Victoria Australia: amendments re children's photos of themselves which could be considered "pornography"

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 08:48:25PM +1000, Gil May wrote:
Subject: : Victoria Legalizes Child Porn, check it out. Time for decent people to take a serious stand.
I am speechless. Have a look at what is shown as the Parliamentary Act put before the Parliament.
Interesting. The de-criminalisation of natural/normal child activities (e.g. taking pictures of themselves and others) is of course a good thing, and appears to be the intent of these laws/ amendments that the OP Subject line is referring to in a sensationalist way. In fact the broad sweeping laws that were in place were broad and sweeping, and failed to consider this situation of children doing things children can be expeted to (and do) actually do - take photos of themselves and friends. Somewhat humorously and completely "non ironically" the narrator in the linked video begins "Did you know, that the production, possession and distribution of child pornography has been legalized in Australia?" thus implicitly asserting (and inserting) himself into the very same (and rightfully) dreaded 'censor' role or decider of what is, and is not, pornography, that he later on highlights as problematic (when he asks "who gets to decide what's reasonable"). As is usual with wanna be censors, those who would willingly make such decisions for others, usually (as is the case here) don't want others to make censorship decisions for themselves ("I would make great censorship decisions!" "MY Marxist utopio would -really- be a utopia, unlike all those other failed experiements in history!") Unfortunately the narrator does not see this very irony of him calling out the legislative trap ("Whom will make the decisions of a reasonable man"), and completely falling into the same trap throughout his entire video ("Child pornography of those images taken by say 12 year olds of their own bodies, is still pornography and the law must make no exception for this, and I'll decide what is and is not pornographic"). Every "allegation" of "pornography" (or in this case the alleged "legalization of child pornography") is necessarily a judgement call founded on what is and what is not pornography, which of course cannot be made except that the one making the allegation is defining, or is willing to define and believes they are capable of defining, "pornography" or in this case "child pornography" - which in any case is essentially impossible to define other than "I know it when I see it" which falls back to the arrogantly self implied "great moral standing" of the one deigning to make such decisions on behalf of others/ the rest of us. The trap is self referential, and subtle, thus circuitous and repetitive in most attempts to unravel it. This subtlety is the reason cries of "please, won't someone think of the children and save them (from themselves)" is both so appealing yet so deceptive to many and simultaneously alluring to the virtue- signalling SJW wanna bes, and thus also difficult for many to counter (or rather "to straighten out the underlying assumptions which don't quite make sense but I just can't quite figure out why"). Put another way, one Soul's personal childhood explorations and memories, are another Soul's "pornography". As in, literally. Perhaps does the one brandishing the accusation stick of "your image is pornographic, you must suffer the law" tell us more about the one making this accusation, than the target of his accusation? Matthew 7:5: “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and only then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.” Many humans project their own sin (incorrect direction, of action, attention etc), fears, and painful personal past events, upon others, naturally (but mostly incorrectly) assuming others have a similar lense to themselves - the age old projectionism trap. Something constructive? May be require that every legislated crime name an actual victim, as well as the actual harm that victim has actually suffered. And perhaps leave it to parents, rather than police and the courts, to educate their children on the dangers of sharing with others, images they take of themselves. (And while we're at it, work hard to reduce or eliminate all victimless crimes, putting humans first and corporations last in our scheme of values.) For an absolute classic (and very recent) example of projectionism in action, see Lana Lockteff on Suzanne Harper (the so called "Jessie Daniels") Feminist Professor: White Nuclear Families Are Racist & Supremacist Red Ice TV Jessie/ Suzanne is virulently anti-White, speaks of "dismantling white supremacy", the evils of the "white nuclear family" being "one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy" etc etc etc ... ... and according to her own story (IF true), Suzanne was molested by her grandfather and he'd had a stint in the KKK, yet this "professor" Suzanne cannot see her projection of her (if true) painful past, upon all white people and all "white nuclear families" and "the patriarchy". Go figure :D - perhaps she ought take a university course on psychology. Those with genuine unresolved issues arising from their childhood ought seek the help they need to find healing, resolution, closure and peace within themselves before one-sidely branding as evil an entire race or people (in Suzanne Harper's case, all "white" people and especially "white nuclear families"). A far greater problem which we actually appear to have and which actually affects most of us, is the blackmailing of our politicians, which since "the legalization" of those of the same gender who would "get a room" and otherwise carry out their intimate business in private, is these days limited to cuckoldry and pedophilia blackmail. Perhaps those eager to decry legislation without even a word to the problems inherent in the position they boldly oppose, ought ponder this question of our blackmailed politicians. Assuming of course they don't melt before hearing a position other than their own... Create your world. Perhaps first "clean up your room" which metaphorically speaking could include seeking closure on any painful events from your own childhood if that's something you need, and after this you might even find that some of those you love to hate are actually interesting, caring, deeply thoughtful, and possibly even loving, creative and wonderful fellow human beings.

Blackmail 1-0-1 : Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book Step 1 is understand the problem, a necessary first step required for any possibility of handling this deep state problem. On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 09:44:44PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 08:48:25PM +1000, Gil May wrote:
Subject: : Victoria Legalizes Child Porn, check it out. Time for decent people to take a serious stand.
I am speechless. Have a look at what is shown as the Parliamentary Act put before the Parliament.
The de-criminalisation of natural/normal child activities (e.g. taking pictures of themselves and others) is of course a good thing, and appears to be the intent of these laws/ amendments that the OP Subject line is referring to in a sensationalist way.
In fact the broad sweeping laws that were in place were broad and sweeping, and failed to consider this situation of children doing things children can be expeted to (and do) actually do - take photos of themselves and friends.
Somewhat humorously and completely "non ironically" the narrator in the linked video begins "Did you know, that the production, possession and distribution of child pornography has been legalized in Australia?" thus implicitly asserting (and inserting) himself into the very same (and rightfully) dreaded 'censor' role or decider of what is, and is not, pornography, that he later on highlights as problematic (when he asks "who gets to decide what's reasonable").
As is usual with wanna be censors, those who would willingly make such decisions for others, usually (as is the case here) don't want others to make censorship decisions for themselves ("I would make great censorship decisions!" "MY Marxist utopio would -really- be a utopia, unlike all those other failed experiements in history!")
Unfortunately the narrator does not see this very irony of him calling out the legislative trap ("Whom will make the decisions of a reasonable man"), and completely falling into the same trap throughout his entire video ("Child pornography of those images taken by say 12 year olds of their own bodies, is still pornography and the law must make no exception for this, and I'll decide what is and is not pornographic").
Every "allegation" of "pornography" (or in this case the alleged "legalization of child pornography") is necessarily a judgement call founded on what is and what is not pornography, which of course cannot be made except that the one making the allegation is defining, or is willing to define and believes they are capable of defining, "pornography" or in this case "child pornography" - which in any case is essentially impossible to define other than "I know it when I see it" which falls back to the arrogantly self implied "great moral standing" of the one deigning to make such decisions on behalf of others/ the rest of us.
The trap is self referential, and subtle, thus circuitous and repetitive in most attempts to unravel it.
This subtlety is the reason cries of "please, won't someone think of the children and save them (from themselves)" is both so appealing yet so deceptive to many and simultaneously alluring to the virtue- signalling SJW wanna bes, and thus also difficult for many to counter (or rather "to straighten out the underlying assumptions which don't quite make sense but I just can't quite figure out why").
Put another way, one Soul's personal childhood explorations and memories, are another Soul's "pornography".
As in, literally.
Perhaps does the one brandishing the accusation stick of "your image is pornographic, you must suffer the law" tell us more about the one making this accusation, than the target of his accusation?
Matthew 7:5: “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and only then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”
Many humans project their own sin (incorrect direction, of action, attention etc), fears, and painful personal past events, upon others, naturally (but mostly incorrectly) assuming others have a similar lense to themselves - the age old projectionism trap.
Something constructive? May be require that every legislated crime name an actual victim, as well as the actual harm that victim has actually suffered. And perhaps leave it to parents, rather than police and the courts, to educate their children on the dangers of sharing with others, images they take of themselves.
(And while we're at it, work hard to reduce or eliminate all victimless crimes, putting humans first and corporations last in our scheme of values.)
For an absolute classic (and very recent) example of projectionism in action, see Lana Lockteff on Suzanne Harper (the so called "Jessie Daniels")
Feminist Professor: White Nuclear Families Are Racist & Supremacist Red Ice TV
Jessie/ Suzanne is virulently anti-White, speaks of "dismantling white supremacy", the evils of the "white nuclear family" being "one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy" etc etc etc ...
... and according to her own story (IF true), Suzanne was molested by her grandfather and he'd had a stint in the KKK, yet this "professor" Suzanne cannot see her projection of her (if true) painful past, upon all white people and all "white nuclear families" and "the patriarchy".
Go figure :D - perhaps she ought take a university course on psychology.
Those with genuine unresolved issues arising from their childhood ought seek the help they need to find healing, resolution, closure and peace within themselves before one-sidely branding as evil an entire race or people (in Suzanne Harper's case, all "white" people and especially "white nuclear families").
A far greater problem which we actually appear to have and which actually affects most of us, is the blackmailing of our politicians, which since "the legalization" of those of the same gender who would "get a room" and otherwise carry out their intimate business in private, is these days limited to cuckoldry and pedophilia blackmail.
Perhaps those eager to decry legislation without even a word to the problems inherent in the position they boldly oppose, ought ponder this question of our blackmailed politicians. Assuming of course they don't melt before hearing a position other than their own...
Create your world. Perhaps first "clean up your room" which metaphorically speaking could include seeking closure on any painful events from your own childhood if that's something you need, and after this you might even find that some of those you love to hate are actually interesting, caring, deeply thoughtful, and possibly even loving, creative and wonderful fellow human beings.

On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 16:21:06 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Blackmail 1-0-1 :
Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book
lawl - worthless feminazi scum and their witchhunts isn't there any real 'news' instead of that feminazi garbage zenaan? What the fuck is zerohedge, exactly?

On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 04:13:53AM -0300, Punk wrote:
On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 16:21:06 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Blackmail 1-0-1 :
Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book
lawl - worthless feminazi scum and their witchhunts
isn't there any real 'news' instead of that feminazi garbage zenaan? What the fuck is zerohedge, exactly?
The issue is there's a society-wide successful propaganda effort which supports the regime of blackmail of wealthy and powerful people: “And as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent knowledge of the whole tree , so the wrong doer cannot do wrong without the hidden consent of you all.” - The Lebanese philosopher Kahlil Gibran So the CIA/NSA/Google/FaceBook/GCHQ/MI6 blackmail machine "keeps wealthy and powerful people in line" - in line with the banking enslavement regime dominating most of humanity today. Without handling this blackmail machine, we humans shall continue in slavery. Your position Juan is necessary for freedom, the result we must reach to stop the endless blackmail, the endless stupidity - and the regime of blackmail continues due to "the hidden consent" of most... As a practical way forward, educating folks that there is in fact such a blackmail regime in place, and how the mechanics of this blackmail work, is a necessary step - without awareness of/ acknowledging the facts, how can the population at large discuss, let alone solve, this blackmail problem? The article above highlights, for those who may never have thought of the issue before, the mechanics of "pedophile blackmail". Next comes possible solutions to the problem - such as decriminalization of everything which ought be decriminalized, at the very least. The tools used by the blackmail machine won't be removed except that there is some level of public support for the removal of those tools of blackmail. How do we create a sane world?

On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 18:32:38 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The issue is there's a society-wide successful propaganda effort which supports the regime of blackmail of wealthy and powerful people:
That's not the case. It is propaganda but it's just typical feminazi, right-wing, jew-kristian, anti-sex propaganda. That sort of propaganda works well in the western cesspool given the lunatic, puritan views that western sheep have on sex.
So the CIA/NSA/Google/FaceBook/GCHQ/MI6 blackmail machine "keeps wealthy and powerful people in line" - in line with the banking enslavement regime dominating most of humanity today.
except that's mostly absurd. The wealthy and powerful control facebook-NSA. Who and why would use the NSA against them? Furthermore why on earth would the "wealthy and powerful" turn against the banking mafia, that is, turn against themselves? granted, once in a while one of their accomplices may steal from the 'common fund' and need to be taught a lesson, but that's all. also, I'd expect the "wealthy and powerful" to not use facebook and have good OPSEC...
As a practical way forward, educating folks that there is in fact such a blackmail regime in place, and how the mechanics of this blackmail work, is a necessary step - without awareness of/ acknowledging the facts, how can the population at large discuss, let alone solve, this blackmail problem?
Not sure what 'blackmail problem' you're talking about. The government can 'blackmail' and kill anyone who refuses to pay a traffic ticket. So who cares about the current pentagon-feminazi propaganda campaign against 'pedophiles'?
The article above highlights, for those who may never have thought of the issue before, the mechanics of "pedophile blackmail".
Next comes possible solutions to the problem - such as decriminalization of everything which ought be decriminalized, at the very least.
ah of course, age of consent garbage 'laws' should be completely repealed. but that's not, at all, what the zerohedge garbage propaganda article is proposing.
The tools used by the blackmail machine won't be removed except that there is some level of public support for the removal of those tools of blackmail.
How do we create a sane world?

On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 05:08:50PM -0300, Punk wrote:
On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 18:32:38 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The issue is there's a society-wide successful propaganda effort which supports the regime of blackmail of wealthy and powerful people:
That's not the case. It is propaganda but it's just typical feminazi, right-wing, jew-kristian, anti-sex propaganda. That sort of propaganda works well in the western cesspool given the lunatic, puritan views that western sheep have on sex.
Can only agree.
So the CIA/NSA/Google/FaceBook/GCHQ/MI6 blackmail machine "keeps wealthy and powerful people in line" - in line with the banking enslavement regime dominating most of humanity today.
except that's mostly absurd. The wealthy and powerful control facebook-NSA. Who and why would use the NSA against them? Furthermore why on earth would the "wealthy and powerful" turn against the banking mafia, that is, turn against themselves?
granted, once in a while one of their accomplices may steal from the 'common fund' and need to be taught a lesson, but that's all.
also, I'd expect the "wealthy and powerful" to not use facebook and have good OPSEC...
Is it absurd that there actually is a pyramid of power within the banking system - with the BIS etc at the top, national (or e.g. EU) central banks at the next tier, and the plebe banks at the bottom? Is it absurd that all these banks are intertwined in a web of fiat debt where if one falls over, they all fall over, and so they must all be kept in line? Is it absurd that those powerful family dynasties that created this system would want the powerful and wealthy people in the world to continue to support this absurd system when it's roughly a certainty that about 2% of them will be truly altruistic and completely mess it all up, without being otherwise "encouraged" to tow the line? Is it absurd that there really is a blackmail book maintained by the CIA/NSA/MI6 etc for exactly this purpose?
As a practical way forward, educating folks that there is in fact such a blackmail regime in place, and how the mechanics of this blackmail work, is a necessary step - without awareness of/ acknowledging the facts, how can the population at large discuss, let alone solve, this blackmail problem?
Not sure what 'blackmail problem' you're talking about. The government can 'blackmail' and kill anyone who refuses to pay a traffic ticket. So who cares about the current pentagon-feminazi propaganda campaign against 'pedophiles'?
Oddly enough, due to the extremely effective decades of propaganda and media programming, the majority of sheeple tow the line at the hint of a threat of an allegation of pedolphilia in these "modern" "liberal" days - social media is a second by second demonstration of billions of humans defending their reputation on a daily basis, failing to speak truth, knowingly ignoring or failing to respond to that which they know to be total bollocks. Some examples, not usually spoken so bluntly, but inferred many a time: - "children" are asexual until puberty - humans are children until 17 years, 11 months and 32 days of age, and are adults immediately thereafter - love, as opposed to lust, cannot exist in any serious fashion in a child - it's just "puppy love" - notwithstanding being a "child" until the age of 18 (or 21 in some jurisdictions still?), in other jurisdictions the age of consent is 16 (e.g. here in Australia), 15, 12 and other ages in other jurisdictions - glimpsing a picture of a naked "child" makes you a pedophile and you ought be put in jail for life and be chemically castrated - being merely named "a pedophile" means you're now a child rapist until and unless you can prove your innocence (good luck with that, especially shacked up in a jail cell with Bubba just for doing 10 clicks over the "speed limit" one too many times (or for failing to pay your government statue fines/debts)) - assessing a female who is one day less than the age of consent (whatever that age is in your jurisdiction) as "sexually attractive" means you're obviously a pedophile in need of urgent chemical castration or having your reproductive organs surgically removed - assessing a female who is a year or three less than your own age, as "sexually attractive" means you're obviously a pedophile in need of urgent chemical castration or having your reproductive organs surgically removed etc, etc TPTB tried to accuse Assange of "online rape" of a minor (with a setup so obvious even the MSM had to bury it within a day), and only the ridiculously flimsy and repeatedly "closed" "rape in Sweden" charges managed to "stick" (that is, managed to be maintained with a straight face by the MSM without TOO much social media backlash). The point being, they only bothered with such a ridiculous "pedophile" accusation against Julian Assange since pscyhologically much of the population is primed to react with revulsion merely to the allegation and set aside all critical thinking - fortunately in that particular case the non-facts were so ridiculous that the story or inference "Assange is an evil pedophile" didn't even begin to gain any traction - but it's this revulsion brain circuit (primed by decades of propaganda) that TPTB rely on when they attempt to run such gambits. And be grateful that Assange (to use the OP article terminology) in fact never "got handsy" with any underage female in a way which could fuel the public's lynching intention, because had this occurred, Assange would have long ago gone to the gallows - or never have done Wikileaks in the first place. THIS is the blackmail that the TPTB use or rather abuse, against the nations, the people they don't like, the wealthy and powerful they want to keep in line - the threat of being publicly lynched by an international MSM feeding orgy of destruction of an individual by sanction of the lynch intending masses of "the most evil of criminals, the child rapist, or in the very least someone we are sure would be a child rapist if given half a chance so let's literally crucify them anyway just to be sure". This is Razer/ Rayzer's "final solution" by the way - murder the sociopaths proactively and pre-emptively, with he and his fellow Pre-crime AntiFascistas delivering justice in every city block to cleanse the world of "the literally (in their opinion) evil few". Few 10s of millions, that is. And if they really get going, a few 100s of millions, or as is seen on the Georgian Monoliths, a few billions just to make sure we oxygen thieves and carbon polluters (humans) don't damage the planet further. The article linked by the OP posits the nature of the pedophile blackmail network/ regime and this description may bring a modicum of comprehension to those who have never pondered such things before and otherwise wonder why so many people in power seemingly act and speak so irrationally/ illogically and against the interests of the people they purport to represent. A true group of "representatives" would immediately abolish the Federal Reserve banking system, immediately wipe out all the fiat "debts" that those banks claim against the people, and institute a gold and silver backed currency. But those politians in power (except for the extremely rare on or two) never even propose such a thing, let alone have a large enough group of non-blackmailed "true representatives" to have sufficient power to return us to a non-evil financial system (pre 1913, that is, pre Federal Reserve bank). BTW, the current cycle is only the most recent "privately held federal reserve banks" cycle too... In the meantime, a humble human rights advocate can find it so difficult to find those who comprehend these problems that he is inclined to say "fruck it", pack it all in and open his own bank - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, as they say... Fortunately it looks like the current exposure might just have enough legs to blow everything open and clean up the psyche of the masses, may be possibly God knows but we bloody well hope so: Snyder: Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History Step 1 is exposure of the rotten system as it is, and yes, that means many folk shall continue to suffer the consequences of the system as it is. How so? Those wealthy and powerful individuals who have allowed the current regime of blackmail, may for once find it in their interest to improve that system in a couple of fundamental ways... one can hope. There were some "much too little far too late" attempts in second tier left of left "MSM" rags in the last few years, so there's hope for rationality to prevail eventually.
The article above highlights, for those who may never have thought of the issue before, the mechanics of "pedophile blackmail".
Next comes possible solutions to the problem - such as decriminalization of everything which ought be decriminalized, at the very least.
ah of course, age of consent garbage 'laws' should be completely repealed.
but that's not, at all, what the zerohedge garbage propaganda article is proposing.
Perhaps you missed the message - hopefully Epstein's case exposes a lot of the rot which is only empowered to occur by the hidden consent of the masses due to their programming by decades of propaganda in the Jewish arts of goyim self hate and Christian "sexual morality" turned upside down and against the nations.
The tools used by the blackmail machine won't be removed except that there is some level of public support for the removal of those tools of blackmail.
How do we create a sane world?

How Government Created the Myth of Adolescence and the Terrible Consequences Why are teens so angsty and rebellious? Because they are biologically adults, being treated like children. Jane Addams likely had good intentions when in the early 20th century she helped create the juvenile justice system and laws against child labor. But fast forward to present day and her influence on how society treats young adults has disastrous effects on young individuals and society at large. Tom Woods hosted Dr. Robert Epstein on his podcast to discuss this problem. Epstein wrote a book called Teen 2.0: Saving Our Children and Families from the Torment of Adolescence. In it, he makes the case that the government, the pharmaceutical industry, and purveyors of “teen culture” have created a myth about post-pubescent young adults. Many people believe the psychological and social problems associated with American youths is a natural part of the teenage years. Epstein explains that the root of the issue is treating people who are physiologically young adults as children. It started with Jane Addams creating a culture that prolonged childhood. The government went on to require public education which grouped youths with peers their age. At a time when teenagers should be learning from more mature and intelligent adults, they are instead exposed to an echo chamber of immature peers. Epstein cites studies which prove the competency of teenagers is often higher than the competency of adults. He argues that nothing magically changes at age 18 or 21. In their teen years, some people are capable and some people are not. But these will likely be the same people who are and are not able to be productive members of society in later years. Industries now seize on “teen culture.” Hollywood and the music and fashion industries sell their products by appealing to this unnatural subculture. The pharmaceutical industry exploits the psychological problems caused in teens to sell their drugs. There’s nothing wrong with teen brains. There is something very wrong with how society treats teens. But instead of tackling the issue, the drug industry has a pill for that. And it makes perfect sense. Coercion, not just in teens, is a leading cause of mental anguish. Many adults feel helpless up against forces like the government, media, and corporations. Young adults feel equally trapped by authoritarian parents, public schools, and legal age restrictions. Child labor laws sound like a good idea when you think of 8-year-olds in factories. But what about 15-year-olds in mechanics’ garages? Why can’t a 13-year-old work for a restaurant without government permission? And even when these young folks get permission, they have to schedule their work around compulsory education. The government forces them to waste their time, eliminating actual opportunities to learn from work experience while making money. And the myth that teenagers are still children permeates American culture. How often do you hear people refer to young people from age 13 and well into their 20’s as “kids”? The solution always comes back to individual freedom. Of course, if we immediately started treating all 13-year-olds as adults there would be issues. But luckily this is one of those problems where the solution really does come down to individual action. Parents have ultimate control over the environment they provide for their children. As their children become young adults, parents can give those teens a degree of autonomy on a case by case basis. Homeschooling is growing, which is a good sign. Many people don’t isolate their kids (and teens) from social interaction. Instead, they join co-ops and social groups that don’t segregate by age. Kids have an opportunity to learn from teens, who have an opportunity to learn from adults.
Snyder: Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
The tools used by the blackmail machine won't be removed except that there is some level of public support for the removal of those tools of blackmail.
Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence" Ann Coulter Thinks Epstein Had A "State Sponsor" & Was Running A "Blackmailing" Operation Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report Trump Was 'Only One' To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case Fusion GPS Tried And Failed To Link Trump To Jeffrey Epstein

On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:26:36 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Is it absurd that there really is a blackmail book maintained by the CIA/NSA/MI6 etc for exactly this purpose?
your blackmail theory doesn't make sense. What do you think epstein did to get himself blackmailed? Gave 100s of miliions to the Revolutionary Libertarian Party? Leaked 'military secrets' to iran and venezuela? Planned the assasination of the rothschilds? Or what. if anything epstein is being blackmailed by the trumpo party. So this is just americunt 'politics'. Americunt scum accusing each other of 'sex crimes'. Bread and circus for the mentally retarded.
TPTB tried to accuse Assange of "online rape" of a minor (with a setup so obvious even the MSM had to bury it within a day), and only the ridiculously flimsy and repeatedly "closed" "rape in Sweden" charges managed to "stick"
yeah and assange, unlike epstein, doesn't get along with the authorities. So the cases are very different.
The article linked by the OP posits the nature of the pedophile blackmail network/ regime
I don't see any evidence for such blackmail regime.
A true group of "representatives" would immediately abolish the Federal Reserve banking system, immediately wipe out all the fiat "debts" that those banks claim against the people, and institute a gold and silver backed currency.
that's even more absurd. Government fake money is a pretty old 'insitution' and it obviously has nothing to do with 'NSA blackmail'...
Fortunately it looks like the current exposure
current exposure of WHAT?
might just have enough legs to blow everything open and clean up the psyche of the masses, may be possibly God knows but we bloody well hope so:
Snyder: Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
Step 1 is exposure of the rotten system as it is, and yes, that means many folk shall continue to suffer the consequences of the system as it is.
How so? Those wealthy and powerful individuals who have allowed the current regime of blackmail, may for once find it in their interest to improve that system in a couple of fundamental ways... one can hope.
there is NO "regime of blackmail" for "wealthy and powerful people"

On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 04:32:23PM -0300, Punk wrote:
On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:26:36 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Is it absurd that there really is a blackmail book maintained by the CIA/NSA/MI6 etc for exactly this purpose?
your blackmail theory doesn't make sense. What do you think epstein did to get himself blackmailed? Gave 100s of miliions to the Revolutionary Libertarian Party? Leaked 'military secrets' to iran and venezuela? Planned the assasination of the rothschilds? Or what.
if anything epstein is being blackmailed by the trumpo party. So this is just americunt 'politics'. Americunt scum accusing each other of 'sex crimes'. Bread and circus for the mentally retarded.
TPTB tried to accuse Assange of "online rape" of a minor (with a setup so obvious even the MSM had to bury it within a day), and only the ridiculously flimsy and repeatedly "closed" "rape in Sweden" charges managed to "stick"
yeah and assange, unlike epstein, doesn't get along with the authorities. So the cases are very different.
The article linked by the OP posits the nature of the pedophile blackmail network/ regime
I don't see any evidence for such blackmail regime.
Absence of vis a vis evidence of. 'Tis le talk of the town. And a full "really it's not Mossad or the CIA's blackmail op, really truly with a hoax on top": Hedge Fund Managers Say Epstein’s Business Model Only Makes Sense as a Blackmail Scheme http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/hedge-fund-managers-say-epsteins-business-mode... … In the 2015 filing, Giuffre claimed that Epstein “debriefed her” after she was forced into sexual encounters so that he could possess “intimate and potentially embarrassing information” to blackmail friends into parking their money with him. She also said photographic and video evidence existed — an assertion that looms especially large now that federal investigators have found a trove of images in Epstein’s home safe. We should note that Kass is clearly Jewish (it’s a German last name meaning “shrewd person” that is used almost exclusively by Jews). The article itself is written by Michelle Celarier, who also appears to be Jewish. I think that the point of this is to offer an explanation that sort of explains what is going on here without implicating the Jews as a whole. The Twitter thread they link to about the blackmail theory has this note at the bottom: There’s no need to invoke the Mafia/Russia/Mossad/CIA/etc, that’s just needlessly overfitting. However, I completely disagree with that, based on the theory itself, for a number of reasons. … [Victoria's Secret's Leslie Wexner]: The Wexner Foundation focuses on the development of Jewish professional and volunteer leaders in North America and public leaders in Israel. Founded by Leslie Wexner, CEO of Limited Brands and his wife, Abigail Wexner the headquarters are located in New Albany, Ohio with additional offices in New York City and in Jerusalem. In addition to the core leadership programs, the Wexner Foundation supports other Jewish charities on a local, national, and international level. Furthermore, are we actually supposed to believe that if Epstein was blackmailing people for money to put into a fake hedge fund in order to gain a personal profit, he would focus his efforts on politicians? And if we do accept the premise that Epstein was just trying to make money for himself, surely we also have to accept that the blackmail material he was gathering was worth a lot more than the politicians themselves could give him. For example, a video of Bill Clinton having sex with an underage girl is worth a lot more than Bill Clinton is able to pay out for hush-money. So if Epstein was all about fueling his fake hedge fund, he would also be selling this blackmail material. And given his connections to Wexner and the fact that his assistant, who also is alleged to have played the role of recruiting underage girls for the sex ring, is the daughter of a Mossad spy, it seems that the most obvious entity for him to be transferring this blackmail material to would be the Mossad. It was also recently revealed that former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak met with Epstein “at least ten times.” He says he never slept with any underage girls, and that seems likely true. They have plenty of Eastern European sex slaves in Israel. He would have other things to do in meetings with Epstein. … Vanity Fair: One theory circulating among prominent Republicans is that Epstein was a Mossad agent. Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein's Procurer, 'Girl Trainer' and Daughter of Mossad Super-agent Jeffrey Epstein: Sex Blackmailer for the Mossad and CIA Except that we handle the systemic blackmail of "our Western elites", we shall continue as "Western nations" to be Mossad's bitches.
A true group of "representatives" would immediately abolish the Federal Reserve banking system, immediately wipe out all the fiat "debts" that those banks claim against the people, and institute a gold and silver backed currency.
that's even more absurd. Government fake money is a pretty old 'insitution' and it obviously has nothing to do with 'NSA blackmail'...
Fortunately it looks like the current exposure
current exposure of WHAT?
might just have enough legs to blow everything open and clean up the psyche of the masses, may be possibly God knows but we bloody well hope so:
Snyder: Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
Step 1 is exposure of the rotten system as it is, and yes, that means many folk shall continue to suffer the consequences of the system as it is.
How so? Those wealthy and powerful individuals who have allowed the current regime of blackmail, may for once find it in their interest to improve that system in a couple of fundamental ways... one can hope.
there is NO "regime of blackmail" for "wealthy and powerful people"
Many beg to differ. In any case, let's see what this unfolding mega drama brings forth.

Long Before Epstein: Sex Traffickers & Spy Agencies The alleged use of sexual blackmail by spy agencies is hardly unique to the case of Jeffrey Epstein. Although the agencies involved as well as their alleged motivations and methods differ with each case, the crime of child trafficking with ties to intelligence agencies or those protected by them has been around for decades. Jeffrey Epstein’s compound in the Virgin Islands. Some cases include the 1950s -1970s Kincora scandal and the 1981 Peter Hayman affair, both in the U.K.; and the Finders’ cult and the Franklin scandal in the U.S. in the late 1980s. Just as these cases did not end in convictions, the pedophile and accused child-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein remained at arms’ length for years. “For almost two decades, for some nebulous reason, whether to do with ties to foreign intelligence, his billions of dollars, or his social connections, Epstein, whose alleged sexual sickness and horrific assaults on women without means or ability to protect themselves… remained untouchable,” journalist Vicky Ward wrote in The Daily Beast in July. The protection of sex traffickers by intelligence agencies is especially interesting in the wake of Epstein’sdeath. Like others, Epstein had long been purported to have links with spy agencies. Such allegations documented by Whitney Webb in her multi-part series were recently published in Mintpress News. Webb states that Epstein was the current face of an extensive system of abuse with ties to both organized crime and intelligence interests. She told CNLive! that: “According to Nigel Rosser, a British journalist who wrote in the Evening Standard in 2001, Epstein apparently for much of the 1990s claimed that he used to work for the CIA.” Vicky Ward, who wrote on Epstein for Vanity Fair before his first arrest, and claimed the magazine killed one of her pieces after Epstein intervened with editor Graydon Carter, said in a Tweet that one of Epstein’s clients was Adnan Khashoggi, an arms dealer who was pivotal in the Iran Contra scandal and was on the Mossad (the Israeli intelligence agency) payroll. This was also noted in a book “By Way of Deception” by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky. A former Epstein friend reported in @Salon last week that Epstein claimed “he worked for governments to recover money looted by African dictators. Other times those dictators hired him to help them hide their stolen money.” — Vicky Ward (@VickyPJWard) July 16, 2019 The Times of Israel reported that Epstein was an “active business partner with former prime minister Ehud Barak” until 2015, adding: “Barak formed a limited partnership company in Israel in 2015, called Sum (E.B.) to invest in a high-tech startup…. A large part of the money used by Sum to buy the start-up stock was supplied by Epstein.” Webb wrote he “was a long-time friend of Barak, who has long-standing and deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community.” On the board of their company sat Pinchas Bukhris, a former commander of the IDF cyber unit 8200. Epstein’s allegedly protected status was revealed by Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney in Miami who gave Epstein an infamously lenient plea deal in 2007. Acosta, who was forced to resign as President Donald Trump’s labor secretary because of that deal, reportedly said of the case: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.” ... On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 06:39:31PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 04:32:23PM -0300, Punk wrote:
On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:26:36 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Is it absurd that there really is a blackmail book maintained by the CIA/NSA/MI6 etc for exactly this purpose?
your blackmail theory doesn't make sense. What do you think epstein did to get himself blackmailed? Gave 100s of miliions to the Revolutionary Libertarian Party? Leaked 'military secrets' to iran and venezuela? Planned the assasination of the rothschilds? Or what.
if anything epstein is being blackmailed by the trumpo party. So this is just americunt 'politics'. Americunt scum accusing each other of 'sex crimes'. Bread and circus for the mentally retarded.
TPTB tried to accuse Assange of "online rape" of a minor (with a setup so obvious even the MSM had to bury it within a day), and only the ridiculously flimsy and repeatedly "closed" "rape in Sweden" charges managed to "stick"
yeah and assange, unlike epstein, doesn't get along with the authorities. So the cases are very different.
The article linked by the OP posits the nature of the pedophile blackmail network/ regime
I don't see any evidence for such blackmail regime.
Absence of vis a vis evidence of.
'Tis le talk of the town. And a full "really it's not Mossad or the CIA's blackmail op, really truly with a hoax on top":
Hedge Fund Managers Say Epstein’s Business Model Only Makes Sense as a Blackmail Scheme http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/hedge-fund-managers-say-epsteins-business-mode...
… In the 2015 filing, Giuffre claimed that Epstein “debriefed her” after she was forced into sexual encounters so that he could possess “intimate and potentially embarrassing information” to blackmail friends into parking their money with him. She also said photographic and video evidence existed — an assertion that looms especially large now that federal investigators have found a trove of images in Epstein’s home safe.
We should note that Kass is clearly Jewish (it’s a German last name meaning “shrewd person” that is used almost exclusively by Jews).
The article itself is written by Michelle Celarier, who also appears to be Jewish.
I think that the point of this is to offer an explanation that sort of explains what is going on here without implicating the Jews as a whole.
The Twitter thread they link to about the blackmail theory has this note at the bottom:
There’s no need to invoke the Mafia/Russia/Mossad/CIA/etc, that’s just needlessly overfitting.
However, I completely disagree with that, based on the theory itself, for a number of reasons. …
[Victoria's Secret's Leslie Wexner]:
The Wexner Foundation focuses on the development of Jewish professional and volunteer leaders in North America and public leaders in Israel. Founded by Leslie Wexner, CEO of Limited Brands and his wife, Abigail Wexner the headquarters are located in New Albany, Ohio with additional offices in New York City and in Jerusalem. In addition to the core leadership programs, the Wexner Foundation supports other Jewish charities on a local, national, and international level.
Furthermore, are we actually supposed to believe that if Epstein was blackmailing people for money to put into a fake hedge fund in order to gain a personal profit, he would focus his efforts on politicians?
And if we do accept the premise that Epstein was just trying to make money for himself, surely we also have to accept that the blackmail material he was gathering was worth a lot more than the politicians themselves could give him. For example, a video of Bill Clinton having sex with an underage girl is worth a lot more than Bill Clinton is able to pay out for hush-money. So if Epstein was all about fueling his fake hedge fund, he would also be selling this blackmail material.
And given his connections to Wexner and the fact that his assistant, who also is alleged to have played the role of recruiting underage girls for the sex ring, is the daughter of a Mossad spy, it seems that the most obvious entity for him to be transferring this blackmail material to would be the Mossad.
It was also recently revealed that former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak met with Epstein “at least ten times.” He says he never slept with any underage girls, and that seems likely true. They have plenty of Eastern European sex slaves in Israel. He would have other things to do in meetings with Epstein.
… Vanity Fair:
One theory circulating among prominent Republicans is that Epstein was a Mossad agent.
Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein's Procurer, 'Girl Trainer' and Daughter of Mossad Super-agent
Jeffrey Epstein: Sex Blackmailer for the Mossad and CIA
Except that we handle the systemic blackmail of "our Western elites", we shall continue as "Western nations" to be Mossad's bitches.
A true group of "representatives" would immediately abolish the Federal Reserve banking system, immediately wipe out all the fiat "debts" that those banks claim against the people, and institute a gold and silver backed currency.
that's even more absurd. Government fake money is a pretty old 'insitution' and it obviously has nothing to do with 'NSA blackmail'...
Fortunately it looks like the current exposure
current exposure of WHAT?
might just have enough legs to blow everything open and clean up the psyche of the masses, may be possibly God knows but we bloody well hope so:
Snyder: Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
Step 1 is exposure of the rotten system as it is, and yes, that means many folk shall continue to suffer the consequences of the system as it is.
How so? Those wealthy and powerful individuals who have allowed the current regime of blackmail, may for once find it in their interest to improve that system in a couple of fundamental ways... one can hope.
there is NO "regime of blackmail" for "wealthy and powerful people"
Many beg to differ. In any case, let's see what this unfolding mega drama brings forth.
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness