[log][censorship?] github "secondary ratelimit"

0350 AM I blockchained a video stream of github giving me a strange ratelimit error for the first time ever, during normal browsing. The event in the stream is preceded by me experiencing a past influence trigger to poop rather than continue a small project. The text of the error, which has been occurring on every page, is: Whoa there! You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again; in some cases this may take up to an hour. Contact Support — GitHub Status — @githubstatus I viewed the source and it looked like the content was generated by javascript, not certain. When I refreshed the page to include network details in this post, the site began working again. My video stream can presently be viwed with download.py from https://github.com/xloem/log . Make a file containing this content on one line: {"ditem": ["N8R9sPCEIat6OOQRaCpy8dc4g0W1aacoP9yBuvylzv8"], "min_block": [1068522, "VBm4hzP_wNuv8neg7au0Fp-zlDThCxcJeIGb_Ol3qYViIqmhX2-Wt2t1U7Ib7zP8"], "api_timestamp": 1669884875164} And pass the filename to download.py . It will attempt to write the video content on stdout. The block containing that ditem hasn't mined yet at this time, so there's no guarantee or anything quite yet.

I've verified the ditem was mined, around block 1068524. If anybody actually tries to view this, to skip the part where I poop, write the whole stream to a file ( python3 download.py karl_funny_stream.json > karl_funny_stream.mkv # about 105MiB for 20 minutes), and attend to the clock in the lower right to scrub to the region preceding 03:50 AM. I find the error during 03:48 . I view the source of the page at 03:52 during email composition. It can be misleading that I begin configuring a tor proxy before the successful refresh, but I never actually enable the proxy, because things began working again without it.
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