Fwd: People Hacking Votes Right Now Fwd: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters

So, I can't tell if the voting issue is fake news or not, since I don't know the details of anyone in one of the affected areas. They appear to be stating that they do not accept digital votes. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: SOS Orestar-Support * SOS <Orestar-Support.SOS@oregon.gov> Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:39 PM Subject: RE: People Hacking Votes Right Now Fwd: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters To: Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> Hello, Thank you for reaching out to our office. You can find information regarding Election Security on our website by visiting this link: https://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Pages/security.aspx Altering someone’s voter registration or attempting to vote another person’s ballot are crimes. It is a felony with up to 5 years in prison and a $125,000 fine. Attempts to alter information on MyVote can be tracked through our system logs to help identify the individual who is committing the crime. No votes can be cast or cancelled online through MyVote. While you can view a voter’s information if you know their name and birthdate, (it is all public information that anyone can view at an elections office) you cannot change it online without having the drivers license number. The mark my ballot tool helps voters with disabilities and military and overseas voters to mark their ballot. They still must return the ballot with the proper identifying information, including their signature, which will be compared against the voter’s signature in the voter registration file before being accepted to count. Thank you, Oregon Elections Division Phone: 503-986-1518 Email:Elections.SOS@Oregon.gov [image: cid:image001.png@01D51C66.5FBE3300] -----Original Message----- From: Karl [mailto:gmkarl@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 6:55 PM To: SOS Orestar-Support * SOS <Orestar-Support.SOS@oregon.gov> Subject: People Hacking Votes Right Now Fwd: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters Hi orestar-support.sos, A lot of people have been talking about logging in to https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do as people other than themselves, and messing votes up or changing things to be more republican. See discussions at for example https://boards.4chan.org/search#/votergate/pol . Could you maybe disable this page to reduce the damage? Could you also please share this information with any other states using the same system? I've only e-mailed you. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Se7en <se7en@cock.email> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2020 16:13:14 -0700 Subject: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters To: "Cock.li Mailing List" <mailman@lists.cock.li>, Cyperpunk Mailing List < cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Cc: Jeff Rense <ContactRense@earthlink.net>, Matt Drudge < drudge@drudgereport.co>, Lars Larson <lars@larslarson.com>, Rush Limbaugh < rush@rushlimbaugh.com> THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM HAS A MAJOR FLAW THAT ALLOWS ANYONE TO FIND THE PERSONAL ADDRESS OF ALL REGISTERED VOTERS, ALLOWS ONE TO CANCEL VOTES, AND ALLOWS INDIVIDUALS TO ISSUE BALLOTS IN OTHER'S NAMES! This is not a joke people. Last night, black hatters successfully used the system to find the personal addresses of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates[1]. The Black hatters then discovered a system of online voting designed for senior citizens and disableds to vote. This system was then used to cancel the ballot issued by Mayor Ted Wheeler (D, Portland) to President Donald Trump as proof of the flaws. Voter registrations were then changed for numerous individuals to change their mailing address to gibberish.[2] This is NOT A BUG, this is a DESIGN CHOICE for convenience. Furthermore, it was also brought to attention that people can email a vote in. The way the system works is that the most-recent ballot is the only valid one, and all previous ballots were canceled. This group of blackhats, posting to the 4chan board /pol/, were later suppressed and silenced. I expected this to be front-page news by morning. I see nothing of it. Shortly after this was discovered, the voting system was briefly down but restored Sunday morning. No changes were made. All one needs to do is know the Legal Name, and the birth date of the individual to find their private information. No other qualifiers are necessary. The website itself for voter registration[3] does not have a TLS Certificate, meaning the connection is insecure and any information submitted to it is vulnerable to a simple MITM attack. This is the /least/ of the problems at hand. I do not know when this system was implemented, but I believe it may have been as far-back as 2008. This should be FRONT PAGE NEWS across the entire country. I request that anyone who reads this email forward it to at least 10 more individuals to spread the word. [1] <https://imgur.com/jNxdUmO.png> [2] <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hujJxFVcCa0> [3] <https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do> -- |-----/ | Se7en / The One and Only! | se7en@cock.email / | 0x0F83F93882CF6116 / | https://se7en-site.neocities.org

On 2020-10-28 00:41, Karl wrote:
So, I can't tell if the voting issue is fake news or not, since I don't know the details of anyone in one of the affected areas.
What you do know, however, is that the press is suppressing news that would cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election. Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate. This is the inverse of the poster girl rule. The poster girl rule is that the if the poster girl or poster boy for X is fake, X is fake - lynchings, rape on campus, etc. The inverse of the poster girl rule is that if stuff that should make the news strangely cannot make the news, as for example the multitudinous examples of voter fraud that poll watchers and president Trump are complaining about, that stuff is real. Recapping on my favorite fake poster girl story: Obama administration told University campuses that there was a rape crisis on campus - which in a sense is true, but not at all true in the sense that the Obama administration intended. From the point of view of women, the problem is that white high status big men on campus are not raping them. Women really don't like consent culture. In their bones, they feel that consent is failing a shit test. But they cannot express this, even to themselves, so they express it in words that are socially approved, but the real meaning of the words is inverted. Obama administration, finding it strangely impossible to punish these supposed rapes through the courts, commanded university admin to punish them administratively. University of Virginia investigated thirty something rapes on campus. No disciplinary action in any of these rapes. Rolling Stone concludes that the University of Virginia must be closing its eyes to horrible horrible horrible brutal rape. Investigates. Disaster ensues.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020, 4:30 PM <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 2020-10-28 00:41, Karl wrote:
So, I can't tell if the voting issue is fake news or not, since I don't know the details of anyone in one of the affected areas.
What you do know, however, is that the press is suppressing news that would cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election.
That's obvious and has been true for decades. Thanks for reminding us; it is easy to forget. The rest of things you say appear overstated (partly false) to me. I overstate things too.
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
This is the inverse of the poster girl rule.
The poster girl rule is that the if the poster girl or poster boy for X is fake, X is fake - lynchings, rape on campus, etc.
The inverse of the poster girl rule is that if stuff that should make the news strangely cannot make the news, as for example the multitudinous examples of voter fraud that poll watchers and president Trump are complaining about, that stuff is real.
Recapping on my favorite fake poster girl story:
Obama administration told University campuses that there was a rape crisis on campus - which in a sense is true, but not at all true in the sense that the Obama administration intended. From the point of view of women, the problem is that white high status big men on campus are not raping them. Women really don't like consent culture. In their bones, they feel that consent is failing a shit test. But they cannot express this, even to themselves, so they express it in words that are socially approved, but the real meaning of the words is inverted.
Obama administration, finding it strangely impossible to punish these supposed rapes through the courts, commanded university admin to punish them administratively.
University of Virginia investigated thirty something rapes on campus. No disciplinary action in any of these rapes.
Rolling Stone concludes that the University of Virginia must be closing its eyes to horrible horrible horrible brutal rape. Investigates. Disaster ensues.
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college. Men from out of state stood outside it, guarding it, while it happened. That one was real, at least. We should figure out if Cecilia is okay.

On 2020-10-28 06:46, Karl wrote:
The rest of things you say appear overstated (partly false) to me. I overstate things too.
I would love to debate rape and sexual harassment with you. We, meaning we white straight Christian males, would love to suppress rape and sexual harassment, but women are not cooperating. The only way to suppress it is to go back to eighteenth century, or better, the very similar Old Testament, law and custom on sex and family, in which the victim and complainant is the man who has rightful authority over the woman's sexual and reproductive services, and her consent is only relevant to her guilt, not to the guilt of the man who had sex with her, or took her behind closed doors. Today's rural Hindu India still has the good stuff, as do some parts of Dar Al Islam. Works fine for them. Ours is not working for us.
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college.
Men from out of state stood outside it, guarding it, while it happened. That one was real, at least.
And were the men guarding it, and the man who did it, busted? How do you know it was real? If it was real, they got away with it. If punished, unreal, or at least unreal in the sense that white Christian straight males conceive of rape. Everyone can see what is happening with sexual harassment charges. I can see, in a statistically insignificant number of cases, what is happening with rape charges, and data such as the University of Virginia gives me statistically significant confirmation.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020, 5:42 PM <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 2020-10-28 06:46, Karl wrote:
The rest of things you say appear overstated (partly false) to me. I overstate things too.
We should focus on things like what happened to Cecilia and everyone's pgp signatures. I would love to debate rape and sexual harassment with you. Maybe with more listening to views different from ours (and a victim's views present?). We, meaning we white straight Christian males, would love to suppress
rape and sexual harassment, but women are not cooperating.
The only way to suppress it is to go back to
eighteenth century, or better, the very similar Old Testament, law and custom on sex and
family, in which the victim and complainant is the man who has rightful authority over the woman's sexual and reproductive services, and her consent is only relevant to her guilt, not to the guilt of the man who had sex with her, or took her behind closed doors.
No need for guilt; looking only for safety and predictability in communities. What brings you to share these expressions, here, on this list? There's a good chance many could see things very differently from you.
Today's rural Hindu India still has the good stuff, as do some parts of Dar Al Islam. Works fine for them. Ours is not working for us.
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college.
Men from out of state stood outside it, guarding it, while it happened. That one was real, at least.
And were the men guarding it, and the man who did it, busted?
How do you know it was real?
(if you spend some time listening caringly to women, you learn it usually is, and is very widespread, and often accompanied by medically validated injuries and lifelong psychological traits retelling the experience in behavior. But "for the list" , "of course" , "there is no rape".) If it was real, they got away with it. If punished, unreal, or at least
unreal in the sense that white Christian straight males conceive of rape.
Everyone can see what is happening with sexual harassment charges. I can see, in a statistically insignificant number of cases, what is happening with rape charges, and data such as the University of Virginia gives me statistically significant confirmation.

On 2020-10-28 08:01, Karl wrote:
Maybe with more listening to views different from ours (and a victim's views present?).
The only victims of rape are husbands and fathers of the woman who was raped. Observe how women are agitated about supposed rapes by the Big Man on campus, totally relaxed about Cologne and Rotherham. Observe, with Rotherham and Cologne, men complain about outsiders raping their women, and women respond to those complaints by carrying signs saying "We are not your women", and inviting more rapeugees from the middle east. Observe all the female sex tourism to Middle Eastern locations notorious for rape such as Negril. Rape is hard to observe directly and personally, but it is relatively easy to observe sexual harassment, and that shows the same pattern as we see less directly and personally with rape.
(if you spend some time listening caringly to women, you learn it usually is, and is very widespread
This method would lead you to conclude that Crystal Mangum and Jackie Coakley were raped. Do you seriously believe that they were raped? Poster girl principle applies. If the poster girls are lying, all lies. Thirty eight women on the University of Virginia campus complained of rape. No disciplinary action in any of those cases. Rolling Stone, believing that University of Virginia was ignoring a massive rape problem, rather than a massive lack of rape problem, went looking for a poster girl among them, came up empty. Do you think that all of them were raped? Do you think that *any* of them were raped? Crystal Mangum is a drunken violent thieving whore. Jackey Coakley creates trouble when friendzoned.

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:13:01 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Rape is hard to observe directly and personally, but it is relatively easy to observe sexual harassment,
'sexual harassment' is puritan, anti-sex, feminazi jargon. Only government shills/agents use that term as if it was legitimate and pointed to a legitimate concept.

Rape is hard to observe directly and personally, but it is relatively easy to observe sexual harassment,
'sexual harassment' is puritan, anti-sex, feminazi jargon. Only government shills/agents use that term as if it was legitimate and pointed to a legitimate concept.
Lolz. That's pretty true. It's some bullshit from feminists who want MEN to give them power and respect, as if men ask for the same from women. Women have to just make it and take it. I mean, WTF were feminists so dumb? It pisses me off because I believed in them. I mean "keep your hands off of my body?" as if they didn't already get penetrated by the needle when they were girls and now are sucking DICK for the MALE establishment of medicine. Women are always equal to a man, even greater, if that man isn't righteous or possessing Truth. They all come from her womb (apart form gay boyz), so they can always make them weak if they're betraying the female. =\

On 2020-10-28 06:46, Karl wrote:
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college.
How is your evidence that this rape was real different from the evidence that Rolling Stone had that its "Rape on Campus" was real? A distressed woman complaining about rape is not evidence of rape. It is evidence that she got one booty call and failed to get a second booty call.

On 10/27/20, jamesd@echeque.com <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 2020-10-28 06:46, Karl wrote:
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college.
How is your evidence that this rape was real different from the evidence that Rolling Stone had that its "Rape on Campus" was real?
I didn't mean to provide you with evidence that it was real.

On 2020-10-28 08:29, Karl wrote:
On 10/27/20, jamesd@echeque.com <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 2020-10-28 06:46, Karl wrote:
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college.
How is your evidence that this rape was real different from the evidence that Rolling Stone had that its "Rape on Campus" was real?
I didn't mean to provide you with evidence that it was real.
The various poster girl cases of rape suggest that your reality testing is inadequate. Your suggested method for verifying the reality of rape indicates poor reality testing, and if applied to sexual harassment yields outrageously absurd results. Also results in the founders and key engineers being expelled from open source projects. I did not intend to ask you for evidence it was real. I intended to ask you how you performed reality testing, which you answered.

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 06:29:35 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'?

