https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2021/01/from-the-comments-... State capacity libertarian emperor loves his new clothes

artificial wisdom On 1/7/21, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
I didn't know this happened. leaks would be nice.
State capacity libertarian emperor loves his new clothes

If you recall the CIA or whoever was fingered for spying on the Senate or whoever committee's witheld-from-public pile of govt documents that were being reviewed for some big internal govt investigation a few years ago. And the NSA and FBI spies everyone. Whatever agents did or didn't access Pelosi and whoever else's terminal and bug the bathrooms yesterday is certainly nothing compared to the above that they do to each other, and you, all the time. Would be interesting if anyone thought to grab some papers or data devices during this event and publishes it. Classified stuff is typically seen only by eight legislators, and isn't supposed to be left unprotected.
participants (3)
professor rat