Juice Media: Honest Governments, Access to Your Ass
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 10:12:38PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Juice Media does their brand of comedy well indeed. One nitpick on this one - the assertion that we have no Federal Bill of Rights is not only false, but problematic: - It's false because, pursuant to the High Court's Mabo (no. 2), the Imperial Acts continue to apply in all states of Australia - federation created the states, but/and there was a continuance of laws and jurisdiction, in particular the ("old") English Imperial acts - see for example the post-Mabo "Imperial Acts Application Act"s respectively in the various states. The Imperial Acts includes Bill of Rights 1688 1 Will and Mary sess 2 c 2 or "The Bill of Rights Act" 1688/ 1689. So, we in Australia do have a Bill of Rights, just that not many yet know about this. - It's a problematic assertion, because it implies that we -should- have a federal Bill of Rights - and the problem with a parliamentary Bill of Rights is that the parliament controls that which it creates. The parliament creates statutes ("Acts"), and controls every statute that it creates. With the "anti terror" legislation already on our books, our federal parliament has shown its street cred in the fascist halls of shame, like few others in this world (arbitrary indefinite detention, etc etc). Caveat voter.
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness