Building Global Community - Mark Zuckerberg

*Building Global Community - Mark Zuckerberg* No, I am not giving my support, nor criticizing this post. Yep, obviously I loved the message, but I don't trust the sender. There's something strange screaming "It's A Trap!" very loud, guys. :-/ There are lots of stories on Internet saying that Zuckerberg wants to be a presidential candidate in the next elections. He said is not an Atheist anymore very recently and, well, everybody knows that the USA will never elect an Atheist... :P I respect a lot Atheist people, but I also respect a lot who believes in God, Godesses, Prophets, Deities, etc, etc... Mirimir is my imaginary friend and I almost married under the blessings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (it's serious, one of my best friends is a wise Pastafarian "Minister"!), so I can't complain about the other persons' imaginary friends. I just don't like religions and their eternal judgements... The FSM is very tolerant! :P ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

Silly PS just for making a bit of bullying with J, haha!! Love you, hahaha!! ;D *Google adds Barbara Bush’s taco recipe and other presidential artifacts to online collection* Expanded collection dives into the personal histories of US presidents

Lauren posted two interesting links about this subject on PFIR list. Thanks, dear! :* ====== The Mark Zuckerberg Manifesto Is a Blueprint for Destroying Journalism ark-zuckerberg-manifesto-is-a-blueprint-for-destroying-journalism/517113/ A sprawling new manifesto by Zuckerberg, published to Facebook on Thursday, should set off new alarm bells for journalists, and heighten news organizations' sense of urgency about how they--and their industry--can survive in a Facebook-dominated world. ====== Op-ed: Mark Zuckerberg's manifesto is a political trainwreck -manifesto-is-a-political-trainwreck/ F acebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has just published a 5,700 word "letter" on his profile, where he asserts that Facebook represents one of history's "great leaps." Though he covers a number of topics, what's most interesting is how he positions Facebook as a force for political change in the coming years. His goals are lofty, sometimes even grandiose. That's not the problem. The problem is a fundamental contradiction built into the way he hopes to create what he calls a "global community" by essentially gerrymandering the Internet. ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has just published a 5,700 word "letter" on his profile, where he asserts that Facebook represents one of history's "great leaps."
Point being he's a "malignant narcissist like Donald Trump, with a touch of megalomania. But perhaps I'm wrong about DT AND Zucchini.. Another psychiatrist recently pointed out Donald Trump doesn't exhibit the 'distressed behavior' of a narcissist, and although that pill-pusher didn't make a diagnosis (just debunked the "malignant narcissist" label), he amply supports my hypothesis that Trump is a full-on Psychopath. So is Zucchini boy. He LIKES to break things. It's as easy as ABC to diagnose. No Anxiety No Bonds No Conscience They infest the computer industry. -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddlefucked around with mine until it worked..."
Lauren posted two interesting links about this subject on PFIR list. Thanks, dear! :*
The Mark Zuckerberg Manifesto Is a Blueprint for Destroying Journalism ark-zuckerberg-manifesto-is-a-blueprint-for-destroying-journalism/517113/
A sprawling new manifesto by Zuckerberg, published to Facebook on Thursday, should set off new alarm bells for journalists, and heighten news organizations' sense of urgency about how they--and their industry--can survive in a Facebook-dominated world.
Op-ed: Mark Zuckerberg's manifesto is a political trainwreck -manifesto-is-a-political-trainwreck/
F acebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has just published a 5,700 word "letter" on his profile, where he asserts that Facebook represents one of history's "great leaps." Though he covers a number of topics, what's most interesting is how he positions Facebook as a force for political change in the coming years. His goals are lofty, sometimes even grandiose. That's not the problem. The problem is a fundamental contradiction built into the way he hopes to create what he calls a "global community" by essentially gerrymandering the Internet.
------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

Still feeding the thread, la la la... :) ====== Facebook Plans to Rewire Your Life. Be Afraid. zuckerberg-s-manifesto-for-facebook-offers-a-social-dystopia ====== Sunday's Fun Bonus, yay! :D Trump Ethics: A Jobs Program for Washington Lawyers trump-ethics-a-jobs-program-for-washington-lawyers No, it's *not* a fun post, but it's involuntarily funny to see the words "Trump" and "Ethics" side by side, haha!! It's like to read "honest politician", hahaha!! ;D ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 17:20:31 -0300 Cecilia Tanaka <> wrote:
Still feeding the thread, la la la... :)
Facebook Plans to Rewire Your Life. Be Afraid. zuckerberg-s-manifesto-for-facebook-offers-a-social-dystopia
funny - so jakob bloomberg, another VIP from the chosen master race, doesn't agree with his pal fuckerberg?
Sunday's Fun Bonus, yay! :D
Trump Ethics: A Jobs Program for Washington Lawyers trump-ethics-a-jobs-program-for-washington-lawyers
No, it's *not* a fun post, but it's involuntarily funny to see the words "Trump" and "Ethics" side by side, haha!! It's like to read "honest politician", hahaha!! ;D
------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

Building Global Community - Mark Zuckerberg
Too much all under one roof, too left, definitely into censorship, outright creepy datamining and psychosocial testing and engineering (search youtube for facebook talking heads on this crap), shaping and pushing their narrative down upon userbase, with some say insecure Zuckerberg seeking validation. Above and beyond the billions already made exploiting you 'for free'. Would hundreds of millions of candy crush playing idiots all rising up at once on command feel like a "safe space" to you? Facebook is a closed corporation and said to have TOP SECRET government involvement, the same for Zuckerberg. Trust? If you want to enter politics and vie for good on your own and solicit followers, great, go for it. But don't go engineering your captive users into it as your own private army. Good that Zuck and Chan sortof spent his wad on medical disease reserch, but only if it's free for all opensourced and free of patent royalty copyright license fee, goes on to foster same, etc. Facebook did opensource some datacenter things, but that's negligible. Trap? Huge. At least this time it was announced in public. Who will listen? You decide.

On 03/04/2017 07:21 PM, grarpamp wrote:
Building Global Community - Mark Zuckerberg Too much all under one roof, too left, definitely into censorship, outright creepy datamining and psychosocial testing and engineering (search youtube for facebook talking heads on this crap), shaping and pushing their narrative down upon userbase, with some say insecure Zuckerberg seeking validation. Above and beyond the billions already made exploiting you 'for free'.
Would hundreds of millions of candy crush playing idiots all rising up at once on command feel like a "safe space" to you?
Facebook is a closed corporation and said to have TOP SECRET government involvement, the same for Zuckerberg. Trust?
If you want to enter politics and vie for good on your own and solicit followers, great, go for it. But don't go engineering your captive users into it as your own private army.
Good that Zuck and Chan sortof spent his wad on medical disease reserch, but only if it's free for all opensourced and free of patent royalty copyright license fee, goes on to foster same, etc.
Facebook did opensource some datacenter things, but that's negligible.
Trap? Huge. At least this time it was announced in public. Who will listen? You decide.
Public ... Unlike their little emoticon Emotional Engineering experiment where they failed to get one single informed consent from 700,000 users. Ethics schmethics! Markets are waiting, and the product is you...
Facebook emotion study breached ethical guidelines, researchers say
/Lack of 'informed consent' means that Facebook experiment on nearly 700,000 news feeds broke rules on tests on human subjects, say scientists/
Researchers have roundly condemned Facebook's experiment in which it manipulated nearly 700,000 users' news feeds to see whether it would affect their emotions, saying it breaches ethical guidelines for "informed consent".
James Grimmelmann, professor of law at the University of Maryland, points in an extensive blog post that "Facebook didn't give users informed consent" to allow them to decide whether to take part in the study, under US human subjects research.
"The study harmed participants," because it changed their mood, Grimmelmann comments, adding "This is bad, even for Facebook."
But one of the researchers, Adam Kramer, posted a lengthy defence on Facebook, saying it was carried out "because we care about the emotional impact of Facebook and the people that use our product." He said that he and his colleagues "felt that it was important to investigate the common worry that seeing friends post positive content leads to people feeling negative or left out."
The experiment hid certain elements from 689,003 peoples' news feed – about 0.04% of users, or 1 in 2,500 – over the course of one week in 2012. The experiment hid "a small percentage" of emotional words from peoples' news feeds, without their knowledge, to test what effect that had on the statuses or "Likes" that they then posted or reacted to.
The results found that, contrary to expectation, peoples' emotions were reinforced by what they saw - what the researchers called "emotional contagion".
But the study has come in for severe criticism because unlike the advertising that Facebook shows - which arguably aims to alter peoples' behaviour by making them buy products or services from those advertisers - the changes to the news feeds were made without users' knowledge or explicit consent.
Max Masnick, a researcher with a doctorate in epidemiology who says of his work that "I do human-subjects research every day", says that the structure of the experiment means there was no informed consent - a key element of any studies on humans.
"As a researcher, you don’t get an ethical free pass because a user checked a box next to a link to a website’s terms of use. The researcher is responsible for making sure all participants are properly consented. In many cases, study staff will verbally go through lengthy consent forms with potential participants, point by point. Researchers will even quiz participants after presenting the informed consent information to make sure they really understand.
"Based on the information in the PNAS paper, I don’t think these researchers met this ethical obligation."
Kramer does not address the topic of informed consent in his blog post. But he says that "my co-authors and I are very sorry for the way the paper described the research and any anxiety it caused. In hindsight, the research benefits of the paper may not have justified all of this anxiety."
When asked whether the study had had an ethical review before being approved for publication, the US National Academy of Sciences, which published the controversial paper in its Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), told the Guardian that it was investigating the issue.
With links:

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 11:14 PM, Razer <> wrote:
Top Secret MKULTRA alive and well. Only this time the drugs are also brought to you by cute little companies in the form of phones and apps. The mind, such a terrible thing to let go to waste ;) # unethical
participants (4)
Cecilia Tanaka