Czech President Demands Citizens Arm Themselves to Prevent “Super-Holocaust” of Whites

Like it or not folks, RaHoWa gets closer by the week these days. The following just in from Czechoslovakia: Czech President Demands Citizens Arm Themselves to Shoot Moslems to Prevent “Super-Holocaust” of Whites Alternative links: Alternative viewpoint / suggestions:

Hi Zenaan, first, you sleep for a long time. Czechoslovakia has been almost 25 years ago, Czech has Zeman and Slovak has Kiska ;o)) Yes, he is a Czech president, but there are half of people hate him and half of people love him. There are quite similar to US, because there are no chance to choose between politicians, no diference between evils. Around the world, nobody trust politicians. Regards his statemement, it is hard to agree. I do not trust him, do not trust his arguments, but there are few questions: - who can defend me better, than me? Do I need trust to police (serve the state - in extension politicians, which I don't trust)? - can I trust the politicians, which take care about stole as much from taxes as possible? - do I need to trust state, where politicaly correctness has much higher value than truth? - can I trust the multiculturalism? My experience, 10% of different peple like to cooperate doesn't mean change. But 10% of people, who don't like to participate on common values are on the edge, what culture accept (i don't know the time scale, after those 10% can be assimilated, may one generation). I haven't any problem with white, black, nerdy, pink, yellow or what you want of collor, religion, habbits. But what I would like to stay in the mantinels of our culture. This mean - do what do you want, but don't hurt other people. - what is mean term multiculturalism? Culture are something, which bind together people from the same place. Means history, culture, religion, habbits. There are the issue. You can assimilate some percentage of others, can be good. But in case that you cross the edge, can probably destroy the society and empty space for the new one. Lot of changes incoming. In the society, robotics, AI, which will have impact of labor market. Massive surveilance, which will have destructive impact on economy, social binds and also privacy. Global corporativism, which destroy resorces and poison rest, could destroy the ecology. Multiculturalism, which could be god as bad, but not only advance, also can destroy our culture. We will see. And lot of questions incoming - what we want, what we can do and what we need to do ... I can continue forewer. This mean, czech president are populist. But we need to think about problems seriously. Jan Dne 9.1.2017 v 13:42 Zenaan Harkness napsal(a):
Like it or not folks, RaHoWa gets closer by the week these days. The following just in from Czechoslovakia:
Czech President Demands Citizens Arm Themselves to Shoot Moslems to Prevent “Super-Holocaust” of Whites
Alternative links:
Alternative viewpoint / suggestions:
-- Jan Dušátko Phone: +420 602 427 840 e-mail: SkypeID: darmodej GPG:
participants (2)
Jan Dušátko
Zenaan Harkness