censorship v free speech, not money, is a foundation for a free society/ world

Communities exist without money, and have done so since time immemorial. But without our free right to communicate with one another, no community can survive, let alone flourish. Our basic human rights (to survive, communicate, move about in our community (travel)) are the foundations to any society that can ever approach the concept "a free society". Websites, in particular those website the (((media elites and those who control us))) don't like, are regularly simply blocked or semi blocked. And no "just use an ip address" or "private companies, they can do what they want" is no answer to the domination of our community, the domination of our peoples, that we experience. Each of the following sites currently blocked in Australia, even with javascripting enabled, but without an error, so semi-blocked, thus quite sinisterly undermining the freedom of communication we supposedly hail in "democracies": https://daviddukeonline.com/product-category/david-duke-report/ https://daviddukeonline.com/ https://davidduke.com/ https://daviddukeonline-eu.com And we know our "favourite" nationalist websites have been sent to the dark web to appear at all, looks like The Duke is similarly being sent to ground. This is your world, people. Good luck,

Dr. Madeline Seers @MadelineSeers13 NOBODY is trying to take away your right to freedom of speech. That is an alt right falsehood. We are just trying to make certain things you say illegal if they hurt other people's feelings. There's a literal, actual difference. 12/18/18, 11:18 PM https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet/1075243887390793730 https://mobile.twitter.com/MadelineSeers13/status/1075243887390793730 Guess that's why folks are literally shaking all the time, 'cause the alt-right just doesn't understand what the extreme left is trying to make illegal when it comes to our speech. On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 12:50:23PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Communities exist without money, and have done so since time immemorial.
But without our free right to communicate with one another, no community can survive, let alone flourish.
Our basic human rights (to survive, communicate, move about in our community (travel)) are the foundations to any society that can ever approach the concept "a free society".
Websites, in particular those website the (((media elites and those who control us))) don't like, are regularly simply blocked or semi blocked.
And no "just use an ip address" or "private companies, they can do what they want" is no answer to the domination of our community, the domination of our peoples, that we experience.
Each of the following sites currently blocked in Australia, even with javascripting enabled, but without an error, so semi-blocked, thus quite sinisterly undermining the freedom of communication we supposedly hail in "democracies":
https://daviddukeonline.com/product-category/david-duke-report/ https://daviddukeonline.com/ https://davidduke.com/ https://daviddukeonline-eu.com
And we know our "favourite" nationalist websites have been sent to the dark web to appear at all, looks like The Duke is similarly being sent to ground.
This is your world, people.
Good luck,
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness