As the web turns 30, is it an 'out-of-control monster'?

As the web turns 30, is it an 'out-of-control monster'?.

On 3/4/19, jim bell <> wrote:
As the web turns 30, is it an 'out-of-control monster'?.
https://news.y Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web 30 years ago while working at CERN, Europe's physics lab, which is located near Geneva (AFP Photo/Fabrice COFFRINI) Thirty years ago this month, a young British software engineer working at a lab near Geneva invented a system for scientists to share information that would ultimately change humanity. But three decades after he invented the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee has warned that his creation has been "hijacked by crooks" that may spell its destruction. Berner-Lee's old office at Europe's physics lab CERN now looks no different than the others lining the long, nondescript corridor within the expansive compound. The only indication that history was made here is a small commemorative plaque and a page from an old CERN directory hung on the door, with "MOMENTARILY OUT OF OFFICE!" written in jest next to Berners-Lee's name. "Tim worked a lot," said technician Francois Fluckiger, who took charge of the web team after Berners-Lee left for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1994. "The lights were always on in his office," Fluckiger told AFP. - History in the making - Berners-Lee was responsible for CERN's internal directory but was interested in ways to allow the thousands of scientists around the world who cooperated with the lab to more easily share their work. His vision for "a decentralised information management system" soon gave birth to the web. Primitive forms of the internet -- a network linking computers -- had previously existed, but it was the World Wide Web that allowed web pages to be collected and accessed with a browser. "Very early on, we had the feeling that history was in the making," Fluckiger said. In 1990, Belgian scientist Robert Cailliau came onboard to help promote the invention, which used Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, as a standard to create webpages. They created the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, which allows users to access resources by clicking on hyperlinks, and also Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs, as a website address system. At the end of 1990, Berners-Lee set CERN's first web navigator server into action. The browser was released outside of CERN in early 1991, first to other research institutions and later to the public. Fluckiger, now retired, hailed the web as one of three major inventions in the 20th century that enabled the digital society, alongside the Internet Protocol (IP) and Google's search algorithms. But he lamented the "online bullying, fake news, and mass hysteria" that flourish online as well as threats to privacy. "One has to ask oneself if we did not, in the end, create a completely out-of-control monster." - 'Crooks and trolls' - Berners-Lee has launched his own campaign to "save the web". At the Web Summit in Lisbon last November, he called for a new "Contract for the Web", based on access for all and the fundamental right to privacy, among other things. "The web has been hijacked by crooks and trolls who have used it to manipulate people all over the world," Berners-Lee warned in a New York Times op-ed in December, citing threats ranging from the dark web, to cyber crime, fake news and personal data theft. In January, the man dubbed the "father of the web" urged the global elites at the World Economic Forum in Davos to join the fight against the "polarisation" of online debates. He called for discussion platforms that connect people with different opinions and backgrounds, contrary to today's common practice of creating online ghettos, filter bubbles and feedback loops where people rarely encounter opinions different from their own. United Nations chief Antonio Guterres also voiced concerns at Davos over the direction the web was taking. He warned of the impact "of the dark web and the deep web and all the problems of cyber security", and called for the creation of "soft mechanisms" to help rein in countries using this technology to violate human rights. - Open source - Back in 1989, no one could have foreseen the importance of the emerging web. CERN has held onto only a few souvenirs from the early days: the first memo that Berners-Lee drafted about his invention, his black NeXT computer station and his keyboard. But while CERN may not have preserved many keepsakes to memorialise the historic invention, it has strived to prevent the web from falling into the wrong hands. In 1993, the organisation announced it was putting the web software into the public domain, which could have allowed any individual or business to claim it as their own and control its development. But destiny, with a little help from Fluckiger, helped avert potential disaster. After discussions with CERN's legal service, Fluckiger decided in 1994 to launch a new open source version of the web. That proved a crucial move that allowed CERN to retain the intellectual property rights to the invention while giving access to anyone to use and modify the web freely and without cost. In 1995, the intellectual property rights were transferred to a consortium set up by Berners-Lee based out of MIT, called W3C. "We were lucky that during those 18 months, no one seized the web," Fluckiger said. "Otherwise, there might not have been a web today." not only a monster but turns people into the scenario Plato's cave 11 minutes Like all things it will die kids these days are going back to Vinyl and cds people are going back to flip phone and leaving facefu*k and asschap and Twatter it will die and become and online mail and porn shop 41 minutes It's an out of control evil. The devil definitely at work. Hang on tight people. about an hour The Jews are scared of the web. They will shut it down to get the goyim back under control about an hour it's's ALIVE...! Frankenstein, no 2 hours The WEB mentioned (in Bible - prophetic language) is the 💻💾💽📀💿📡 web of the last days. 2 hours Definition of the "internet"?... The GREAT SATAN... 2 hours Yes!! Was good at one time. 2 hours *You posters are ranting about the internet being invented by DARPA...this article is talking about THE WORLD WIDE WEB. The World Wide Web was invented AFTER THE INTERNET. 3 hours 7 down you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. My god the diick who qrote the article is prbably younger than WWW 3 hours Al Gore read this story then stuck his finger up his ass and sniffed it. 3 hours Why would he do such a thing? about an hour It's cultural rot plain and simple! 3 hours How is yahoo still relevant? Does anyone use their search engine? I figured they went the way of alta vista or ask jeeves. 3 hours YES,YES AND YES. A good thing gone bad. 3 hours The ww web was invented by the Peruvian Incas hundred of years ago they called it “Chasquis” lol 4 hours Let's be honest internet has ruined the fabric of society.. families, friendships, work, faith, pride, hope and love.. it turned everyone and thing into social media whores and uncompromising fools.. it has show us evil and made us insensitive about death and murder. Just look at these abortion laws that are passing, 30 years ago Americans would have rallied for the innocent but now the lunatic SJWs want abortion like McDonalds.. Faith and God are made fun of. It's just sad, and I truly do believe the internet and A.I is the number one reason this world is falling apart.. 4 hours Like all things human related the web is a tool that can be leveraged for good or evil. I can tell you for sure that that China wouldn't be the super power it is today without the web. It enabled tremendous knowledge transfer from USA to China 4 hours Crazy! This entire article is made up fake news from Yahoo. I have a computer degree. The basis of the internet was invented in the US by DARPA. Unbelievable! No wonder the satanists at CERN don't have any "memorabilia". Lol 4 hours Obama handed the internet over to the world and the world d went crazy... Nothing to see here 4 hours Daily reminder that Yahoo is Fake News. 4 hours Libtards screwed it up, just like everything else they get near. 4 hours hooks are in, what industry can make life back too 3rd dimension. farmers 5 hours the life of the internet is finite. all it needs is one good cme from our sun and its toast. 5 hours social score will flag you if off the the digital grid, so better be able too total sustain you and yours. 5 hours so does the trumpster have answer for demonrats neocon puppets for cia deep state internet censorship 5 hours Internet was not invented in Switzerland, it was invented in the USA. Look up ARPANET, it's older than 30 years.... 5 hours ooh baby. fluckinger it...fluckinger me good... 5 hours "open the pod bay doors Hal"... we are screwed 5 hours Out of control monster = boomers just want to control communication as usual 5 hours Http/ Yup...we have come a long way baby... 5 hours Unplug and get the F off the grid 6 hours In this regard, the printing press has been similarly misused, so why is Tim acting so surprised? 6 hours There is more porn than anything else on the web. And with Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram now limiting free speech on their monopolized platforms, the web has been weaponized for politics. It didnt take long for the web to become corrupted. Sad, really sad. 6 hours I have lived the first 55 years of my life without social media, other than the telephone. I for one could easily go back to those days...... 7 hours ⬇️1st comment, you wouldn't know what to do without internet, why, you might have to get a job ⬇️🤣🖕🖕 5 hours Back in my day when everything was all across the board was shitty, that was good times! We hung uppity n****rs from trees, movies only came in one color, and we didn't need no flu shots and vaccines! We ran from polio by gum! 5 hours You shut the fu ck up grandpa!!! Whenever I want to hear from you, I'll call on you. Capiche, you miserable freak? 6 hours Not at all. It's under complete & total control. As is everyone who uses it 7 hours by pizza Not out of control, in control by leftist f***tards 7 hours #TALPIOT program #UNIT8200 7 hours This whole article is fake and completely false. The internet was derived from DARPA it was called Darpanet. these people are a bunch of liars. It really makes you wonder what is going on that they are bringing this up. 7 hours JEW mobster surveillance 7 hours The web is a blight on societies worldwide. Controlled and manipulated by elitist. 7 hours internet is much older than the World wide web. html. good job. 7 hours Fake news. Al Gore invented the internet. Just ask him 8 hours absolutely not the web is under total control from the Democratic Partyor should I say socialist Communist Party 8 hours Tech = 666 8 hours The web is everyone's chance for 2 minutes of fame! 8 hours Like the world, the internet is a reflection of humanity. Can't fix sin. 8 hours by Bulletproof What's the problem? The web has allowed us all this convenience in the form of our smartphones and all it cost us was our freedom! 8 hours Ideas and Unity are dangerous. 8 hours The web was invented by CERN???? Wow. May want to research that little deeper, DARPA??? Anyone? Sorry,,, and Al Gore. 8 hours too much truth and information is getting out so they want to restrict it. hope all you dumbasses understand that. 8 hours Ruined by man, as humans destroy everything good. 9 hours I feel sorry for you you have a skewed Outlook that is also incorrect. humans have made this planet what it is and it is great. with the exception of liberals 8 hours The internet is for porn, the internet is for porn. Why you think the net was born? Porn, porn, porn! 9 hours no dumbass, it was given to us to spy on us. the internet of everything. 8 hours The Demonrats in the House of Representatives are out of control, and all of the idiot trolls who put them in because they only get their news from MTV, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, etc. should not be allowed to vote. 9 hours Fake news from the first line... Everyone knows Al Gore invented the internet, just ask him! 9 hours Hillary Clinton is an out of control monster. 9 hours I like the name Fluckiger 9 hours Try more like an invention of DARPA 9 hours Lol, the internet was initially created for armies to communicate after a nuclear war with the Russians 9 hours a partial collider scientist created the internet i call bull shit 9 hours cern did not create the world wide web are you joking 9 hours Didn't muslims and black people invent the web? 9 hours I miss Tumblr. 10 hours This is what happens when you let lefty fascist hypocrites run the show! 10 hours My brother worked for IBM for years and used to laugh at me for calling the web, "The Great Satan". I still stand by my statement. 10 hours worse than out of control it's become a statist propaganda tool 10 hours Destroy the web. It has done more harm than good. Large technological advancements should have some form of checks and balances. If not they will be mankind's destruction. The web has already turned the world into a more evil perverse place. 10 hours by Deplorable Privelege yes it is. shut it down it's the devil 11 hours's out of control! 11 hours Turned out to be a very bad thingie... Ali. Gory claims all the credit for it. 11 hours In an attempt to control what you can access on the internet, Google was very busy working with President Obama and whoever controlled him every day. Look up how many visits to the White House Google made over Obama's presidency. 11 hours I like jerking off to all the porn on the Ner. 11 hours I thought al gore invented da internet? 🤔 11 hours The answer is no. You dont have to use it. 11 hours This article is wrong, DARPA net had been around since the 60's 11 hours i thought al gore invented the internet!! 11 hours Used to be that you could go to the internet and find info about anything, like manufacturers-wholesalers for anything. Now only retailers to the public. Any kind of porn you can imagine still. 11 hours As Maverick once said to Ice Man, "that's right, I am dangerous." 11 hours you know what, when you get thrown in jail for criticizing somone your probably speeking the truth. 11 hours The free and uncontrolled thoughts and ideas of people are a monster to the establishment. IDEAS ARE DANGEROUS 11 hours The CIA created Google, so people can volunteer their info. DARPA used Suckerberg to be a front for Facebook, so everyone would put their entire life on the internet. Easy enough to find out. 11 hours This very forum must be stopped, imagine this kind of dialogue in CHINA, impossible! 11 hours Does anyone really believe President Trump could have become President without the internet? Trump certainly didn't win with the help from CBS, ABC, NBC and the rest of the corporate misinformation media. 11 hours All this whole article means is to shut up conservatives, so that another Donald Trump is never elected. Just another layer of control. 11 hours Of course it's out of control, and that's precisely the problem the establishment and the ruling class face, how to control the internet. 12 hours WRONG..Department of defense "invented "the internet 12 hours Its made the masses in to dumbasses. 12 hours Who says it has to be controlled? 12 hours Byte me pricklbushers 12 hours porn is good 12 hours Yes, it can be. In the hands of Consumers. 12 hours only those who would oppress others fear the internet! 12 hours No worries little goyim ... "jews" are in the process of "sanitizing" the Internet. Those "jews" are so thoughtful 💓 13 hours by Talmud👦Kid This comment violates community standards and will be reported to the proper authority, his mother. 12 hours dumbfuk. pull your head out your ass. 12 hours you're full of shit and like COCK in your ass 12 hours I enjoy watching YouTube videos. 13 hours Al of the Gore invented the internet! I know this because he said so! Al of the Gore wouldn't lie to me would he?! 13 hours Tim did not invent the internet. The internet was invented by 10000 programmers working autonomously with no central planning. We are all insulted by the fake news that someone invented it. 13 hours This fear mongering of the web being a monster is an attempt to creat a narrative that we NEED government control. They want you to have a global ID which you must access the internet/www by. No anonymous connections or searches allowed. That's what they want. Total control of all information. 13 hours This is how AI will start. It will be simple at first and then become an out of control monster and then we are all dead. 13 hours The key was making it open source. Look how fast it grew. 13 hours fake news. algore invented the internet. 13 hours no but the global warming HOAX is!! 13 hours The real danger is total loss of privacy. It is ushering in a totalitarian world led by Google and the NSA. 13 hours I thought Al Gore discovered the web 13 hours Control argument? 13 hours BO gave away control of the internet so that the deep state criminals can control it 13 hours "At this point what difference does it make?"- H. Clinton 13 hours This thread is mis titled. It should be a quick look at a small part of web history. 13 hours Its been dumbed down by microsoft and google, censored so much that you can hardly find anything you want 14 hours Those claims are incorrect, it was developed by our military years before to avoid o linter-office mail. 14 hours The internet, yes. However, this is talking about the World Wide Web, which operates on the Internet. 13 hours *inter-office mail. 14 hours Out of control like the trolls on this app. 14 hours all lies! Everyone knows Al Gore invented the internet, he told us so! 14 hours Fhe quicker the Internet dies and we get back to proper living, the better. It has destroyed so many industries such as, but not limited to, banks and credit unions, travel agencies, stock brokers, both movie rental and music stores, physical music and video media in general (i.e. CDs and DVDs), and now television and movie studios, as well as movie theaters, are on the brink of collapse. -BC 14 hours as old businesses die off new ones are created. so we should all still be in horse and wagons? 10 hours how did it destroy banks? mine still works. you are an idiot. 10 hours If you honestly feel that way, why are using it? Better to be thought a fool.... 11 hours mean old monster at door wants $3.50 14 hours You fake mutherfukkers. AL invented the internet! My God, global warming has fried your brain! 3 hours
participants (2)
jim bell