[ot][spam][crazy] coping spam while trying to make code to prompt a model
here's my codefile:
import transformers
# let's make an interface to collect user examples for apis # these are scrapable, but let's not scrape them yet.
# then we can collect those examples in a prompt for a simple generator.
i have it in a tmux window shared with other information ... willchange that
[user@DESKTOP-E3P7TC0 apifudge]$ pwd /home/user/src/apifudge [user@DESKTOP-E3P7TC0 apifudge]$ ls -l total 0 drwxrwxr-x. 2 user user 25 Jan 7 01:44 apifudge1 [user@DESKTOP-E3P7TC0 apifudge]$ ls -l apifudge1 total 4 -rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 213 Jan 7 01:44 __init__.py My big dream is to have code that pastes user input onto a language model prompt. The prompt is collected from previous user input.
[user@DESKTOP-E3P7TC0 apifudge]$ git init . Initialized empty Git repository in /shared/src/apifudge/.git/
Rather than writing general code, I've made a specific interface for the use, to make it emotionally easier and appease the great oppressions. However, I've tried to offset and normalize it a little, to make it easier to collect and generalize if the great oppressions lift. class API: def __init__(self, name, HOME = os.path.expanduser('~/.apifudge')): self.name = name self.path = os.path.join(HOME, self.name) self.examples_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'examples') os.makedirs(self.examples_path, exist_ok=True) def get_examples(self): return { fn: open(os.path.join(self.examples_path, fn)).read() for fn in os.listdir(self.examples_path) } def set_example(self, data, name = None): fn = os.path.join(self.examples_path, name) try: with open(fn + '.new', 'w') as f: f.write(data) os.rename(fn + '.new', fn) except: os.unlink(fn + '.new') raise
I tried writing a test and realized that examples have two parts, a user prompt, and the correct output. Maybe one big json or jsonlines file would be simpler.
I ended up deciding the content up to the first linebreak would be the prompt. Maybe this helps appease both oppression and similarity to existing code. (I have a failure pattern where I repeatedly change stuff, so similarity is good.)
Here's the prolog of set_example now: def set_example(self, prompt, result, name=None): if name is None: name = ''.join([ char for char in prompt.replace(' ','_').lower() if char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-' ]) + '.txt' Here's how far I am with a test. I thought I'd write an example that used the np.tile function: if __name__ == '__main__': import apifudge1 as af1 npapi = af1('numpy') for name, text in npapi.get_examples().items(): print(f'{name}: {repr(text)}') npapi.set_example( '''Repeat the array Y ''') I'll make a github repo to handle my urge to paste all my code in here a little.
pushed to https://github.com/xloem/apifudge.git if __name__ == '__main__': import apifudge1 as af1 npapi = af1('numpy') for name, text in npapi.get_examples().items(): print(f'{name}: {repr(text)}') npapi.set_example( '''Repeat the array Y ''') The above is hard for me. Maybe making a new example could help.
I'm noting that the approach of using the first linebreak as a delimiter makes it hard for a user to provide relevant api data that a model should be able to infer the result from, as there is no organization associated with the file structure to expand.
Still, seems most relevant atm to make a working test. Maybe I can add to the function signature to allow stub parameters.
I daydreamed a little about how prompt-based data augmentation might be used for many other very useful purposes. This triggered me. I likely did this habitually to prevent my implementation of the test.
The purposes were all associated with this kind of use case, general-purpose translators, api boilerplate, coding-on-command, etc
I'm thinking that maybe Jay Hack has a little similarity to me. Maybe they worked hard to make simple examples with good demos, and are hoping to sneak advanced technology out to the world. Of course everybody knows it is on the tip of everyone's tongue, somebody has to do it.
I'm not a fan of the story. I'd rather think of the demos as coming from a strong, powerful organization, that is ignoring more community oriented development efforts, under the assumption that the community will step up and fill in the gap.
We, as the community, get to step up and fill in the gap a little! If we don't, people like me get to make baby steps ;p
i snuck the example in! i had to fix bugs, which i'll commit and push after sending this. $ cat test.py if __name__ == '__main__': import apifudge1 as af1 npapi = af1.API('numpy') for name, text in npapi.get_examples().items(): print(f'{name}: {repr(text)}') npapi.set_example( '''Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.''', '''B = np.tile(Y, 4)''') for name, text in npapi.get_examples().items(): print(f'{name}: {repr(text)}') $ python3 test.py Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.: 'B = np.tile(Y, 4)' $ ls -l ~/.apifudge/numpy/examples/ total 4 -rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 93 Jan 7 02:24 construct_an_array_b_that_repeats_array_y_4_times_along_the_last_dimension.txt
i pushed now i'm handling my satisfaction and excitement. i have a lot of microtriggers that respond to satisfaction in projects, roughly, by trying to terminate activity on the project. often associated with relaxation, amnesia, and building of further associated triggers during the time away.
it was so hard to get to this tiny first step! i'd like to move straight forward rather than improving it, because it's so hard to make progress
We stored a single example! This single example is likely enough for many language models to demonstrate contextual utility: _if prompted with it_! They would, actually, need to be _prompted_ with the example, to produce associated output. One of the steps of prompting a language model. Giving the prompt.
Cognitive thing? Yes the one where you .. um .. avoid the task? no, there must be .. um ... here just keep going!
maybe i'll default to using petals as an example ohhhh i don't think petals is tuned for low ram yet ummm i guess i'll default to using a wimpy tiny model that runs on my system
i'm looking into using an 8-bit quantized model, but i'm not sure if the bitsandbytes library dependency runs for me
yeah it doesn't support the compute capability of this old on-board nvidia card, and the cpu implementation appears broken
ok ummmmmmmmmmmm i have about 2G gpu ram. so i'll want a model that fits in a little under that. if i use 16 bit floats, that means ummm 2b / 2 = <1b params if i use 32 bit floats, that means ummm 2b / 4 = <500m params maybe i'll see if bloomz-560m loads to start with
the filesize of bigscience/bloomz-560m is 1.2G which fits if i delete RWKV. RWKV has a less reusable training interface atm. It does have a much, much longer input context though.
this tiny model won't perform well with only 1 example, but it will let me test my code I can also use online interfaces to test my example and generate more. Most recently I've been spamming the rwkv dev's chatbot (the model is only halfway trained), rather than using chatgpt. I could see what it thinks of my prompt.
here is an invite to the rwkv discord if you could safely use discord and want to try the bot: https://discord.gg/SEHTTGAC
I tried a few prompt forms that failed and this is the first one I found that worked: xloem — Today at 2:48 AM +rwkv_gen > Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension. B = np.tile(Y, 4)
Story-Bot BOT — Today at 2:48 AM Select only elements of B that correspond to elements in A where the last
index is zero and the second index is a negative number. B = B[np.arange(B.shape[0]) == A[:,:-1, :] == 0] Select only elements of B that correspond to elements of A where the last index is a positive number. B = B[np.arange(B.shape[0]) == A[:,
I prompted it to continue and it finished the line ( :,-1] == 0] ) but then lost the structure. Sometimes with rwkv changes like that are due to numerical stability across the runs. I haven't reviewed the output for correctness; I process information poorly nowadays.
i running into this error trying to run the model on my gpu (after converting to a 16-bit format so it fit): RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED when calling `cublasCreate(handle)` I've hit this error before, and recall it's very frustrating, but not what it is or how to resolve it.
i think it was because i exhausted gpu ram in that torch session this fits on a 2GB gpu (and gives poor resullts, which is expected): import transformers, torch bloomz = transformers.pipeline('text-generation', 'bigscience/bloomz-560m') bloomz.model.to(torch.bfloat16) bloomz.model.to('cuda') bloomz.device = bloomz.model.device There are some code around for finding the largest model that fits in available ram. Some of mine is at https://github.com/xloem/test_matrix_bot/blob/main/module_rwkv.py . It uses this: MEMORY_BOUND = min(torch.cuda.mem_get_info()[0], psutil.virtual_memory().available // 2) You then multiply the parameter count of each model by the datatype and compare to the memory bound.
i'm getting that weird error when i run my test code, but not from within the repl. it looks as if i've made a logic error implementing it, with the error as a side effect.
actually the error is different: RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasGemmStridedBatchedExFix(handle, opa, opb, (int)m, (int)n, (int)k, (void*)&falpha, a, CUDA_R_16BF, (int)lda, stridea, b, CUDA_R_16BF, (int)ldb, strideb, (void*)&fbeta, c, CUDA_R_16BF, (int)ldc, stridec, (int)num_batches, CUDA_R_32F, CUBLAS_GEMM_DEFAULT_TENSOR_OP)` it looks like it's telling me it doesn't support bfloat16, when i can do bfloat16 inference in the repl O_o
the error seems to be triggered only when i provide the examples i am using the bos/eos tokens to separate them, which is not normal. it seems the most likely thing to make sense causing it. the model does not usually complete text containing eos tokens.
i've committed and pushed code where test.py generates a new completion. the completion is incorrect. a second example may help. i might try reviewing and pasting the example rwkv generated.
I tried adding another example, and changing the prompt format, but the tiny poorly-quantized model i had kept simply repeating the last example back. I think it would make sense to try it on colab or such, with a larger model. i'm getting sudden mysterious back pain and am planning now to take a break
i used colab to run it thru bloomz-3b. it still needs another example or something, but produces new content now Open In Colab In [ ]: !pip3 install adapter-transformers accelerate bitsandbytes !git clone https://github.com/xloem/apifudge !nvidia-smi !ln -vsf apifudge/* . Cloning into 'apifudge'... remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done. remote: Total 15 (delta 4), reused 14 (delta 3), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (15/15), done. Sat Jan 7 15:11:06 2023 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 460.32.03 Driver Version: 460.32.03 CUDA Version: 11.2 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 Tesla T4 Off | 00000000:00:04.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 52C P0 27W / 70W | 0MiB / 15109MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | No running processes found | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ './apifudge1' -> 'apifudge/apifudge1' './test.py' -> 'apifudge/test.py' In [ ]: # use drive to cache downloads from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') !mkdir -p /content/drive/MyDrive/colab/.cache !rm -rf In [1]: import apifudge1 as af1 import transformers npapi = af1.API('numpy') npapi.set_example( '''Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.''', '''B = np.tile(Y, 4)''') for name, text in npapi.get_examples().items(): print(f'{name}: {repr(text)}') print('loading ...') pipeline = transformers.pipeline( 'text-generation', 'bigscience/bloomz-3b', model_kwargs=dict(device_map='auto')) generator = af1.Generator(pipeline) prompt = 'Reverse an array C.' output = generator(npapi, prompt) print(f'{prompt}: {repr(output)}') Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.: 'B = np.tile(Y, 4)' loading ... Reverse an array C.: 'C = np.rollaxis(C, 1, axis=0)' rollaxis isn’t how to reverse an array
thoughts are getting ahead of me. obviously it would need more than simply a prompt, to be correct for unfamiliar api surface. this is simply a first step.
i added a swapaxes example and it produced different iutput i'm on mobile, but some fiddling with akeyboard could probably find something thatworks. i mjght try more examples
with 3 examples (i added one for sorting) it gives a correct answer on colab npapi.set_example( '''Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.''', '''B = np.tile(Y, 4)''' ) npapi.set_example( '''Swap the last two axes of an array D.''', '''D = D.swapaxes(-2, -1)''' ) npapi.set_example( '''Sort an array along the third axis.''', '''array.sort(3)''' ) Reverse an array C.: 'C = np.flipud(C)' I didn't even know about the flipud function until now, which appears to default to selecting the outermost axis rather than all of them. This is likely the meaning of the word reverse.
So, this isn't the final algorithm. It's the very beginning of bootstrapping toward other apis
notes: using model_kwargs=dict(device_map='auto') you can squeeze slightly larger models into a system npapi.set_example( '''Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.''', '''B = np.tile(Y, 4)''' ) npapi.set_example( '''Swap the last two axes of an array D.''', '''D = D.swapaxes(-2, -1)''' ) npapi.set_example( '''Sort an array along the third axis.''', '''array.sort(3)''' )
i spent most of today exploring the concept of beam search. the reason is, i ran into difficulty using the prompt for data augmentation (which means generating more data than there really is, for training models). long story short, the huggingface beam search implementation produces the top likelihood generations only if you provide a sufficiently large number of beams, and the way it is written it will upload all the beams to the gpu in parallel, so it seems to only give you the highest probability results if you have enough ram to calculate all the candidates at the same time. i was confused around this. i had previously implemented something on my own, to find the highest probability results, using a priority queue. i eventually spent some time redoing some of that work. i did not, however, resolve all the bugs. i ended up using sampling rather than collecting the strictly highest probability outputs, which seems to work all right (it's already in the huggingface library).
here is the failed implementation i tried to make today, and the working implementation i had made some time ago. i haven't looked at them side-by-side. simple_beam_search is the one i tried to do today try_multigen is the one from some time ago, my state of mind was trying out parts for synthetic text adventure games i believe both of them use a batch size of 1. i consider it not complex to stabilize it with a batch size of 1, and then batch the top batch_size items in the priority queue.
one of the things i changed today was the padding token in the middle of the text i changed it to the eos token i think this is because the setup complicated the generation of multiple outputs at once it is performing worse with the change. no longer producing accurate completion on colab.
On 1/7/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
with 3 examples (i added one for sorting) it gives a correct answer on colab
npapi.set_example( '''Construct an array B that repeats array Y 4 times along the last dimension.''', '''B = np.tile(Y, 4)''' ) npapi.set_example( '''Swap the last two axes of an array D.''', '''D = D.swapaxes(-2, -1)''' ) npapi.set_example( '''Sort an array along the third axis.''', '''array.sort(3)''' )
Reverse an array C.: 'C = np.flipud(C)'
I didn't even know about the flipud function until now, which appears to default to selecting the outermost axis rather than all of them. This is likely the meaning of the word reverse.
it is no longer producing this output, even when returning to the old commit, although other state changes remain untried. the time of the email is Sat, Jan 7, 2023 at 11:23 AM for me.
oh of course to update a dependency library you need to reset things. it has old version cached.
i updated the separator token back to using the padding token which seems to work better i blame the poorness of the data augmentation foremost on not tuning the parameters of sampling (that it is sampling too low probabilities for the small number of examples it has) it would be interesting and useful to add user interaction to the data generation. however i think what would make sense to add next would be the function to finetune the model for the stored examples. likely as an adapter, so a checkpoint can be stored as a small blob. likely we will find there are far too few examples for finetuning to be helpful, but also likely it will be a very tiny bit helpful if not done too much. time for supper
whew this left me confusedish! unsure if i want to continue immediately. really cool project. certainly more productive than other things. i bet finetuning is far more helpful than i downplayed it as.
this was fun and weird i spent a little time looking into adapters older models are easier to adapt. it makes sense to start with to generate data with a newer model and adapt an old.
doing this associated with reviewing the demo of numpy api usage, and considering making one’s own. it would come together from small parts so there are multiple small parts that could be developed note the demo uses finetuning, showing it could learn nee apis than numpy, and can perform inference more efficiently and accurately.
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many