -0700 coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
On 10/17/15, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
... "Fuck how to "survive" the deep state! Tell me how to destroy the motherfucker!
this is the proper question :)
vote for the right politician and get a check from the state by working on the pentagon's propaganda< efforts, aka 'tor'.

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 03:02:20AM -0400, wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net wrote:
What the author means by "deep _state_"? First I interpreted it as "establishment/country", then thought it might mean "condition" or something else.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 10/18/2015 05:01 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 03:02:20AM -0400, wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net wrote:
What the author means by "deep _state_"?
First I interpreted it as "establishment/country", then thought it might mean "condition" or something else.
I assumed this: http://cryptome.org/2014/08/deep-state-wins.pdf This essay describes the Deep State as "national policy decisions ... being forged by a small group of power elite ... bound together by shared class interests" and "the political process as being dominated by corporate interests which coalesce into factions and compete to guide policy." The TPP and similar deals under negotiation indicate that the 'establishment' in question is trans-national. The content of these negotiations indicates that its agenda is, as always, more money and power for the ruling class at any expense to anyone else. I just call it real life. Per my own pet theories, today's Deep State will self destruct by virtue of its own existence: Unbreakable commitments vs. Laws o' Thermodynamics, never mind the details. In that model, the actual "fall" of the Deep State is already in progress, as part of a complex and turbulent transitional period with historically unprecedented features. We do live in interesting times. One of the most interesting political features of today's novel social landscape is the Internet: Analysis and exploitation of group behavior in this new medium is all the rage in propaganda, PsyOps and marketing disciplines. Instant many to many mass communication is inherently biased to facilitate popular uprisings; among other things it breaks the State & Corporate monopoly on propaganda, and enables rapid ad hoc organization and large scale action by segments of the great unwashed public. Pushing back agaisnt State efforts to control "problems" created by Internet is a job for... um... isn't the word cyber-something? :D -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJWI4CEAAoJEDZ0Gg87KR0Lh4MP+waPxlK9Tdx1J16mzq098NqJ sX3taZ6/HLfn0EEkcTbaeupFm2SaVOoI3hCqNVa/2Gs1CwZ1WPRfvW61aAWQRGCQ 2iWe6k/cVdnmzjPBkhie2OAmoRilpw/S94U9fTzGGfkh5mcciJnoZtPtifsSOvfE gFfMTECKKa9y9srVRBqLTfZK8Aht4Cnekkf+hQKvzWJ+hn2/uM4c/e3Qsg9b+6ru Re+O+FYzWro0pVuhV6tktBtffCqPCoKGEYN/ZkBHXHP32zeH2MH1qRDeK3/s+4pP G5JL9waqNx/BhcXyD1KlOhwbU2ipEbxFFIG3Jx0V/cgbeL1TOIn8BiOabsGzXb68 LRBpsHbEh8g6WkF+XE3evp32X0DcFXtb5gO/pQ7hiWX/X4U40kAMjyTfrDWZ9crR +7CezwY2P1HVdhEOwlnacIcBaj1h+VEwiFfvt73l4Y3vz6lEqMUeKpFKMTnQ7gVU 0kVd1Z5jYbm5KwWzJLbX9AHBRplwye4AEIt+0wfHbmVGm6vEMBWP40i4+v0kIoJ1 zoUBQ+tFYVG8VvKIzbWInnmpH8gAHH6CXb0OIwN2Cwr82Hu08pv8DWAOm4DPwcQJ V5xzedWpv3bQq4Br+PqLdZY08Ek43LOGP/L5s7+d/CdEgHiwP7InmbuEA9lm66ub Wgc8lsTBY7mrk2UJI/cY =MqCw -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 07:20:39 -0400 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
The TPP and similar deals under negotiation indicate that the 'establishment' in question is trans-national. The content of these negotiations indicates that its agenda is, as always, more money and power for the ruling class at any expense to anyone else.
I just call it real life.
Per my own pet theories, today's Deep State will self destruct by virtue of its own existence:
Unfounded 'optimism'?
Unbreakable commitments vs. Laws o' Thermodynamics, never mind the details.
Well, maybe you should provide some details otherwise you only have an unfounded assertion. Real life is this : the state keeps getting more power. That is exactly the opposite of self-destruction.
In that model, the actual "fall" of the Deep State is already in progress, as part of a complex and turbulent transitional period with historically unprecedented features. We do live in interesting times.
One of the most interesting political features of today's novel social landscape is the Internet: Analysis and exploitation of group behavior in this new medium is all the rage in propaganda, PsyOps and marketing disciplines. Instant many to many mass communication is inherently biased to facilitate popular uprisings;
That's why there are so many uprisings. Especially in a naturally libertarian 'nation' like the great US. Oh wait. So far the only internet 'uprisings' we've seen are actually CIA-GOOGLE-FACEBOOK-NSA coup de etats in the middle east?
among other things it breaks the State & Corporate monopoly on propaganda,
Well, I also WISH that would be the case but I know it ISN'T. and enables rapid ad hoc organization and
large scale action by segments of the great unwashed public. Pushing back agaisnt State efforts to control "problems" created by Internet is a job for... um... isn't the word cyber-something?

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 3:02 AM, <wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net> wrote:
"Almost everyone looks for a political solution to problems. However, once a Deep State situation has taken over, only a revolution or a dictatorship can turn it around, and probably only in a small country.
"Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:"
Deep State has been around in both conscious and subconscious action forever... rape, pillage, plunder and maintain at all costs... http://www.columbia.edu/~daviss/work/files/presentations/casshort/ A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIES AUTHOR: BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS

action forever... rape, pillage, plunder and maintain at all costs...
... including of course such fine maintenance as... MURDER.
http://www.columbia.edu/~daviss/work/files/presentations/casshort/ A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIES AUTHOR: BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS
They got ya by the balls... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=acLW1vFO-2Q http://agreenroad.blogspot.ch/2014/07/happy-4th-of-july-what-is-it-that-we.h... http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/10/warning-to-world-as-most-powerful-sta... http://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/1945-the-savage-peace-very-very-distur...
participants (10)
Georgi Guninski
jim bell
Steve Kinney
Zenaan Harkness