That filthy, anti-social criminal, Jeremy Hammond

We want to Dox everyone of these fucking morons. Will pay 100$ each confirmed idiot. "...we wanted to take no chances with anyone’s health. We wear masks to protect ourselves & others, because anarchists believe in mutual aid & solidarity. I will never recognize J. Hammond as anarchist till he mans up and apologizes for not doing due-diligence on the rapist, Nazbol, conartist journalist he did stupid and counter-productive and unnecessary illegal actions for. If he doesn’t know he did the wrong thing by anarchism ( and all humanity ) he might do it again. Then it would be on us for not shutting him down in time. We don’t need any more fucking Nechaevs. Anarchist-News coverage of J. Hammond has almost made me ashamed to be anarchist - but these are American ‘anarchists’ after all. The appalling depths of their ignorance is only matched by the shitty arrogance of their Nazbol politics. Nihilist, no-nothing Nitwits can hardly get any worse - then these do! Traitors like this need DOXXING as a matter of some urgency. Then we can DDoS them, SWAT them and DESTROY THEM. SIX YEARS AFTER ( and eternity in internet years ) a 2004 DEF CON event in Las Vegas, where J. Hammond delivered a talk that encouraged “electronic civil disobedience” , terminal dipshits in the alleged 'anarchist ’ movement / scene, milieu / space / whatever, still act dumb about netwar tactics. This is worse than a crime - its a mistake. And its ongoing - why the fuck is Donald Dumbfuck still breathing? ( and Tweeting! ) JFC. This greenhorn dingbat, Hammond was free for several years, as an anarchist, from 2008 when he was aged 23 - 6. He’s young enough to cut a little slack as immature-in-law ( Sear " Jeff Luers " ) But having experienced jail you might think he’d be taking more care. Some of those associated with Lulzsec smelled a rat - well at least one did - he asked Sabu what was wrong with him. Anarchists need a little basic nous. But this was just the start of this idiots crime wave. He worked on behalf of a suspect source, to, what? …work on behalf of a KNOWN anti-social criminal! By 2012 this was well known! The cherry on top of this shit-sundae is Hammond chose to hack a dud target - if I knew Stratfor wasn’t worth hacking by then anyone could have known that. Tl/dr Hammond is a cop-magnet, a fucking moron and a degenerate criminal. Caveat lecter.
participants (1)
professor rat