The bell tolls - who ends up with the loot when the reset happens?
So what is the "loot" or the wealth of a nation or empire? The fake wealth is numbers in a computer, the power to create money unchecked. Real wealth is "the real economy" - the means of production, farms, real estate. When (((the top of the steaming pile of bankers))) want more, what is it that they really want (besides love and connection)? A: Control. How to effect greater control? - print more 'money' to buy all tha things: QE infinity - start/continue more wars to boost MIC corps, all of which you own, and to further indebt the people, via "their" governments, to your (all private) banks - have your government lackeys print even more ('bailout') money and hand it to you: Obama Instituted the ‘Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History’ to the 1% - tighten the reins, i.e. increase the interest rates, beyond the capacity of the money supply generally available to pay interest payments, and thereby cause a massive cyclical reset and consequent massive transfer of wealth from the people to the banks - as people give up their mortgages and business loans, their homes and businesses are handed 'back' to the banks The next cyclical reset looms of course: Do You Hear A Bell Ringing? At this point in the business cycle, corporations have loaded themselves up with so much debt that they are extremely fragile. Should the economy slow ever so slightly, it will be game over for countless over-leveraged companies. A question some find hard to answer is whether the unfairness of the privately held money printers i.e. (((the federal reserve banks))), being unfair as it is vis a vis the population at large ("the peopl"), is whether this inherent unfairness is a net good, or a net bad? Another way to pose this question: is debt enslavement a useful tool to help humans on their hopefully upward spiritual journey, or is it a noose to heavy, an anchor round the neck of the people causing them to fall to the depths of depravity and the animalistic parts of human nature? To the extent that humans can shackle their own anger and crack a whip for their charge towards freedom, knowledge and love, then to this extent, adversity is a boon. But if the cross is so heavy that no gratitude is found in the heart, then degradation follows. The actual outcome is a very personal thing - it is ones own journey through and through, ultimately. No blame or flailing can take ones elf out of ones own life - we live with the (emotional and other) consequences of our own actions which ultimately are the conseuquence of our own 'choices', and blaming "them" or "muh feels" or "muh poor childhood" or any other of the endless littany of blame worthy blame-ables, do not appear to improve ones lot. Seize your own life already. Good luck all,
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness