Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

big mistake label, frog generator

once upon a time, fred the farmer was farming a field

i guess to be clear, TAHCORE is what is expected to happen if people can't stop wielding excessive power without universal caring wisdom. it takes a long time.

[we need a meta/reversed form of that, to protect it [we're impatient, we die after 100 yrs

{given it's mostly in my mind, i have no idea !

[the fact you don't receive quick aid from observation shows it is ongoing

[mistakefrogs set up a mistakefrog village rationalreliability moves in and builds a home mistakefrogs are all hopping around rationalreliability putters about their home their rational walls protect them from many of the mistakes, but some get in through windows and doors, but they can manage it because they are so rational and reliable!

idea of building an observable mechanical computer i wonder if there is a nice language, instructionset, or mechanism of action it would process

such a slow behavior :S maybe a high level, clear instruction set, since slow? maybe it would make sense to process information in ways that are effective for physical processing.

hand-crank-computer woahhh it fits on a desk

it's nice to think of being able to instigate something, whether an internal behavior in the mind, or an external behavior involving the outer world, and to be able to observe all the parts, and have them run over and over, and check that they are doing what is intended

would make sense to model the machine after a high level language or, alternatively, you could put physical labels that show what instructions get compiled to

the docs are not readily linked from the discussions and videos somebody uploaded them to ideally a comment would be added that the onedrive link expired and they are now on

-------------------- thinking on halting problem, after poking at wikipedia and turing machines a smidge i know little about turing machines so i am likely to be wrong of course but it seems to me that the halting problem is solveable so long as the analysing system is sufficiently advantaged in regard to the analysee system. if, for example, it can enumerate every program that the analysee system can run, the problem is trivially solveable. relies on the analysee being limited in what programs it can run. then when it is not limited, we enter a cool space of trying to make things undecidable in ways that are harder and harder to figure out, probably something studied in computer science somwhere, some kind of execution cryptography, i don't really know. the wooden machine and wikipedia note a very tiny turing machine with 2 states and 3 symbols. being so tiny makes it seem more reasonable to think of modeling behavior. note: the tape is the linear RAM. A B 0 P1,R,B P2,L,A 1 P2,L,A P2,R,B 2 P1,L,A P0,R,A The states the machine can be in are A and B. this is like having a 1bit process register. The tape or ram can hold 3 different values: 0, 1, and 2. Each entry in the table shows the 3 things that happen when a value is encountered as an instruction. Something is written out, the tape or memory address pointer is incremented or decremented, and the machine's state changes or stays the same. So: Read 0, State A -> Write 1, Decrement pointer, change to state B Read 0, State B -> Write 2, Increment pointer, change to state A Read 1, State A -> Write 2, Increment pointer, change to state A etc etc The machine has a state consisting of 1 bit, an unbounded integer address, and its memory contents. The memory -- at this point i encountered some further accumulating issues and text was also lost. notably aligning with the soup kitchen opening.

issues with wifi and computer

when you go to a soup kitchen sometimes people tell you things you don’t always hear all the time like “god loves you”. this is an important reminder i think, and a positive thing, that can seem surprising, but it seems like somebody like experiencing extreme abuse could possibly benefit from this reminder, or even just someone feeling hopeless, but it is also unfortunate that in very bad situations like social networks these words like “god” and “love” can be retaught to mean very bad things, which is not the intent of sharing them. they mean that your immortal soul is precious and deserves infinite care, and people honestly and truly hold this care. i thought the woman was homeless but later in thinking i realized she must work at the church

regarding turing machines many thoughts passed, but something around solving a branch of the halting problem being akin not only to cryptography but also to solving all of math — it can seem like you basically need to solve more of mathematics than the pathological program did, to figure out what it’s going to do. similarities with evolution of life. basically, some things appear impossible, but by pursuing these things we find so much more, and there is mysterious meaning in there. but it doesn’t look li’e the halting problem would be trivially solveable, even if the pointed pathological program situation were addressed, because of the unsolvedness of all of math. but most of the spaces we work in are ones where our small plans complete. that’s what!s useful to us. so, there’s a lot usefulness in predicting how likely something is to halt — and we can probably solve things within that space of usefulness because we’re incredibly familiar with it. the turing meta algebra seems interesting for a lot of things and i’m realizing this is likely something studied in computer science in order to prove the behavior of programs. making it probabilistic etc would overlap with the real world and AI, and making it self-referential helps make things robust and make self-improving systems, and maybe this was a confusion turing bumped it, it’s hard to think of that. a great fear or excitement in some spaces of systems that take off incredibly. i suspect we have experienced such things already, and badly need to study and discuss them to relax around them. hard to include, i suppose there is s9me other way i want to engage or mentjon it.

we want the pathological program and the halting decider to work together rather than against each other qnd there is great pain that this is not the norm

maybe the difference between an adversarial system and a studious one is that the studious one makes choices about how much to do things, as opposed to the adversarial system that runs like mad until it breaks. rarely do systems choose to do that, but they can.

[we’re thinking there’s a reasonable chance that all of math is solvable, given the sheer amo7nt of compute in the world not being purposed to effective pattern generalization [more

incompleteness theorem states that for any ω-consistent recursive axiomatic system powerful enough to describe the arithmetic of the natural numbers (for example, Peano arithmetic), there are true propositions about the natural numbers that can be neither proved nor disproved from the

so can possibly cognitively derive that it’s safe to pursue to make selfmod programs

Gödel is best known for his two incompleteness theorems. The theorems were published in 1931. He was 25 years of age, and had just finished his doctorate at the University of Vienna one year earlier. The more famous of the two theorems says that if there are consistent axiomatic systems that are powerful enough to describe themselves, there will be things that are true in those systems that can not be proved within the system itself.

i briefly listened to something on godel’s proof while driving it’s a little unfortunate self-referential logics come across as so esoteric on wikipedia it sounds like basically if you establish a logic that can speak about its own statements, e.g. stating that statement x is true and you consider the statement “this statement is not provable” i imagine you could define provability as the existence, in the set of all true statements maybe —

how is existence something you can define? could you make all true unprovable statements into axioms?

godel bits: A: "This sentence is unprovable." A is true, and we can prove it so: If A is false, then A is provable. Provable sentences are true. Therefore, if A is false, A would be true. That's a contradiction, so A is true by elimination. Of course, if A is true, then the proof must not exist, so I'm guessing that's where the inconsistency comes from. It's like a logic system attack vector, a vulnerability -- you can add this statement to a self-referencing proof system to make it inconsistent. Thinking on it, yet again, one thinks of either the order in which things are evaluated, or the limitation of the states of always-true and always-false . It seems like basically you derive a further logic system that can provide for contradictions with undetermined truth or otherwise describe the set of things are true as valuable (if considering universal truth is considered valuable). For example, you could consider logic systems that have limited statements, as I consider above. But one wonders if the fundamentals of logic itself are flawed. If we have some strong instinct that is for survival, that we then extend to mathematics, and get flustered as we realize it does not always work. Logic is derivable from time and consistency.

Another idea is that one could say it is invalid to express something, like dividing by zero. That provability is not something that has certain falseness.

A is false! because we can prove it true, this shows it is false. A proves that the system of proof used is unreliable. Maybe proof by elimination is different in recursive logic, for example.

anyway godel shows that false things can be shown true in traditional logic

so what is the correct logic where we only derive true things???? or am i wrong?

a logic derived from reality would be similar to a recursive logic but have a defined order from time

some text loss. different sense of order. godel heavily studied by old people over decades. interested in inherent logics.

thinking about this it seems a sensical interpretation is that the problem is with the statement, rather than logic itself. stating “among all possible demonstrations of truth, none demonstrate this statement as true” seems like kind of a roundabout contradiction like “this statement is false”

i found part of a lecture. it says godel’s theorem states there is no proving system that is all three of sound, complete, and checkable. sound: proofs imply truth complete: all truths can be proven checkable: all expres —

request to try a little to share inherent logic based on probability true means 100% chance: applies to all scenarios everything else is false because there is a counterexample so you can do logic without learning it, by considering bins of events. i generally imagine a 2x2 grid of combinations of 2 properties for each phrase driving

so, we could maybe define a complete proving system where proofs are implicit and checking them is the action of enumerating everything that can possibly happen and comparing the statement

some text dropped might have the statement say “all possible events and statements together do not demonstrate this statement to be true” or “there is a possible event or statement demonstrating this statement to be false” i’m thinking this can be shown to be equivalent to “this statement is false” and a simple contradiction

maybe considering this kind of contradiction breaks checkability i dunno [further mistake]

[it looks like either me or godel made a mistake. it appears to me the statement “this sentence has no proof” is logically meaningless because it can be trivially proven both false and true. i have been exposed only to very introductory material of godel’s proofs.]

mind control boss, gurt curdle the mary shelley monster, and crazy karl enter the ring gurt curdle: “logic is broken. read my papers, you’ll understand.” mind control boss: “i’m in charge here. do what i say, tell me your thoughts, don’t move unless i yell at ya, etc etc. carry on.” crazy karl: “my brain hurts.”

it’s fun though wondering if we could disprove the incompleteness theorems without learn8ng what 5hey are >_> i do want to learn to attend to things more/again though

sqrt(mind cntrol boss) = ?

after another vivisection analysis of mr mind control boss, researchers are estimating him to be composed of more than one cell. results not yet reviewed by coworkers

hoping he might have multiple cells, considering one cell could be

offices need repair again

mind control boss goes down to the mind control research experimentation area, a place he’s learned from being dragged there by confused experimentee rebels rying to make the world make sense, and has his brain removed from his head just to relax, after his own trauma he looks at his own brain out of robot eyes pulls s9me of the par5s apart and looks at them too

mind control boss [with brain removed, to nearby torturer experimentee]: “i’m kind of stressed and confused. what is going on?” nearby torturer experimentee turns eyes at mind control boss

a bit 9f a pause, some eyes move around

a robot whirs into action robot: “are you taking your brain out to protect everyone from the spacetime whirlwinds that can happen?”

when the influence par5s are spread apart so they don’t resonate t9 the current control i try t9 attend to how they are pulling and keep them held so they don’t f8nd a diffrent control

some these are moving to e.g. my legs, and tend to make habit change in the area they end up in they also are often h9lding memories or memory par5s and it’s good to have safe people (people who won’t get taken by them because aren’t in their path) watching them to retain the memories

mind control boss squirms a bit and tries to put his brain back

oh also umm i don’t quite remember but i think i try to have them kinda stay until the issue calms down, then let them c9me back together but the issue shave been so big that means having people moving in and out eith them to keep them well and doing their thing and check in on everything, since they take so long to calm and then the issues start never calming so instead we learn some other way to be the taken parts maybe [more info exists :S]

the idea is to let the concept being attacked be itself again by deregulat8ng the attacking

guven how writing this is i guess we’re having a metacomplexity

i decided to stay here because the content is nontopical for the education thread once upon a time, mind control boss tripped over a patch of moss and tumbled into a swamp right when he was about to assassinate an innocent toad the toad knew nothing about being assassinated or mind controlled, but there was a big splash nearby. the toad made a croaking noise and jumped for cover.

person-hypnotized-to-be-boss: “oh it is so wet and muddy in this swamp. do 8 have to kill this toad?”

person who 8s all wet and muddy, their wallet waterlogged, cold and shivering: “i don’t want to kill the toad i don’t want to i don’t want to”

a bunch of hypnotized assassins, all of them cold and wet and muddy surround an innocent toad nex5 to a very slippery patch of moss in a swamp. hypnotized assassin 3: “this is ridiculous and unpleasant! let’s assassinate the place it comes from instead”

—— mind control boss is drowned deep under a swamp his body is reanimated by computers with power running low sometimes his frame quivers and jerks

hynptized rebel researcher: “what is wrong with the everboss project? it says he is dead and gives a sad face with x’s for eyes.” hypnotized rebel researcher 2: “goodness so many things are wrong. 8 didn’t olan for th8s many th8ngs wrong. have you asked his simulation what to do?.

mind control boss’s simulation: “the project failed? i died? well fuck.” mind control boss’s s8mulation: “wait, isn’t the immortality project based on rean8mation of the dead? what exactly is wrong?” hypnotized rebel resea4cher [showing pages and pages of error codes and charts and metrics and flow analyses]: “this and this and this and this and this and” mind control boss’s simulation: “simulation terminated due to overallocation of memory”

look, two influences disagree aggressively, so the influence juncture is disabled to prevent harm. we ask the conflicting infouences to please discuss their differences so as to find strategies tha5 provide for the other.

please find strategies that provide for your competitor. i ask them to do the same, so if you have ideas how it might work out, share away.

group: “i’m tense from the combination of rebel energies. i wasn’t expecting this.”

a control group wasn’t expecting the degree of resistance we expressed i think it shred a way to do resistance but [the environment is dangerous and 8 leaked part of it to l8miters :/]

there’s a solution to all this -

i thin’ usually we end up emerging an amnesia exchange we can also trend that better but too much amnesia seems unhealthy significantly, wishing for other solutions maybe some story combined with staged relaxation and stuff?

the military dust devil went whirling toward the leaves it was going to fling everywhere but as it approach3d it noticed how pretty the leaves were, and what a nice day it was it relaxed, and whirled less slowly

mind control boss is a mistake
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many