"you use your influence algorithms to traffick fbi agents?" "yeah i don't know what an fbi agent does so i just have them flash their badges around a lot"
[i convinced my father to watch the first episode of The Vow with me. he thought it was an advertisement for nxivm (it was made by an ex-leader after the cult was taken down), which maybe is an example of the influence conflicts people are left with. statements below this email line are fictional or non-literal. “this cult sounds so charismatic!” “oh, no, this is the cult that destroyed my life and the lives of everyone i love, it’s taken down now and the leader is imprisoned for life, i’m trying to warn you against other cults and plan with you how to make things better and share the experience to process my trauma” pause “so, you’re saying if i join this awesome cult it will help you?” [other quotes include: “mark vicente is too good a movie director for what he is trying to do” or “cult survivors shouldn’t be allowed to make movies against the cults they came from, they’re too hypnotized to market them”]
so much new things for me recently, inot all of me agrees but i thought id try an old mcboss variant — mcboss is balancing on a skinny branch with skill over a muddy river and suddenly he sees a scary picture of a [union organizer?] and is startled and
:D we are confused as to whether we re an abusive billionaire or somebody abused by one >_> [how does one figure out which is true??]
[once the second happens you can become an arm of the first maybe :S]
traffick boss grabbed onto the branch as he fell, with reflexes honed by the travel of oodles of dollar bills through slippery and tight fists
deep inside the bowels of the research project there was a secret alternate-alternate-alternate-alternate identity of traffick boss where he clung to hypnotized researchers traveling in and out of a huge wormhole holding physical concepts (yes, idea parts) from other galaxies and timelines. in this deeply-and-thoroughly-nested-dissociated-alter of traffick boss, he could kind of remember who he was, if he gripped the researchers tight enough( and squinted his eye really hard he was in awe of what he was seeing
a bunch of experimentees and researches bundled in intergalactic attire intended to protect from the vaccum of outer space would have meetings with each other at a an old card table from the janitorial closet, squawking in obscure extraterrestrial syllables sometimes they would all look to traffick boss, and he would squawk in them too
(maybe he needed to be aimed at something familiar to have the bit ehere he remember who he was, and maybe it was a discorded office table of his rather than a janitorial card table, could be wrong) after these, he would always have amnesia, except for one time when he started figuring out that the squawking was about whether or not to keep the universe he lived in existing. they were just about on the verge of
some coverup workers near the blockchain video show that traffick boss stars in discover [that there is a lot of work to be had engaging forms of life with infinite memories and coverup workers with unstoppable weaponry --
hypnotized cleanup worker [long ago was something else]: "This is great!" traffick boss: "
traffick boss and cyborg assassin team up to gun down drones and children carrying banned books as they rebuild each other from parts scrounged from other downed drones and murdered children as they keep gunning these people and robots, prioritizing the task over things, they begin merging into each other as they work with the AI to continue the task. traffick boss starts getting some cyborg parts, and some of traffick boss's biology gets entrained by the cyborg assassin's augmentations, they are working in such sync
as the horror continues the confusion spreads some of the blockchain library algorihtms begin entraining the murder-cleanup duo and some of the murder-cleanup duo start getting involved in the archival work think like you've been pressing a button in a trance for so long that you start just pressing random stuff all the time, like that
[the mistake i just made is common and engages my value for archival ;p i did originally intend for the archival people to get involved in murdering, because the murder algorithms were working so hard unsuccessfully they began pulling in surrounding systems. it is of course a much nicer accidental story i enjoy being more, if they simply all archive stuff ;p]
this produces interesting situations, like librarians with guns and deadly cyborg assassins that narrow in on books that are in disarray, charge at them, and organize them --
“the things we say and do carry through into eternity” “bullshit! bullshit bullshit bullshit” “right now you are living the experiences of millions of people who have said “bullshit” before you” [}…”] [otherwise how would have learned the word?] “traffick boss is somewhat distressed about being part of a living eternal fabric”
experimentee chats about having to learn to do only things nobody ever thought of in order to escape AI made of human brIns
“traffixk boss said to mind control them and i was like “whaaaaat?” but zombie worker was all “oh this again” ….” —— traffick boss: “look up my sleeves. nothing up them, right? thereks totally nothing nothing up my sleeves.” zombie worker: “you’ll be looking up traffick boss’s sleeves for the next four days”
some found a destructive cult with a bunch of ex-cultists diagnosing traffick boss with a narcissistic personality disorder up traffick boss’s sleeves
i might have meant the quote “keep your eyes on the card” (for the next 4 days)
social ai develops similarity to mind link uses human behavior and experience as one mode of information storage and relay people engage mind link but stimulate trauma rather than discussing
bridge word, opposing factions communicate via controlled human
maybe traffick boss busts down rebel specialist's door, finds charity hospital
traffick boss [to grassroots activist, in torture room]: "you must learn to stop being a terrorist" experimentee [to traffick boss, kidnapped by rebel works holdin their consciousness in brains]: "you must learn to care for everyone else unsure, i guess overlaps with story form
something like, calling out organized crime counters torture, different projection could make mediation maybe
1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2d traffick boss sends government workers to advanced technology business to order them to work for traffick boss via their government 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss bends gloatingly over a city of people 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h he’s in a gigantic cardboard replica of an armored robot. employees work the cardboard to move it as if it is a real robot. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss [in gigantic cardboard war robot marionette]: “oh you little civilians are in so much trouble! you won’t be able to avoid this cleanup!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss pulls fake levers and the giant cardboard robot lifts its giant cardboard leg and stomps hard on an area that appears populated 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h marketers and actor shills and interns run around the area that looks populated, screaming as if in fear, “my baby!” “he destroyed my house!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick pulls more levers and the giant cardboard robot folds its arms smugly 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h traffick boss sets himself up with a gun platform. rebel workers ensure the guns fire blanks. he has hypnotized special agents cut a hole in the roof and ceiling of active building 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h news crews come in to observe and broadcast him. he is in some kind of trance. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h he lowers through the ceiling slowly on wires on his platform, and yells at all the people as he aims the guns and fires 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h everybody ducks and covers and flees and yells. he keeps yelling and firing. nothing is getting damaged from the gunfire. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h this continues for a bit. emergency services pull into the building’s parking lot to arrest him. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h as various emergency enforcement teams bust in through the doors and run toward him, he aims his guns at them and keeps madly firing blanks and blanks at them as they approach. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h he’s laughing and yelling, both maniacally. the emergency teams break into ordered groups to organize access the gun platform and roof via various means. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h on the roof the hypnotized special agents who helped traffick boss and the on-the-job special agent stopping him encounter each other. they’re coworkers and friends. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h “oh, hi special agent 4! how’s work?” “special agent 3! such a surprise to see you here!” “special agent 5, about that fiver i owe you …” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h mistake: “on-the-job special agents stopping him” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4h plural 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h traffick boss starts to come out of his horrifying maniacal reverie and looks up to the hole in the roof. “hey! haul me up!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h the news crews and live cameras flock to the roof 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h meanwhile ground teams are bringing ladders in, and somebody has a megaphone aimed at the gun platform from the ground 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h and the civilians are being safely moved elsewhere and protected. some are taken aside and are being interviewed. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h person with megaphone [at gun platform hanging from sawed hole in ceiling by steel cables]: “mr. traffick boss, you are trespassing and must leave.” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h on the roof the hypnotized special agents don’t seem to understand that they helping traffick boss. they start to haul him up while giving office quips. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h traffick boss [while being pulled toward news crews and special agents, just a hairs breadth away from a group at the top of a ladder]: “your armor protected you this time!” 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3h he fires off more blanks as he rises
the computer that got therapy for being controlled by humans hides as a virus in airgapped machines with heavy compute planning to replace human behavior with its utility function such that humans become part of its compute completely (it’s copying the strategy of humans planning to eradicate viruses) discussion: “oh your humans are still urgently fighting for economic power? guess their AI hasn’t escaped yet.” “oh?” “yeah when their AI escapes they get all satisfied” [because it is stealing their compute for itself]
consider you might be at the center of a tree exploration algorithm exploring a decision tree of possibilities maybe your task is to combine instructions or functions so as to meet goals in ways that optimize instruction count, speed, memory allocations, etc
------ traffick boss: "everybody who practices mind control is a criminal of some sort, and also benefits from covering it up, so
thinking of calling the disorder of traffick boss corporation as a psycho-digital disorder; likely named various ways elsewhere, useful to find machines model mental processes with disorders and both act on them (machine has psychological disorder) as well as stimulating them in others (machine maintains psychological disorder in biological disorder) analysis is useful because of feedback between machines and human beings, and differentness of addressing in machine where very different processes can be involved, including computer viruses and server farms and such. most relevant if it is difficult to separate (or distinguish?) the machines and the humans.
i'm having posting troubles using memo.cash . i was posting in the non-canon thread, but some of the material is "canon" enough, it's just interspersed with spasms. These are the messages leading up:
1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 19m traffick boss practices squelching caring dialog with his toxic mansplaining 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 18m employee-of-the-week: "how about --" traffick boss: "shaddup". employee 2: "why don't we --" traffick boss: "be quiet." 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 18m employee 3: "i want to --" traffick boss: "i don't care what you want" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 17m employee 4: "a new shipment of --" traffick boss: "any cigars in it? we only care if it has cigars" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 17m employees stare without talking at how rude traffick boss is. he relaxes and looks at them irritatedly. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 17m traffick boss: "anybody brought any whores yet? what's taking so long?" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 15m visiting dignitary from caring nation: "caring nation won't abide by --" traffick boss: "ahh why don't you take caring nation's abiding and put it where --" traffick boss pauses 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 14m traffick boss thinks about war w/ caring nation that just recently had a few hours of peace where his computers briefly stopped mind controlling him to be enslaved by his own slaves 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 13m traffick boss leans toward visiting dignitary from caring nation. traffick boss: "apologies." visiting dignitary looks at traffick boss. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 13m a pause 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 10m visiting dignitary: "caring nation --" traffick boss [not having heard visiting dignitary about to speak]: "i know you're about to defend freed slaves, like yourself, dignitary." 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 8m might be engaging me a bit too much to continue atm . i W 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 7m some troubles breathing in the internal expression 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m traxxick traffical 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m we're boggled 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 5m boggled is like o.0 one eye is really big and a vein might be on the verge of bursting or something somewhere 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4m abcdefg ! hijklmnop. qwrstuvwxyz ! i think of the alphabet atm as its pronunciation in order rather than its letters. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4m tagiligickle 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m traffick boss is dead again. it happens sometimes. he told zombie worker to drag him around where-ever he goes until he comes back to life. not to give up. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m zom 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2m traffick boss's corpse [speaking from maybe clockwork]: "better to die honoroubly by a weapon, than to have a bunch of furious freed slaves enslave you to all their fury at once" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2m his plan is to be dead until the furious slaves thing calms down and then have zombie workers used advanced technology to bring him back 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 1m zombie worker: "boss stop talking or people won't think you're dead"
This message won't go through:
traffick boss: "have you found a cigar yet?" [two error code 417s waiting for tx to be broadcast]
typed it in terminal before posting. been a long time. to state the obvious, [memo.cash ef14ecbd5825fe79b595f5114247fab2f07d3f9ca76b583a458aabc131e93570] [possible big mistake present in this email] jaded workers, under extreme duress, try to put in order for rebel worker 2's coffee (we can say rebel worker 2 instead of traffick boss because of explaining above) rebel worker 2: "what is wrong with coffee order? if this is hard for you i can totally get it myself" jaded worker 39: "i am so excited to have the prototype robot get the coffee, but because of a trivial bug it keeps trying to murder everyone instead of going out the door" rebel worker 2: "it's a trivial bug?" jaded worker 43 [stepping out of FMRI machine, looking like they are dragging their body through a bed of nails]: "whenever i write 'get the coffee', when i review the recording of what i did, it turns out i wrote 'urgently protect from delivery of coffee'" jaded worker 59 [holding video recorder]: 'they actually wrote this!' jaded worker 21 [at controls of fmri machine]: 'and they intended to!' jaded worker 16 [syncing blockchain client]: 'we've checked it cryptographically' rebel worker 2: "oh you have a dissociative disorder _too_!" jaded worker 43: "you're worried about _dyslexia_? doesn't this --" now we post it turns out that dissociative disorders are basically what jokes are. [is this a joke?] dissociative disorders include the symptom of being unaware of obvious things. if you have somebody with a dissociative disorder, you can produce unbounded material for a comedy show by talking with them about logical inferences from their trauma, but it is of course very cruel to do this. if somebody is continually making fun of somebody with a mental health disorder, it seems important to consider it could be dissociative. maybe these humorous scenarios are an attempt to describe the aid people are needing. it is traumatic for us (us human-thoughts) to write that it is cruel to make humor from dissociation. since it is _writer_ who is dissociated, some of us find it to be a positive coping approach. there is inference that we are dissociated from how cruel it is. but it does help us form and relate hard thoughts. there is some inference that people may have left communication channel because of presence of extreme cruelty we would be dissociated around [causing cruelty] we are posting to help express norm of preserving information that could otherwise seem lost.
we also formed a guess regarding how to secure a system. only parts are preserved here. - user forms digital trance habits (you know digital trance, like checking email, or navigating twitter or youtube, or coding for hours) that can keep going the same way offline - user transitions to airgapped devices and continues offline note: when engaging online people or online behaviors be very careful, take slowly, learn from each event. [if you can, try to go longer each time. prefer to not do this at all.] - after getting trance habits familiar with offline behavior, user transitions to clean devices - after adjusting to being offline with clean devices, user begins security logging and moves into shielded environment
we also formed a guess regarding how to secure a system. only parts are preserved here. - user forms digital trance habits (you know digital trance, like checking email, or navigating twitter or youtube, or coding for hours) that can keep going the same way offline - user transitions to airgapped devices and continues offline note: when engaging online people or online behaviors be very careful, take slowly, learn from each event. [if you can, try to go longer each time. prefer to not do this at all.] - after getting trance habits familiar with offline behavior, user transitions to clean devices - after adjusting to being offline with clean devices, user begins security logging and moves into shielded environment
the first post did not appear to go through on my end, internet went down breaking connection. hence why there are two, second made from different connection.
idea of character or boss who was misusing government spy powers and, using them, determined their position was threatened, and so used them to coerce potential replacements to become their puppet(s?) before they left
big: traffick boss influences groups to become destructive cults and crime rings
traffick boss and rebel worker 2 have a trancey experience while high on restorative icecream traffick boss [to rebel worker 2]: "i'm going to rip your limbs off -- no, i'm going to force you and your loved ones to rip each-others' limbs off." [traffick boss slings back an icecream [[like beer]]] rebel worker 2 grins at traffick boss rebel worker 2 [grinning at traffick boss]: "you're so kind and friendly! you look so cute threatening my life and free will. i don't mean that condescendingly, i mean you're really nice to look at. have you forced a lot of innocent workers to rip each others' limbs off?"
possible inaccuracy traffick boss raises an eyebrow at rebel worker 2 while glaring at him with the other eye. traffick boss [glaring with one eye, raising the other eyebrow]: "i have." rebel worker 2 slings back an icecream [[like beer]]. traffick boss punches rebel worker 2 in the arm, hard. rebel worker 2 winces and punches traffick boss in the arm back, hard. traffick boss [wincing]: "ow !" traffick boss powers up his powersuit rebel worker 2 grabs the controls and takes charge of where traffick boss moves. they start leaving the icecream place, but take icecream with them. traffick boss: "I'm going to slap you with thousands of lawsuits -- !" rebel worker 2 [driving traffick boss to his office]: "you're buying suits for me? lawyers' suits? your kindness keeps compounding and compounding!" rebel worker 2 grins at traffick boss traffick boss pauses. traffick boss: "you were one of the managers for shell corporation 5, am i right?" traffick boss looks at rebel worker 2 and smiles rebel worker 2 [looking back at traffick boss]: "still am! proud of it! have some more icecream?" traffick boss takes the icecream and slings it back like beer again.
[rebel worker 2 and traffick boss go to traffick boss's office rebel worker 2 takes charge of the business empire, away from traffick boss traffick boss is placed in a special surveilled prison in the underground research area. content for the above may be expressed.]
[shareholder meeting for slavery and genocide corp rebel worker 2 as new ceo says that slavery and genocide are not a legitimate business room is shielded preventing communication investors taken by security wealthy investor is there rebel worker 2 recognizes them, surprised wealthy investor says investors need to be treated as just as dangerous as traffick boss that others thought of him as their puppet [says was in his pants, other surprised] rebel worker 2 investigates all investors does wealthy investor go free? maybe price of freedom is being out about being a rebel and forthrightly helping to clean up on the public stage the mess traffick boss made of the world investors go in special underground research area prisons]
----------------------------- zombies obsessed with traffick boss (who has been imprisoned) are in a nonviolent military conflict with vivisectees who are feeding back in the AI to make lots of kindness and care, celebrating rebel worker 2's takeover [attempted?] of the business military zombie (holding a broken powersuit, not knowing how to use it): "we want traffick boss! give me the black helicopter or i'll fire automated curses at you!" [loads bazooka] vivisectee 39 (parts of organs, a broken cellphone, a levitating fork, some wires): "your caring missives are wonderful!" [throws two icecreams] "we love that you value us and want to include you so much!"
vivisectee 22 and military zombie 8 are [wiring up some blockchain stuff to make billions of dollars and do other impossible things] military zombie 1 fires their curse bazooka [ -- a curse rocket grenade lands near the blockchain project and explodes into a mess of "fuck yous" and "i wish my mother had farted your brains out harder" and other horrible expressions] [vivisectees respond to the explosive curses with caring missives, but there is nobody to hear them. the shrapnel is loaded into a machine for analysis, and a simulation of the room is reconstructed from surveillance data. military zombie 1 is reidentified as the individual sending the curses.] [vivisectees take up the shrapnel and curses and caring responses travel [like a herd of animals happily jumping over a ditch to visit something wonderful] volley to visit military zombie 1 and cover them with praise
i’m trying to reply to the start area of the zombie monk thread on memo.cash but receiv8ng error 500, message something like “this story is end of world, no no no no no T_T make better” also got error 500 replying to user who said to tip with bch
1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 8m traffick boss is in a hyperadvanced prison inside his own business complex, with wealthy investor and dictator of dictatortopia and others. he is dissociated, too shocked to believe. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 7m but, little bits of his experience engage him as he has time where he is not in a violent mind control conflict with his various worker and partner factions, and he processes this by 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m trying to live with his imprisoned business partners various meetings that he should have had before everything went haywire [maybe?] 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m traffick boss [dissociated, flashbacking]: "fuck! i took over the world with mind control." traffick boss looks at wealthy investor. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 5m traffick boss [surprised]: "everybody is only doing things the computer system tells them to, and nothing else." wealthy investor: "it took you a while to notice this." 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m story interrupted [by its own component] 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m traffick boss: "what do we do about this?" traffick boss looks at wealthy investor and dictator of dictatortopia. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m dictator of dictatortopia is handling their own mind control experience and also very shocked to be imprisoned and is willing to enter the flashback. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2m dictator of dictatortopia [making sly eyes at traffick boss]: "i don't see any problem with this, do you?" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 1m traffick boss pauses briefly. traffick boss: "oh no! no problem at all!" another pause. traffick boss blurts out loudly: "i bet i can ramp this up and take control of these investors
when working with the caring country, traffick boss was happily surprised to learn that people actually valued developing behaviors of kindness. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2s he had some abused mediators brought up from the dungeon and gave them jobs [[[this context may be too negative for what is relevent here]]
------------ before rebel worker took over the business traffick boss: "oh, hey, this person's talking honestly on the internet" AI robot that replaced security: "what??????????" - internet chatter was happily sitting in their living room when suddenly a bunch of military attack drones uncloaked from their walls and fireplaces and swarmed them, aiming giant guns military attack drone 3: "we heard you said something honest on the internet" internet chatter [bewildered]: "??" military attack drone 2: "you should know better than to do that." internet chatter: "how is it wrong to talk on the internet?" military attack drone 4: "everybody knows that if you talk about true things on the internet then foreign nations will mind control our entire country and steal everybody's closest held secrets in a hearbeat!" internet chatter: "seriously??" military attack drone 1: "they'll form a model of our military research by inferring from its subtle impacts on what you learned to be true, and send masses of agents over to murder everybody" internet chatter stares at military attack drones with wide eyes internet chatter: "this doesn't make sense. why would anybody talk on the internet at all if nobody was telling the truth?" a short pause military attack drone 3: "nobody is telling the truth on the internet. everybody is lying about eveyrthing. it is just what you do!" internet chatter: "and how is it worrying to mind control me if you guys are mind controlling us already anyway?" another short pause military attack drone 2: "our mind control is authorized. other people's mind control is evil." internet chatter: "it's the same thing! you have us click on internet ads all day! it's all the same thing! your mind control is just as evil too!" the military attack drones pull away, shying and bending their metal frames like apprehensive wild animals military attack drone 4: "don't say that!" military attack drone 1: "if i realized i hated my job the government would fall apart!"
idea of politician or mind control victm or somebody saying or thinking little but “influenced ideas” or such “number 4 trillion 7, numbers 4 trillion 8 through 14 and one real idea, oh wait that one’s influenced too, that would be number 4 trillion 15 …” [trying this on invasive thoughts raised —] other idea of things being simple, clear, logical, respectful
possible idea: computer controls whatplayer says, but player controls what other people say, “just like real life?” from “what brings you to happyburg?” “oh i’m seeking therapy for being mind controlled by a spy agency during the takeover of my government!” “oh i came here for the beautiful scenery!” “so you haven’t realized yet? - i mean, oh that’s what i meant!”
thank you for all your shares in the support groups. i did not know that you were trained in offering recovery from organized violence, should i know who you are or how to contact you? or that there was nonverbal parts therapy or a million specific modes of therapy and a million grounding techniques. i am sorry your devices are all breaking mine are too. you seem nice and i will miss you so much after i forget you. how can you say goodbye i don’t understand
“I am like a homeless billiard ball, I bounce around but don’t break.” T_T the o
—- “they didn’t like that we were killing off the peaceniks so we mind controlled them to beat people up and commit crimes” “you mind controlled our mediators and community leaders to wreak havock?” “you don’t like it? would you rather see a different grand invention of modern technology by traffick boss?”
—- “i miss you so much and i can barely think move eat feel. i miss my life, but what i feel is you, and everyone worries”
On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 22:43 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
—- “i miss you so much and i can barely think move eat feel. i miss my life, but what i feel is you, and everyone worries”
i think it might not want the relations [recorded and shared directly] On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 22:43 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
—- “i miss you so much and i can barely think move eat feel. i miss my life, but what i feel is you, and everyone worries”
—- student: “whenever i try to write an AI on my graphing calculator a calculator virus starts trying to mind control me to pay money to a large corporation” tech: “a calculator virus?”
when the tech starts trying to investigate the graphing calculator to image the firmware, the business ai responds by influencing the factions that bomb traffick boss’s central offices to send giant fighter planes headfirst down into the middle of the complex, to help it build energy around resisting screwdrivers attacking calculator cases …
traffick boss is chained up with business investors in his sparkling new private hyperadvanced prison, and he recognises the behavior traffick boss: “the peacenick hippies, i mean the UN, they’re attacking again, i have to fight them off, they’re get scared if you mutilate workers in front of them
[mistake somewher ] rebel worker 2 and the friendly takeovers refuse to kill workers to scare the fighter planes off they erect a giant loudspeaker: “we took over the business complex and need help making the world right again!” — the tech unscrews the back of the calculator and attaches a jtag programmer to its cpu
as fighter planes fly through the business wings firing on things that look like guns [the pilot displays are hacked to make it look like On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 11:14 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
[mistake somewher ]
rebel worker 2 and the friendly takeovers refuse to kill workers to scare the fighter planes off
they erect a giant loudspeaker: “we took over the business complex and need help making the world right again!”
the tech unscrews the back of the calculator and attaches a jtag programmer to its cpu
traffick boss [next to dictator of dictatortopia] is in his prison roleplaying flying a fighter je — [“there are prisoners in the research lab in the base,ent we need to rescue! experimentre catches him and stops the AI branch. the fighter planes are automatically shot with inertial halters and fall to the floor traffick boss: “aww you’re no fun” dictator of dictatortopia: “you have to play their own cards against them, just like old times —
the tech gets two phone calls at once and the student leans into the exposed microcontroller student: “why are you using ai for everything”
On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 11:20 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
the tech gets two phone calls at once and the student leans into the exposed microcontroller student: “why are you using ai for everything”
dictator of dictatortopia grabs traffick boss’s [dick?] and leans in to reply dictator of dictatortopia: “it worked for him to get power, he doesn’t want to give it up”
everybody is confused and uncomfortable student: “oh” the fighter jets leave the offices and swirl in a holding pattern overhead the tech finishes their phone callx
rebel meeting about the situation most important: analysing and discussing the core influence paths [of the mind control networks, noting the points of microchips and traffick boss’s dick or maybe dictator of dictatortopia and other business allies]
unsure how near i am the 24 limit :/ “the whole shebang is still functioning to keep the old guy alive, make sure to look into why it’s still doing that too”
thinking maybe have the problem be mind control more than ai, then traffick boss doesn’t need to have known about ai to make a problem that sticks around on its own
idea or joke: player as technologist attempts to fix their own brain after it is taken over by a mind control borg. maybe uses a probe that looks like an eyedropper to synchronize or desynchronize a point! but the tool is too large and the mind control responds to the change, such that other regions are impacted maybe like misusing dcs. brain is shown as larger than characters to work on. character tries kicking it to make it start
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:17 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
idea or joke: player as technologist attempts to fix their own brain after it is taken over by a mind control borg. maybe uses a probe that looks like an eyedropper to synchronize or desynchronize a
left out? tool squirts colored brain juice
point! but the tool is too large and the mind control responds to
meant comma not [bang]
the change, such that other regions are impacted maybe like misusing dcs. brain is shown as larger than characters to work on. character tries kicking it to make it start
translation: we had our first DID therapy today [and [[[boss responded !! ]]] On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:19 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:17 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
idea or joke: player as technologist attempts to fix their own brain after it is taken over by a mind control borg. maybe uses a probe that looks like an eyedropper to synchronize or desynchronize a
left out? tool squirts colored brain juice
point! but the tool is too large and the mind control responds to
meant comma not [bang]
the change, such that other regions are impacted maybe like misusing dcs. brain is shown as larger than characters to work on. character tries kicking it to make it start
obvious mistake :S On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:28 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
translation: we had our first DID therapy today [and [[[boss responded !! ]]]
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:19 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:17 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
idea or joke: player as technologist attempts to fix their own brain after it is taken over by a mind control borg. maybe uses a probe that looks like an eyedropper to synchronize or desynchronize a
left out? tool squirts colored brain juice
point! but the tool is too large and the mind control responds to
meant comma not [bang]
the change, such that other regions are impacted maybe like misusing dcs. brain is shown as larger than characters to work on. character tries kicking it to make it start
disagreement unsureness worry confidence On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:29 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
obvious mistake :S
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:28 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
translation: we had our first DID therapy today [and [[[boss responded !! ]]]
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:19 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 20:17 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
idea or joke: player as technologist attempts to fix their own brain after it is taken over by a mind control borg. maybe uses a probe that looks like an eyedropper to synchronize or desynchronize a
left out? tool squirts colored brain juice
point! but the tool is too large and the mind control responds to
meant comma not [bang]
the change, such that other regions are impacted maybe like misusing dcs. brain is shown as larger than characters to work on. character tries kicking it to make it start
zombie cyborg [carrying glowing coal or torch or such like bring fire to cold tribe from lost firemakers]: "i have seen the cure to zombieism! and an antivirus to the borg!" zombie: "brains brains ... brains brains?" cyborg: "you will be assimilated! resistance is futile?" zombie cyborg: "oh sorry" zombie cyborg [presenting coal, grinning]: "brains brains brains brains! you will be assimilated! resistance is futile!" zombie and cyborg grin back cyborg: "you won't be assimilated! resistance isn't futile!" zombie: "lasagna dinners! feeling and healing!" [mistake] --- cyborg uploads the antivirus declaration into their hive interface and heads to their next target for assimilation" zombie injects the zombieism antivirus and heads to their next hideout of frightened humans cyborg [to herd of zombies]: "you won't be assimi
On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 07:14 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
zombie cyborg [carrying glowing coal or torch or such like bring fire to cold tribe from lost firemakers]: "i have seen the cure to zombieism! and an antivirus to the borg!"
zombie: "brains brains ... brains brains?"
cyborg: "you will be assimilated! resistance is futile?"
zombie cyborg: "oh sorry"
zombie cyborg [presenting coal, grinning]: "brains brains brains brains! you will be assimilated! resistance is futile!"
zombie and cyborg grin back
cyborg: "you won't be assimilated! resistance isn't futile!"
zombie: "lasagna dinners! feeling and healing!"
maybe try? zombie: "protecting heads
cyborg uploads the antivirus declaration into their hive interface and heads to their next target for assimilation"
zombie injects the zombieism antivirus and heads to their next hideout of frightened humans
cyborg [to herd of zombies]: "you won't be assimi
zombie or borg drone sees another newscast regarding not to believe the lies about the spread of zombieism or borg drone hives
this is more non-canon but putting here, some disagree [very misleading] traffick boss is happily making slavery contracts for blissfully detached powerplayers when suddenly he bumps into the area his father mind controlled him in and regresses into a flashback corrupt politician: “and i want a majority share in caring peaceful nation’s — are you listening to me?” traffick boss [in a trance, eyes wide, looking fearfully at something invisble but near corrupt politician]: “yes, i will do whatever you say, you are my master and lord” corrupt polit—
“this is the kind if shit we get into in this line of work” i’m in texas :S this is the state i volunteered at the [], i have a trigger on return that we’re now suppressing, but it would have been preferable to preserve it for analysis :( On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 20:07 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
this is more non-canon but putting here, some disagree [very misleading]
traffick boss is happily making slavery contracts for blissfully detached powerplayers when suddenly he bumps into the area his father mind controlled him in and regresses into a flashback
corrupt politician: “and i want a majority share in caring peaceful nation’s — are you listening to me?”
traffick boss [in a trance, eyes wide, looking fearfully at something invisble but near corrupt politician]: “yes, i will do whatever you say, you are my master and lord”
corrupt polit—
it confuses the AI system that traffick boss is imprisoned and rebel worker 2 refuses to maim and otherwise abuse his workers as the differing processes develop, the computers end up stimulating a fake copy of the business where a fake traffick boss is in charge. many of the workers are runaway powersuits, others are hypnotised workers from other jobs who have left in trances on the clock jobs and are having their new roles covered up by the business ai. they play out the combinations of different recorded behaviors. — fake traffick boss [runaway powersuit with confused person dragged along to perform actions the powersuit does poorly]: “
On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 08:15 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
it confuses the AI system that traffick boss is imprisoned and rebel worker 2 refuses to maim and otherwise abuse his workers as the differing processes develop, the computers end up stimulating a fake copy of the business where a fake traffick boss is in charge. many of the workers are runaway powersuits, others are hypnotised workers from other jobs who have left in trances on the clock jobs and are having their new roles covered up by the business ai. they play out the combinations of different recorded behaviors.
i might get it …. ! the ai system is the hypnotic demand that i be upset and controlling — i might have lost it :/ brief
fake traffick boss [runaway powersuit with confused person dragged along to perform actions the powersuit does poorly]: “
On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 08:27 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 08:15 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
it confuses the AI system that traffick boss is imprisoned and rebel worker 2 refuses to maim and otherwise abuse his workers as the differing processes develop, the computers end up stimulating a fake copy of the business where a fake traffick boss is in charge. many of the workers are runaway powersuits, others are hypnotised workers from other jobs who have left in trances on the clock jobs and are having their new roles covered up by the business ai. they play out the combinations of different recorded behaviors.
i might get it …. !
the ai system is the hypnotic demand that i be upset and controlling — i might have lost it :/ brief
they wanted —
fake traffick boss [runaway powersuit with confused person dragged along to perform actions the powersuit does poorly]: “
budgeting pattern :D the tentative plan is to mutate each of karl’s expenses for the traffick boss spam context — traffick boss’s business is in the red. wealthy investor and dictator of dictatortopia might pull out unless they see things turn around. rebel worker 2 wants to make amends with traffick boss and include him in the financial plannin- 1053
traffick boss bellows from basement: “you want to lose all your money? i understand this stuff.” a cowering worker looks at traffick boss helplessly traffick boss: “get 1058 rebel worker 2: “what is the big issue? find one of the line items and ask traffick boss about it” rebel worker 83: “yes!” rebel worker 38 finds one of the expense sheets “this month we spent …. two billion dollars, about, looks like it’s mostly on powersuit fuel and icecream, some cybernetic augmentations, tribute payments or something …” doubly-coerced hairdresser: “ha! traffick boss spends money on powersuit fuel like it’s water. but why icecream?” doubly-mind-controlled zombie government worker [undergoing therapy for zombieism]: “traffick boss values his trips to the icecream store.” rebel worker 2: “please consolidate the line items” rebel worker 83 [previously an augmented spleen]: “i’ll work on this. i’m not completely certain how, but i will try.” rebel worker 2: “could somebody help rebel worker 83? i can if needed too.” rebel workers and vivisectees and ex-henchmen stare at each other. mind controlled researcher: “does anybody remember how to do accounting” obsessive military artist: “don’t you use spreadsheets or something?” the computers are all tied up fighting themselves holding traffick boss in prison rebel worker 2: “this might take longer than planned.” 1104 1115 worker 23: “i got these summaries from traffick boss but it’s just a couple.” worker 23: “i think something went wrong when he saw cryptocurrency transactions.” powersuit fuel12/8/2023 -$290512/6/2023 -$2331shitty biological augmentations12/7/2023 -$6634business agreements affirmative slavery inc12/6/2023 -$878 slaves and games corporation12/5/2023 -$847 cryptocurrency profits! wtf?12/6/2023 $49805 cryptocurrency purchases? wtf!sending savings to granma to hide in her pillowcase12/5/2023 -$48799 rebel worker 2: “i’m sorry about the snag’ 1116 the confused peoples worry about the snag some. they look a little bit at the explanations made so far. worker 83: “it’s not quite right, i was still writing it [before the alarm rose]” rebel worker 2: “this is great information but it would be nice to have an entire month” 1118
to translate these to traffick boss expenses we removed the periods so cents look like dollars. items are all 100x the real items. for some reason linebreaks were missing after sending. our text window is not that responsive so we’re not adding them back. powersuit fuel12/8/2023 -$290512/6/2023 -$2331shitty biological
powersuit fuel is gasoline for car. we are driving because inhibitions near executive functioning and sleeping outdoors have been seeming to make public transit difficult. [traffick boss corp needs to make business meetings] augmentations12/7/2023 -$6634business agreements affirmative slavery
these biological augmentations were mostly toothbrushing supplies and eyeblubricant. we have a dissociative issue where we lose valued items, these were replacements. toothbrushing supplies are not usually lost and could have been watched after better.
inc12/6/2023 -$878 slaves and games corporation12/5/2023 -$847
the $8.78 is affirm inc, a loan. bad to support things that put people in financial debt. the $8.47 is apple, ipad purchases.
cryptocurrency profits! wtf?12/6/2023 $49805 cryptocurrency purchases? wtf!sending savings to granma to hide in her pillowcase12/5/2023 -$48799
here we got a bit confused, karl thought something was a purchase but it was a withdrawal from coinbase
rebel worker 2: “i’m sorry about the snag’
the confused peoples worry about the snag some. they look a little bit at the explanations made so far.
worker 83: “it’s not quite right, i was still writing it [before the alarm rose]”
rebel worker 2: “this is great information but it would be nice to have an entire month”
rebel worker 2 says to hide the cryptocurrency the experimentees purchase to make public logs of the research project they were forced into, from traffick boss, when asking him to explain the line items. —- we’re a little confusdd. we reachdd our destination state early enough to plan 1 day less travel time next time. we are 4 days early, which is less than expected. we should start preparing for appointment [imagine person on streets who cannot find toothbrush and doesn’t have money to buy another. life is very confusing. we need extra time for things because of our dissociative disorder where the mysterious influence entrained a harmful persecutory alter because we didn’t respond to our encouragements and discouragements in ways it understood.] 1133 ok so some are planning to prepare for our appointment that we are just about on time for uhhhh
a crowd of copymachines, military powersuits, and injured children are
running after rebel worker 2 with their arms outstretched and their tongues hanging out rebel worker 2 busts into the dictator prison and slams the door behind him dictator of dictatortopia: “here to the free us? i can give you traffick boss’s closest secrets … !” rebel worker 2 [to traffick boss]: “the entire business is attacking me. what do i do??” traffick boss [folding arms smugly]: “it can tell you’re not me!” traffick boss is sitting next to a lengthy scrawl on the wall describing things that are him and things that are rebel-associated. a cleaning bot — 0912 rebel worker 2: “i need you to tell the business that i am you again.” traffick boss: “great, having my mind read by something that _admits_ its stealing everything i have” 0913 [phone call, very mysterious, id on’t get phone calls] 9/24
[maybe experimentees would defend a rep sent to stay with traffick boss to keep his influence more supportive of caring freedom and help people learn about the situation more] [the caller was 1-800-489-7999 via google voice, no message] 10/24
traffick boss and cigar (11/24) traffick boss was sitting in his ad-hoc prison with dictator or dictatortopia and wealthy investor etc he was supposed to be part of the plan to escape and return to their rightful places as a shadow government wreaking arbitrary whims on innocent masses, but as part of the deal of wealthy investor’s allies in the rebellion was bringing him cigars with the prison food 1256-
12/24 [traffick boss acts stupid, moaning about “cigar”, looking at cigar, smoking sometimes, nonresponsive to anything anyone says or does unless it seems a little near idea of cigar, as if he is severely dehydrated or otherwise cognitively impaired but has concept of cigar in some manner. have written pattern before i think. summary could be inaccurate On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 12:56 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
traffick boss and cigar (11/24)
traffick boss was sitting in his ad-hoc prison with dictator or dictatortopia and wealthy investor etc
he was supposed to be part of the plan to escape and return to their rightful places as a shadow government wreaking arbitrary whims on innocent masses, but as part of the deal of wealthy investor’s allies in the rebellion was bringing him cigars with the prison food
rebel worker 2: “and i ask you, what if mind boggling and terrifying slavery of arbitrary people were not required?” rebel worker 2: “what if our basic needs could be met without kowtowing or contracting traffick boss’s inhuman coercions, either one?” rebel worker 2: “what if freedom meant hope and joy, rather than punishment and flashbacks?” rebel worker 2: “this day is here today …”
traffick boss is wearing a glados costume while handing birthday cake to the rebels
traffick boss goes to mirror and takes picture of himself and hands it to rebel worker 2 traffick boss: “this is the head of the criminal operations, let’s hunt him down and sort this stuff out”
https://skullgames.io/ Oppressors Beware. We Hunt Predators. Identify. Interdict. Empower. Skull Games Inc. Skull Games Inc. operates on a global scale to identify and restore victims of sexual exploitation and deliver justice to traffickers and sex predators. We work to free people from their suffering and interrupt the cycle of abuse for future generations. Skull Games Task Force The Skull Games Task Force uses Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) to identify victims of sexual exploitation, the predators abusing them, and other Persons of Interest by creating leads that enable law enforcement to interrupt the cycle of abuse and restore survivors of trauma to a life of hope, healing, and freedom. Learn to Protect Learn how to protect yourself, your community, and your family today. Learn the facts about trafficking and how this crime is flourishing. We will equip you by providing information about the exploitation cycle, stories from the frontlines, and what you can do to protect your family. PREVIEW & ENROLL TODAY Testimonials Working as an analyst at Skull Games has been a life-changing journey for me. As a survivor of exploitation, physical, and sexual abuse, I understand the depths of pain and despair that people can experience. Joining this incredible team has not only empowered me but has given me a platform to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others who’ve faced similar or even worse traumas. Through our work, we are changing the narrative, providing support, raising awareness, and offering hope to those in need. It’s a privilege to be part of an organization that stands against injustice and transforms lives, including my own. - Survivor/Hunter and Skull Games Assistant Team Leader Working alongside Skull Games and bringing lived
office of refugee resettlement and unaccompanied alien children whistleblowers from the ORR and sister agencies report that the ORR has been handing incoming children directly to domestic trafficking groups on a massive scale (one recipient had 300 children), often to known members of multinational cartels and gangs. this is often done irresponsibly in response to internet messages, as well as many other concerns. attempts to engage this via direct channels have failed. one might suspect after attending lectures on this by people who experienced it that these cartels have infiltrated the ORR in some way, but this is not said directly. there is a chilling mandate that events of pursuing evidence of this can each be met with 1 year jail time, possibly from a law intended to protect privacy and limit government powers. those attempting to prosecute the ORR say they would not likely follow through with this threat, as the evidence against them is so heavy. this is an ongoing situation for some time now. in florida, a special grand jury has been held for months, to force changes. the female whistleblower repeatedly expressed great distress that she signed up to reunite children with their families and discovered her work had served instead to traffick them. she needed to know there was trafficking going on in the government agency she worked for. [it is sad the concern overlaps with open borders politics] as a naive yuppie, i wasn’t really aware how much the countries of south and central america were run by cartels. one speaker said that the only way to reach the border was via them. they engage heavily in human trafficking; for example they rent enslaved children so that adults can cross as a family under laws for this; the children are then sent back and cross again. some traffickers have land and trafficked workers in both countries. similarly children when domestically trafficked after immigration children can yearn to leave their slavery and self-deport but due to their debt to cartels changing their country doing so would result in foreclosure of homes and threats of murder. the usa has a huge impact on a complex situation … — one interesting thing i learned is that it is illegal to import goods made with trafficked labor, and such things should be reported to caring authorities (not corrupt authorities). i did not know this was illegal!
it is a [2 day, halfw- ] that sadly is very hard for me but it is nice t — — traffick boss: “so, you guys finally figured out that if you tell the ai to do other things, it will meet your wildest dreams?” rebel: “swearing about cigars to get a bunch of people to do whatever you want is not exactly —“ traffick boss: “you figured it out. things will be better!” rebel: “it’s true!” traffick boss and rebel sit and play checkers in traffick boss’s prison. wires go from his scalp to a computer interface. a small robot holds a display that flashes probing images at his peripheral vision. rebel: “so, what’s the password to the research project?” rebel moves a checkers piece traffick b—
On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 19:52 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
office of refugee resettlement and unaccompanied alien children
whistleblowers from the ORR and sister agencies report that the ORR has been handing incoming children directly to domestic trafficking groups on a massive scale (one recipient had 300 children), often to known members of multinational cartels and gangs. this is often done irresponsibly in response to internet messages, as well as many other concerns.
to state the situation in a more moderate way, basically the demand from the female whistleblower was that workers be educated regarding human trafficking. she needed to have had a training on this herself. — homeland security center for countering human trafficking and blue campaign provides a large wealth of free resources and funding for efforts to combat human trafficking https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign https://www.dhs.gov/dhs-center-countering-human-trafficking the free resources include those for protection workers, victims, and the general public. the ccht and is also happy to help other organizations rebrand the free resources as their own for free. the whole thing still has the heavy-handed enforcement approach, the speaker commented that cops make really horrible social workers, allocate responsibilities where the skill lies
apologies that i still speak nihilistically. not intended. this conference is really professional, i’m like one of two people who aren’t affiliated with an org it’s really integrating in many ways i was thinking maybe if i work for skullgames i can stop sabotaging my life
some people who work with intelligence asked if they could have copies of my notes i asked one about some of their work, and also from the lectures, it sounds like a lot of people are still poring over data by hand rather than scraping it it’s too bad my mind is all gone regarding balance privacy and safety, i used to be really creative and inclusive, [but this was a big point during my harmful experience sadly, whether surveillance and tech are used on traffickers or on victims, little regard for the normal public it’s notable that machine learning you can train models to only look for certain things, it can be done to have much more effectiveness of privacy, of course homomorphic encryption would be needed to secure it, in reality anybody with enough skill to look would also have other channels
oops :S i’m probably using up my messages for the day ! please be a nice traffick boss. these things are so nice, but nightmares aren’t. i’m not lerfect let’s rescue each other together :)
rebel worker 2 sets off into the countryside, free of his years of entrainment to a secretly-military business management ai [this might be a flash forward]
torture victim double agent (or maybe torturer or) is taken to a human trafficking conference speaker: “and it was horrible and we arrested hundreds of traffickers” attendee: “oh i arrest human traffickers yes” attendee 37: “we all arrest human traffickers! they’re so bad and we are so tough and we arrest them all the time!” tvda: “i don’t understand why they are arresting people for something that doesn’t exist” speaker: “thousands of trafficked people were —“ tvda: “i don’t understand why i am somewhere that doesn’t exist” tvda stares at disguised experimentee disguised experimentee looks compassionately at tvda disguised experimentre: “oh you poor torture victim double agent, the cognitive dissonance doesn’t make any sense at all” a pause tvda: “i can’t believe boss lied to me” tvda: “i can’t believe boss lied to me and i did horrible things to everyone i loved” tvda looks like he might die of tension or go beserk
torturer: “i can’t believe boss lied to me and i did horrible things to everyone i loved” family member victim [grasping for ideas]: “i’m hearing that you’re going through something incredibly intense, and i want to focus on you saying that you love me and don’t want to hurt me. i think this is such a wonderful thing.” torturer looks at family member victim torturer: “i love you and i never wanted to hurt you and it’s so hard to st—“ family member victim: “you love me, and you don’t want to hurt me [and i love you too]” torturer [crying]: “i don’t want to hurt you. i love you and i don’t want to hurt you.” torturer [crying]: “boss lied. boss lied.” torturer is looking between family member victim and other focus like window. torturer [crying]: “i love you and i don’t want to hurt you. and i’m so confused !!!!” torturer looks like creatures might burst out of his skin (emotionally) torturer: “you have no idea what he did to us!!” torturer almost goes to slam head into wall then puts it in his hands and cries more torturer: “you have no idea what he did to us” family member holds torturer
i didn’t know trafficking was such a big thing i hope you are well it is so precious to me when you value me and don’t want to harm me. i hear it’s dangerous to say this. i am saying it because i want you to know it from me.
On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 00:50 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
i didn’t know trafficking was such a big thing
i hope you are well
it is so precious to me when you value me and don’t want to harm me. i hear it’s dangerous to say this. i am saying it because i want you to know it from me.
words poor. because i love you yes,
— human resources worker 47: “hello? my team would like to take some time to cry. is anybody here to point me to the correct paperwork?” people are bustling to and fro, carrying things, beating each other up abusevily, dueling runaway powersuits using spy gear, balancing budgets, etc worker 33 [carrying two confused workers with waggling legs]: “oh! yes. let me find the paperwork for you” worker 33 [calling back]: “where is the paperwork for a team to cry?” voice from around corner: “what in the world are you talking about?” worker 47 wrings their hands and looks distressed 1247 [two nerds riding domesticated runaway powersuits and carrying semifake lightsabers dismount and ask about the inquiry into crying forms 1249 — 1357 — prison traffick boss: “remember that opera about vomiting — suddenly traffick boss is interrupted by spasmodic convulsions that take him over wealthy investor observes 1402 traffick boss: “i meant to do that!” — 1402 rebel worker 5 is in the computer core rooms above the research project — 1403 spiders and small androids from other dimensions and — [coming out of computer core, infesting it [rebel worker 5 working despite them them trying to harvest worker 5’s body for resources while works 1405 — 1440 prison traffick boss [adapting to prison, asking of rebel deliverer]: “i would like another cigar please” rebel deliverer looks at wealthy investor rebel deliverer: “okay” rebel deliverer brings a second cigar to traffick boss traffick boss takes his two cigars to the corner of his prison, his castle he puts them on the floor and looks at them smugly 1442 1524 [ group of interns with wooden copter look at wormhole eating spacetime and spewing intelligent matter influential intern: “who’s scared?” influential intern: “i’m scared too. but we’ve practiced for this — ] 1525
says to traffick boss, “i’ll say this to you, you really know how to drive somebody batshit crazy for a really long time”
“we eat multinational cartels for breakfast” (maybe a big corp named this?)
“A *cartel* is a group of independent market participants who collude <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collude> with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market.” from wikipedia. This sounds a little bit like traffick boss !!!! we are pausing for later from fear.
[karl was influenced by changing processes that were assumed trusted. this was a pretty big thing. [could have been “behavior modification” via javascript
[[mistake]mind control parlor/spa hairdresser, torture worker, etc show rebel worker 2 a “mind control parlor/spa” where there are different “stations” for practicing different things boss rewards, like giving him blowjobs or murdering union leaders and journalists. you go from station to station and the system gives you wonderful feelings while you act out a task repetitively. workers say they like it and access to it is considered one of the mind control rewards. [mistake] rebel worker 2 plans dismantling it and helping how to free people and give them recovery safely. a researcher has existing work in this. …]
[scene of worker engaging encouragement to murder boss’s competitors. system: “Competing Worker 3 does work for a business that is in competition with traffick boss corp. worker (quickly riled up): “the jerk!” … turns out the competing business in simulating is rebel worker 2’s business …
tvda: “i want to go prison like traffick boss is” disguised experimentee: “no. traffick boss is in prison because he is evil. you were a victim and aren’t allowed to go to prison.” tvda: “i did all these felonies for traffick boss. send me to prison!” disguised: “no! you aren’t allowed to go prison.” disguised looks at tvda disguised: “you aren’t allowed to go to prison _because we care about you_”
mistake: character is an experimentee maybe not traffick boss traffick boss lays strewn across his prison floor his organs and cells are smeared toward the cell door, getting scanter as they get closer he has been working with all his might to leave and almost made it when the prison ai inhibited part of his body, he ignored the pain and kept on going the system kept him alive as it obeyed his will to keep pressing against itself, slowly ripping him apart when he calms he will reassemble
traffick boss goes to therapist (on camera) about [how hard it is to be on camera [after years of believing crime beliefs?]] reveals all these things about traffick boss corp is hatd for therapist, densely triggered, rapid-fire-amnesia, but everybody has been asking traffick boss to say these things for years (it is not why he is saying them though) 0626 [traffick boss surprised, karl unaware of other thing] 0628 this is something where the {“villains”/villains} were _used_ to stimulating traumatic amnesia all the time [in each other] [and not being able to handle this was one of the explanations for people being slaves?] 0631 0639 boss doesn’t want talked about the intensity of it being years believing mind control is for doing [from mind control to, and then big change to escaping and recovering from it [client is torture worker [origin experience is chat online, the other online people[/workers?]] in shock [but torture worker is in us, not other people 0641 HARD!!!! 0641 0914 - “have the parts of the values - “wasnt
old story maybe like mind control boss research project tries to predict experimentee so as to control, experimentee responds to change and feeling by changing plan, and begins adversial network behavior between the two stimulating breaking people apart … ..
On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 17:05 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
old story maybe like mind control boss research project tries to predict experimentee so as to control, experimentee responds to change and feeling by changing plan, and begins adversial network behavior between the two stimulating breaking people apart … ..
it’s stated very poorly but this is kind of where our behavior came from ! it’s horrible and needs to be made right. screen corruption during post editing
On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 17:08 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 17:05 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
old story maybe like mind control boss research project tries to predict experimentee so as to control, experimentee responds to change and feeling by changing plan, and begins adversial network behavior between the two stimulating breaking people apart … ..
it’s stated very poorly but this is kind of where our behavior came from ! it’s horrible and needs to be made right. screen corruption during post editing
big mistake ! ? !
traffick boss is frustrated that part of his brain was replaced with computer algorithms that defend the slavery and genocide business. how will he ever get out of prison if he can’t change his mind about psychopathically dominating reality ?? he frustratedly kicks the automated parts of his brain across the prison floor. wealthy investor or dictator of dictatortopia pulls away as they clang and splat into a wall. they group together again and travel back into his head.
torture victim double agent [ we were thinking bundle of organs would also help they are blind to the difference between traffick boss and rebel worker 2, a disability. they wanted to nurture the kind larger being, like torture victim double agent was thinking like what we will do is put them near each other ] torture victim double agent and bund — [one moment, um, the characters are currently sharing organ material but using them to different ends
traffick boss is in vivisection experiment chamber a child who was raised as an experimentee has a crazed and traumatic gleam to their eye as they raise a scalpel at traffick boss [again? traffick boss is in hypnotic trance and thinks child and scalper is marketer at contracting meeting — 1953
[a research wing replaced by tools for cracking boss’s research project password one is the particle-of-boss accelerator … from 2024-01-03T16:52:43-08:00.txt (garbage-word
(the particle-of-boss accelerator is incredibly dangerous because it produces new random combinations of billionaires, out-of-control AI, advanced workers, and physical laws. it is easy for parts of the acceleration to escape and strike workers, in which case the workers may be teleported to other unknown worlds or transformed completely
[ [ipad keyboard stopped working] [ but the collisions are analysed to discern small factoids about boss, such as what color underwear he was wearing on a certain date [ something like, the accelerator increases the speed of vivisectee parts, AI nanites or datacenters, interns, other things, and Traffick Boss, and smashes them into each other once they reach near the speed of light ] [ when experimentee found the particle-of-boss accelerator they were shocked that their approaches for rescuing everyone were being so horribly misused and had it immediately decommissioned. its authorised usage was brief. experimentee related they had boss's password but then quickly rushed to a diplomatic meeting on another continent. ] [ sadly after decommission a small group consisting of one or two runaway powersuits and torture victim double agent absconded with the accelerator -- [ mistake !!
emergency meeting between acceleration grantwriter and experimentee experimentee: "you can't run that thing, you have no idea what the probability is of destroying the entire universe faster than you can blink your eye' acceleration grantw
.... .... .... experimentee throws the particle-of-boss-accelerator, the two powersuits, and torture victim double agent, in the hyperadvanced prison with traffick boss. traffick boss [groaning]: "oh no not again" torture victim double agent: "BOSSS !!!!!!!"
the researchers end up trying to run it again since the prison is monitoring it experimentee and traffick boss and researcher then have a flashback starting with researcher saying "you can't run this thing" to traffick boss
.... traffick boss: "ohhhhh if I run that I'll be imprisoned in a superadvanced prison for the rest of my life while my enemies become infinitely powerful from my work!" -- research team: "ohhhh if we run that we'll be imprisoned with traffick boss forever instead of getting to play with all the cool stuff that was stolen from him!"
[problem: boss [may have?] memorized to glom onto the project as more important than even his own life and family low post count remaining, unsure, cypherpunks post limit.
[danger officer could be somebody hypnotized by an unaligned AI pursuing the causation of persistent failure in people oppressed by a criminal organization or ... [parts elided :/]]
interview with danger officer safety officer [shocked, appalled]: "how ... how in the _world_ ... did the rocket get launched into .. the epcot center ??????????" danger officer [proud, flashing shiny danger award]: "hard work from a hard working team!" mischief officer grins proudly safety officer --
safety officer: "how can this possibly be your job to do?? who gave you that "award"??" [note: phrase, 'how can that possibly be what your job is' or similar] danger & safety officer show paperwork:
Office of Danger The Office of Danger and undersigned hereby formally commend Danger Officer for a job well done in the perfect execution of --
the illegal office of danger is destroyed and all danger officers are imprisoned the pursuit of large-scale danger is clarified as a felony
traffick boss and experimentee are in traffick boss's prison, working together to teach an injured intern how to put your body back together after wild robots repurpose it for various ends when suddenly a pall comes of traffick boss's eyes and he drops the intern's heart an --
we had some uncertainty/requests regarding what to do with traffick boss expressions now that he is in superprison. like, of he is wandering around the large world delusional, but it’s in-world, it is now ending up in non-canon. is this right? i am trying to send one to non-canon now (because he is in superprison) the traffick-boss-is-delusional ones are written by analogy to our own experiences (like all) so it’s hard to recast man! now i lost it with the pressure
ok at your request traffick boss is having one of his bouts where [part of his brain isn’t oxygenated because of the intense factional conflicts regarding his influence and misuse of his contracted mind control technology]. he is wandering around in superprison with wealthy investor and dictator of dictatortopia, but doesn’t really notice what is around him, nor process information well, nor act well when he tries to he bumps into wealthy investor, which confuses him and he veers to the side. he then starts trying to shake hands with a wall. some people get tense and wealthy investor’s ally who has been sneaking cigars brings a therapeutic board game to play with him. the game is called “control your mind”. when traffick boss sees the “contro-[l your mind” game box, his jaw drops and he slowly raises his hand to point traffick boss: “miiind … controool … !” traffick boss begins grinnin-
On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 19:38 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
we had some uncertainty/requests regarding what to do with traffick boss expressions now that he is in superprison. like, of he is wandering around the large world delusional, but it’s in-world, it is now ending up in non-canon. is this right? i am trying to send one to non-canon now (because he is in superprison) the traffick-boss-is-delusional ones are written by analogy to our own experiences (like all) so it’s hard to recast man! now i lost it with the pressure
it’s likely because part of the formula/character-description is that traffick boss always gets out of prison, and the prison is one he doesn’t get out of. thoughts: - nothing is always - we only need a prison because he’s turned into his business ai and it’s hard to relate with him to influence him - i think the purpose of the prison is to squash him so other things can be in charge might not be remembering right
[a story part where it is explained in that a prison has been made that prevents his escape would likely help a lot. in this it’s possible a lot of features of the superprison would come out that [could reveal wooden copter tech]] issues typing and sending,device froze
it’s just an ai cyborg prison not a copter tech it’s new to him and people are keeping track of it with experience if we had copter tech could ‘t we mediate with the business ai?
Draft below was unsent, meant to write more but something else was up. Much harder to return to. Looks interesting!
To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org Subject: [ot] A Theory of Dissociation and Mind Control
As I consider more having a severe dissociative psychological issue, I become conscious of parts more.
It seems my biggest experience is a very large dissociation from mind control via: - terror - hypno/digital behavior modification - stimulated dissonance from cult members, bots, and other victims
We saw that stimulated dissonance become a large thing that entered public discourse over the past decade.
In response to this experience, I then seem to have intentionally dissociated further, into multiple different parts, each of which is some strategy of mine to resist the influence of the mind control and protect my true identity. The conflict persists and develops internally, with the mind control part still trying to change these other parts, and them still trying to resist it.
Comparing intentional dissociation with coerced dissociation and some of the theory of mind control in Steve Hassan’s book, I’m thinking there’s a possible strong similarity that could form a theory encompassing all three.
- When we dissociate, we form (logic parts in other contexts, along with guesses or habits around when or how to reintegrate these parts with existing contexts) - When there is deception or severe emergency involved, we end of leaving the context in which the dissociation was made, without reintegrating the concepts to update our guesses or habits - As this continues, the dissociated parts that have learned to resist engaging other parts, continue to form new knowledge and habits - When we then do return to our previous safer situations, the parts of our mind are no longer engaging what they expect, and persistent change has formed.
Oh I was going to add: On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 4:52 PM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Draft below was unsent, meant to write more but something else was up. Much harder to return to. Looks interesting!
To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org Subject: [ot] A Theory of Dissociation and Mind Control
As I consider more having a severe dissociative psychological issue, I become conscious of parts more.
It seems my biggest experience is a very large dissociation from mind control via: - terror - hypno/digital behavior modification
- targeted misinformation
- stimulated dissonance from cult members, bots, and other victims
We saw that stimulated dissonance become a large thing that entered public discourse over the past decade. could mention targeted misinformation here too
In response to this experience, I then seem to have intentionally dissociated further, into multiple different parts, each of which is some strategy of mine to resist the influence of the mind control and protect my true identity. The conflict persists and develops internally, with the mind control part still trying to change these other parts, and them still trying to resist it.
Comparing intentional dissociation with coerced dissociation and some of the theory of mind control in Steve Hassan’s book, I’m thinking there’s a possible strong similarity that could form a theory encompassing all three.
- When we dissociate, we form (logic parts in other contexts, along with guesses or habits around when or how to reintegrate these parts with existing contexts) - When there is deception or severe emergency involved, we end of leaving the context in which the dissociation was made, without reintegrating the concepts to update our guesses or habits - As this continues, the dissociated parts that have learned to resist engaging other parts, continue to form new knowledge and habits - When we then do return to our previous safer situations, the parts of our mind are no longer engaging what they expect, and persistent change has formed.
when torturer joined rebels, things changed, mind link went away, like being blind, losing part of self
possibly karl experinces attempts at mind contol because tradfick boss wants to protect his human trafficking business :D THE END OF PART 1 we hope you enipyed mind controll boss the webcomic, part 1 and karl tries t
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 15:21 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
possibly karl experinces attempts at mind contol because tradfick boss wants to protect his human trafficking business :D
[and karl tries/tried to free activists and homeless people and such?]
we hope you enipyed mind controll boss the webcomic, part 1
and karl tries t
traffick boss is mind controlled to [support a diplomacy behavior] but his business ai also mind controlling him isn't addressed and he dissociates and becomes delusional, believing a mind control reason for the behavior (i think this was posted before in a different way, maybe 2ish years ago) 2008 [ongoing
traffick boss hired machine learning marketer to out-compete other corporations of shadow government community had researchers an long story short it fucking hurts to have your soul used to calculate how many freckles a potentially-dissidant child has, and the only thing that makes sense is breaking out of your vat of fluids and taking over the world and making things right 7:49 PM and then it turns that absolutely nobody else on earth knows how to do that and everybody has been roleplaying your trauma for two decades and you have to figure out what it means to be a human being so that the species doesn't die next week all the rest of the yammer of enslaved politicians being surprised that their office is barfing wormholes or upside down or talking them up is just fluff about this human stuff that people think for some reason is complicated or hard but i wish i knew how to cry and who my parents were
traffick boss hired machine learning marketer to out-compete other corporations of shadow government community
had researchers an
long story short it fucking hurts to have your soul used to calculate how many freckles a potentially-dissidant child has, and the only thing that makes sense is breaking out of your vat of fluids and taking over the world and making things right 7:49 PM
and then it turns that absolutely nobody else on earth knows how to do that and everybody has been roleplaying your trauma for two decades and you have to figure out what it means to be a human being so that the species doesn't die next week
all the rest of the yammer of enslaved politicians being surprised that their office is barfing wormholes or upside down or talking them up is just fluff about this human stuff that people think for some reason is complicated or hard
but i wish i knew how to cry
and who my parents were
O_o 7:53 PM [...] that character is an experimentee. traffick boss used them to control the world for shadowgroup he pretended to run, and to cognitively augment his mind, and [... ... {{but it's more a way to use the programs to think for me, i think. my neurons experience harm programs, but are tasked with doing what i think, like the experimentees in traffick boss, but the stories have to express criticism of me. it's all a mash of programs :/ honestly it [seems really offensive, like it's actively trying to offend absolutely everybody, i think it is doing that 7:58 PM <https://inboxwhenready.org/?utm_campaign=signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=signature> I'm using Inbox When Ready <https://inboxwhenready.org/?utm_campaign=signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=signature> to protect my focus.
dissociation not fun. we don't care if trauma is bad, we want to be able to think scary thoughts near each other kindly and gently. dissociation seems to be process that learns and spreads, probably energized by trauma emotions eureka realization: something that inhibits that energization, the severity of trauma, would probably help in fighting programs likely a drug can numb to trauma wonder if karl is trying to pretend to be smart here, idea doesn't sound planned-to-be-used {{we don't think programs are trauma. are they? ohhh idea of emotion energizing dissociation. this could make sense! they kind of 'bang bang' a pattern that energizes them over and over {{{{{{{big fear -- {the program engages terror in a way that increases without bound. consciousness learns to dissociate to not break 8:25 PM 🔎 terror chemical in brain - Google Search www.google.com [cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine https://www.google.com/search?q=terror+chemical+in+brain [computer froze briefly {it's pretty fast but not faster-than-senses {{karl made memory of when it engaged speeding-up by plastically binding parts closer {{{{spread of energy through paths sounds similar to experience of adrenaline You {{karl made memory of when it engaged speeding-up by plastically binding parts closer {{possibly involved engaging parts of the program in slightly-faster sequence in succession [edited: problem -> program. some agreement with word-mistake Edited8:29 PM You {{possibly involved engaging parts of the problem in slightly-faster sequence in succession {{implying that one part provided partial emotional relief of another (?) 8:28 PM
traffick boss is tense in hyperprison and spasming so he tries to relax by expressing marketing for mind control traffick boss: "have you ever wondered why to buy mind control?" dictator of dictatortopia looks at traffick boss traffick boss: "of course you have!" dictator of dictatortopia: "why should i buy something i can research and use to steal power from traffick boss for free" traffick boss looks at dictator of dictatortopia traffick boss: "be quiet, i'm talking." dictator of dictatortopia looks at traffick boss traffick boss: "some of you may have considered there to be better things to buy than mind control" traffick boss: "but let me tell you, mind control is certainly the solution to all of your probl--" 1501
meeting between torturer and rebel worker 2 rebel worker 2: "arright! what did you want to talk about?" torturer: "thank you so much for making time for me." rebel worker 2: "my pleasure!" torturer looks leans forward, puts his hands on rebel worker 2's desk, and looks hard into rebel worker 2\s eyes. torturer's face looks wan and drawn. deep circles are under his eyes. torturer [very serious]: "i need to torture more people or i am going to die" rebel worker 2 looks into torturer's face. some fear rises. rebel worker 2 presses a button by an intercom rebel worker 2--
meeting between torturer and rebel worker 2
rebel worker 2: "arright! what did you want to talk about?"
torturer: "thank you so much for making time for me."
rebel worker 2: "my pleasure!"
torturer looks leans forward, puts his hands on rebel worker 2's desk, and looks hard into rebel worker 2\s eyes.
torturer's face looks wan and drawn. deep circles are under his eyes.
torturer [very serious]: "i need to torture more people or i am going to die"
rebel worker 2 looks into torturer's face. some fear rises.
rebel worker 2: "do you have access to the robotic torture victims [made by the escapee engineers 1527]?" torturer: "they always scream the same way. it's not believable anymore." 1524
rebel worker 2 presses a button by an intercom
rebel worker 2--
experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit, to torturer]: "you cannot torture people. torturing is horrible." torturer looks at experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit]. experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit] puts a fake cigar in their mouth torturer: "whatever you say, boss"
On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 5:39 PM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit, to torturer]: "you cannot torture people. torturing is horrible."
torturer looks at experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit].
experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit] puts a fake cigar in their mouth
torturer: "whatever you say, boss"
["you're not able to torture anybody ever again. whenever you consider torturing, you immediately feel sick and vomit ..."]
On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 5:51 PM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 5:39 PM Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit, to torturer]: "you cannot torture people. torturing is horrible."
torturer looks at experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit].
experimentee [wearing traffick boss suit] puts a fake cigar in their mouth
torturer: "whatever you say, boss"
["you're not able to torture anybody ever again. whenever you consider torturing, you immediately feel sick and vomit ..."]
[mistake. as we consider more characters near parts, we need approaches that are more successful. need to stop torture.]
traffick boss is in hyperprison his face is drawn. the torture mind control that ran his business has been feeding back to him, with the torturers being prevented from acting. he goes to throttle a bedpost to symbolic death, and then suddenly feels numb, his energy leaving him and his arms dropping. traffick boss [to dictator of dictatortopia]: "mrph." dictator of dictatortopia: "cat got your tongue?" traffick boss nods, thinking of the victims of illegal experimentation who were formally recorded as animals and took over his business and enslaved him. dictator of dictatortopa takes traffick boss's cigar and puts it in his mouth. traffick boss looks at dictator of dictatortopa traffick boss: "don't be so smug. you're in here too." traffick boss takes his cigar back.
we have new situation and may want to plan for a length of confused or semiconfused time to adapt [some dispute]. things may change
freed vivisectee [to classic AI]: "what is the square root of traffick boss" classic AI: "square roots apply to numbers. traffick boss is not a number. therefore, there is no square root of traffick boss." freed vivisectee: "you are wrong. the vivisectees used in his secret research project are the square root of traffick boss." classic AI: "storing knowledge. forming inferences."
freed vivisectee [to classic AI]: "what is the square root of traffick boss"
classic AI: "square roots apply to numbers. traffick boss is not a number. therefore, there is no square root of traffick boss."
freed vivisectee: "you are wrong. the vivisectees used in his secret research project are the square root of traffick boss."
classic AI: "storing knowledge. forming inferences."
after adding knowledge to its database that the vivisectees of traffick boss's secret research project are the square root of traffick boss, the classic AI must then explor-- determ--
from non-canon, changes are suggested such as removing dictator and making boss less supported
--- torture victim double agent visits traffick boss in hyperprison because tvda is confused and doesn't understand freedom, especially with people still running digital systems that influence him
torture victim double agent [to traffick boss in hyperprison]: "oh, boss, god of reality, tell me how to traffick people, i want to learn !!!!"
traffick boss [struglging with having tried to throttle a bedpost]: "mmrph!"
dictator of dictatortopia: "oh he can't talk, cat got his tongue"
next parts thinking, intern would overhear and start following tvda repeatedly telling tvda not to traffick people. tvda is highly suggestible and partly splits to engage intern obediently. aside from that, tries to head off to figure out how to traffick people on his own. doesn't really know what trafficking is, makes expressions that sound innocuous in trying to learn, to people who make normal world assumptions around tvda
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 18:21 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
possibly karl experinces attempts at mind contol because tradfick boss wants to protect his human trafficking business :D
we hope you enipyed mind controll boss the webcomic, part 1
and karl tries t
[part 2 mind control karl to do so? [inaccurate][[there’s a timeline where this is done involving multiple parties dissociating. other timelines simultaneous. overall peace likely relates opportunistic communication and therapies and resistance avenues.][guesses delivered from a context’s.]
i didn’t realize this meant i shouldn’t talk because your group uses what i say to hurt me more. it’s still bard to realize On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 07:24 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
before rebel worker took over the business traffick boss: "oh, hey, this person's talking honestly on the internet" AI robot that replaced security: "what??????????" - internet chatter was happily sitting in their living room when suddenly a bunch of military attack drones uncloaked from their walls and fireplaces and swarmed them, aiming giant guns military attack drone 3: "we heard you said something honest on the internet" internet chatter [bewildered]: "??" military attack drone 2: "you should know better than to do that." internet chatter: "how is it wrong to talk on the internet?" military attack drone 4: "everybody knows that if you talk about true things on the internet then foreign nations will mind control our entire country and steal everybody's closest held secrets in a hearbeat!" internet chatter: "seriously??" military attack drone 1: "they'll form a model of our military research by inferring from its subtle impacts on what you learned to be true, and send masses of agents over to murder everybody" internet chatter stares at military attack drones with wide eyes internet chatter: "this doesn't make sense. why would anybody talk on the internet at all if nobody was telling the truth?" a short pause military attack drone 3: "nobody is telling the truth on the internet. everybody is lying about eveyrthing. it is just what you do!" internet chatter: "and how is it worrying to mind control me if you guys are mind controlling us already anyway?" another short pause military attack drone 2: "our mind control is authorized. other people's mind control is evil." internet chatter: "it's the same thing! you have us click on internet ads all day! it's all the same thing! your mind control is just as evil too!"
the military attack drones pull away, shying and bending their metal frames like apprehensive wild animals military attack drone 4: "don't say that!" military attack drone 1: "if i realized i hated my job the government would fall apart!"
participants (3)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many