PVDF & microcontrollers - (5)

it is already established my skills do not allow exploration of these issues though i have some basic observations to share about what exists based on web searches that may quicken research for those interested who are new to PVDF sensors. first observation is that a development kit exists for those who have knowledge and interest and want to start experimenting, [0] though it does not appear to include cantilever hole designs of the sensor, that was mentioned in terms of tuning antennas. still, it could be useful for exfiltrating data or capturing signals sent via infra- or ultrasound, and also has a large film element that has been used as a speaker in various online demos. for instance, seemingly you could wire up a PVDF sensor along- side computer chassis and monitor signals via its vibrations, or powersupply, perhaps keyboard or keystrokes or whatnot. likewise, power various tools via energy harvesting of these same approaches else discover free-energy approach based in shared resonance not coupled to another material beyond the antenna itself if tuned to a primary and matched source. it seems Arduino and other microcontroller platforms are for those already saavy in programming and they and other such programmable integrated circuit platforms represent a large population of developers, professionals, experimenters, and hobbyists, and other enthusiasts. this seems equivalent in kind to the early era of electronics with crystal radio kits occurring in an engineering centric culture that grew into the early computer industry via ham radio experimenters, and those who mail ordered and constructed electronic kits, today involving the internet, online stores, discussion boards in the realm of advanced computing, everyone having their own programmable 'computer-based' development platform, and a tremendous kit of parts to choose from, to further explore. including ideas, goals, projects, hypotheses, prototypes, etc. the reason for stating this is that a certain level of literacy may exist for many who are computer literate in the advanced sense of a cypherpunks context, knowing hardware and software and ideas beyond this, into mathematics and linguistic concepts, and so a high-fidelity understanding and awareness may exist that enables greater ease of use within the ready-to-program devices that have limited documentation, and can present a large learning curve for those starting without such experience. thus, straight-away to mention that Sparkfun [1] carries various PVDF sensors, example, that can then be added into whatever microcontroller may exist capable of interfacing with the sensor. the thing is, in researching this, it appears there is potentially limited data for people just starting out, for how to go about this, whereas those already fluent may know how to put it all together. apparently instructions can be lacking and this is mentioned with respect to another approach for those like myself who need more step-by-step instructions and learning tutorials to know what to do and how to think about things, to build up awareness via making circuits on the microcontroller versus using it for an already determined objective. and there are general kits to do this for Arduino, in particular a 37 module sensor kit [2], so it is potentially an experimenter's paradise, if knowing how to get everything functioning, having a plan and enough information. i do not know enough about Arduino to know other competitors in the same domain though it appears there are many others (Beagleboard, etc) so that was used just as an example of several different options that exist where these piezo sensors can be integrated into the existing programmable platform, to custom-build and craft circuits, as is already being done. (note: if i am using 'platform' in the wrong way, my apologies, it is the nearest word i know of to describe these tools) so essentially it is a 'nothing new here' situation for those who know all about this technology, though potentially to question the potential for a piezo film sensor beyond existing boundaries and perhaps for advanced unmentioned cryptologic applications. the issue then is to question an electronic component, this piezo film tab as vibrational cantilever, the piezo element that exists beyond the circular disk and functions in other territory and in other configurations, including also piezo coaxial cable (and again, its potential use as an antenna of other dynamics) and so, for instance, the datasheets are included on some of the urls below, to provide more information if interested in evaluating if the given parameters may allow experimentation within the realms considered, say detecting signals patterns via vibrational 'contact' versus acoustic microphone. [3] so that is perhaps the majority approach for those already up to speed, though everyone may not have the same approach or others may want to learn about this, and thus a programmable microcontroller platform I have successfully learned from before, both about electronics and software programming of breadboard circuits is the Parallax BASIC Stamp Activity Kit [4]. essentially it is a platform for educating people about microcontrollers and provides an indepth tutorial and various circuits as part of a kit, and support forums for experimenters and developers, as with Arduino, which may have its own 'learn electronics' kit, though it seems Parallax has focused on this educational sector and providing materials for schoolchildren, hobbyists, and up, to the professional sector prototyping and development solutions, so is perhaps unique in its tutorial or hands-on learning approach versus what may require additional instruction else a different more self-guided approach otherwise, with other pathways. (trying to be fair, not advertise, yet also provide information about the offerings. also: if other PVDF vendors, they are few or do not have information i could locate in repeated searches) this is why I mention the Parallax kit that includes a fundamental course in learning circuits via a programmable breadboard. this same PVDF sensor [5] can be used with this platform, and it also has additional data on the commands related to it as part of a User Guide for that specific tutorial approach, [6] in that it may provide more structure than other less structured approaches though perhaps this is more related to the overall framework of learning to use a microcontroller itself, where for some a more all encompassing approach may be required prior to interfacing with the PVDF in terms of programming functioning of a circuit. and likewise, following this same general theme, the Sensors Sampler Pack for the Parallax BASIC Stamp microcontroller includes a PVDF element along with other sensor options. [7] the reason for providing examples is to see what is out there for those learning, in individual components and then within an integrated approach, of which there are various routes to take. for instance, consider the following project: Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project Sub-project: Piezo Film Pulse Sensor http://www.phoenix.tc-ieee.org/004_Piezo_Film_Blood_Flow_Sensor/Phoenix_Piez... if someone already knows what they are doing, competent in the domains of hardware and microcontroller programming, it would probably be fairly likely they could replicate or learn from this demonstration of use for a PVDF sensor. yet further, someone with an interest in cryptography or crytanalysis, could potentially take this same information and apply the pulse reading to the chassis of a computer to monitor vibrational activity or apply this same information in some other way, in terms of security analysis, exploits, defense, research, exploration, experiment. though someone who does not have this knowledge then may be stuck, unless a step-by-step approach exists, which is more the Parallax approach, and perhaps in some ways Arduinio if online tutorials exist in place of paper manuals, though these extra layers of information may be required prior to achieving such finished projects, and needs to be built-up as a skill first. but not everything that is involved in this situation is about technology of computer hardware and software, and the code can go beyond computing, even 'electrons' potentially, in terms of what the situation could be modeled as, via its parameters. in that the PVDF as tunable antenna is not unlike a tuning fork that is made to resonate by another paired vibration, and while it may appear this is acoustic energy, air pressure, it could be the resonance of the material itself that is set to vibrate due to its physics, its particular construction and composition. that is, as with Helen Hall and her study of music physics, that what this involves relates to the issue of a vibrating string, and the 'energy' issues of vibration can be conceptualized likewise in terms of music principles, such that the resonance as it now is conceived of may not exist within computing in the way it is known in music, for instance, yet it may have importance in terms of harvesting energy via non-acoustic vibrations. i do not myself understand what this involves enough to better introduce to topic, though to hh it is 'the Art of Frequencies', as this relates to music physics and music and energy. the reason it is mentioned is that sympathetic vibrations occur in a paired matching or alignment (1:1) and (A=A) in terms of logic, within my own research, and in this way especially in terms of 'consciousness', each person their own antenna, and how they relate to others and in what ways. a common example could be sexual dynamics and 'magnetic fields', in that a certain pressure or boundary may be encountered via anther that either attracts or repels or is perhaps neutral. in this framework, there is something tied into the materiality of encounter, the physical body and its relation to another, other as self or unlike self, as this constitutes circuitry. further, though, beyond or outside a realm of push & pull of both magnetic and electromagnetic polarity, it also can potentially include something 'outside' this EM boundary, in that a non-electromagnetic energy of vibration could also exist -- as if in the realm of information itself -- that maps onto these same connections as 'shared tuning' (all mention of tuning has origin with HH, in my work). so what this is to suggest is that this inductive sensing of humans, this mapping of awareness of self and others, could be occurring as information in this vibrational way, if connecting 'dots' across various views and approaches, and thus how people are tuned or out of tune may relate to what signals they pick up or what movements they are part of, as grounded within certain dimensions, dynamics, self as circuit, then relation with others into groups, etc. and this is also the PVDF antenna model, seemingly. potentially. the only substitution i would suggest is that that 'global electrical current' that could set everything into a shared time and framework of connected circuitry, would be in some sense an analogy of empirical truth that flows into the shared macrocircuit and people are aligned by it. thus, induction beyond electromagnetism, though also as a pressure, perhaps, the pneumatic aspect, and the larger cosmological question of 'strings' that may be of an informational category, in terms of cosmic vibration that is defined by resonance of each and every object, if not mistaken in relaying others knowledge involved. <insert hilarious cat string-theory cartoon here> in other words, consciousness could be modeled by this circuit in terms of information transfer as it also could have an energetic component yet this approach could exist outside or beyond the current conception of the body in both nonexistent electromagnetic terms and also, non-existence non-electromagnetic terms functioning outside this electromagnetic framework, in the sense that aetheric order could exist beneath the existing dimensional space, this described as a vortex model of the atom, as it relates to zero. [8] so the potential, should a vibration on an antenna transform into harnessing free energy - via resonance and this new PVDF film sensor technology - then its significance is also conceptual, beyond perhaps the issues of creating a vibrating cantilever or pendulum in a watch that removes the need for a battery or for winding, due to being tuned to frequency of the earth that becomes part of its circuit, its power source, via this connectivity based upon natural order, its circuit as ecosystem and habitat, context for technology. and how this moves into modeling of self as a being, an entity, modeling of information in relation to energy and matter, in terms of music and physics principles, and how it recontextualizes questions and parameters were it to be unlocked as a common framework within which people relate or decide to disallow its existence i only saw the first two parts of Atlas Shrugged, a recent television movie version, never having read the longer book by Ayn Rand, though it seems to be based upon this same premise, where another world exists outside the ordinary realm, having cracked open the threshold allowing access to other dimensionality. the third part of the film is to be released in the next summer, apparently. in any case, interesting times ahead if this is indeed possible... [0] MSI sensors - 1004308 Piezo Film Sensors Basic Design Kit http://www.digikey.com/catalog/en/partgroup/piezo-film-sensors-basic-design-... [1] Sparkfun -- Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9196 Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large with Mass https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9197 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9198 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9199 [2] SunFounder - 37 Modules Sensor Kit http://www.amazon.com/SunFounder-modules-Arduino-Mega2560-Mega328/dp/B00CBDU... [3] example datasheet http://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Sensors/ForceFlex/LDT_Series.... [4] BASIC Stamp Activity Kit - USB (Text v3.0) http://www.parallax.com/product/90005 [5] ex. info: Piezo Film Vibration Sensor Tab http://microcontrollershop.com/product_info.php?products_id=4989 [6] Piezo Film Vibra Tab User Manual http://pub.ucpros.com/download/605-00004-PiezoFilm_V1.1.pdf?osCsid=ecd6b5ifd... [7] Sensor Sampler Pack http://www.parallax.com/product/28028 [8] Art of Frequencies - Helen Hall http://artoffrequencies.wordpress.com/ intercalate, communication gap, pulse-jet
participants (1)
brian carroll