The term " Tankie " cannot be used in any weaselly way to distinguish so-called Stalinists. And that's because what's called Stalinism is simply ramped up Leninism. The only difference is scale. The term " Tankie " applies to every Bolshevik active in Russia from the German warmongers finance of Lenin’s train-ride on… And Zinoviev didn’t just talk about liquidating millions of Russian’s he helped enable the deaths of thousands in the Tambov region. “…Tuchachevsky also had chemical weapons, which Zinoviev had purchased in Halle while attending the German Communist " Splitting” congress in October 1920…" - P319 " The Russian Revolution - a new history " Where they use WW1 weapons of war - trains, poison-gas, etc - there they will use TANK’s. All Tankie’s are Marxist-LENINISTS. No more games.
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professor rat