Gifts that keep on giving: Oklahoma Uni: Police try to id person posting "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" flyers - [PEACE]

Some 2016 memes, like "wierd flashing GIFs that appear, then disappear, and they're on the Dark Web and NOBODY can find them" keep on giving in 2019: Clinton: “Flashing Videos That Appear and Then Disappear and They’re on the Dark Web and Nobody Can Find Them” http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/clinton-finally-hits-on-reason-she-lost-flashi... [Flashing Gif elided] A flashing image I found on the dark web. If this appears or disappears, try refreshing your browser or deleting system32. If you can’t find it after that, you might be out of luck. It is truly incredible that “Madam President Scorned” is still a meme – but it do. She is still out there, every week, dropping new and increasingly fascinating reasons for why she lost the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton: ... “I think it’s going to be the same as 2016,” Clinton said. “I’m going to show you in these flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they’re on the dark web and nobody can find them, but you’re going to see them and you’re going to see that person doing these horrible things.” [Michelle Obama swimsuit shots not attached] Some 2017 memes are gifts that surprisingly, just keep on giving in 2019 - astounding but true: “It’s Okay to be White” Flyers Still Sending Universities Into Chaos http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/its-okay-to-be-white-flyers-still-sending-univ... You’d think liberals would have gotten over it by now… The annual “It’s Okay to be White” freakout is happening again. The Oklahoman: Police are trying to identify a person who posted flyers saying “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” at the Oklahoma City University School of Law. OCU Police Director Bill Citty said officers don’t believe the person is a threat to students or the school campus. The person left several papers Thursday night with the text “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” outside and on the doors of the law school, 800 N Harvey. Campus police obtained images of the man and have a “good idea” of his identity, Citty said. The Oklahoma City Police Department is trying to locate the man for questioning. “The important thing now is to 100% identify this person and find out what his intentions were,” Citty said. ... Against all odds, it seems like this classic trick is still soliciting the same response from both the schools and the media, showing us once again that liberals won’t learn their lesson if they have an opportunity to freak out and publicly signal how virtuous they are. Once the man is found, officers will try to determine whether he planned any more incidents at OCU. The man will be told not to return to the school campus. The flyers alone don’t appear to be a crime, Citty said. Property would have to be destroyed for vandalism to apply. Officers will investigate whether the person’s actions amounted to a hate crime. ... the law school has been “intentional and relentless” in celebrating its diverse community. The school celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ History Month and Day of the Dead and will honor Native American Heritage Month. Naturally, the school is “intentionally” and “relentlessly” celebrating brown people and perverts, but if anyone publicly claims to be comfortable being a White guy, God help him. Just the fact that the school is reacting this way to this simple flyer sends the message loud and clear that it’s not, in fact, okay to be White. ... Stunning stuff...

On Monday, November 4, 2019, 05:38:15 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote: [snip] Some 2017 memes are gifts that surprisingly, just keep on giving in 2019 - astounding but true: > “It’s Okay to be White” Flyers Still Sending Universities Into Chaos http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/its-okay-to-be-white-flyers-still-sending-univ... > You’d think liberals would have gotten over it by now… One is the "Islam is right about women" thing.

So the law school student that put up this recent "It's OK to be White" flyer, has been expelled from Oklahoma City Uni law school. Student Expelled By Law School After Posting "It's OK To Be White" Flyers ... OCU Police Director Bill Citty cited federal privacy as the reason why he is not releasing the name of the student, the newspaper reported, adding police “didn’t find evidence of a crime,” that the student “was found to be non-threatening to campus safety,” and that “he isn’t facing a charge of trespassing.” ... The signs first appeared in the fall of 2017 as a coordinated 4chan campaign, whose users spelled out their “game plan” on the anonymous Internet forum board instructing people to post the signs on campuses to prompt a “completely berserk” response. ... While the student at Oklahoma City University School of Law was reportedly not expelled for posting the flyers, but rather for breaking the rules of his suspension, ... Some have questioned whether “It’s OK to be white” falls under free speech, prompting controversy and debate. As The College Fix reported earlier last month, East Tennessee State may be asking for a lawsuit by promising to prosecute its “It’s OK to be white” vandals, as posting offensive flyers in and of itself is “clearly established” as constitutional under longstanding case law. And writing at Minding the Campus, attorney Hans Bader weighed in on the flyers popping up nationwide, noting administrators “cannot discriminate against these flyers based on their viewpoint by expelling or dismissing people for posting them, when it obviously would never expel or dismiss someone for posting flyers with a different viewpoint the university likes better, such as ‘It’s OK to Be Black.'” ... Just as well the coal burners at TDS are onto this: The True Israelites Have Begun Taking Back Jersey. How Long Before They Invade Israel? http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/the-true-israelites-have-begun-taking-back-jer... The true Israelites – American black people – have begun their brave crusade to take back their stolen heritage from the Jewish imposters. The question on everyone’s mind is: how long before they’re ready to launch a full-on assault of Israel, and take back their true homeland of Jerusalem? Could be sooner than you think. The moment the two Jersey City shooters got out of their U-Haul and approached a kosher supermarket with their rifles drawn before killing three people inside has been revealed in chilling surveillance footage. ... Police sources say Anderson was once a Black Hebrew Israelite, a group that believes black people are the true descendants of ancient Israelites, and which often expresses extreme racial animosity toward Jewish and white people. Online posts tied to the Anderson include the statement ‘Blacks are jews, the “jewish” are impostors’, and a note left in the van used in the attack had words to the effect of ‘I do this because my creator makes me do this, and I hate who he hates,’ according to WNBC-TV. ... I am in full and complete support of the True Israelites taking back their heritage from the impostor Jews. I think we should replace all of the Jews in the media, in the banks, in the university system and in the government with black people. Israel should also be given to the blacks. Study: Majority of Republicans are Aware That White People are Actively Discriminated Against http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/study-majority-of-republicans-are-aware-that-w... There have been several studies showing these same attitudes: a majority of white people are aware that they are being actively discriminated against on a systematic scale. This most recent study broke it into Republicans and Democrats, but a 2017 study showed that 55% of all whites reported having been discriminated against because of their race. ... Ansometrue comedy to lighten yer day: Swedes Finally Taking a Passive-Aggressive Stance Against Jews, Edit Jew ID Card to Give Hooked Nose http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/sweden-finally-taking-a-passive-aggressive-sta... It's OK to be Jewish. On Tue, Nov 05, 2019 at 12:37:49AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Some 2016 memes, like "wierd flashing GIFs that appear, then disappear, and they're on the Dark Web and NOBODY can find them" keep on giving in 2019:
Clinton: “Flashing Videos That Appear and Then Disappear and They’re on the Dark Web and Nobody Can Find Them” http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/clinton-finally-hits-on-reason-she-lost-flashi...
[Flashing Gif elided] A flashing image I found on the dark web. If this appears or disappears, try refreshing your browser or deleting system32. If you can’t find it after that, you might be out of luck.
It is truly incredible that “Madam President Scorned” is still a meme – but it do.
She is still out there, every week, dropping new and increasingly fascinating reasons for why she lost the 2016 election.
Hillary Clinton: ... “I think it’s going to be the same as 2016,” Clinton said. “I’m going to show you in these flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they’re on the dark web and nobody can find them, but you’re going to see them and you’re going to see that person doing these horrible things.”
[Michelle Obama swimsuit shots not attached]
Some 2017 memes are gifts that surprisingly, just keep on giving in 2019 - astounding but true:
“It’s Okay to be White” Flyers Still Sending Universities Into Chaos http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/its-okay-to-be-white-flyers-still-sending-univ...
You’d think liberals would have gotten over it by now…
The annual “It’s Okay to be White” freakout is happening again.
The Oklahoman:
Police are trying to identify a person who posted flyers saying “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” at the Oklahoma City University School of Law.
OCU Police Director Bill Citty said officers don’t believe the person is a threat to students or the school campus.
The person left several papers Thursday night with the text “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” outside and on the doors of the law school, 800 N Harvey. Campus police obtained images of the man and have a “good idea” of his identity, Citty said.
The Oklahoma City Police Department is trying to locate the man for questioning.
“The important thing now is to 100% identify this person and find out what his intentions were,” Citty said.
... Against all odds, it seems like this classic trick is still soliciting the same response from both the schools and the media, showing us once again that liberals won’t learn their lesson if they have an opportunity to freak out and publicly signal how virtuous they are.
Once the man is found, officers will try to determine whether he planned any more incidents at OCU. The man will be told not to return to the school campus.
The flyers alone don’t appear to be a crime, Citty said. Property would have to be destroyed for vandalism to apply. Officers will investigate whether the person’s actions amounted to a hate crime.
... the law school has been “intentional and relentless” in celebrating its diverse community.
The school celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ History Month and Day of the Dead and will honor Native American Heritage Month.
Naturally, the school is “intentionally” and “relentlessly” celebrating brown people and perverts, but if anyone publicly claims to be comfortable being a White guy, God help him.
Just the fact that the school is reacting this way to this simple flyer sends the message loud and clear that it’s not, in fact, okay to be White. ...
Stunning stuff...

Greg Johnson writing for The Unz Review asks the obvious question of the "It's OK To Be White" flyer campaign, "is this hate speech?" It’s Okay to be White Greg Johnson • July 23, 2020 • 2,100 Words • 324 Comments .. So on what grounds could one object to saying “It’s okay to be white”? As Tucker Carlson put it, “What’s the correct position? That it’s not okay to be white?” If multiculturalism is truly an ideology of equality and inclusion, then multiculturalists should have no problem saying “It’s okay to be white.” They would grant it the same status as “Black is beautiful” and “It’s okay to be different.” Indeed, whiteness is one form of difference. Clearly, one could object to a statement as innocuous as “It’s okay to be white” only if one really has something against white people, specifically a deep hatred or prejudice. This is why it is such a useful diagnostic tool. “It’s okay to be white” flyers and stickers were posted widely in the United States and other white countries, primarily in the Anglosphere. As its creators predicted, the slogan provoked an immediate and intense backlash, far out of proportion to the inoffensive message. Upon seeing “It’s okay to be white” signs and stickers, the first reaction of hundreds of people was to call the police. This can be verified simply by entering the words “police” and “It’s okay to be white” in the search engine of your choice. (DuckDuckGo gives the best results.) This happened even in the United States, where the First Amendment to the US Constitution protects freedom of speech. Here are a couple of my favorite headlines: - “Sickening to Know People Think Like This” – Police Investigate “It’s Okay to Be White” Signs in Scotland - 150+ Cases of Outrage, Manhunts over “It’s OK to be White,” Poster Activist Responds Indeed, sometimes people deemed these posters too hot for the local cops to handle, so the Federal Bureau of Investigation was called in: - FBI probes signs defending white privilege found at Vermont universities To put this in context, ask yourself how many flyers and stickers you see in a typical day. Dozens? On a university campus, you might see hundreds. Then ask yourself how many times you were tempted to call the police. Most people would have to answer: never. But when hundreds of people saw “It’s okay to be white,” they were convinced that it is illegal—or that it should be. Once the police were called, of course the press were alerted, and locals were asked to share their opinions about the flyers. Most people interviewed are certain that “It’s okay to be white” constitutes “hate speech,” even though it says nothing negative or hateful about anyone. I’ll pull quotes from just one article to give a sense of the sort of statements that are typical: John Swinney, Deputy First Minister of the Scottish Government, declared: “This is atrocious and has no place in Perth or any other part of our country. We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material.” Peter Barrett, a Perth councilor, said: “This is despicable hate speech. It is covert racism disguising white supremacist views. People should be in no doubt this is no innocuous joke.” Local antiracists claimed that people of color had called to share their feelings. The “terrifying attitudes” expressed by “It’s okay to be white” made them feel “sickened,” “disgusted,” and “unsafe.” ... [ the rest of the article is similar and gets into the heart of the issue with more comedic examples ] Please y'all, there is much that must see the light, much good which ought have freedom to be, in this world, and this war we are in the thick of needs every positive contribution of your personal intention, of your petitions to the higher authorities; if you are someone who prays, please do so - now, and each night or morning as works for you. It might look at times very entertaining (and some of it is), but some of the toughest journeys are being walked at this very moment. Please pray for those who stand for righteousness and who face the evil which reins on this planet. Pray for their safety. And pray that those who stand in our way may repent, may come to see the wisdom of living a higher ethos, a higher intention. Pray for intervention from on high, that we may walk the higher path together, and live in peace. Pray for all that is good. We are all in this together - every one of us. Peace, On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 08:42:11AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
So the law school student that put up this recent "It's OK to be White" flyer, has been expelled from Oklahoma City Uni law school.
Student Expelled By Law School After Posting "It's OK To Be White" Flyers
... OCU Police Director Bill Citty cited federal privacy as the reason why he is not releasing the name of the student, the newspaper reported, adding police “didn’t find evidence of a crime,” that the student “was found to be non-threatening to campus safety,” and that “he isn’t facing a charge of trespassing.”
... The signs first appeared in the fall of 2017 as a coordinated 4chan campaign, whose users spelled out their “game plan” on the anonymous Internet forum board instructing people to post the signs on campuses to prompt a “completely berserk” response.
... While the student at Oklahoma City University School of Law was reportedly not expelled for posting the flyers, but rather for breaking the rules of his suspension,
... Some have questioned whether “It’s OK to be white” falls under free speech, prompting controversy and debate. As The College Fix reported earlier last month, East Tennessee State may be asking for a lawsuit by promising to prosecute its “It’s OK to be white” vandals, as posting offensive flyers in and of itself is “clearly established” as constitutional under longstanding case law.
And writing at Minding the Campus, attorney Hans Bader weighed in on the flyers popping up nationwide, noting administrators “cannot discriminate against these flyers based on their viewpoint by expelling or dismissing people for posting them, when it obviously would never expel or dismiss someone for posting flyers with a different viewpoint the university likes better, such as ‘It’s OK to Be Black.'” ...
Just as well the coal burners at TDS are onto this:
The True Israelites Have Begun Taking Back Jersey. How Long Before They Invade Israel? http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/the-true-israelites-have-begun-taking-back-jer...
The true Israelites – American black people – have begun their brave crusade to take back their stolen heritage from the Jewish imposters.
The question on everyone’s mind is: how long before they’re ready to launch a full-on assault of Israel, and take back their true homeland of Jerusalem?
Could be sooner than you think. The moment the two Jersey City shooters got out of their U-Haul and approached a kosher supermarket with their rifles drawn before killing three people inside has been revealed in chilling surveillance footage.
... Police sources say Anderson was once a Black Hebrew Israelite, a group that believes black people are the true descendants of ancient Israelites, and which often expresses extreme racial animosity toward Jewish and white people.
Online posts tied to the Anderson include the statement ‘Blacks are jews, the “jewish” are impostors’, and a note left in the van used in the attack had words to the effect of ‘I do this because my creator makes me do this, and I hate who he hates,’ according to WNBC-TV.
... I am in full and complete support of the True Israelites taking back their heritage from the impostor Jews.
I think we should replace all of the Jews in the media, in the banks, in the university system and in the government with black people. Israel should also be given to the blacks.
Study: Majority of Republicans are Aware That White People are Actively Discriminated Against http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/study-majority-of-republicans-are-aware-that-w...
There have been several studies showing these same attitudes: a majority of white people are aware that they are being actively discriminated against on a systematic scale. This most recent study broke it into Republicans and Democrats, but a 2017 study showed that 55% of all whites reported having been discriminated against because of their race. ...
Ansometrue comedy to lighten yer day:
Swedes Finally Taking a Passive-Aggressive Stance Against Jews, Edit Jew ID Card to Give Hooked Nose http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/sweden-finally-taking-a-passive-aggressive-sta...
It's OK to be Jewish.
On Tue, Nov 05, 2019 at 12:37:49AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Some 2016 memes, like "wierd flashing GIFs that appear, then disappear, and they're on the Dark Web and NOBODY can find them" keep on giving in 2019:
Clinton: “Flashing Videos That Appear and Then Disappear and They’re on the Dark Web and Nobody Can Find Them” http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/clinton-finally-hits-on-reason-she-lost-flashi...
[Flashing Gif elided] A flashing image I found on the dark web. If this appears or disappears, try refreshing your browser or deleting system32. If you can’t find it after that, you might be out of luck.
It is truly incredible that “Madam President Scorned” is still a meme – but it do.
She is still out there, every week, dropping new and increasingly fascinating reasons for why she lost the 2016 election.
Hillary Clinton: ... “I think it’s going to be the same as 2016,” Clinton said. “I’m going to show you in these flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they’re on the dark web and nobody can find them, but you’re going to see them and you’re going to see that person doing these horrible things.”
[Michelle Obama swimsuit shots not attached]
Some 2017 memes are gifts that surprisingly, just keep on giving in 2019 - astounding but true:
“It’s Okay to be White” Flyers Still Sending Universities Into Chaos http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/its-okay-to-be-white-flyers-still-sending-univ...
You’d think liberals would have gotten over it by now…
The annual “It’s Okay to be White” freakout is happening again.
The Oklahoman:
Police are trying to identify a person who posted flyers saying “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” at the Oklahoma City University School of Law.
OCU Police Director Bill Citty said officers don’t believe the person is a threat to students or the school campus.
The person left several papers Thursday night with the text “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” outside and on the doors of the law school, 800 N Harvey. Campus police obtained images of the man and have a “good idea” of his identity, Citty said.
The Oklahoma City Police Department is trying to locate the man for questioning.
“The important thing now is to 100% identify this person and find out what his intentions were,” Citty said.
... Against all odds, it seems like this classic trick is still soliciting the same response from both the schools and the media, showing us once again that liberals won’t learn their lesson if they have an opportunity to freak out and publicly signal how virtuous they are.
Once the man is found, officers will try to determine whether he planned any more incidents at OCU. The man will be told not to return to the school campus.
The flyers alone don’t appear to be a crime, Citty said. Property would have to be destroyed for vandalism to apply. Officers will investigate whether the person’s actions amounted to a hate crime.
... the law school has been “intentional and relentless” in celebrating its diverse community.
The school celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ History Month and Day of the Dead and will honor Native American Heritage Month.
Naturally, the school is “intentionally” and “relentlessly” celebrating brown people and perverts, but if anyone publicly claims to be comfortable being a White guy, God help him.
Just the fact that the school is reacting this way to this simple flyer sends the message loud and clear that it’s not, in fact, okay to be White. ...
Stunning stuff...

From the "Species with Amnesia" dept. of Whites embracing our inner deep history and culture:
Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations (Robert Sepehr)-ls_ZtM1Itzs.mp4 ~07:56 Robert Sepehr, Anthropologist, author .. The caucasoid Basque people "do not fit in with the rest of the European population", and they are unique in relation to blood. .. Rh-negative blood types. .. [also the pre-dynastic (pre-Egyptian), blonde and red haired, blue eyed, -indigenous- Berber's of North West Africa] .. Blavatsky: "If then the Basque and Cromagnon cave men, are of the same race as the Canary Islands' Guanches, it follows that the former are also allied to the aboriginies of America - the Atlantean affinities of the three types becomes patent." We are the monority. In particular the "Rh negatives". We wuz Kangz before there were kangz, though given it's ultimate fate, Atlantis may not be so much to write home about :/
participants (3)
jim bell
Zenaan Harkness
Zig the N.g