[crazy] [idea] vr can replace drugs?

https://science.slashdot.org/story/22/08/08/2153210/vr-is-as-good-as-psyched... the article, which i have not fully read, focuses on an artistic vr environment that produces responses indistinguishable from lsd and psychedelics on some tests. it also raises the idea that vr could produce other human changes, which is pleasant from a perspective of unaddressed algorithmic psychological manipulation in the world. i was thinking i needed an environment encouraging of rationality. i thought maybe having the user plan how they would move, and then follow through with their plan, as a first idea. i’m not sure how i would make it pleasant — but that seems maybe the study or art of human influence. maybe in the end a different thing than simply what i wanted to do better, would be more humanly influential.
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