On 2020-10-28 07:01, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 06:29:35 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'?
Biden rally: Thirty supporters and six hundred pro Trump protestors wearing Maga hats show up. Cops keep the Maga hats out of camera range. Trump rally: Ten thousand cheering supporters show up. Early voting, similar.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020, 5:53 PM <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 2020-10-28 07:01, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 06:29:35 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'?
Biden rally: Thirty supporters and six hundred pro Trump protestors wearing Maga hats show up. Cops keep the Maga hats out of camera range.
Trump rally: Ten thousand cheering supporters show up.
Early voting, similar.
For the job, it's obvious that Trump will win and the votes will be miscounted in someone else's favor, no?

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 07:52:41 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 2020-10-28 07:01, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 06:29:35 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'?
Biden rally: Thirty supporters and six hundred pro Trump protestors wearing Maga hats show up. Cops keep the Maga hats out of camera range.
Trump rally: Ten thousand cheering supporters show up.
Early voting, similar.
so you're saying that the monkey is going to 'win' an election that is not legitimate.

On 2020-10-28 07:01, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'?
jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Biden rally: Thirty supporters and six hundred pro Trump protestors wearing Maga hats show up. Cops keep the Maga hats out of camera range.
Trump rally: Ten thousand cheering supporters show up. On 2020-10-28 08:34, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote: so you're saying that the monkey is going to 'win' an election that is not legitimate.
Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. If Trump wins, going to resemble a counter coup more than an election. If he loses, it is a coup and/or a color revolution. For Trump to win, he has to have the votes counted by his people - or the counting scrutinized by his people with potential violence backing up their scrutiny.

On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 01:47:11 PM PDT, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote: On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 06:29:35 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
> are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'? If Trump wins, I have no doubt that the Democrats will claim that they were tricked into selecting Biden, by what will be called the ruse of concealing the news of Hunter Biden's laptop from the country. And it appears now that this will have been quite correct. And even if Joe Biden wins, 'the Democrats' will eventually use this concealment of the laptops' evidence to 'explain' why they chose Biden. They will say, "It wasn't our fault! We didn't see enough evidence of Joe Biden's guilt prior to and during the primary/caucus season to cause us to reject him!. If we had heard about those laptops at the same time the FBI did, we wouldn't have chosen him or voted for him!" What would be wrong with that claim? I don't think anything is wrong with it, unless we hear other material. Jim Bell

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 06:20:53AM +0000, jim bell wrote:
On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 01:47:11 PM PDT, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 06:29:35 +1000
jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Which is a mighty good indication that election is not legitimate.
> are you still going to say that if the orange monkey 'wins'?
If Trump wins, I have no doubt that the Democrats will claim that they were tricked into selecting Biden, by what will be called the ruse of concealing the news of Hunter Biden's laptop from the country. And it appears now that this will have been quite correct. And even if Joe Biden wins, 'the Democrats' will eventually use this concealment of the laptops' evidence to 'explain' why they chose Biden. They will say, "It wasn't our fault! We didn't see enough evidence of Joe Biden's guilt prior to and during the primary/caucus season to cause us to reject him!. If we had heard about those laptops at the same time the FBI did, we wouldn't have chosen him or voted for him!" What would be wrong with that claim? I don't think anything is wrong with it, unless we hear other material.
The DemRATs and their MSNBCNNPC lame stream propagandia have already declared that the laptop from hell is a Russian disinformation smear campaign against Biden. It would be a bit hard to impeach Trump for this one, so perhaps they will spend the next 4 years trying to impeach ... the FBI - Wray or Haspel under the bus? That might be difficult because they sort of need the FBI as "part of the intelligence community" to excute any impeachment, but perhaps "the other 13 intelligence community organisations" (after the FBI is discounted) is enough for the next 4 year impeachment campaign, against the FBI? Nah, doesn't make sense. There's even real talk by the DRats of impeaching Amy Coney Barret - but can you imagine smears of "Russian hookers and golden showers" getting 4 years worth of impeachment traction against ACB (as compared to Trump)? so the D's may be might have just a slightly uphill battle on this one... dunno, just throwing this out there. With Trump removing most/all advertising in Florida for the final week, to focus those resources on the other swing states, seems Florida must be looking healthy re internal polling - awesome news of course, as Florida is a major "decisive swing state" and so being "in the bag" for team Red is great news. And Trump making a play for California? Wow. We may just yet get to see the greatest show on Earth. In any case I'm praying for justice. Justice for Julian Assange, for Snowden, Manning, for all the children caged in DUMB bunkers, and for all the good people in North America and elsewhere persecuted by the empire, droned to death by Obama, praying for justice for Syrians, for Russia, for Australia, for the whole world....
participants (6)
jim bell
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness