jimbellproject.org is looking for volunteers

JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers I, Jim Bell https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003796765303 , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bell , am newly back from Prague, Czech Republic, from the Paralel Polis https://liberate.hcpp.cz/ convention. I was invited there by Pavol Luptak https://www.facebook.com/wilderko to speak on a subject of my choice, so naturally I chose my favorite. https://steemit.com/hcpp/@digital-liberty/hcpp17-talks-sorted-by-the-topic But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades. The seemingly-improbable goals of this system include eliminating all wars, militaries, nuclear weapons, and holocausts, as well as all governments and taxes, and their costs, variously economic, social, and individual. To a person unfamiliar with the details AP, these goals may and probably should seem obviously impossible or at least wildly improbable, but since 1995 I have believed that they are all not merely possible, but certainly probable,and in fact are individually and collectively inevitable: This means that to any modern society, an AP-type system is not genuinely a choice or option, but are in fact an unavoidable destiny once the combination of good encryption, anonymous networking, and anonymous digital cash have appeared and are allowed to function. This means that even if a large majority of the public claims to be steadfastly "against" the emergence and operation of the AP system, nevertheless even with only 1% of the people willing to use it, it will eventually appear and function effectively, and that 1% of the people will employ it to achieve the outcomes described above. As the AP system achieves its goals and produces the benefits which are claimed, a larger proportion of the people will recognize those advantages, and the opposition to its functioning will be gradually minimized and will eventually disappear. To my knowledge, the AP system has, surprisingly enough, only been considered and analyzed into publicly-available documents by two people: One, R. Sukumaran of the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, in India, https://idsa.in/taxonomy/term/664 , https://idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_sukumaran_0604.pdf , and Robert Vroman. http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009ape (Vroman's business partner, Bob Murphy, made a half-hearted attempt to disprove it, although his effort may only exist as a publicly-available document on the Wayback Machine https://archive.org/web/ . One of Murphy's pamphlets is here: https://issuu.com/renatos.grun/docs/robert_p._murphy_chaos_theory_two_e ) Before I state my view of the function of the Jim Bell Project, I should say what it is not: It is not intended to be a rapid move to the immediate implementation of a functioning AP organization, accepting wagers on predictions, and paying for correct predictions, each after implementing a functioning AP-type system. This is true, even though I am quite confident that such a move would be fully justified and well-understood by many people. The reality is that the vast majority of the population have simply never heard of the possibility of the AP concept, and of those most probably "understand" AP only to be a high-tech version of Kickstarter or GoFundMe. That majority simply don't recognize that a functioning AP system would inevitably lead to dramatic changes in our society, very efficiently fixing most societal problems: The ones caused by the existence of government. Instead, I foresee that despite the long time the essay has been available, 22 years for the earliest parts, there is still much academic work to be done. In part, that's because of the comparative lack of technical analyses done by members of the public, punctuated only by the works of R. Sukumaran and Robert Vroman. The reality, I believe, is that any system that claims to be able to eliminate even one of the following: wars, militaries, nuclear weapons, holocausts, and all governments and taxes, would arguably be the most astonishing development in the history of human relations if such a capability could be logically verified and proven. Little did I understand, before I wrote a word of Part 1, that my idea would be so shamefully ignored and disregarded for even a few years, let alone a full 22 years. To get an idea of the significance of this concept, on October 6, 2017 the the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. While I shouldn't discount the sincerity of their efforts, I must point out that my careful study of their website does not reveal any strategy capable of "abolishing" the last nuclear weapon, let alone the last 1000 such bombs. So, I have lost my patience. Individuals, as individuals, certainly have the right to ignore AP. But as groups, societies, and including philosophers, educators, scientists, social engineers, sociologists, governments, and nations, we have a compelling moral obligation to recognize the existence of problems, and at least consider proposed solutions for their effectiveness. Therefore, I propose that a group of volunteers, assisted by the population, complete the technical study of the AP proposal, find and fix any problems if they exist, and publicize the results so that the public is to afraid of its capabilities and likely results. If it should happen that the AP proposal is likely to work, and is without significant flaws, and if a substantial fraction of the public (for a ballpark figure, 1% or more?) can understand and agree in principle with the implementation of an AP system, then a decision should be made to implement it and let it function. To be sure, there is no absolute requirement that it be the Jim Bell Project who will do that implemention, nor necessarily the first such implemention, and certainly not the only implementation. Myself, I would much prefer it if the responsibility for the actual implementation and running of a functioning AP system be done by someone, anyone else. FUNDING As an attempt to fund the Jim Bell Project, jimbellproject.org, I have proposed and implemented a set of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether tipjars, and I have cheekily proposed that all owners of such electronic cash give me 1/1000 of their value. I propose this, in part, because I believed that the publication of this proposal would cause a 'run' on Bitcoins, raising the prices greatly. I released the text of a protype 'speech', onto the jimbellproject.org website although not the one I actually gave, on October 7,, 2017 . I finally gave the speech approximately 19:00 UTC October 7 2017, Prague Czech time. At that time, the value of Bitcoin in dollars appears to be about: $4350.31. (The price had been essentially constant on the previous 1 1/3day.) A sudden spurt of increase occurred within about an hour, and by Friday, October 13, 2:40-2:49 UTC, (Friday the 13th ?!?!?) the price in dollars had reached $5814.18. So, within about 6 days, the increase of $1463 had occurred. Did I do that? Or most of that? Given that there are about 16.6 million Bitcoins extant, this represents an increase of around $23 billion dollars. Is it reasonable for me to think that I should be given 1/1000 of that increase, say $23 million dollars? Anyone who owns Bitcoins should pause to consider this. They get 999, and I get 1. Sounds fair to me. Jim Bell

On 10/13/2017 08:42 AM, jim bell wrote:
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades.
I am hopeful that I will have the time and etc. to develop at least one model for counter-attacking AP, backed by data indicating its practicability. So far my thoughts along these lines are in the "blue sky" category, and it would be fun to make a few formal anti-AP protocols and plug in real world numbers to see if they really amount to anything. AP would create a whole ecosystem of actors connected in novel ways; working out details of their potential interactions would be my kind of fun, unless the general ideas I have turn out to be unsupportable. Finding out my notions don't hold water would also be fun - of a sort. :o)

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 10:53:18AM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 10/13/2017 08:42 AM, jim bell wrote:
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades.
I am hopeful that I will have the time and etc. to develop at least one model for counter-attacking AP, backed by data indicating its practicability. So far my thoughts along these lines are in the "blue sky" category, and it would be fun to make a few formal anti-AP protocols and plug in real world numbers to see if they really amount to anything. AP would create a whole ecosystem of actors connected in novel ways; working out details of their potential interactions would be my kind of fun, unless the general ideas I have turn out to be unsupportable. Finding out my notions don't hold water would also be fun - of a sort.
Indeed. The first foundation of AP though is truly anonymous DC + transactions - if and when the first Assassinated Politician from a functioning AP project happens, without this foundation, the powers that be will simply track down some regular mom or pop, slam their arse in jail for (how long did Jim Bell do?) say 14 years, for their literally $1.50 USD equivalent in BTC "donation", and this will, quite literally, scare off almost all customers. And it won't even matter -how- TPTB decipher this person's $1.50 tx - they can literally trojan Kaspersky 'on the fly of the end users update' and blame Russia of course, whilst "leaking" the "fact" that they're tracking all BTC Tx (even if they're not) - i.e. parallel construction - it won't make any difference to the mom doing 14 years, or to the 99.9999% majority who will be scared away as a result... So end-user secure computing be the second required foundation. Seems to me we're a --long-- ways off a credible AP based "peaceful democracy" system on these two points alone.

From: Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> On 10/13/2017 08:42 AM, jim bell wrote:
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will
be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades.
I am hopeful that I will have the time and etc. to develop at least one model for counter-attacking AP, backed by data indicating its practicability. So far my thoughts along these lines are in the "blue sky" category, and it would be fun to make a few formal anti-AP protocols and plug in real world numbers to see if they really amount to anything. AP would create a whole ecosystem of actors connected in novel ways; working out details of their potential interactions would be my kind of fun, unless the general ideas I have turn out to be unsupportable. Finding out my notions don't hold water would also be
All this talk of "attacking" is just great! Music to my ears! This is the kind of detailed analysis that should have been done 20 years ago. What else can be done? Jim Bell

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 8:42 AM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
To my knowledge, the AP system has, surprisingly enough, only been considered and analyzed into publicly-available documents by two people: One, R. Sukumaran of the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, in India, https://idsa.in/taxonomy/term/664 , https://idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_sukumaran_0604.pdf , and Robert Vroman. http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009ape (Vroman's business partner, Bob Murphy, made a half-hearted attempt to disprove it, although his effort may only exist as a publicly-available document on the Wayback Machine https://archive.org/web/ . One of Murphy's pamphlets is here: https://issuu.com/renatos.grun/docs/robert_p._murphy_chaos_theory_two_e )
You should collect, archive, organize, and post all these papers on the project website, along with links out to the originals. Search for "anonbib" for one possible format. Same with links out to all youtube videos. And collect and curate and post all project conference papers, slide decks, lists of past and future conference dates, etc. Including the same regardless of who's analysing, debating, presenting, supporting or debunking the AP system. And get rid of this file, or edit it to be permissive, so that the search engines can better index the project. https://jimbellproject.org/robots.txt And cross post news between the project website, twitter, facebook, etc. This is all basic project buildout stuff that the internet will digest for free, and that readers, reviewers, supporters, media, etc might like to find starting from one central resource type of place.

On 10/13/2017 03:53 PM, grarpamp wrote:
And get rid of this file, or edit it to be permissive, so that the search engines can better index the project. https://jimbellproject.org/robots.txt
+1 Right now a search for 'jim bell project' doesn't return this site and at best returns something that people can read to figure out who you (Jim) are. For a site that has, say, a private BDSM community (or whatever) I can kind of see blocking robots entirely. But this? This looks like something that needs to be shouted out to the world. Even if you hate Google, it's a bad idea to block Googlebot for a site like this. -- Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn@rushpost.com> http://www.rantroulette.com http://www.skqrecordquest.com

This is from Jim Bell, author of the Assassination Politics essay. This is worthy of your attention. My other email address is jimdbell1@gmail.com Jim Bell To Andy Greenberg, at Forbes Magazine. On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 6:17 AM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote: Talked up value of Bitcoin $23 billion,7 October at Prague, Czech Republic, HCCP Paralel PolisI gave a speech at Paralel Polis, HCCP convention, in Prague, Czech Republic proposing my jimbellproject.org activity, and raised the total value of all existing Bitcoin by about $1463 each in about 6 days. Or $24.28 Billion dollars, total.On the 7th day, I rested. Jim Bell ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> To: CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 5:42 AM Subject: jimbellproject.org is looking for volunteers JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers I, Jim Bell https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003796765303 , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bell , am newly back from Prague, Czech Republic, from the Paralel Polis https://liberate.hcpp.cz/ convention. I was invited there by Pavol Luptak https://www.facebook.com/wilderko to speak on a subject of my choice, so naturally I chose my favorite. https://steemit.com/hcpp/@digital-liberty/hcpp17-talks-sorted-by-the-topic But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades. The seemingly-improbable goals of this system include eliminating all wars, militaries, nuclear weapons, and holocausts, as well as all governments and taxes, and their costs, variously economic, social, and individual. To a person unfamiliar with the details AP, these goals may and probably should seem obviously impossible or at least wildly improbable, but since 1995 I have believed that they are all not merely possible, but certainly probable,and in fact are individually and collectively inevitable: This means that to any modern society, an AP-type system is not genuinely a choice or option, but are in fact an unavoidable destiny once the combination of good encryption, anonymous networking, and anonymous digital cash have appeared and are allowed to function. This means that even if a large majority of the public claims to be steadfastly "against" the emergence and operation of the AP system, nevertheless even with only 1% of the people willing to use it, it will eventually appear and function effectively, and that 1% of the people will employ it to achieve the outcomes described above. As the AP system achieves its goals and produces the benefits which are claimed, a larger proportion of the people will recognize those advantages, and the opposition to its functioning will be gradually minimized and will eventually disappear. To my knowledge, the AP system has, surprisingly enough, only been considered and analyzed into publicly-available documents by two people: One, R. Sukumaran of the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, in India, https://idsa.in/taxonomy/term/664 , https://idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_sukumaran_0604.pdf , and Robert Vroman. http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009ape (Vroman's business partner, Bob Murphy, made a half-hearted attempt to disprove it, although his effort may only exist as a publicly-available document on the Wayback Machine https://archive.org/web/ . One of Murphy's pamphlets is here: https://issuu.com/renatos.grun/docs/robert_p._murphy_chaos_theory_two_e ) Before I state my view of the function of the Jim Bell Project, I should say what it is not: It is not intended to be a rapid move to the immediate implementation of a functioning AP organization, accepting wagers on predictions, and paying for correct predictions, each after implementing a functioning AP-type system. This is true, even though I am quite confident that such a move would be fully justified and well-understood by many people. The reality is that the vast majority of the population have simply never heard of the possibility of the AP concept, and of those most probably "understand" AP only to be a high-tech version of Kickstarter or GoFundMe. That majority simply don't recognize that a functioning AP system would inevitably lead to dramatic changes in our society, very efficiently fixing most societal problems: The ones caused by the existence of government. Instead, I foresee that despite the long time the essay has been available, 22 years for the earliest parts, there is still much academic work to be done. In part, that's because of the comparative lack of technical analyses done by members of the public, punctuated only by the works of R. Sukumaran and Robert Vroman. The reality, I believe, is that any system that claims to be able to eliminate even one of the following: wars, militaries, nuclear weapons, holocausts, and all governments and taxes, would arguably be the most astonishing development in the history of human relations if such a capability could be logically verified and proven. Little did I understand, before I wrote a word of Part 1, that my idea would be so shamefully ignored and disregarded for even a few years, let alone a full 22 years. To get an idea of the significance of this concept, on October 6, 2017 the the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. While I shouldn't discount the sincerity of their efforts, I must point out that my careful study of their website does not reveal any strategy capable of "abolishing" the last nuclear weapon, let alone the last 1000 such bombs. So, I have lost my patience. Individuals, as individuals, certainly have the right to ignore AP. But as groups, societies, and including philosophers, educators, scientists, social engineers, sociologists, governments, and nations, we have a compelling moral obligation to recognize the existence of problems, and at least consider proposed solutions for their effectiveness. Therefore, I propose that a group of volunteers, assisted by the population, complete the technical study of the AP proposal, find and fix any problems if they exist, and publicize the results so that the public is to afraid of its capabilities and likely results. If it should happen that the AP proposal is likely to work, and is without significant flaws, and if a substantial fraction of the public (for a ballpark figure, 1% or more?) can understand and agree in principle with the implementation of an AP system, then a decision should be made to implement it and let it function. To be sure, there is no absolute requirement that it be the Jim Bell Project who will do that implemention, nor necessarily the first such implemention, and certainly not the only implementation. Myself, I would much prefer it if the responsibility for the actual implementation and running of a functioning AP system be done by someone, anyone else. FUNDING As an attempt to fund the Jim Bell Project, jimbellproject.org, I have proposed and implemented a set of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether tipjars, and I have cheekily proposed that all owners of such electronic cash give me 1/1000 of their value. I propose this, in part, because I believed that the publication of this proposal would cause a 'run' on Bitcoins, raising the prices greatly. I released the text of a protype 'speech', onto the jimbellproject.org website although not the one I actually gave, on October 7,, 2017 . I finally gave the speech approximately 19:00 UTC October 7 2017, Prague Czech time. At that time, the value of Bitcoin in dollars appears to be about: $4350.31. (The price had been essentially constant on the previous 1 1/3day.) A sudden spurt of increase occurred within about an hour, and by Friday, October 13, 2:40-2:49 UTC, (Friday the 13th ?!?!?) the price in dollars had reached $5814.18. So, within about 6 days, the increase of $1463 had occurred. Did I do that? Or most of that? Given that there are about 16.6 million Bitcoins extant, this represents an increase of around $23 billion dollars. Is it reasonable for me to think that I should be given 1/1000 of that increase, say $23 million dollars? Anyone who owns Bitcoins should pause to consider this. They get 999, and I get 1. Sounds fair to me. Jim Bell

didnt you scream at andy about how he wrote about you in his book? >>>> maybe you can apologize? anyway million billion hearts to you jim On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 6:58 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
This is from Jim Bell, author of the Assassination Politics essay. This is worthy of your attention. My other email address is jimdbell1@gmail.com
Jim Bell
To Andy Greenberg, at Forbes Magazine.
On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 6:17 AM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Talked up value of Bitcoin $23 billion, <https://www.facebook.com/100003796765303/posts/1079330642203484/> 7 October at Prague, Czech Republic, HCCP Paralel Polis <https://www.facebook.com/100003796765303/posts/1079330642203484/> I gave a speech at Paralel Polis, HCCP convention, in Prague, Czech Republic proposing my jimbellproject.org <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fjimbellproject.org%2F&h=ATMFRdBH4jwqQoN7ubY7oFs4CAuWMRJ7Yhdn_qfyXX2jrCTgwAiqQ43Cq-Z_DdjVUziqLkGZlXLXvZibQ5ia5QTJNqYJdxSk54hDgoJNRXEeZEX50Y-vR75lYrXszo9OvmEDwOgvuahQ5nw6qgYHXc5SoFIQrvaJ6wOtp41PC4iBvWNMlSAt3ewvPpJMqMTwMc4Rs99STH8e9vl4dXR7JFUqqub31HDGiwpgDmaB8VWq5YHeiCrja4adxdri0mDfB3VqepERPP4Yn0C8eDxZ67kn5SXZcqAhehU6DB_X2xj5K8Dglg> activity, and raised the total value of all existing Bitcoin by about $1463 each in about 6 days. Or $24.28 Billion dollars, total. On the 7th day, I rested.
Jim Bell
----- Forwarded Message ----- *From:* jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> *To:* CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> *Sent:* Friday, October 13, 2017 5:42 AM *Subject:* jimbellproject.org is looking for volunteers
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
I, Jim Bell https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003796765303 , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bell , am newly back from Prague, Czech Republic, from the Paralel Polis https://liberate.hcpp.cz/ convention. I was invited there by Pavol Luptak https://www.facebook. com/wilderko to speak on a subject of my choice, so naturally I chose my favorite. https://steemit.com/hcpp/@digital-liberty/hcpp17-talks- sorted-by-the-topic But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades.
The seemingly-improbable goals of this system include eliminating all wars, militaries, nuclear weapons, and holocausts, as well as all governments and taxes, and their costs, variously economic, social, and individual. To a person unfamiliar with the details AP, these goals may and probably should seem obviously impossible or at least wildly improbable, but since 1995 I have believed that they are all not merely possible, but certainly probable,and in fact are individually and collectively inevitable: This means that to any modern society, an AP-type system is not genuinely a choice or option, but are in fact an unavoidable destiny once the combination of good encryption, anonymous networking, and anonymous digital cash have appeared and are allowed to function. This means that even if a large majority of the public claims to be steadfastly "against" the emergence and operation of the AP system, nevertheless even with only 1% of the people willing to use it, it will eventually appear and function effectively, and that 1% of the people will employ it to achieve the outcomes described above. As the AP system achieves its goals and produces the benefits which are claimed, a larger proportion of the people will recognize those advantages, and the opposition to its functioning will be gradually minimized and will eventually disappear.
To my knowledge, the AP system has, surprisingly enough, only been considered and analyzed into publicly-available documents by two people: One, R. Sukumaran of the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, in India, https://idsa.in/taxonomy/term/664 , https://idsa.in/system/ files/strategicanalysis_sukumaran_0604.pdf , and Robert Vroman. http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009ape (Vroman's business partner, Bob Murphy, made a half-hearted attempt to disprove it, although his effort may only exist as a publicly-available document on the Wayback Machine https://archive.org/web/ . One of Murphy's pamphlets is here: https://issuu.com/renatos. grun/docs/robert_p._murphy_chaos_theory_two_e )
Before I state my view of the function of the Jim Bell Project, I should say what it is not: It is not intended to be a rapid move to the immediate implementation of a functioning AP organization, accepting wagers on predictions, and paying for correct predictions, each after implementing a functioning AP-type system. This is true, even though I am quite confident that such a move would be fully justified and well-understood by many people. The reality is that the vast majority of the population have simply never heard of the possibility of the AP concept, and of those most probably "understand" AP only to be a high-tech version of Kickstarter or GoFundMe. That majority simply don't recognize that a functioning AP system would inevitably lead to dramatic changes in our society, very efficiently fixing most societal problems: The ones caused by the existence of government.
Instead, I foresee that despite the long time the essay has been available, 22 years for the earliest parts, there is still much academic work to be done. In part, that's because of the comparative lack of technical analyses done by members of the public, punctuated only by the works of R. Sukumaran and Robert Vroman. The reality, I believe, is that any system that claims to be able to eliminate even one of the following: wars, militaries, nuclear weapons, holocausts, and all governments and taxes, would arguably be the most astonishing development in the history of human relations if such a capability could be logically verified and proven. Little did I understand, before I wrote a word of Part 1, that my idea would be so shamefully ignored and disregarded for even a few years, let alone a full 22 years.
To get an idea of the significance of this concept, on October 6, 2017 the the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. While I shouldn't discount the sincerity of their efforts, I must point out that my careful study of their website does not reveal any strategy capable of "abolishing" the last nuclear weapon, let alone the last 1000 such bombs.
So, I have lost my patience. Individuals, as individuals, certainly have the right to ignore AP. But as groups, societies, and including philosophers, educators, scientists, social engineers, sociologists, governments, and nations, we have a compelling moral obligation to recognize the existence of problems, and at least consider proposed solutions for their effectiveness. Therefore, I propose that a group of volunteers, assisted by the population, complete the technical study of the AP proposal, find and fix any problems if they exist, and publicize the results so that the public is to afraid of its capabilities and likely results. If it should happen that the AP proposal is likely to work, and is without significant flaws, and if a substantial fraction of the public (for a ballpark figure, 1% or more?) can understand and agree in principle with the implementation of an AP system, then a decision should be made to implement it and let it function.
To be sure, there is no absolute requirement that it be the Jim Bell Project who will do that implemention, nor necessarily the first such implemention, and certainly not the only implementation. Myself, I would much prefer it if the responsibility for the actual implementation and running of a functioning AP system be done by someone, anyone else.
As an attempt to fund the Jim Bell Project, jimbellproject.org, I have proposed and implemented a set of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether tipjars, and I have cheekily proposed that all owners of such electronic cash give me 1/1000 of their value. I propose this, in part, because I believed that the publication of this proposal would cause a 'run' on Bitcoins, raising the prices greatly. I released the text of a protype 'speech', onto the jimbellproject.org website although not the one I actually gave, on October 7,, 2017 . I finally gave the speech approximately 19:00 UTC October 7 2017, Prague Czech time. At that time, the value of Bitcoin in dollars appears to be about: $4350.31. (The price had been essentially constant on the previous 1 1/3day.)
A sudden spurt of increase occurred within about an hour, and by Friday, October 13, 2:40-2:49 UTC, (Friday the 13th ?!?!?) the price in dollars had reached $5814.18. So, within about 6 days, the increase of $1463 had occurred.
Did I do that? Or most of that?
Given that there are about 16.6 million Bitcoins extant, this represents an increase of around $23 billion dollars. Is it reasonable for me to think that I should be given 1/1000 of that increase, say $23 million dollars? Anyone who owns Bitcoins should pause to consider this. They get 999, and I get 1. Sounds fair to me.
Jim Bell
-- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 carimachet@gmail.com AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <https://twitter.com/carimachet> 7035 690E 5E47 41D4 B0E5 B3D1 AF90 49D6 BE09 2187 Ruh-roh, this is now necessary: This email is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without permission is strictly prohibited.

JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
I'm interested. My aims are identical and there is a complete solution waiting (as John Lennon said) "when you want it". It is a product of prophesy and the outcome from the failure of both religious and scientific establishments, which I can show you is TOTAL. It consists of revamping every major organ or sector of society: government, education, economics, religion, and medicine. The complete package can more-or-less be found at the wiki at wiki.hackerspaces.org. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. You can start at zeitgeist if you know how to navigate wiki. Cheers, Marxos

I went to https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there. I found a small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious interest. Jim Bell × From: \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> To: jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> Cc: Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@cpunks.org> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 2:42 PM Subject: Re: jimbellproject.org is looking for volunteers
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
I'm interested. My aims are identical and there is a complete solution waiting (as John Lennon said) "when you want it". It is a product of prophesy and the outcome from the failure of both religious and scientific establishments, which I can show you is TOTAL. It consists of revamping every major organ or sector of society: government, education, economics, religion, and medicine. The complete package can more-or-less be found at the wiki at wiki.hackerspaces.org. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. You can start at zeitgeist if you know how to navigate wiki. Cheers, Marxos

On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 6:07 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I went to https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go
So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there. I found a small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious interest.
M is generally referring to the various pages authored or edited, thus indexed via logs, and subsequently banned from the site, here... https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/User:Average https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&from=Average&to=Average/Zzzzz&namespace=2 And among other public places... https://github.com/theProphet http://wiki.c2.com/?OneTruePath For those with time to digest, perhaps some fine philosophical reads, who knows.
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
I'm interested.
My aims are identical and there is a complete solution waiting (as John Lennon said) "when you want it". It is a product of prophesy and the outcome from the failure of both religious and scientific establishments, which I can show you is TOTAL.
It consists of revamping every major organ or sector of society: government, education, economics, religion, and medicine.
The complete package can more-or-less be found at the wiki at wiki.hackerspaces.org. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. You can start at zeitgeist if you know how to navigate wiki.

On Oct 15, 2017, at 1:41 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 6:07 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote: I went to https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go
So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there. I found a small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious interest.
M is generally referring to the various pages authored or edited, thus indexed via logs, and subsequently banned from the site, here...
https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/User:Average https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&from=Average&to=Average/Zzzzz&namespace=2
And among other public places...
https://github.com/theProphet http://wiki.c2.com/?OneTruePat
Quite ambitious, the “one true path”. I’m not quite sure I agree buying a 486 and optimizing the Linux kernel for it (its already well optimized for all the x86 platforms anyway) is a good way to spend valuable time... if you want to hack the kernel, there are much more interesting things... just my humble opinion heh ;)
For those with time to digest, perhaps some fine philosophical reads, who knows.
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
I'm interested.
My aims are identical and there is a complete solution waiting (as John Lennon said) "when you want it". It is a product of prophesy and the outcome from the failure of both religious and scientific establishments, which I can show you is TOTAL.
It consists of revamping every major organ or sector of society: government, education, economics, religion, and medicine.
The complete package can more-or-less be found at the wiki at wiki.hackerspaces.org. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. You can start at zeitgeist if you know how to navigate wiki.

I went to https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go
So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there. I found a small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious interest.
Sorry, will try to give you a more exhaustive list. Since you found the search box (and since it may deprive you from all the links in each of those pages (at they've censored valid data for hackerspaces on their own site, >PLEASE EXPLAIN<), here's a list: * fractional voting * anarchy * World Constitution * Tree of Life You'll have to manually search for any interested links within those pages, since they fucked them up. Otherwise, search for New World Order at metagovernment.org wiki. Feel free to comment on the discussion tabs or edit if you find errors or have better suggestions. (That's how wiki works if you don't know -- you're encouraged to change it towards better info. My ability to edit may be limited though as they've banned me on a hacker site for providing activist, engineering, and political info -- apparently they don't know that being a true hacker is a POLITICAL ACT, but hey maybe they're just high-schoolers.) Marxos

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 9:23 AM, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
I went to https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go
So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there. I found a small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious interest.
Sorry, will try to give you a more exhaustive list. Since you found the search box (and since it may deprive you from all the links in each of those pages (at they've censored valid data for hackerspaces on their own site, >PLEASE EXPLAIN<), here's a list:
* fractional voting * anarchy * World Constitution * Tree of Life
You'll have to manually search for any interested links within those pages, since they fucked them up. Otherwise, search for New World Order at metagovernment.org wiki.
http://metagovernment.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/DreamingForward&offset=&limit=500&target=DreamingForward https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/Average&offset=&limit=500&target=Average
Feel free to comment on the discussion tabs or edit if you find errors or have better suggestions. (That's how wiki works if you don't know -- you're encouraged to change it towards better info. My ability to edit may be limited though as they've banned me on a hacker site for providing activist, engineering, and political info -- apparently they don't know that being a true hacker is a POLITICAL ACT, but hey maybe they're just high-schoolers.)

On Sat, 14 Oct 2017 21:42:10 +0000 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
navigate wiki.
https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/User:Average "I am not a perpetrator of software theft." so you are an 'intellectual property' fascist eh? Hardly surprising....

navigate wiki.
"I am not a perpetrator of software theft."
so you are an 'intellectual property' fascist eh? Hardly surprising....
Ah, no. You see, "theft" would imply that I denied someone something that they now don't have. but COPYING data doesn't deprive anyone. So I can't POSSIBLY be a perpetrator of software theft now could I? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T EVEN STEAL SOFTWARE -- IT'S VIRTUAL AND DOESN'T EXIST IN OUR REALITY. You can only steal floppy disks and such. Just a handy lesson from a Doctor of the Law. Marxos

On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 13:16:59 +0000 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
navigate wiki.
"I am not a perpetrator of software theft."
so you are an 'intellectual property' fascist eh? Hardly surprising....
Ah, no. You see, "theft" would imply that I denied someone something that they now don't have. but COPYING data doesn't deprive anyone. So I can't POSSIBLY be a perpetrator of software theft now could I? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T EVEN STEAL SOFTWARE -- IT'S VIRTUAL AND DOESN'T EXIST IN OUR REALITY. You can only steal floppy disks and such.
Just a handy lesson from a Doctor of the Law.
Oh, OK. So you meant you are not a 'software theft' because software can't be stolen (which I agree). My bad. I misread. Then again your, comment about "creating special stores or remote execution technology" is ambiguous...which is not surprising considering you are a Doctor of the Law...

On Oct 16, 2017 16:04, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 13:16:59 +0000 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Just a handy lesson from a Doctor of the Law.
Then again your, comment about "creating special stores or remote execution technology" is ambiguous...which is not surprising considering you are a Doctor of the Law...
Juan, Mark is *not* a "Doctor of the Law". # http://wiki.c2.com/?MarkJanssen And was banned in several places for being excessively rude, pretentious and a liar. Notorious troll, very aggressive. Banned on hackerspaces.org wiki after the mentioned period of 3 (three) days for reiterated stupid messages on hackerspaces list, full of childish offenses ("titless", "dickless", and so go on), and curses because of the wiki. Sorry, Jim. I disturbed your thread again, but it was just to clarify who exactly is one of your future collaborators in the project.

On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 10:04:46 -0200 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Oct 16, 2017 16:04, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 13:16:59 +0000 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Just a handy lesson from a Doctor of the Law.
Then again your, comment about "creating special stores or remote execution technology" is ambiguous...which is not surprising considering you are a Doctor of the Law...
Juan, Mark is *not* a "Doctor of the Law".
Oh. So he has some redeeming qualities then? ;)
c2.com is a javascript malware source. I'm not browsing that =)
And was banned in several places for being excessively rude, pretentious and a liar.
That is to say, he was censored because he said something that some petty fascists disliked. It should be obvious that the people who are in the wrong are the censors, not their victims exercising their free-speech personal rights. Cecilia, I think you can do better than being an apologist for censorship =) 頑張って下さい !
Notorious troll, very aggressive. Banned on hackerspaces.org wiki after the mentioned period of 3 (three) days for reiterated stupid messages on hackerspaces list, full of childish offenses ("titless", "dickless", and so go on), and curses because of the wiki.
Sorry, Jim. I disturbed your thread again, but it was just to clarify who exactly is one of your future collaborators in the project.

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:14 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
Cecilia, I think you can do better than being an apologist for censorship =)
頑張って下さい !
(short fast answer, sorry, Juan! #busy) I was talking with my mom, who lives in another city, when I read your message, so I asked her: - Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P My mom is very angry with me until now, still saying how much my parents worked to give me a good education and to wash my mouth with soap very well (even being a big girl, living alone in another city, haha!!) because it's a very dirty expression, etc, etc. It's true. Sorry for almost say a very, very bad word to you, Juan, hahaha!! (but you know that "fuck you" sometimes means "I fucking love you, you annoying bastard!" in cecilian language. No, my mom never will speak this one, hahaha!!) Just in case, Mark is an intelligent guy and I said it publicly on the other list, but he is fucking boring and a compulsive liar. Using his own words, he is a "shitty human" and loves to be "the eternal victim of this unfair society". All of us are victims of the same corrupted society, but some of us prefer to work to change this unfair reality instead of making drama and buzz on several lists until being banned. 頑張って下さい for him too! :P

On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:14 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
Cecilia, I think you can do better than being an apologist for censorship =)
頑張って下さい !
(short fast answer, sorry, Juan! #busy)
I was talking with my mom, who lives in another city, when I read your message, so I asked her:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says : くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ... So...kutabare literally means "die!" Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
My mom is very angry with me until now, still saying how much my parents worked to give me a good education and to wash my mouth with soap very well (even being a big girl, living alone in another city, haha!!) because it's a very dirty expression, etc, etc. It's true. Sorry for almost say a very, very bad word to you, Juan, hahaha!! (but you know that "fuck you" sometimes means "I fucking love you, you annoying bastard!" in cecilian language. No, my mom never will speak this one, hahaha!!)
Just in case, Mark is an intelligent guy and I said it publicly on the other list, but he is fucking boring and a compulsive liar. Using his own words, he is a "shitty human" and loves to be "the eternal victim of this unfair society". All of us are victims of the same corrupted society, but some of us prefer to work to change this unfair reality instead of making drama and buzz on several lists until being banned. 頑張って下さい for him too! :P

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:11 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says :
くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ...
So...kutabare literally means "die!"
Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
Juan, I love you and want you very, very alive, healthy and happy. If you die, who will I annoy, eh? ;) You know part of my personal history and how much I love books and comics. I have a few hundreds of both and usually donate books to that small public library where I've spent a great part of my childhood. More or less 95% of physical books and comics are in my parents' house, not here, in a small apartment. I have only 3 dictionaries of Japanese and only one is with me now. Unfortunately, it's the Japanese-Japanese, with the first 939 basic "kanjis", uff... Some of the ideograms use until 23 movements (I paint them, not exactly write them. Not shodo, but has its beauty too.). It's pretty cute, but it isn't being useful now. So, I will annoy you showing another kanji and a lovely Nasa link to send your name to Mars, eeee!! I choose "yume" because it means "dream" and shows a boy thinking about rockets. Aww... :) # https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/insight # https://imgur.com/a/dEfUE Sorry, the pic is really bad, but I am tired and still feeling pain. If I really hate you, I would wish you several medical exams in your cerebrospinal fluid. It hurts a lot and I am not exactly the luckiest person in the world, so the anesthesia never works. All the times, the doctor mentions my "outdoor" (the hidden big tattoo) and we talk about strange subjects to distract me, so I don't feel so much pain, but I can't laugh or move during the procedure. The cutest Japanese way to say "die!" is asking you to beat your head against the corner of a "tofu" (very soft soy cheese) until you die... And "kutabare" means "fuck you" in my neighborhood. I asked my neighbors and now I want to discover the correct kanji to this expression... Shit (or "kuso", if you prefer), hiragana doesn't count, Juan! :P Later, in another thread, I _do need_ to talk about the fabulous samurai manga mentioned by John. Love them, but you need to read the old Lone Wolf And Cub. It's extremely sad, heartbreaking, but very beautiful and delicate. And I am in love with Elizebeth Friedman, wow! And she was born on August, 26, wheee!! ;D Oyasuminasai, Juan-kun! Good night, sweet dreams, dear all... <3 PS: - The sad history of my life... https://youtu.be/oLt5qSm9U80 :((

On Oct 18, 2017, at 12:08 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:11 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says :
くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ...
So...kutabare literally means "die!"
Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
Juan, I love you and want you very, very alive, healthy and happy. If you die, who will I annoy, eh? ;)
You know part of my personal history and how much I love books and comics. I have a few hundreds of both and usually donate books to that small public library where I've spent a great part of my childhood. More or less 95% of physical books and comics are in my parents' house, not here, in a small apartment. I have only 3 dictionaries of Japanese and only one is with me now. Unfortunately, it's the Japanese-Japanese, with the first 939 basic "kanjis", uff... Some of the ideograms use until 23 movements (I paint them, not exactly write them. Not shodo, but has its beauty too.). It's pretty cute, but it isn't being useful now. So, I will annoy you showing another kanji and a lovely Nasa link to send your name to Mars, eeee!! I choose "yume" because it means "dream" and shows a boy thinking about rockets. Aww... :)
# https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/insight
Sorry, the pic is really bad, but I am tired and still feeling pain. If I really hate you, I would wish you several medical exams in your cerebrospinal fluid. It hurts a lot and I am not exactly the luckiest person in the world, so the anesthesia never works. All the times, the doctor mentions my "outdoor" (the hidden big tattoo) and we talk about strange subjects to distract me, so I don't feel so much pain, but I can't laugh or move during the procedure.
The cutest Japanese way to say "die!" is asking you to beat your head against the corner of a "tofu" (very soft soy cheese) until you die... And "kutabare" means "fuck you" in my neighborhood. I asked my neighbors and now I want to discover the correct kanji to this expression... Shit (or "kuso", if you prefer), hiragana doesn't count, Juan! :P
Later, in another thread, I _do need_ to talk about the fabulous samurai manga mentioned by John. Love them, but you need to read the old Lone Wolf And Cub. It's extremely sad,
LW&C - the original - is the first manga I ever bought. I have the full 45 issue run of the first translation, by First Comics - that's where the first 12 covers by Frank Miller, Sienkiewicz and others came from that Dark Horse eventually reused when they published the entire series. First Comics only did 45 issues, which was only like half the story, and out of order... So I have the Dark Horse prints too, which tell the story properly, in order :) And all the other Kazuo Koike & Goseki Kojima stuff Dark Horse translated... Still, LW&C is *the best*! I must've read it a dozen times over the years ;) My girlfriend printed this custom Daigoro shirt for me years ago, and I still wear it, although it's falling apart... So far New LWC is good, the art almost reminds me or Kojima, and of course it's written by Kazuo - although I think he's not quite at his peak - I still love reading the continuing adventures of Daigoro, even with Itto and Yagyu dead.... Great fucking comics!!
heartbreaking, but very
beautiful and delicate. And I am in love with Elizebeth Friedman, wow! And she was born on August, 26, wheee!! ;D
Oyasuminasai, Juan-kun! Good night, sweet dreams, dear all... <3
PS: - The sad history of my life... https://youtu.be/oLt5qSm9U80 :((

Future Lawsuit. To those who wonder how things might play out in the future, rest assured that they should be handled quite well. What I intend to eventually do is to file a lawsuit for an injunction, enjoining law enforcement people from acting against either Jim Bell Project researchers, or even those who might eventually implement an AP-type system. In America, and presumably other nations as well, people who have a reasonable belief that their actions aren't in violation of the law, but also believe that they will be subject to improper 'legal' action, are entitled to bring legal cases in court to shut down this action before it occurs. I anticipate that such a lawsuit will be first filed in American courts, probably Federal. (Mostly because I learned a great detail of Federal law while in prison.) But, I hope to get a professional attorney to do the research for the action, and writing it. This will be a major advantage: Cops (term used in general) no doubt want to rush in, acting as heroes, stopping the 'villain' in action. Naturally, that must be avoided. Instead, a lawsuit can be used to force such government agencies into court, and make them make their best case to prove that some hypothetical, future implementation of an AP system will necessarily be illegal. Instead of letting them wait for the time they are waiting for, they should be made to defend their case at the point where it will be the weakest, rather than the strongest moment. My AP essay anticipated, and intended, that illegality (if it is committed by anyone at all) will only be committed by unknown people, location unknown, acting presumably alone, not directly connected with the AP-type organization, nor acting in coordination with others who have previously donated to the system. Somebody will make a guess, perhaps it will come true, but nobody else needs to know who did that. This compartmentalization is intended to protect the rest from the knowledge of, or liability for, the actions of those unknown guessors, the ones who eventually guess the name and date of demise of an unpopular named person. These actions do not have to act in one specific country; in fact, they could be spread out over the entire globe. (See Ethereum and Augur, to see how a computer program can be distributed around the world.) While the 'burden of proof' to obtain an injunction will still be with the plaintiff bringing the suit, nevertheless the defendants (Federal and possibly state law enforcement people) will nevertheless have to make their best case against a system they won't like, but in fact won't yet be defined in detail. Their objections will used against them, then and later, when and where possible, making it clear that they cannot prove that some hypothetical (or concrete) AP-type plan would necessarily be illegal. At most, I anticipate that they will claim that somebody might, somewhere, commit a crime. The fact that various forms of insurance legally exist, as well as gambling (legal in some regions) will tend to show that the organization is entitled to exist and interact with the public. Jim Bell

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:08 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:11 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says :
くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ...
So...kutabare literally means "die!"
Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
I asked my neighbors and now I want to discover the correct kanji to this expression... Shit (or "kuso", if you prefer), hiragana doesn't count, Juan! :P
Hi, Juan! Hi, everybody! :D I was searching a little bit and talked with two friends who made their post-doctorship in Tokyo. Well, you are correct: "Kutabare" means "fall dead!" and "Shine" (pronounce: something like "sheene") means "die!", "go to Hell!" and similar expressions. In Japan, they use "Engurishu" (English in "Engurishu", haha!!) and the young people usually say "Fuck You", but the sound is a bit strange, more or less, "Fa~ku". In countries where existed Japanese immigration, some of the old "nihongo" (Japanese language) expressions were kept until now ("bendjou" isn't used in Japan actually, but is still used here instead of "toeere" - toilet in "Engrish") or were used in a different sense ("kutabare" is used as "fuck you" in some countries, because it's more offensive than "die!"). Kisses! :* c. PS: - John, I love you and your messages, but I answer later because I am almost "kutabareying" - haha!! - now, sorry. Do you know the history behind the New LW&C? It's a fucking sad story, but its background is very funny and - wow! - has very unexpected connections with the Brazilian football (Sorry, I prefer to use the word "football" like in Europe. It's ridiculous to call "football" a sport where the guys use the hands and the arms to take the ball in the whole game, aff... And "soccer" is a word so meh, so North-American...) :-/ Mirimir sent me more amazing books suggestions in private a time ago, John. He is amazing, loves books and is my best imaginary friend. I do love him and I am calling him "my pineapple" the whole month of October, because "my pumpkin" is already grarpamp, hahaha!! ;D # http://mentalfloss.com/article/505077/how-turn-pineapple-halloween-pumpkin => Mirimir :D # https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/2206456/images/n-INAPPROPRIATE-PUMPKINS-628x314... => grarpamp, hahahaha!!! ;D

On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 02:27:19 -0200 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:08 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:11 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says :
くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ...
So...kutabare literally means "die!"
Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
I asked my neighbors and now I want to discover the correct kanji to this expression... Shit (or "kuso", if you prefer), hiragana doesn't count, Juan! :P
Hi, Juan! Hi, everybody! :D
I was searching a little bit and talked with two friends who made their post-doctorship in Tokyo. Well, you are correct: "Kutabare" means "fall dead!"
Oh I just looked it up in the dictionary =P
and "Shine" (pronounce: something like "sheene")
ah yes, that one is common in anime =P re : kanji for kuso is 糞 and here's some vocabulary =P 糞を食らえ - くそをくらえ - kuso o kurae - eat shit! 糞女 くそおんな 糞男 くそおとこ ------ 豆腐の角に頭をぶつけて死ね : literally "bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die" Found this one too ナポリをみてしね : literally "See Naples and die" - not sure what the hell is supposed to mean tho....
means "die!", "go to Hell!" and similar expressions. In Japan, they use "Engurishu" (English in "Engurishu", haha!!) and the young people usually say "Fuck You", but the sound is a bit strange, more or less, "Fa~ku".
In countries where existed Japanese immigration, some of the old "nihongo" (Japanese language) expressions were kept until now ("bendjou" isn't used in Japan actually, but is still used here instead of "toeere" - toilet in "Engrish") or were used in a different sense ("kutabare" is used as "fuck you" in some countries, because it's more offensive than "die!").
Kisses! :*
PS: - John, I love you and your messages, but I answer later because I am almost "kutabareying" - haha!! - now, sorry. Do you know the history behind the New LW&C? It's a fucking sad story, but its background is very funny and - wow! - has very unexpected connections with the Brazilian football (Sorry, I prefer to use the word "football" like in Europe. It's ridiculous to call "football" a sport where the guys use the hands and the arms to take the ball in the whole game, aff... And "soccer" is a word so meh, so North-American...) :-/
Mirimir sent me more amazing books suggestions in private a time ago, John. He is amazing, loves books and is my best imaginary friend. I do love him and I am calling him "my pineapple" the whole month of October, because "my pumpkin" is already grarpamp, hahaha!! ;D
# http://mentalfloss.com/article/505077/how-turn-pineapple-halloween-pumpkin => Mirimir :D
# https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/2206456/images/n-INAPPROPRIATE-PUMPKINS-628x314... => grarpamp, hahahaha!!! ;D

On Oct 19, 2017, at 2:21 AM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 02:27:19 -0200 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:08 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:11 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:31 -0200, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
- Mommy, "fuck you" in Japanese is "kutabare" or is another word? :P
Ah, I didn't know that one. Dictionary says :
くたばる : to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die ...
So...kutabare literally means "die!"
Dictionary also has くたばり損ない : somebody who wouldn't be missed if they died.
I asked my neighbors and now I want to discover the correct kanji to this expression... Shit (or "kuso", if you prefer), hiragana doesn't count, Juan! :P
Hi, Juan! Hi, everybody! :D
I was searching a little bit and talked with two friends who made their post-doctorship in Tokyo. Well, you are correct: "Kutabare" means "fall dead!"
Oh I just looked it up in the dictionary =P
and "Shine" (pronounce: something like "sheene")
ah yes, that one is common in anime =P
re : kanji for kuso is 糞
and here's some vocabulary =P
糞を食らえ - くそをくらえ - kuso o kurae - eat shit! 糞女 くそおんな 糞男 くそおとこ
豆腐の角に頭をぶつけて死ね : literally "bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die"
Found this one too ナポリをみてしね : literally "See Naples and die" - not sure what the hell is supposed to mean tho....
means "die!", "go to Hell!" and similar expressions. In Japan, they use "Engurishu" (English in "Engurishu", haha!!) and the young people usually say "Fuck You", but the sound is a bit strange, more or less, "Fa~ku".
In countries where existed Japanese immigration, some of the old "nihongo" (Japanese language) expressions were kept until now ("bendjou" isn't used in Japan actually, but is still used here instead of "toeere" - toilet in "Engrish") or were used in a different sense ("kutabare" is used as "fuck you" in some countries, because it's more offensive than "die!").
Kisses! :*
PS: - John, I love you and your messages, but I answer later because I am almost "kutabareying" - haha!! - now, sorry. Do you know the history behind the New LW&C? It's a fucking sad story, but its
All I know is what was written in an intro to the first translated volume - Kazuo Koike, still alive after the artist Goseki had long passed away, at first was reluctant to continue the story without his old collaborator... but then Hideki Mori came along and Kazuo felt like he was the spiritual successor to Goseki, asked Goseki's wife for permission to continue the book, and that's all I know ;) Hideki Mori's art is fantastic, and does have a remarkable similarity to that of Goseki Kojima.
background is very funny and - wow! - has very unexpected connections with the Brazilian football (Sorry, I prefer to use the word "football" like in Europe. It's ridiculous to call "football" a sport where the guys use the hands and the arms to take the ball in the whole game, aff... And "soccer" is a word so meh, so North-American...) :-/
Mirimir sent me more amazing books suggestions in private a time ago, John. He is amazing, loves books and is my best imaginary friend. I do love him and I am calling him "my pineapple" the whole month of October, because "my pumpkin" is already grarpamp, hahaha!! ;D
# http://mentalfloss.com/article/505077/how-turn-pineapple-halloween-pumpkin => Mirimir :D
# https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/2206456/images/n-INAPPROPRIATE-PUMPKINS-628x314... => grarpamp, hahahaha!!! ;D

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:20 AM, John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
PS: - John, I love you and your messages, but I answer later because I am almost "kutabareying" - haha!! - now, sorry. Do you know the history behind the New LW&C? It's a fucking sad story, but its
All I know is what was written in an intro to the first translated volume - Kazuo Koike, still alive after the artist Goseki had long passed away, at first was reluctant to continue the story without his old collaborator... but then Hideki Mori came along and Kazuo felt like he was the spiritual successor to Goseki, asked Goseki's wife for permission to continue the book, and that's all I know ;)
Hideki Mori's art is fantastic, and does have a remarkable similarity to that of Goseki Kojima.
========== Hi, John! Hope you are doing amazing and reading a lot of manga! :D # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_FIFA_World_Cup In 2002, during the World Cup, the Brazil national football team was the champion and Ronaldo was the Cup's top scorer, our best player. Do you recognize his haircut? :) # http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eXQkfICoets/Tkrs-OTORuI/AAAAAAAABGo/HfirB6fz5wM/s1... # http://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.timetoast.com/public/uploads/photos/5518637/2002.... # https://copa3x4.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/ronaldo2002.jpg Hahaha!!! The Word Cup happened in Japan and Korea and Japanese people are very superstitious and love the "Lone Wolf And Cub" series, so Kazuo Koike received hundreds and hundreds of letters and e-mails begging for Daigoro' stories after his father's death. They said that Ronaldo's haircut was a signal of God, of Goseki Kojima to write more stories giving Daigoro, still a toddler, a destiny. So Koike asked for permission to Kojima's family and got a very brave artist, with a similar style to Kojima, named Hideki Mori. It was a great honor, a huge responsibility, so Mori trained days and nights like a crazy, almost becoming sick with all his efforts, giving his best to make his drawings the most similar possible to Kojima's art. All his drawings and paintings were revised for Kazuo Koike because he promised it to Kojima's family and to the LW&C fans. He searched the perfection to honor his friend and collaborator, Goseki Kojima. Loyalty and respect until the end. <3 Wish you loyal and good friends, my dear. Take care. <3 Ceci

On Oct 24, 2017, at 1:16 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:20 AM, John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
PS: - John, I love you and your messages, but I answer later because I am almost "kutabareying" - haha!! - now, sorry. Do you know the history behind the New LW&C? It's a fucking sad story, but its
All I know is what was written in an intro to the first translated volume - Kazuo Koike, still alive after the artist Goseki had long passed away, at first was reluctant to continue the story without his old collaborator... but then Hideki Mori came along and Kazuo felt like he was the spiritual successor to Goseki, asked Goseki's wife for permission to continue the book, and that's all I know ;)
Hideki Mori's art is fantastic, and does have a remarkable similarity to that of Goseki Kojima.
Hi, John! Hope you are doing amazing and reading a lot of manga! :D
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_FIFA_World_Cup
In 2002, during the World Cup, the Brazil national football team was the champion and Ronaldo was the Cup's top scorer, our best player. Do you recognize his haircut? :)
# http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eXQkfICoets/Tkrs-OTORuI/AAAAAAAABGo/HfirB6fz5wM/s1...
# http://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.timetoast.com/public/uploads/photos/5518637/2002....
# https://copa3x4.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/ronaldo2002.jpg
That's awesome ! Daigoro, all grown up ;)
Hahaha!!! The Word Cup happened in Japan and Korea and Japanese people are very superstitious and love the "Lone Wolf And Cub" series, so Kazuo Koike received hundreds and hundreds of letters and e-mails begging for Daigoro' stories after his father's death. They said that Ronaldo's haircut was a signal of God, of Goseki Kojima to write more stories giving Daigoro, still a toddler, a destiny.
So Koike asked for permission to Kojima's family and got a very brave artist, with a similar style to Kojima, named Hideki Mori. It was a great honor, a huge responsibility, so Mori trained days and nights like a crazy, almost becoming sick with all his efforts, giving his best to make his drawings the most similar possible to Kojima's art. All his drawings and paintings were revised for Kazuo Koike because he promised it to Kojima's family and to the LW&C fans. He searched the perfection to honor his friend and collaborator, Goseki Kojima. Loyalty and respect until the end. <3
Wish you loyal and good friends, my dear. Take care. <3
Thanks for the extra details on the story! Very touching, and Hideki's art is amazing. I've enjoyed NLW&C a lot - it's not quite as good as the original, but that's a hard one to top.. cheers John

Dear Juan, John, and all the people, I took this picture when was returning to my home. It is the most recent graffiti in my neighborhood and is very nearby of me. I live in an Oriental District, so it's always cool to see all the kinds of Oriental arts and references (usually, Japanese tattoos being used as graffiti) in the streets. # https://imgur.com/gallery/AW050 I wish you all several tender hugs and kisses. Take care, dear all! <3 Ceci PS: - My best friends and like to annoy each other, Juan. Guy, I loved this video against some vegan clichés, hahaha!!! This channel is fuck_ng hilarious, hahaha!!! ;D # https://youtu.be/z0O_VYcsIk8 I was at the hospital today and all the times I always ask the veggie menu. All the times, I receive chicken or fish, uff... I tried to explain that I am veggie a lot of times and they say that chicken and fish are super healthy white meat, extremely good for me. But it's meat the same way, cazzo... I tried to joke with my doctors saying they were being racists (why white meat? haha!!) and they asked me to eat like a *normal* person... I bet they are putting bacon and sausages in my beans, that lovely band of traitors! :((( ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 4:21 AM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote: <SNIP>
I was searching a little bit and talked with two friends who made their post-doctorship in Tokyo. Well, you are correct: "Kutabare" means "fall dead!"
Oh I just looked it up in the dictionary =P
Your dictionary is better than mine... :P
and "Shine" (pronounce: something like "sheene")
ah yes, that one is common in anime =P
re : kanji for kuso is 糞
Oops, I was asking the kanji for "kutabare" because I thought its meaning was "fuck you", sorry!
and here's some vocabulary =P
糞を食らえ - くそをくらえ - kuso o kurae - eat shit!
Oh, pure poetry! ;D
糞女 くそおんな - kuso onna - shitty woman 糞男 くそおとこ - kuso otoko - shitty man
豆腐の角に頭をぶつけて死ね : literally "bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die"
Found this one too ナポリをみてしね : literally "See Naples and die" - not sure what the hell is supposed to mean tho....
I think they wanted to say "Do not die without seeing Naples before.", "Only die after seeing Naples". There is another outdated bad word here. We still use "joro" to say "bitch" and it isn't used in Japan anymore. Please, do you know another updated bad word to say it in an offensive way? Thank you for helping me with nihongo lessons, Juan. I trust more in your searches than Google's ones, hihi... :)

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 2:21 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
There is another outdated bad word here. We still use "joro" to say "bitch" and it isn't used in Japan anymore. Please, do you know another updated bad word to say it in an offensive way?
PS: - Some people still use the expression "joro no ko" here, literally "bitch's son/daughter", and "joro" isn't used in Japan anymore. :P

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 2:21 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 4:21 AM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
Found this one too ナポリをみてしね : literally "See Naples and die" - not sure what the hell is supposed to mean tho....
I think they wanted to say "Do not die without seeing Naples before.", "Only die after seeing Naples".
Juan and spaghetti lovers, this expression is really making good references to Naples and the Napolitan pasta, very famous in Japan 60, 50 years ago. It was called "spaghetti naporitan" there and the recipe is a sin to an Italian (spaghetti with ketchup, Dio mio!), but it's still a strong reference to nostalgic comfort food to several generations of "nihonjins". There are several versions of the same recipe, but this is very nice and simple: sausage, pepper, onion, pasta, ketchup... You will like it, dear! :D http://www.japanesecooking101.com/spaghetti-neapolitan/ Kisses, love you and spaghetti! And researching a lot of silly things just for fun, hahaha!!! <3 I told you today it's the "National Cat's Day" in the USA, so I will post a very nostalgic Cat Song for celebrating a bit! Meow, meow, meow! :D # https://youtu.be/IZ58M1sAaWY

On Mon, 30 Oct 2017 00:19:43 -0200 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 2:21 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 4:21 AM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
Found this one too ナポリをみてしね : literally "See Naples and die" - not sure what the hell is supposed to mean tho....
I think they wanted to say "Do not die without seeing Naples before.", "Only die after seeing Naples".
Juan and spaghetti lovers, this expression is really making good references to Naples and the Napolitan pasta, very famous in Japan 60, 50 years ago.
Ahh, OK. So the meaning is something along the lines "you can die happily after seeing naples"
It was called "spaghetti naporitan" there and the recipe is a sin to an Italian (spaghetti with ketchup, Dio mio!), but it's still a strong reference to nostalgic comfort food to several generations of "nihonjins".
There are several versions of the same recipe, but this is very nice and simple: sausage, pepper, onion, pasta, ketchup... You will like it, dear! :D
oh according to wikipedia ketchup comes from china. I thought it was 100% western garbage like coca-cola and the bible
Kisses, love you and spaghetti! And researching a lot of silly things just for fun, hahaha!!! <3
I told you today it's the "National Cat's Day" in the USA, so I will post a very nostalgic Cat Song for celebrating a bit! Meow, meow, meow! :D

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:00 AM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
oh according to wikipedia ketchup comes from china. I thought it was 100% western garbage like coca-cola and the bible
Oooh... Ketchup is Chinese... God, it's pretty bizarre! (Ô.o) # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketchup Do you have courage enough for trying it? :P # https://wellnessmama.com/4999/homemade-ketchup Well, I will try to get some sleep and avoid dreams with spaghetti and ketchup. Some people in Brazil use ketchup in pizzas and - God! - it's a deadly sin. But the Brazilian pizzas are funny jokes and taste very good, I swear. But Vincenzo wanted to die when discovered that we love sweet pizzas, with chocolate and strawberries, for example. Hahaha!!! ;D

https://jimbellproject.org/press-release-hackers-congress-paralel-polis-oct-... "Jim Bell explained, “The examples of nations such as North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe prove that some nations of are simply rogue'" Jim, you forgot to mention the biggest rogue nation on the planet , the fucking *united* *states* of america. See, if you forget to mention the biggest rogue nation, the USA, and just mention a list of USA military targets (NK, Syria, etc), people might get the wrong impression about the project.

https://jimbellproject.org/press-release-hackers-congress-paralel-polis-oct-... " North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe" "The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more." Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly? And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?

On Oct 21, 2017, at 6:03 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
To be fair, Jim did give the rest of the world a mention, directly after the bit you quoted: “But this is only the beginning because most other nations are also grossly abusive of people's rights.” I have a sense that AP may not be nearly as fool proof as Jim posits.. One of the stated goals, “to study and debate the AP system”, is definitely interesting ;)

From: John Newman <jnn@synfin.org>
On Oct 21, 2017, at 6:03 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
To be fair, Jim did give the rest of the world a mention, directly after the bit you quoted:
“But this is only the beginning because most other nations are also grossly abusive of people's rights.”
It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the worst nations, while omitting the material you pointed out, and yet criticizing me as if I had not mentioned it. In any case, Juan's criticism is foolish: From the very beginning (1995) I repeatedly pointed out that one of the big advantages of AP is that it won't have some sort of centralized agenda: Neither _I_ (nor anyone else) won't be the one to control it. HE may think that the main target should be "X", while I think the main target should be "Y", etc. Neither needs to be "right", neither needs to be "wrong". Both targets get taken out if they are considered worthy by the public. (If people donate, a target will ultimately go.)I didn't mention over 7 billion people. Of what significance is that? Juan is obviously very self-centered.
I have a sense that AP may not be nearly as fool proof as Jim posits..
That depends on the implementation, no doubt. I thought of the idea; I didn't say how it should be implemented. But perhaps we can agree that if the implementation is good, the results should be good, as well.
One of the stated goals, “to study and debate the AP system”, is definitely interesting ;)
Yes! What I claim it can do is certainly worthwhile to discuss. Why it has taken so long without a thorough debate is beyond me. Jim Bell

On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 17:39:31 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: John Newman <jnn@synfin.org>
On Oct 21, 2017, at 6:03 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
To be fair, Jim did give the rest of the world a mention, directly after the bit you quoted:
“But this is only the beginning because most other nations are also grossly abusive of people's rights.”
It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the worst nations,
LMAO!!! You keep parroting US military propaganda? Also, I provided a link to the source, so there isn't anything 'dishonest' about what I did. I simply highlighted your fascist propaganda which you tried to tone down with a qualfier. But the qualfier doesn't change, at all, the fact that you said : “The examples of nations such as North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe prove that some nations of are simply rogue" So which nations are NOT 'rogue' Jim? And why mention Zimbabwe and the USA? Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst nations'?
while omitting the material you pointed out, and yet criticizing me as if I had not mentioned it. In any case, Juan's criticism is foolish: From the very beginning (1995) I repeatedly pointed out that one of the big advantages of AP is that it won't have some sort of centralized agenda:
So why did you list as 'rogue' nations the countries that the american nazis want to invade and destroy? Does your knowledge of politics come from fauxnews and the washington post?
Neither _I_ (nor anyone else) won't be the one to control it. HE may think that the main target should be "X", while I think the main target should be "Y", etc.
Yes but the point at hand is the targets YOU mentioned.
Neither needs to be "right", neither needs to be "wrong". Both targets get taken out if they are considered worthy by the public. (If people donate, a target will ultimately go.)I didn't mention over 7 billion people. Of what significance is that? Juan is obviously very self-centered.
How am I self-centered when I am asking YOU about YOUR pick of targets?
I have a sense that AP may not be nearly as fool proof as Jim posits..
That depends on the implementation, no doubt. I thought of the idea; I didn't say how it should be implemented. But perhaps we can agree that if the implementation is good, the results should be good, as well.
One of the stated goals, “to study and debate the AP system”, is definitely interesting ;)
Yes! What I claim it can do is certainly worthwhile to discuss. Why it has taken so long without a thorough debate is beyond me.
Jim Bell

From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 17:39:31 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: John Newman <jnn@synfin.org>
On Oct 21, 2017, at 6:03 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
To be fair, Jim did give the rest of the world a mention, directly after the bit you quoted:
“But this is only the beginning because most other nations are also grossly abusive of people's rights.”
It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the worst nations,
LMAO!!! You keep parroting US military propaganda?
You are delusional. You mistake correlation for causation. There is another strong association between the nations of North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe: they are all quite prominent in the news, which is primarily a product of the MSM (news media). There are, of course, many problems with many nations around the world, see https://freedomhouse.org/ , but the large majority of them aren't very well publicized by the MSM, especially that of America. There might be a weak association between the most prominent of these freedom-challenged nation, and what you call "US military propaganda", but they are the same thing. I have a good reason to mention nations that Western audiences would recognize and understand. Good reasons to mention these nations:1. North Korea, has the hydrogen bomb, is developing ICBMS. No logical reason not to mention them.2. Venezuela: Currently they are starving their population, despite sitting atop a lake of oil. 3. Syria: Poisoning their population with chemical warfare agents, a very prominent war, ISIS terrorists, Russian involvement.4. Zimbabwe: Failed state, starving population. I'd say the burden is on you to show why it would be somehow improper for me to list those nations. You are free to add more.
Also, I provided a link to the source, so there isn't anything 'dishonest' about what I did. I simply highlighted your fascist propaganda which you tried to tone down with a qualfier. But the qualfier doesn't change, at all, the fact that you said :
My goal was an is to convince the public that there is very good reason to consider overthrowing numerous nations' governments. Merely adding to the list doesn't disprove my point. If anything, it proves it.
“The examples of nations such as North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe prove that some nations of are simply rogue"
So which nations are NOT 'rogue' Jim?
That's hard to say. As an anarchist I am not 'friends' with any nation's government.
And why mention Zimbabwe and the USA?
I mention Zimbabwe because it is obviously a failed state. Hyperinflation, for example, and a government which tolerates theft of property from members of the public, as well as murder. Why mention the USA? My problems with the government of the US are well known, especially here.
Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst nations'?
Did I claim they are 'worst nations'? I don't recall that. They are, instead, very prominent and well-publicized examples of nations whose governments need to be rapidly removed. Their names and offenses are well known by the public.
while omitting the material you pointed out, and yet criticizing me as if I> had not mentioned it. In any case, Juan's criticism is foolish: From the very beginning (1995) I repeatedly pointed out that one of the big advantages of AP is that it won't have some sort of centralized agenda:
So why did you list as 'rogue' nations the countries that the american nazis want to invade and destroy? Does your knowledge of politics come from fauxnews and the washington post? Are you implying that "the american nazis ONLY want to "invade and destroy" those specific four countries?!? THAT would really be an amazing coincidence. Ha ha! You set your own trap!! Rather, I named failed nations that are causing trouble, either for others or for their own people, or both. That they are also not popular with, say, the American government isn't necessarily a matter of causation, rather it is a matter of correlation. No doubt if there were 2 or 3 other highly prominent nations with internal or external problems, you'd claim that "the american nazis want to invade and destroy" them, too.
Neither _I_ (nor anyone else) won't be the one to control it. HE may think that the main target should be "X", while I think the main target should be "Y", etc.
Yes but the point at hand is the targets YOU mentioned.
And I mentioned that there are many other problem nations. I don't think you are successfully faulting me for naming four quite-valid targets; YOU are the one who started by misrepresenting what I said, falsely suggesting that I was only referring to four specific nations. That's very dishonest argumentation. I could easily have listed a dozen more, but NOT mentioning those dozen more isn't a fatal flaw to my argument.
Neither needs to be "right", neither needs to be "wrong". Both targets get taken out if they are considered worthy by the public. (If people donate, a target will ultimately go.)I didn't mention over 7 billion people. Of what significance is that? Juan is obviously very self-centered.
How am I self-centered when I am asking YOU about YOUR pick of targets?
Because you are deliberately misrepresenting my characterization of those targets. Suggesting that I was indicating that they were exclusive, rather than inclusive of many others. (Had I listed every nation that I thought was actually a problem, I would have been listing over 190 nations. You cannot fault me for listing a few prominent ones, unless I stated or implied they were the only problems. Not only did I not do that, I specifically mentioned otherwise. ) Jim Bell

On Mon, 23 Oct 2017 01:31:21 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
LMAO!!! You keep parroting US military propaganda?
You are delusional. You mistake correlation for causation. There is another strong association between the nations of North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe: they are all quite prominent in the news, which is primarily a product of the MSM (news media).
Right. And do I need to explain to you why that is the case? I hope you realize you've completed my argument for me? Those 4 nations are quite prominent *in the news^ because the "news" is military propaganda directed at americans and their western 'allies'. So currently americans are being brainwashed about the infinite evil of "www xxx yyy zzz" so that the US military get support to raze "www xxx yyy zzz" to the ground. And you seem to be playing their game for marketing purposes.
There are, of course, many problems with many nations around the world, see https://freedomhouse.org/ , but the large majority of them aren't very well publicized by the MSM, especially that of America.
There might be a weak association between the most prominent of these freedom-challenged nation, and what you call "US military propaganda",
Weak association? Come on.
but they are the same thing. I have a good reason to mention nations that Western audiences would recognize and understand.
As i hinted above I see what your game is. You are using military propangada to try to 'market' your system.
Good reasons to mention these nations:1. North Korea, has the hydrogen bomb, is developing ICBMS.
Fucking US nazis have thousands of nukes, thousands of ICBMs, biggest military on the plantet and hundreds of years of reputation and history showing that mass murder is their favorite passtime. And american nazis have of course used nuclear weapons against civilians. The rest of your comments on the other 3 countries is as misguided as your comment about NK.
No logical reason not to mention them.2. Venezuela: Currently they are starving their population, despite sitting atop a lake of oil.
3. Syria: Poisoning their population with chemical warfare agents, a very prominent war, ISIS terrorists, Russian involvement.4. Zimbabwe: Failed state, starving population.
I'd say the burden is on you to show why it would be somehow improper for me to list those nations. You are free to add more.
I already mentioned a country that is a way bigger threat to world peace than ANY of the ones you mentioned, by orders of magnitude.
My goal was an is to convince the public that there is very good reason to consider overthrowing numerous nations' governments. Merely adding to the list doesn't disprove my point. If anything, it proves it.
“The examples of nations such as North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe prove that some nations of are simply rogue"
So which nations are NOT 'rogue' Jim?
That's hard to say. As an anarchist I am not 'friends' with any nation's government.
So.....you either list the 190 nations on the planet or whatever the number is, or you list none. OR, if you are going to list SOME, then list the most important ones, NOT THE 4 ONES ON THE PENTAGON'S KILL LIST.
And why mention Zimbabwe and the USA?
I mention Zimbabwe because it is obviously a failed state.
Failed state? I guess you are not aware that the term is basic neocon newspeak? ANd why would an anarchist be concerned with failed states anyway? If a state fails we should throw a party...
Hyperinflation, for example, and a government which tolerates theft of property from members of the public, as well as murder.
I'm glad that the fucking jews at wall street never inflated the dollar.
Why mention the USA? My problems with the government of the US are well known, especially here.
Yes, and that makes your position even weaker. The governments of North Korea or Venezuela never laid a finger on you. The ameican gov't on the other hand....
Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst nations'?
Did I claim they are 'worst nations'? I don't recall that.
Well, you might want to re-read what you wrote a few hours ago "It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the WORST nations,..." https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2017-October/039861.html
They are, instead, very prominent and well-publicized examples of nations whose governments need to be rapidly removed.
Here we go again....
Their names and offenses are well known by the public.
while omitting the material you pointed out, and yet criticizing me as if I> had not mentioned it. In any case, Juan's criticism is foolish: From the very beginning (1995) I repeatedly pointed out that one of the big advantages of AP is that it won't have some sort of centralized agenda:
So why did you list as 'rogue' nations the countries that the american nazis want to invade and destroy? Does your knowledge of politics come from fauxnews and the washington post?
Are you implying that "the american nazis ONLY want to "invade and destroy" those specific four countries?!? THAT would really be an amazing coincidence. Ha ha! You set your own trap!!
Not at all. The complete list of targets is longer, but RIGHT NOW those 4 countries are at the top of the pentagon's kill list.
Rather, I named failed nations that are causing trouble, either for others or for their own people, or both. That they are also not popular with, say, the American government isn't necessarily a matter of causation, rather it is a matter of correlation.
Those 4 'failed states' are not causing any sort of special problem TO ANYONE except the US MILITARY.
No doubt if there were 2 or 3 other highly prominent nations with internal or external problems, you'd claim that "the american nazis want to invade and destroy" them, too.
Except there's nothing special about the 4 nations you mentioned. Unless you are admiting that you do believe in and parrot US military propaganda. You know which one is the biggest failed state that causes external problems for all the world ? It is the failed united states of maerica. But of course the US state is not failed at all. It is the most efficient and dangerous state on the planet. Thanks to close cooperation with american big business.
Neither _I_ (nor anyone else) won't be the one to control it. HE may think that the main target should be "X", while I think the main target should be "Y", etc.
Yes but the point at hand is the targets YOU mentioned.
And I mentioned that there are many other problem nations. I don't think you are successfully faulting me for naming four quite-valid targets; YOU are the one who started by misrepresenting what I said,
I started this by pointing out that your choice of countries was a bad idea. You didn't take the hint and instead dug yourself deeper...
falsely suggesting that I was only referring to four specific nations. That's very dishonest argumentation.
I am totally and clearly stating that the 4 countries you chose are the 4 countries at the top of the pentagon's kill list and that you are ignoring the biggest threat to freedom on the planet, the US government and its western lapdogs.
I could easily have listed a dozen more, but NOT mentioning those dozen more isn't a fatal flaw to my argument.
see above.
Neither needs to be "right", neither needs to be "wrong". Both targets get taken out if they are considered worthy by the public. (If people donate, a target will ultimately go.)I didn't mention over 7 billion people. Of what significance is that? Juan is obviously very self-centered.
How am I self-centered when I am asking YOU about YOUR pick of targets?
Because you are deliberately misrepresenting my characterization of those targets. Suggesting that I was indicating that they were exclusive, rather than inclusive of many others. (Had I listed every nation that I thought was actually a problem, I would have been listing over 190 nations.
Right as discussed above. But you didn't list them all. You didn't list the most important threats *either*. You listed 4 countries that are considered a threat only by the US nazi government. What's the problem with NK getting nukes? Why, that would weaken the power of the FUCKING AMERICAN NAZIS.
You cannot fault me for listing a few prominent ones,
THEY ARE NOT PROMINENT by objective standards. They are prominent only if you assume that US military propaganda is fact.
unless I stated or implied they were the only problems. Not only did I not do that, I specifically mentioned otherwise. )
Jim Bell

On 10/22/2017 09:31 PM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 17:39:31 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com <mailto:jdb10987@yahoo.com>> wrote:
From: John Newman <jnn@synfin.org <mailto:jnn@synfin.org>>
On Oct 21, 2017, at 6:03 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com
<mailto:juan.g71@gmail.com>> wrote:
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
To be fair, Jim did give the rest of the world a mention, directly after the bit you quoted:
“But this is only the beginning because most other nations are also grossly abusive of people's rights.”
It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the worst nations,
LMAO!!! You keep parroting US military propaganda?
You are delusional. You mistake correlation for causation. There is another strong association between the nations of North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe: they are all quite prominent in the news, which is primarily a product of the MSM (news media). There are, of course, many problems with many nations around the world, see https://freedomhouse.org/ , but the large majority of them aren't very well publicized by the MSM, especially that of America. There might be a weak association between the most prominent of these freedom-challenged nation, and what you call "US military propaganda", but they are the same thing. I have a good reason to mention nations that Western audiences would recognize and understand.
Good reasons to mention these nations: 1. North Korea, has the hydrogen bomb, is developing ICBMS. No logical reason not to mention them. 2. Venezuela: Currently they are starving their population, despite sitting atop a lake of oil. 3. Syria: Poisoning their population with chemical warfare agents, a very prominent war, ISIS terrorists, Russian involvement. 4. Zimbabwe: Failed state, starving population.
I'd say the burden is on you to show why it would be somehow improper for me to list those nations. You are free to add more.
Also, I provided a link to the source, so there isn't anything 'dishonest' about what I did. I simply highlighted your fascist propaganda which you tried to tone down with a qualfier. But the qualfier doesn't change, at all, the fact that you said :
My goal was an is to convince the public that there is very good reason to consider overthrowing numerous nations' governments. Merely adding to the list doesn't disprove my point. If anything, it proves it.
“The examples of nations such as North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe prove that some nations of are simply rogue"
So which nations are NOT 'rogue' Jim?
That's hard to say. As an anarchist I am not 'friends' with any nation's government.
And why mention Zimbabwe and the USA?
I mention Zimbabwe because it is obviously a failed state. Hyperinflation, for example, and a government which tolerates theft of property from members of the public, as well as murder.
Why mention the USA? My problems with the government of the US are well known, especially here.
Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst nations'?
Did I claim they are 'worst nations'? I don't recall that. They are, instead, very prominent and well-publicized examples of nations whose governments need to be rapidly removed. Their names and offenses are well known by the public.
while omitting the material you pointed out, and yet criticizing me as if I had not mentioned it. In any case, Juan's criticism is foolish: From the very beginning (1995) I repeatedly pointed out that one of the big advantages of AP is that it won't have some sort of centralized agenda:
So why did you list as 'rogue' nations the countries that the american nazis want to invade and destroy? Does your knowledge of politics come from fauxnews and the washington post?
Are you implying that "the american nazis ONLY want to "invade and destroy" those specific four countries?!? THAT would really be an amazing coincidence. Ha ha! You set your own trap!!
Rather, I named failed nations that are causing trouble, either for others or for their own people, or both. That they are also not popular with, say, the American government isn't necessarily a matter of causation, rather it is a matter of correlation. No doubt if there were 2 or 3 other highly prominent nations with internal or external problems, you'd claim that "the american nazis want to invade and destroy" them, too.
Neither _I_ (nor anyone else) won't be the one to control it. HE may think that the main target should be "X", while I think the main target should be "Y", etc.
Yes but the point at hand is the targets YOU mentioned.
And I mentioned that there are many other problem nations. I don't think you are successfully faulting me for naming four quite-valid targets; YOU are the one who started by misrepresenting what I said, falsely suggesting that I was only referring to four specific nations. That's very dishonest argumentation. I could easily have listed a dozen more, but NOT mentioning those dozen more isn't a fatal flaw to my argument.
Neither needs to be "right", neither needs to be "wrong". Both targets get taken out if they are considered worthy by the public. (If people donate, a target will ultimately go.)I didn't mention over 7 billion people. Of what significance is that? Juan is obviously very self-centered.
How am I self-centered when I am asking YOU about YOUR pick of targets?
Because you are deliberately misrepresenting my characterization of those targets. Suggesting that I was indicating that they were exclusive, rather than inclusive of many others. (Had I listed every nation that I thought was actually a problem, I would have been listing over 190 nations. You cannot fault me for listing a few prominent ones, unless I stated or implied they were the only problems. Not only did I not do that, I specifically mentioned otherwise. )
Jim Bell
Kind of surprised you listed Venezuela and not places like Myanmar, Saudi Arabia or even Kazahkstan and Uzbekistan. VZ is a mess but as far as human rights horrors it hardly even ranks near the ones i mentioned. It is, however disliked by the US government for messing up the flow of oil where Saudi Arabia is a great friend while torturing and killing opponents of the corrupt regime. --- Marina

From: Marina Brown <catskillmarina@gmail.com>
Because you are deliberately misrepresenting my characterization of those targets. Suggesting that I was indicating that they were exclusive, rather than inclusive of many others. (Had I listed every nation that I thought was actually a problem, I would have been listing over 190 nations. You cannot fault me for listing a few prominent ones, unless I stated or implied they were the only problems. Not only did I not do that, I specifically mentioned otherwise. )
Jim Bell
Kind of surprised you listed Venezuela and not places like Myanmar, Saudi Arabia or even Kazahkstan and Uzbekistan.
You too?!? Look, do you actually think that the Western audience has been "primed" to learn about the human rights abuses of every nation on earth?!? I occupy reality, and part of that reality is the biases that have already been built in the system. My goal is to convince a substantial part of the public that there are plenty of reasons to adopt and use an AP-like system. Citing a virtually-unknown country, for obscure rights violations, does not maximize my effectiveness.
VZ is a mess but as far as human rights horrors it hardly even ranks near the ones i mentioned.
To me, Venezuela is obviously an example of a country that pretends to be run by means of a 'democracy', but where the will of the people has been thwarted by the illegal actions of the government. It is heading in the direction of becoming a totalitarian state, in large part because it thwarted a LEGAL effort to recall the presidency in late 2016. I mention Venezuela because its problems have been rather well-publicized in the news that I read. I invite you to mention other countries, which you have done. But don't criticize me for merely failing to list every nation you might happen to like to see listed. Are you trying to thwart progress by bogging the rest of us down in details?
It is, however disliked by the US government for messing up the flow of oil
That the US government may "dislike" Venezuela is little or no concern of mine. Don't try to defend the Venezuelan government (Maduro) merely based on the idea that the US government "dislikes" it.
where Saudi Arabia is a great friend while torturing and killing opponents of the corrupt regime.
So, where is the criticism of Saudi Arabia by the American's MSM? You would have a point, like Juan fails to do, if I somehow thought Saudi Arabia's government SHOULDN'T be overthrown. But in fact, I believe ALL governments should be overthrown as soon as possible. Including Saudi Arabia. Jim Bell

Here's a very clear example of how consistent and principled Jim is. Jim : "The LEADERS of these nations [North Korea etc] must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more." Me : "And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?" Jim : "For much the same reason that I "forgot" to mention the other 7 billion people on earth." You explicitly metioned 4 'heads of state' and then came up with a ridiculous excuse for not mentioning 'head of state' trump.What a pathetic joke eh Jim. ---------- ANd here's Jim 'forgetting' what he wrote the day before
Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst nations'?
Did I claim they are 'worst nations'? I don't recall that.
"It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the WORST nations,..." https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2017-October/039861.html

From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> ANd here's Jim 'forgetting' what he wrote the day before
Where's the evidence that the 4 countries, taken from the current list of the 'enemies' of the US nazis, are the 'worst nations'?
Did I claim they are 'worst nations'? I don't recall that.
" "It is interesting that Juan was sufficiently dishonest that he would selectively quote my citation of four of the WORS nations,..." Proving, yet again, that juan is an idiot. Notice above he said, "THE worst nations" What _I_ said was "FOUR OF THE WORST NATIONS" Notice the difference between these ways of referring to that group of four nations. I didn't say that those four nations were the four worst. I did say that they were four OF THE WORST nations. Could someone eject juan? He isn't very bright. Jim Bell

On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:06:20 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I didn't say that those four nations were the four worst.
I did say that they were four OF THE WORST nations.
OK - So where's the proof that they are 'some' of the worst nations? Oh I keep forgetting : they are "worst nations" (notice no article) according to pieces of right wing american shit...And that's what defines 'reality'.
Could someone eject juan? He isn't very bright.
Hey, not only you vomit war propaganda for personal gain, now you are also advocating censorship? Thank you Jim. You show your true colors.

From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:06:20 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I didn't say that those four nations were the four worst.
I did say that they were four OF THE WORST nations.
OK - So where's the proof that they are 'some' of the worst nations?
Aha! I see! First, you maliciously falsely misrepresent what I said and then when I call you on it, not only do you not apologize, you ask me to "prove" an opinion. Jim Bell

On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 20:41:53 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:06:20 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I didn't say that those four nations were the four worst.
I did say that they were four OF THE WORST nations.
OK - So where's the proof that they are 'some' of the worst nations?
Aha! I see! First, you maliciously falsely misrepresent what I said and then when I call you on it, not only do you not apologize, you ask me to "prove" an opinion.
THere's no reason for me to apologize. My points are clear, correct and remain unrefuted by you. You also called me dishonest and stupid =) - And you are unable to prove either of the charges =P
Jim Bell

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 08:41:53PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:06:20 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I didn't say that those four nations were the four worst.
I did say that they were four OF THE WORST nations.
OK - So where's the proof that they are 'some' of the worst nations?
Aha! I see! First, you maliciously falsely misrepresent what I said and then when I call you on it, not only do you not apologize, you ask me to "prove" an opinion.
Jim Bell
Guys, at a wild, utterly random guess, I imagine Jim that your "jurisdiction" is America, which would make you a subject of the empire's statute laws, which may have something to say about who you explicitly name, even as suggestions, for any possible AP prediction "market". Juan, I see absolutely no point in pushing Jim into a corner - he's already done substantial years in the Empire's gulag, and Jim, I see absolutely no point in trying to defend the indefensible, even if that does avoid saying things that may be better for you, in your current 'domicile', to not say — better to just brush it off with something like "feel free to whip up a web page with your preferred list of targets". Or something... Other than that, I'm enjoying the salty pop corn I'm eating - and contemplating mixing it up with some toffee caramel as I continue to enjoy the show :D Carry on then...

I'm reposting this because Jim seems to have overlooked it somehow : ------------- Here's a very clear example of how consistent and principled Jim is. Jim : "The LEADERS of these nations [North Korea etc] must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more." Me : "And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?" Jim : "For much the same reason that I "forgot" to mention the other 7 billion people on earth." You explicitly metioned 4 'heads of state' and then came up with a ridiculous excuse for not mentioning 'head of state' trump.What a pathetic joke eh Jim. ----------

From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
Me : "And why did you forget to mention that the number> > one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?"
Jim : "For much the same reason that I "forgot" to mention the other 7 billion people on earth."
You and I have different opinions. That doesn't mean that your opinions are right, and my opinions are wrong. But I feel certain that you believe that. Jim Bell

From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
Are you looking for names and addresses? Are you not willing to concede these people are killing the people of their respective countries?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
For much the same reason that I "forgot" to mention the other 7 billion people on earth. Jim Bell

On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 17:42:51 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
" North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Zimbabwe"
"The leaders of these nations must be stopped immediately, by any means necessary, before they kill more."
Who are these 'leaders' killing, exactly?
Are you looking for names and addresses?
I am looking for evidence apart from fascist US propaganda. So again, why would you mention the list of current targets of the nazi US government while forgetting to mention the nazi US government or any of its fucking western 'allies'?
Are you not willing to concede these people are killing the people of their respective countries?
Oh no doubt those governments are killing some of their subjects, like any other government. So there's absolutely no reason to single them out. But that's not the reason why you listed the 3 or 4 countries that the US military nazis want to invade and destroy. So again, why did you do that?
And why did you forget to mention that the number one guy in the death prediction market should be the US president, trump?
For much the same reason that I "forgot" to mention the other 7 billion people on earth.
And what reason is that? How on fucking eaerth is trump equivalent to any other person? Tour comeback makes absolutely no sense. Jim Bell
participants (11)
Cari Machet
Cecilia Tanaka
jim bell
John Newman
Marina Brown
Shawn K. Quinn
Steve Kinney
Zenaan Harkness