on the necessity of a @snowflake codedoc annotation
What do we want? A bland homogeneous, milquetoast, corporate bland predictable sameness in all code and documentation? Or a diversity of expressive styles, confronting (to some) assertions, comedy and blunt yet constructive criticism? Well many these days are snowflakes demanding the former. Some old school punks prefer the latter, along with the responsibility, discernment, discrimination (not to mention robustness of emotions) brought forth by this more libre option. The distinction between homogeneity and diversity has even found "law" promoting apparent Marxists round these parts proclaiming the genuwhine necessity of submission to the will of others, without a hint of irony as to who they may be serving by such suggestions. While the CoCs begin to reign supreme, p'rhaps the limit of ye supremely humble wons might deign to fling the occasional pittance "in service of snowflakes": A codedoc warning: @snowflake for all the IDE's, searches and documentation where snowflake triggering "tripe" might be purged before the weak ones flutter an eyelid, faint and fall to the ground in a squishless puff of their self righteous ironic condemnation of others. LWN recently covered https://lwn.net/Articles/770966/ this all but insurmountable brouhaha around an old joke in the glibc manual (tldr link for those wondering how truly rivetting|abhorrent this abortion joke was: https://lwn.net/Articles/753647/ ) … Stallman: “These [GNU Kind Communications Guidelines https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/kind-communication.html] guidelines as such do not apply to manuals. Kindness as a general principle surely does apply to manuals, but precisely how remains to be decided. ” He noted that he had recently added a statement into the GNU maintainer guide that "humor is welcome _in general_" and that the project rejects "the idea of 'professionalism' which calls for deleting humor because it is humor" (though that does not yet appear in the guide at the time of this writing). In order to even consider the question of the abort() joke, there are several "broader issues" that need to be resolved first, he said. … Can we have our @snowflake cake and eat it too, or will the politically correct SS (Senior Snowflake) guards "tolerantly" relieve us of every last vestige of humour in the name of "tolerance", insisting on the viewpoint that no viewpoint may be uttered except corporate bland PC speak in order to "include" those of different viewpoints who may be so timid and pissweak in their viewpoints that they cringe and fly away to a safer, warmer, snowflakier place with milk and honey, lest their eyeballs and last remaining synapse be assaulted with a viewpoint different to their own? Good luck folks, and always remember, create your world already.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness