DEF CON nostalgia [was: going double cryptome at DEF CON 22]

a hollow, decrepit shell of its former self.. ... oh the 0ld days, ;) "We'd appreciate some more ethics." - GOBBLES - [ GOBBLES Security - still disappointed in 2014 ... ] ---- regarding the current line up: "Detecting Bluetooth Surveillance Systems" - what about RFID? "Dropping Docs on Darknets: How People Got Caught" - see also, EPICFAIL "How to Disclose an Exploit Without Getting in Trouble" - if you thought ice cream had many flavors, welcome to the brave new world of 'responsible disclosure'! "NSA Playset: PCIe" - the lack of any VT-d mention makes for mediocre. TAO tools better include a VM breakout and uCode errata exploitation. (spoiler alert - i don't think this is actually dropping NSA exploits) "The Monkey in the Middle: A pentesters guide to playing in traffic" - this middle perspective, however, is absolutely a tailored favorite. a gift that keeps on giving... "Investigating PowerShell Attacks" - this is now pointless, what with pass the hash dead. IT'S ALL OVER, JUST GO HOME. *sobbing* [c.f. ] "Screw Becoming A Pentester - When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Bug Bounty Hunter!" - one step further to enlightenment. the industry that should not exist; better yet to become build engineer or test automationer or devops devotee and build security in at unsexy day jobs for not fame and not riches. #hashtagInfosuckprotipyolo "In the forest of knowledge with 1o57" - nothing to say here other than i'm selling 1o57's uber badge for bitcoin to highest bidder. come find me :P~ "RF Penetration Testing, Your Air Stinks" - my discriminator for a delicious sw defined deployment: a) new grc blocks or custom sdr pipeline? b) wideband and full duplex? c) opportunistic and ad-hoc capabilities? - if you answered no to any of the following please try again, with more harder! [c.f. dual 10GigE, 100kHz – 6GHz, <= 800MHz bandwidth, 4 x (16 bit, 370 MSPS ADCs), 2 x (quad channel, 16 bit, 2500 MSPS DAC), 10MHz, 10ppb, reference OCXO] P.P.S. if you want do your own training on "WB Quad System" without travel to FVEY facilities this is how ;) "Panel - Diversity in Information Security" - i was not invited to this panel. credibility lost. "Android Hacker Protection Level 0" - because more fingers in the dike is more fingers. "Blinding The Surveillance State" - i am soliciting donations for premium consulting expertise. i don't think Soghoian's free advice will be instrumental, but Cowboy Alexander has some sweet new shit (you get what you pay for? :) [ c.f. ] "Summary of Attacks Against BIOS and Secure Boot" - aka, why to coreboot and kill AMT with fire. ok Intel chipsec peeps i got bones to pick SEE YOU IN VEGAS --- how about the talks you want so much but will never see? those billions for your discretion clearly benefiting profitability over pervasive security. best regards,

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:57 PM, coderman <> said some shit:
... "You are the worst kind of person! Criticizing these Defcon Presenters for less than perfect communicating of work they have put a lots of work in to. What have you done to make the security community better or teach students how to better practice Security? Shut up if you only message is negativity! Until you are an expert in all Security I don't care about your opinion Asshole Coderman!" [ED: sics' be included.]
i'm sorry, my coping mechanisms are limited. you must assume the right filters. program terminated. --- in all seriousness, as for teaching others, surely i do this much more badly than most. missing experience combined with lack of teaching knowledge a starting point position. there is no How Children Succeed (Paul Tough) for How Children Nuture The Hack. there is no "the smartest kids in the world and how they got that way" (Amanda Ripley) for the skilledest hacker kids in the world and how they hack that way. there is no Building a Better Teacher (Elizabeth Green) for Building a Better InfoSec Mentor and Research Leadership Culture. inspiring more STEM in general a challenge, infosec same and then additional complexities and complications... [0] regarding DEF CON specifically, the joy always and will be the people and conversations. while i may harp on the talks in dark humor, the con as a whole is premium despite oversold and diluted trends to current. DEF CON++ :) --- last but not least, a 8x512G Samsung 840Pro SSD single dumb logical drive in full bay enclosure works best for throughput. what throughput can you reach in this setup? TBD: host mainboard w/ 12TB DDR3 slotting ala COPACOBANA; formal request for DEF CON 23 volume mirror operations - PCIe x16 lanes to memory resident copy of content.. for SCIENCE! re: "DEF CON media hard drive duping station - six 1:11 duplication towers / 3 x 4TB mirror tracks (BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE)" - best regards, #1 DEF CON FAN RLY checking into moderation queue. [1] 0. <re: infosec resources for learning and teaching others> perhaps best retort an abridged collection for just this. the set of what i've found useful a good base of usefullness to others. ETA: unknown until post-Vegas. suggestions solicitied! 1. "Meta: List moderation" [ you can make it nicer here as per :]

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 08:00:49PM -0700, coderman wrote:
On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:57 PM, coderman <> said some shit: best regards, #1 DEF CON FAN RLY checking into moderation queue. [1]
0. <re: infosec resources for learning and teaching others> perhaps best retort an abridged collection for just this. the set of what i've found useful a good base of usefullness to others. ETA: unknown until post-Vegas. suggestions solicitied!
1. "Meta: List moderation" [ you can make it nicer here as per :]
Fyodor's Full Disclosure is heavily moderated. He stops me at SMTP level. Quite likely he will sell the list the way aleph1 did with Bugtraq. (I am not posting on FFD).
participants (2)
Georgi Guninski