Cryptocurrency: Ends Warmongers And Their Wars, Makes War Unaffordable
Satoshi noted... Warmongers steal your money via.. 1) PsyOps tricking you into "voting" them into power over you. 2) Then taking your money from you via... a) Inflation Printing Money from Nothing, turning you into literal Debt Slaves. b) Outright Criminal Extortion and Theft ("taxes", "social contract" nonsense), carried out under threat of prison, loss of work, assets, family, and ultimately death. Michael Rivero: Bankers Wars Ray Dalio: World Order Cycles Eustace Williams: Bankers Wars G Edward Griffin: Creature From Jekyll Island Wright w Griffin and Mayer V is for Voluntaryism. C is for Cryptocurrency. Adopt and spread them both today. Make war unaffordable ( submitted 3 days ago by KAX1107 [–]Gullible_Honeydew11 123 points124 points125 points 3 days ago (1 child) Wow it's like nothing has changed in the simulation except for my stack permalink embed save report reply [–]andorraliechtenstein 19 points20 points21 points 3 days ago (0 children) except for my stack And that beer price ! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]mista-sparkle 34 points35 points36 points 3 days ago (5 children) The real story is someone figured out a way to eat out for £5. permalink embed save report reply [–]reclamerommelenzo 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (0 children) She usually charges me 15 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]FDisk80 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (0 children) This. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) I wish! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]iikun 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) Runner up is that Salman Rushdie did in fact marry again. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Oheson 1 point2 points3 points 2 days ago (0 children) That is part of the problem. $5 then is not equal to $5 now. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]3DprintRC 85 points86 points87 points 3 days ago (86 children) War has two sides. Typically one side doesn't want it and still has to afford it. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago* (84 children) [deleted] [–]3DprintRC 54 points55 points56 points 3 days ago (45 children) It's so naive to think Bitcoin will just solve everything. permalink embed save report reply [–]HailToTheKink 49 points50 points51 points 3 days ago (0 children) It won't "solve" anything. It increases the odds of better outcomes though. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Percyheckendorf 31 points32 points33 points 3 days ago (16 children) You literally cannot plunder bitcoin. Wars that can’t plunder, or plunder resources, are funded by printing new money. Also impossible with bitcoin It’s just math. Yes bitcoin will make war unaffordable, and logistical nonsense permalink embed save parent report reply [–]MagicMaker32 10 points11 points12 points 3 days ago (1 child) I dunno, gotta keep that seed somewhere. The US Gov has one of the biggest stack of sats just from what they have confiscated from various individuals and entities. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]FruitBeef 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (0 children) Not to mention mining is becoming increasingly hard for little guys, and these power-plant level mining facilities are vulnerable to AWS attacks, or grid outages. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]brianl047 -2 points-1 points0 points 3 days ago (13 children) Most wars aren't funded but done through deficit spending. Saying BTC could stop war is like saying the rich could stop war. Not how it works because wars are about ideology, not money. Money could be a secondary factor but is never the main reason (broken window fallacy). permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 7 points8 points9 points 3 days ago (7 children) This is a false equivalence. Bitcoin adoption will seriously hamper war. When you can only buy guns, ammunition, and weapons with hard bitcoin on base layer, not IOUs, not paper money, not pinky promises, then elites will have a much harder time war mongering. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Local_Mousse1771 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (4 children) That may be one of the minor reasons why you may not see widespread adoption. But to be honest I don't know how you would force internationally that you just buy weapons only with bitcoin anyway. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) There’s no forcing. Overtime as Bitcoin adoption and usability grows, it becomes the de facto currency for international trade. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Gracket_Material 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (2 children) Bitcoin is anti-force permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Local_Mousse1771 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (1 child) Yes, I agree, that Bitcoin is anti-force. But then why would anybody with intent to buy weapons and make war use bitcoin if that restricts them in buying weapons and making war? permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (1 reply) [–]perfect5-7-with-rice 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) But if fiat money supply (and in turn, value) is increased by lending out fiat, why can't the same market forces apply to paper Bitcoin / IOUs? Many Bitcoin "owners" today are perfectly willing to keep it on the exchange, effectively IOUs permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (1 reply) [–]Percyheckendorf 5 points6 points7 points 3 days ago (1 child) Ya know, this is the best part of bitcoin… the revisionist cope of the people too stupid to criticize the asset intelligently, so they make shit up. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (0 children) Hahah yeah. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]HurricaneHarvey7 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (0 children) It's pretty simple dude. Can't print Bitcoin to fund unpopular and useless wars. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Gracket_Material 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Nobody would sign up for the military if they weren’t bribed with fiat Once people wise up to fiat it’s over for the military permalink embed save parent report reply [–]pigeonwiggle 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) you're 100% right. the rich Could stop war. but they do not. bitcoin Could stop war - but it will not. because, as you say, it's not about that. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DontDieSenpai 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (1 child) Except, that's not the argument. Bitcoin absolutely possesses the capacity to make war unaffordable. That's just a fact given the rickety foundation fiat rests upon in stark contrast to the secure and decentralized foundation of bitcoin. If fiat does end up failing, which we all know is a possibility given humankind's monetary history, then those in power would need to convince the world to buy more of the same shit (think CBDCs) to continue printing money in order to finance war spending. It is a rather hard sell, so expect authoritarian decrees attempting to force adoption. Bitcoin stands poised in a perfect position to be uniquely attractive in such a situation, given its open access and decentralization. We know war is expensive, and we know fiat makes it easy to afford war in the near term at the cost of long-term stability because it does not have a fixed supply and can be inflated almost to infinity. Fiat is an Ouroboros eating itself. We know this cannot continue indefinitely. Fiat survives because of the faith we as a species has in it. That faith is waning, and people are finding a path out through bitcoin. So, if widespread frequent warfare is predicated upon a fiat monetary system and a fiat monetary system is predicated upon a favorable worldwide psychological disposition; then what happens in a world where people wish to adopt a better money that is secure, decentralized, and perfectly scarce? War doesn't become impossible, but paying for it practically does. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Local_Mousse1771 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) The sad truth is that you being able to write this comment will set you probably at least in the top 20% intelligent people worldwide who have at least an idea how our money system roughly works. Issue is however that the remaining 80% will have no idea at all about that. And I sadly really doubt mass Bitcoin adoption because of this. Bitcoin would have the capability to make high intensity wars too expensive. But the human nature is just not like that. Wars are won by a combination of extreme determination and sufficiently strong war economy. No country in their right mind would hamper their war economy willingly. What works against war is a combination of educated (sensible acting) leaders and a power balance on both sides that noone dares to start a war due to fear of loosing more than gaining. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BuyRackTurk 5 points6 points7 points 3 days ago (1 child) It's so naive to think Bitcoin will just solve everything. No, its naive to think it wont. When war has to be fought at the financial level and risk to life of each individual involved, there will be a hell of a lot less war going on. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]explosiveplacard 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) It's a lot harder to fund a war if you have to pay with it before you start it. permalink embed save parent report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago* (14 children) [deleted] [–]Pin_ups -3 points-2 points-1 points 3 days ago (13 children) Your Lambo would worth nothing if current economy goes to shit. permalink embed save report reply [–]MachaMacMorrigan 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (12 children) Dunno . . . could get out of Dodge really fast? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Pin_ups 5 points6 points7 points 3 days ago (10 children) Zero chance when world economy is in shambles, luxury items tend to be useless when food, water, and shelter is first and must have. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]MachaMacMorrigan 8 points9 points10 points 3 days ago (1 child) Ok then. Swap the Lambo for a Ford XB GT Falcon Pursuit Special? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Pin_ups 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) That's what I am talking about, and power of v8. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Zealousideal_Neck78 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (7 children) You forgot oil too, as many will find out. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Pin_ups 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (6 children) Oil is getting more expensive to drill and with a lot of environmental laws too. The next 100 years to come, oil will no longer be a commodity. permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (6 replies) [–]PushTheButtonPlease 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (0 children) Get outta "Dodge" in Lambo. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]PM_ME_YOUR_THESES 3 points4 points5 points 3 days ago (2 children) It won’t solve everything. But it will solve government abusing their fiscal powers. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]fringecar -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (1 child) In a bitcoin world I bet the Chinese government could collect taxes and the US government could not. Americans would be like "I lost it in a boating accident". Chinese would be like "of course my Bitcoin is on the central exchange, tell me what I owe." permalink embed save parent report reply [–]PM_ME_YOUR_THESES -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (0 children) Research points to the exact opposite outcomes. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Aerith_Gainsborough_ 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (1 child) It's so naive to think that your God will just solve everything. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]ultra_annoymnuos 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (0 children) My God will but not yours 😅 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Zealousideal_Neck78 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Most do though, lol. Its great when they insert Bitcoins mysterious healing powers into societies social illnesses. Haha! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]cryptosareagirlsbf 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Strawman much? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]WarSuccessful3717 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (2 children) Okay … but this doesn’t seem something that governments will rush into tbh. Wouldn’t a country based on Bitcoin finance lose a war against a country that can use fiat to fund their war machine??? permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago* (1 child) [deleted] [–]FruitBeef 1 point2 points3 points 2 days ago (0 children) People seem to forget the social (read powerful interest-laden elite control) aspect of money and the economy in these parts. permalink embed save report reply [+]BJPark comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points 3 days ago (23 children) Then the only country to not use Bitcoin would print money, fund its armies, and conquer the world. Printing money gives a country the advantage of being able to wage infinite war. permalink embed save report reply [–]16BitSquid 16 points17 points18 points 3 days ago (8 children) If one country would print money to wage war that country’s currency would be worthless to other countries. That country now also has to be fully self sustaining. Money printing makes wars possible. But only if all other countries are also printing 😄 permalink embed save parent report reply [+]BJPark comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points 3 days ago (7 children) I never said it would be a smart economic move for a country to print money. It might indeed be dumb. However, no other countries would exist, since the immediate benefit of printing money would be to conquer all the other countries around it. The defending countries would fall because the wouldn't be able to print money to pay their armies. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]New_Painting5190 9 points10 points11 points 3 days ago (1 child) Dude stop writing such retarded garbage, just by reading your text some of my brain cells got instantly burnt. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark -3 points-2 points-1 points 3 days ago (0 children) permalink embed save parent report reply [–]looneytones8 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (4 children) As the previous commenter said, they’d have to be a self sustaining country with no imports because they won’t be able to pay any other country with their worthless money. Good luck building enough resources to conquer the world on your own… permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (3 children) Depending on the country, they could self-sustain for years. If you're Russia, maybe even indefinitely. And you wouldn't need to do it indefinitely. If your opponents have no armies, you could conquer them in months. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]looneytones8 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (2 children) Not while you’re at war with the rest of the world. The rest of the world will have armies, wtf is this bullshit hypothetical lol permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (1 child) The rest of the world will have armies, Not with Bitcoin, they won't. You need to print money (or steal it) to sustain armies. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]looneytones8 3 points4 points5 points 3 days ago (0 children) Or pay for it with your bitcoin. If I were under threat of an attack, I would help pay for an army. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BigDeezerrr 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (4 children) Who would accept the monopoly dollars this one country is printing? How would they get the resources to wage such a war? No country would give them oil, metals, weapons, semiconductors, etc for their funny money. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark -4 points-3 points-2 points 3 days ago* (3 children) Who would accept the monopoly dollars this one country is printing? The local population. They're the ones you need to pay to fight. Just be like Russia. How would they get the resources to wage such a war? No country would give them oil, metals, weapons, semiconductors, etc for their funny money. For maybe a year or more, a country could wage war with what it has. If no one fights back because they're too poor, then it's enough. They could then loot the oil, metals, weapons, semiconductors etc without needing to trade with anyone. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BigDeezerrr 4 points5 points6 points 3 days ago (2 children) Venezuelans don't want to accept the Venezuelan Bolívar. They're forced to so they need to use wheelbarrows and weigh their money instead of count it, but it's completely impractical. A Bitcoin standard doesn't mean countries can't fight back. An existential crisis, such as a rogue nation attempting to dominate the world, would be an easy cost to justify. Staying entrenched in Afghanistan for 20 years under false pretenses, not so much. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark -2 points-1 points0 points 3 days ago (1 child) An existential crisis, such as a rogue nation attempting to dominate the world, would be an easy cost to justify. But where is the money coming from, justified or not? Without printing, there isn't enough to go around to suddenly pay an army. You can point to isolated places like Venezuela, but the reality is that, at least for the time needed to win a war, the population will gladly accept printed money, especially if they've gotten used to it in the past. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BigDeezerrr 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago* (0 children) The US has a GDP ~820 billion Bitcoins. If motivated I think they can spare some to fight back. It's hard to say how these things would play out in a new world. I look back to the gold standard era for answers, wars were typically smaller in scale and difficult to keep going/finance. Obviously it was a different world so the parallel isn't exact. World Wars only became possible because nations decided to suspend the gold standard, confiscate gold, and print money. I think most haters see the "Bitcoin stops war" headline and freak out. It wont end war, but unpopular war might become untenable if there was a fair money. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (4 children) Wrong. People selling weapons would require hard bitcoin. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (3 children) Does Russia need to buy weapons from anyone? The war would be over in 2 weeks as other countries wouldn't be able to pay their armies to fight back. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (2 children) Good question. They absolutely do. No country has the entire defense industry within their borders. Modern nuclear subs, airplanes, carriers, etc., are built with 100 of international suppliers. Try defending against them with domestic only weapons. Furthermore, the people of your dictatorship being forced to wage war for worthless paper money instead of a global hard asset, like Bitcoin, or gold, are guaranteed to revolt and not work the factories. Has happened to many rulers throughout antiquity when they didn’t pay their soldiers in gold. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (1 child) Has happened to many rulers throughout antiquity when they didn’t pay their soldiers in gold. A different time, when people valued gold. Merchants in Italy revolted when the government tried to introduce paper money to mimic the financial systems they had found in china. It's a good illustration of how something can work or not work depending on the society and the time period. There was a time when people would only accept hard currency like gold. Now we've all gotten used to paper money, and wouldn't think twice about accepting fiat money that's printed indiscriminately. Again, this might not always work as some countries like Zimbabwe and Argentina show, but it will definitely work for most countries most of the time in the modern world. Consider how Germany built up their war machine from scratch to wage war on Europe for WW2. An autocracy or dictatorship that can print money will be an immediate and severe threat to any surrounding countries foolish enough to adopt a hard currency. permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (1 reply) [–]Gracket_Material 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (3 children) Unless you can print steel and oil and food, money is useless in that scenario This scenario was briefly explored in the TV show The Office where the characters issued Schrute Bucks and Stanley Nickels. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BJPark 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (2 children) A country like Russia for example can generate all of the above as long as it can get the people to produce them. And as long as people accept printed money, this strategy will work just fine. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Gracket_Material 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (1 child) Some thing the Soviet Union said permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (1 reply) [–]DiamondMan07 -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (4 children) Not true. The govt can subpoena server locations and create an injunction to prevent non government action on a decentralized currency, thereby allowing a minority of the server activity to constitute a majority of the system. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago* (3 children) [deleted] [–]DiamondMan07 -1 points0 points1 point 2 days ago (2 children) I’ve read both and written decentralized tokens (not currency). Ultimately, there is storage on physical machines. I have a buddy out here in central Oregon who owns a whole server farm. Gov’t can subpoena and seize physical servers and issue injunctions on accessing the blockchain outside of access routed through those servers, where 50 state warrants are issued for those who violate it. Tor does not provide absolute protection on IP and there are various levels of Tor protection, read up on it. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 2 days ago* (1 child) [deleted] load more comments (1 reply) [–]PharaonBibiHussein35redditor for 2 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (2 children) They will literally come to your house and take your stuff When you stand in the way of your nations self defence you deserve whatever is gonna happen to you permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 2 days ago* (1 child) [deleted] [–]PharaonBibiHussein35redditor for 2 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Citizens like yourself where Slaughtered few days ago, Raped, Tortured, Massacred and had their dead bodies paraded Around Wtf does America have to do with this? Also even America fought for it's citizens gain, if they for example hadn't conquered Indians US wouldn't be as powerful and Prosperous as it is now Ah Yes defending your citizens is Authoritarian🤦🏻♂️ I think you are confused what I said When did I talk about a government that makes enemies of its own people? Post Was about Israel first kicking out Hamas Militants who slaughtered civilians and then attacking Their positions in Gaza If an Israeli citizen where to get In the way of this and aid Hamas he would obviously be a traitor and would deserve punishment The only thing keeping you and your property safe is 2nd Amendment. Not Bitcoin or something else permalink embed save report reply [–]FruitBeef 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (1 child) There's nothing stopping a payment processor in this hypothetical world from blocking coins from your wallet. Transparency. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago (2 children) [deleted] [–]parishiIt0n 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (1 child) Why use their precious bitcoins if biden is sending them billions of dollars instead permalink embed save report reply [–]--mrperx-- 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (0 children) Eat out from 5 Pounds? Where? permalink embed save report reply [–]Trunks7j 5 points6 points7 points 3 days ago (1 child) This IS relevant to Bitcoin. This paper is the day the Genesis block for Bitcoin was mined. If you own an original of this paper then you have a very valuable collectible that is sought after. permalink embed save report reply [–]Successful_Score_925 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) wow, if a bank was being bailed out now that would very closely match permalink embed save parent report reply [–]cat_magnet 37 points38 points39 points 3 days ago (21 children) And they say that Bitcoin is bad for the environment? Endless money printing funding massive wars isn't exactly green. permalink embed save report reply [–]Original_Delivery_15 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (8 children) Hamas killed hundreds in one day. And people say that me killing one person is bad? Morale of the story: buy BTC so that nobody dies. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Armed-Librarianredditor for 5 weeks -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (7 children) Hamas killed hundreds in one day Israel killed hundreds with one rocket strike. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]User673412 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (1 child) Israel kills 250 people every couple months in Palestine but now it’s happened to them and they’re comparing it to the holocaust. Defund the war machine. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Armed-Librarianredditor for 5 weeks 3 points4 points5 points 3 days ago (0 children) Agreed! America should stop sending BILLIONS of dollars to israel each year! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Original_Delivery_15 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (4 children) True, and your point is? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Armed-Librarianredditor for 5 weeks 4 points5 points6 points 3 days ago (3 children) We need to stop sending literal BILLIONS to israel each year. That is the point permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Original_Delivery_15 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (2 children) Oh REALLY? Dollar (and BTC) are the tool. Same as weapons. If I were to choose, I would rather ban weapons instead of dollars. But hey, you do you. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Armed-Librarianredditor for 5 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (1 child) Oh REALLY? Yes really. Altough I have to say that I support banning Israel over the dollar because they are known for rocket stiking residential building and killing countless innocent people in their terror attacks. Just yesterday they killed hundreds of people, some even children, in a rocket strike. We need to put an end to this. Better sooner than later... before more people are being brutally murdered permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (1 reply) [+]sogdianus comment score below threshold-12 points-11 points-10 points 3 days ago (11 children) Hamas printed which money for their war? Stop being delusional permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Weigh13 7 points8 points9 points 3 days ago (0 children) Nah, the west printed their money and made the weapons for them. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]SpamFriedMice 7 points8 points9 points 3 days ago (0 children) Saw reports yesterday claiming Hamas had been purchasing arms that seem to have gotten misplaced in Ukraine. Don't know if that's accurate, but if true, we printed money for this war. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]MachaMacMorrigan 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (5 children) Iran funds HAMAS. "Secretary of State Antony Blinken pushed back Sunday against unsubstantiated claims that [$6B] Iranian assets that were recently freed up facilitated Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel" permalink embed save parent report reply [–]16BitSquid 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (2 children) There’s many sources to find linking Hamas to the CIA and also to Israel for their funding. All I know for sure is banks are supplying both sides with money and worlds largest arms dealers sell weapons to both sides. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]mista-sparkle -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (1 child) It wouldn't surprise me, but I'm gonna need to see a source for any claim of CIA or Israeli support of Hamas or false-flag operations in the region. It's simply not very likely to compare at all to the support that Hamas has received from Iran, by any quantifiable measure. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]dalepo 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Israel uses Hamas extremism to justify their expansion. They've been doing it for decades. I'm not sure about the link between Hamas and Mossad, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is true. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Armed-Librarianredditor for 5 weeks -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (1 child) unsubstantiated I think that is important permalink embed save parent report reply [–]MachaMacMorrigan -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (0 children) With regard to WaPo's use of "unsubstantiated": they might say that; I couldn't possibly comment permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Gullible_Honeydew11 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Hostage slavecoin permalink embed save parent report reply [–]fverdeja 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Indebting yourself so you can go to war is not printing money per se, but it will affect their money supply sooner than you think. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Plenty-Stock 15 points16 points17 points 3 days ago (1 child) People have been fighting over this land since BC. History runs deep here. This latest conflict is one of plenty in a line of dating back thousands of years. Edit: Link permalink embed save report reply [–]Gullible_Honeydew11 4 points5 points6 points 3 days ago (0 children) Right link the wars haven't changed since the 60s they're still shooting little pieces of metal at each other only differences there's digital currency flowting through the airwaves permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Pin_ups 5 points6 points7 points 3 days ago (0 children) Very bad association here, this is what we call confirmation bias. Two events at the same time does correlate to something you might think. Now if we need to count the association with the war vs. Banks, look at the cost of prolonged conflict vs. GDP, and banks spending vs. Bond market. permalink embed save report reply [–]hateschoolfml 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) This is like the 6th bailout as well permalink embed save report reply [–]Elly0xCrypto 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) Buy bitcoin! permalink embed save report reply [–]dalepo 1 point2 points3 points 3 days ago (0 children) People pay for this through inflation. permalink embed save report reply [–]goodbtc 1 point2 points3 points 2 days ago (0 children) Why is yours different than this one? permalink embed save report reply [–]SpaceToadD 3 points4 points5 points 3 days ago (0 children) They will be at war forever, so will we. permalink embed save report reply [–]Capable_Compote6188 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (0 children) War never changes, with or without BTC. Stop being so naive. permalink embed save report reply [–]CasaSatoshi 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (0 children) History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme. permalink embed save report reply [–]oreipele1940 2 points3 points4 points 3 days ago (0 children) This is one of the most retarded bitcoin memes - the idea that if it wasn't for fiat, there would not be wars. If anything, the empirical evidence is largely against it. There has never been more peace and less wars than under fiat money. Virtually all wars in the antiquity, middle ages, and the modern age, including post-French revolution to pre-ww2, were fought under the gold or silver standard, with rare fiat experiments that quickly failed. Fiat is bad and facilitates certain aspects of war funding. But believing that bitcoin would make war unaffordable is simply pure retardness. permalink embed save report reply [–]igadjeed -3 points-2 points-1 points 3 days ago (15 children) Not relevant to Bitcoin permalink embed save report reply [–]TheNintendoWii 7 points8 points9 points 3 days ago (1 child) This article about the Chancellor was encoded in the first block of the Bitcion network permalink embed save parent report reply [+]igadjeed comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points 3 days ago (0 children) It is a newspaper headline, not an article. It was inserted to be a timestamp, a real-world anchor for the beginning of Bitcoin permalink embed save parent report reply [–]KAX1107[S] 14 points15 points16 points 3 days ago (1 child) The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks permalink embed save parent report reply [+]igadjeed comment score below threshold-8 points-7 points-6 points 3 days ago (0 children) Why did you copy & paste a timestamp marker? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]52576078 8 points9 points10 points 3 days ago (5 children) Extremely relevant, actually. With a fiat money, governments can just print to pay for their wars. On a non-fiat money, it's much more difficult for them to fund their wars and they have to justify the wars to the people in order to get the funding through e.g. taxes permalink embed save parent report reply [+]sogdianus comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points 3 days ago* (2 children) Hamas printed money for their war to be able to massacre, rape and kidnap people? That would be new. Stop being delusional permalink embed save parent report reply [–]52576078 6 points7 points8 points 3 days ago (0 children) Wow, what a clueless take. Well done, that's definitely the dumbest response I've gotten in a long time. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Aerith_Gainsborough_ 3 points4 points5 points 3 days ago (0 children) The money got printed somewhere else and given to both sides of this war. permalink embed save parent report reply [+]igadjeed comment score below threshold-8 points-7 points-6 points 3 days ago (1 child) Not relevant to Bitcoin permalink embed save parent report reply [–]52576078 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) LOL permalink embed save parent report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago (3 children) [removed] [+]sogdianus comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points 3 days ago (2 children) because if you're massacred, raped, abducted and thousands of rockets are being shot at you, Bitcoin is the last thing which would help you here. Crushing whoever does massacres or shoots rockets is the only viable solution in this case. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]tehb1726 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) We would have wars with sticks and stones permalink embed save report reply [–]Abundance144 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Show me a god that wants his creations killing each other over some "holy" dirt. permalink embed save report reply [+]excitement2k comment score below threshold-13 points-12 points-11 points 3 days ago (0 children) Get this fucking tripe off of the sub. permalink embed save report reply [+]moonst1 comment score below threshold-26 points-25 points-24 points 3 days ago (22 children) Great idea to justify Islamist violence and calling Israel's protection of its civilians "war" /s These kind of shitty posts by people like you is what really prevents Bitcoin from getting mass adoption and gives Bitcoin's critics even more fuel to paint Bitcoin in a bad light. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago (18 children) [deleted] [–]JewOrleans 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago* (2 children) Damn Hamas and their infinite money printer… Edit: this thread won’t let me respond for some reason but Iran doesn’t need to “print money”. They can sell their fucking natural resources for bitcoin if they so choose and then can fund Hamas with bitcoin. Some of you people are so fucking dense. permalink embed save report reply [–]Aerith_Gainsborough_ 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Think for a moment (if you are capable of) of they (both sides of this war) being funded by others. Funded by money printing. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]SuperSan93 -2 points-1 points0 points 3 days ago (9 children) Unfortunately, religious fanatics don’t go to war for money. It really is irrelevant in this situation. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago (8 children) [deleted] [–]SuperSan93 -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (7 children) I know. But if you have 100,000 neck-beards all willing to die for god all you need to do is give them a 70 year old AK47 and a bag of bullets, maybe an old Toyota pick-up truck for a few shekels and they’re good to go wage war. permalink embed save report reply [–][deleted] 3 days ago (3 children) [deleted] [–]SuperSan93 -3 points-2 points-1 points 3 days ago (2 children) BTC would certainly make war prohibitively expensive but only for the countries that have adopted it. But it’s a bit of an idealists viewpoint. Nations without it would have a massive advantage, or countries with people willing to or forced to fight and manufacture war supplies for little or no financial reward. It would result in a major shift in global power to extreme Islamist groups and dictatorships. Think about how much the US spent on its war in Afghanistan vs how much the Taliban spent. Would US defense contractors offer to build weapons for no profit? Will soldiers fight for the glory of the US without pay? Give up their after-care and pension? Not a chance. I don’t believe any country will ever adopt BTC as it’s sole currency, only as a secondary. BTC has such promise, but we can’t forget there are external factors out of anybodies control that will dictate how it’s adopted. permalink embed save report reply load more comments (2 replies) [–]Aerith_Gainsborough_ -1 points0 points1 point 3 days ago (2 children) all you need to do is give them a 70 year old AK47 and a bag of bullets, maybe an old Toyota pick-up truck for a few shekels Who will pay for all that? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]SuperSan93 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago* (1 child) I mean, that costs what? A few thousand dollars? Compare the cost of outfitting a US soldier and sending them to war for a year ($1,000,000) with an armored Humvee $200,000 (figures taken from the white houses’ own briefings) Change that to BTC that’s 0.11 vs 43.7. Which country would win a war of attrition with those numbers in a BTC dominated world? permalink embed save parent report reply load more comments (1 reply) [–]mista-sparkle 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Sure they can. They can get loans from wealthy benefactors that have an interest in the outcome, and they raise money through war bonds and other means. permalink embed save report reply [–]ariehkovler -3 points-2 points-1 points 3 days ago (1 child) Ah yes, before fiat currency there was no war. permalink embed save report reply [–]moonst1 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (1 child) there were wars before there was money permalink embed save report reply [–]SkyJebus -2 points-1 points0 points 3 days ago (0 children) Ew, how delusional is this take? Lmfao. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]tk11811 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (1 child) So you think a Reddit post will stop Bitcoin gaining mass adoption? 😂 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]moonst1 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) lol, no, never said this anyway, but shit like this contributes to the negative image of Bitcoin, like many of the other comments and posts here. Many tiny stepy into the wrong direction. permalink embed save parent report reply [+]3dio comment score below threshold-12 points-11 points-10 points 3 days ago (0 children) Oh will it stop violent militant Islamist organisations or no? Or will it help fund them? permalink embed save report reply [–]Fisterupper -2 points-1 points0 points 3 days ago (0 children) Damn right. You can't play nice? We're taking your toys away. permalink embed save report reply [–]zesushv 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Indeed the replies are were the knowledge is ripe. Saw multiple analysis on how Bitcoin will not only make wars uninteresting to engage in, but make it financially difficult to afford. permalink embed save report reply [–]parishiIt0n 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Stop financing the endless tribe wars was and will always be my biggest motivation to use bitcoin. Anywhere they go with their fiat printing machine chao ensues permalink embed save report reply [–]theravingsofalunatic 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) I have a funny feeling this WAR will not last to long permalink embed save report reply [–]DevDaniel260redditor for 2 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Wow. This is powerful. World peace. No war. permalink embed save report reply [–]Remote-Annual-676 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Especially when you got someone who works in the bank handing out your money to every dick tom and harry that comes in permalink embed save report reply [–]MsTkL86 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Because it is affordable now ? Tell me more pls permalink embed save report reply [–]Flurb789 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) I'm still trying to detox in style 14 years later permalink embed save report reply [–]sn0wballa 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) henry ford's digital currency backed by energy would be a phenomenal idea.. permalink embed save report reply [–]Nilowkey 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) As the enigmatic Chris Rock said, “make bullets $5000” permalink embed save report reply [–]mechanicalcontrols 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) How exactly is Bitcoin going to make war unaffordable? Wars were fought for thousands of years before fiat currency. permalink embed save report reply [–]Justonemorelanebro 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Get ready for defense stocks to soar. After that they will have money for another banks bailout permalink embed save report reply [–]Successful_Score_925 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) Dude no way ... permalink embed save report reply [–]FiveGuysisBest 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (4 children) War is never unaffordable. That’s a naive thing to believe. Lack of money has never ended a war. permalink embed save report reply [–]Oheson 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (3 children) Financials causes wars and stops war. Always. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]FiveGuysisBest 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago* (2 children) They cause wars. But they never stop them. No country has ever signed a peace agreement because they ran out of money. They’ll borrow or print themselves into oblivion before they surrender. Military defeat ends wars. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]turtle_main_61 1 point2 points3 points 2 days ago (1 child) That's the whole point. No more money printer for you Mr. State. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]FiveGuysisBest 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago* (0 children) lol no more money means they just print more of it. That’s why governments print more money. Not to mention all the loans they’ll take out. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Aggravating-Pie-4535redditor for 2 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) F Israel Palestine war bailouts and the banks. And commas too! permalink embed save report reply [–]Similar_Ad_1982 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) You all realize that some wars are necessary to stop bad people from doing bad things right?? What then? permalink embed save report reply [–]crodbtc 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) The fact that it's all playing again is legendary Cheers to Satoshi permalink embed save report reply [–]TriSamples 0 points1 point2 points 3 days ago (0 children) I don’t get why they bail out banks. We did this already and the countries that let the banks fail had far stronger positions after than the ones that bailed them out. Our Scandinavian friends did it right. Why are we repeating this decision? Bitcoin ftw. permalink embed save report reply [–]xavier_mamba 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (1 child) I see your point, but their war is irrelevant to bitcoin permalink embed save report reply [–]Oheson 1 point2 points3 points 2 days ago (0 children) Relevant in the sense that if they went to the Bitcoin standard, no wars would ever exist anymore. The money printer enables war and is fed by war. It is a symbiotic relationship. Regardless of where the war takes place, it is ultimately fed by the money printer. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]TheOriginalGuru 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (0 children) ::cries in British:: permalink embed save report reply [–]Dullfig 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (0 children) Oh, like prehistoric tribes never went to war... permalink embed save report reply [–]semenpressoredditor for 7 weeks 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (0 children) 5 quid permalink embed save report reply [–]Crypto-Canada 0 points1 point2 points 2 days ago (0 children) Matrix. permalink embed save report reply [–]Lucidcranium042 0 points1 point2 points 17 hours ago (0 children) But the 37billion they printed last year should help keep those 5$ meals around 5$ for 10 more years.. hopefully they print more billions and maybe that 5$ meal will reduce to 2.50 permalink embed save report reply
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