proposed compulsory password exposure law -- Re: is this true?

----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <> ----- From: Zenaan Harkness <> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 10:07:39 +1000 Subject: Re: is this true? On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 02:14:30AM +1000, Scott wrote:
have you heard much of this ?
not sure how trustworthy the source is
They've been proposing and talking about this a few times, though as far as I know it has not passed yet. Those "petty nazis" or fascists who want back door access to everyone's private data, always try to berate us with "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to hide". The answer to this, and the human rights foundation is that "I don't have to be doing anything wrong, to want my privacy". Our right to privacy is fundamental to dignity as a human being. The other abomination is the ongoing war against basic legal rights - e.g. the right to not self incriminate - which this proposed law would of course dispense with in really substantial ways. So far, it seems we've (thankfully) managed to dodge this bullet - but if it comes back on the agenda, it will be a fight and a half for us/ the community/ people who value due process and fundamental human rights. ----- End forwarded message -----
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness