PragerU v. Google - YouTube should be held to free speech laws, not discretion

Most folks here are passionate about free speech. The running debate on whether massive "social media" corporations ought be allowed to exercise "private club" discretion over their networks is hitting a US court, thanks to "PragerU", a conservative digital media organization. Apparently non-ironically, and thus all the more ironic, some "punks" declare that corporate "discretionary censorship" policies are just “A-OK, peachy wid me!”, reaching levels of self-parody rarely seen in the online world except on this very online, and very "punks" email list. Setting aside the ridiculous assertion which some folks try to uphold - that censorship is different from moderation, and moderation is ok - the fact that, to pick a totally random example, YouTube, is 20 times larger in market share as compared to its closest rival: and can therefore quite reasonably be considered a monopoly, is STILL not enough for some folks in their [MINISTRY] speak, to back down from their "companies can do no wrong" propaganda. Thankfully one onliner, Dennis Prager, is suing YouTube and its parent Google over alleged censorship of their videos: PragerU Sues YouTube and Google over Alleged Censorship of Conservatives According to the Wall Street Journal, the lawsuit, which was filed on Monday, “says YouTube’s more than 30 million visitors a day make the site so elemental to free speech in the digital age that it should be treated as a public forum.” “The suit argues the site must use the ‘laws governing free speech,’ not its own discretion, to make decisions about what to censor,” they reported, adding that PragerU “alleges that by limiting access to some of its videos without clear criteria YouTube is infringing on PragerU’s First Amendment rights.” … Here's hoping that Prager's lawyer/ legal team is not (((completely compromised))), and to this end I shall repeat what to my amateur not-a-lawyer mind is self evident, basic logic: An Open Letter to Dennis Prager: Dear Dennis, in the interests of you NOT being firetrucked over by your legal team (not that your particular legal team would ever do so mind you - this is simply insurance of a sort), consider the following: - insist that every legal document to be put before a court, is provided first to you for review, and only after your consent, is that document filed or otherwise put, to a court in your court case - insist that every legal document filed, or otherwise provided to your legal team, in relation to your matter, is provided to you, for your personal review - on any and every appeal process, ALWAYS put the question(s) of law proposed by your legal team, to the close analysis of your own mind, and where, in your mind appropriate (which for cases such as this - matters of basic human rights such as free speech), REALLY OUGHT be put to the public - the question of law on appeal is one of the most basic ways that mistakes or “mistakes” happen, especially in high-profile cases which might affect the profits of a large corporation As a good friend has said many times “the most complicated thing in law is a double negative”. Good luck,

This censorship in America is heating up - RT and Sputnik banned from advertising on Twitter as we know, Alex Jones' wings have been clipped - no more livestreaming on Facebook for him, and another hard core "right"ist Roger Stone has been permanently banned from Twitter. The irony of Hillary Clinton and others actually calling for the military droning murder of Julian Assange, and NOT getting banned from Twitter leads to Ministry hypocrisy the likes of which could cause a snowflake's stomach to churn. Alas, this is the war we are in. The media-corporate complex has declared war on free speech and Trump mustn’t remain silent While Donald Trump has clearly surrendered to the military-industrial complex, he still could and should fight the media-corporate complex.

Tucker Carlson: "When a small group of billionaires shuts down speech, the Left applauds!" And a Charlestown "survivor" who is now CEO of some black lives jewed "corporation" that he "founded" puts a succinct and <ahem>cogent response - Tucker got destroyed in this interview (a rare moment admittedly). Damn! Tucker ASSAULTS YouTube Headquarters with a FULLY-SEMI AUTOMATIC AR-15 and UPLOADS the VIDEO 'tube direct: On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 10:20:57AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
This censorship in America is heating up - RT and Sputnik banned from advertising on Twitter as we know, Alex Jones' wings have been clipped - no more livestreaming on Facebook for him, and another hard core "right"ist Roger Stone has been permanently banned from Twitter.
The irony of Hillary Clinton and others actually calling for the military droning murder of Julian Assange, and NOT getting banned from Twitter leads to Ministry hypocrisy the likes of which could cause a snowflake's stomach to churn.
Alas, this is the war we are in.
The media-corporate complex has declared war on free speech and Trump mustn’t remain silent While Donald Trump has clearly surrendered to the military-industrial complex, he still could and should fight the media-corporate complex.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness