a general situation and condition has been described, relating piezo film (PVDF) with issues of free energy and also 'non-electromagnetic' if not 'non-acoustic' transfer of power and perhaps information likewise. yet there is a problem encountered as mentioned, regarding challenges to achieving an ~8 Hz vibration at the given scale, which may be an issue connected with do-it-yourself approaches versus a manufacturing approach, and the technological tools and equipment available to investigate these dynamics at the scale of breadboards, microcontrollers, and PVDF elements. can the existing 'size' of an PVDF electronic component actually register the approximate ~8 Hz vibration of the Schumann resonance? from what i have read in the technical manual (p.2), the piezo film material is capable of registering vibration at this frequency [1] and in fact is so sensitive in its use as in contact microphone applications that shielding is required to reduce unwanted vibrations [2] in a context of 'vibration sensing' which also applies when attached to music instruments [3]. with this in mind, it appears that the PVDF film element is hypersensitive to any vibration depending on the surface it is attached to. in other words, if there is an ~8 Hz vibration occurring, it would seem likely if not probable that the PVDF film tab is potentially capable of sending it, given enough knowledge and whatever equipment required to do so. so enough of the hypotheticals, i may have forgotten to emphasize if not mention an important observation. several weeks ago there was an (urls) list sent that had information about a NOVA science program that just aired on Public Television (PBS) in the U.S. and i saw the last 20 minutes or so of that show, as was conveyed on that post. [4] [5] the expert interviewed for the program, Earle R. Williams [6] mentioned the Global AC Circuit and described research occurring in a rural Rhode Island experiment that has been studying this for decades, based on groundbreaking ideas of a previous researcher who pioneered the field of atmospheric electricity. and what Mr. Williams said and demonstrated in this interview was astonishing to hear. basically, if memory serves: any antenna on earth picks up this frequency of the Schumann resonance, which he said was ~8 Hz. (presumably equates to 'metal antennas' i am guessing, of the kind found on radios and televisions.) the very interesting aspect about this, 'context' as it were, is that this research hut for atmospheric electricity was old technology -- basically an antenna in a very remote area to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI) from what is the buzzing infrastructure of wired and wireless civilization. the other aspect is that Mr. Williams stated, if remembering, that all that is needed is an antenna and oscilloscope to verify the signal is there. meaning: get a metal antenna, have it grounded or whatever is necessary, and then attach it to a visual feedback system and locate the 8 Hz signal. "spikes" that occur within the signal, atop the frequency of the Schumann resonance, are lightning strikes. as if the earth-ionosphere cavity may have some aspect of an echo chamber (my phrasing), though also it was stated, again, if remembering correctly, that lighting strikes can travel up to 2.5 times around the earth, which feeds this resonance and supports and sustains this wavelength that is vibrating on all antennas everywhere the same. so in some sense these are clues, signs of what exists, what the parameters are. people who know how to use an oscilloscope and basic antenna are that much closer to the issue than those who do not, and likewise, those who can program a microcontroller and write code, etc. so incorporating this as additional information into the existing approach and ideas, along with helpful feedback that questions the starting investigation in its parameters, it seems possible that experimentation could begin within a PVDF film sensor context, if having the tools, technology, and ideas to shape and evaluate and test these conditions. though further, it is also probable that specifically designing a PVDF sensor for this particular application would be the more direct investigation. both approaches could be viable. in other words, the as-is approach relying on existing piezo sensors could yield some interesting and unexpected discoveries, and perhaps break this open into another realm. and so how to do that is a question: how to tune the element, how to approach it, what are the actual issues involved, etc. for instance, consider the PVDF film itself as a rectangle that can register vibrations via touching a vibrating surface; this versus having the PVDF film itself resonate, vibrating based on its being a quasi free-standing antenna. these different approaches both could potentially access 8 Hz though via different strategies and frameworks. my assumption is is that rectangle of the sensor itself is capable of picking up 'multiple frequencies' at a given time, depending on what exists as a signal. and thus, if in a musical approach, it may have 'multiple tunings' even that coexist on the vibrating surface, whether freestanding or registering movement from an attached vibrating surface. and so the issue can be of filtering these signals to focus the sensor into a given range. and how this is done could effect its 'efficiency' in terms of energy collection, because a stronger versus weaker signal could exist, if muddled by others that counteract its pendulum-like wave movement. if this way, dampening of the vibration via weights may allow no movement in certain frequencies, whereas a software filter could only edit them out while they still exist as an active force, perhaps removing energy from or competing with a given frequency or signal from the wanted range.\ so capturing different frequencies simultaneously (good for crypto and energy harvesting, perhaps) vs. focusing on a given range (better for Schumann resonance seemingly) and yet here's the thing-- like a drum skin, how is this elusive jabberwocky of the Schumann resonance of ~8 Hz ever going to be accessed if it cannot be readily encountered. what can capture that wave vibration, at that particular very long wavelength. and (due to no memory, i get to ask such rhetorical questions) this is what triggered my memory about the antennas, that all antennas vibrate at this frequency, or so the expert said. though also, considering the drum approach, this then got me thinking- instead of a free standing 'energy antenna', would it not be possible to use a PVDF sensor to measure and also pick up this 8 Hz vibration on an antenna instead? in that if the antenna is vibrating at 8 Hz, could this vibration be 'harvested' and establish mechanical vibration in these highly sensitive piezo films, to then build up AC current in via their capacitance, building up and storing this charge... in other words: PVDF + ~8 Hz antenna freq. => energy if there were no limits to exploration and equipment could be used to custom manufacture prototypes for this purpose, what would an antenna look like that vibrates only at this targeted frequency... and thus, another strategy could involve custom manufacture of the piezo film element, such that its surface has an antenna etched onto it, that is made to vibrate at the Schumann resonance, for instance a particular geometry, grid, array, pattern. i have read about antennas and they are based upon geometric proportion to the wavelength, so 'size' does not necessarily correlate to frequency in terms of larger antennas for bigger wavelengths, (if i am not mistaken). instead, the issue of alignment between a signal and an antenna involves a matched or paired geometrical structure that can effectively map signals onto antennas and then coherently deliver this signal into a circuit. likely as cleanly and crisply as is possible, mathematics then determining these models and design approaches. thus, fractal antennas are an area where 'scale' is exampled other than a yagi or dipole. and cellphones in particular appear to make very tiny antennas or utilize unique approaches to make them invisible even, via how the device is grounded and where the wires are hidden, perhaps related to signal strength and also 'length'. so in some sense, maybe size and scale do matter and in some sense maybe size and scale are not the most critical factors in given applications. maybe a larger power source requires a larger antenna and smaller applications only need smaller antennas. what i want to convey is that this 'etched on' approach where an antenna structure could be engineered onto the piezo film surface -- (such that it would vibrate at the given frequency and then stress the sensor, in turn generating power via its constant movement) -- has correlation with a circuit - perhaps soldertrace, that is the antenna. so imagine a rectangle with a single loop of a given geometry that would somehow function as a single-frequency antenna and vibrate, and thus stress/strain, compression/decompression of that metal structure would flex the piezo film that it is attached to, and be designed to maximize the surface area with this specific tuned geometry that can focus in on just those signals or vibrations, as simple as an anode and cathode attached to it, yet if correlating other approaches, perhaps etched to a nanosurface-level with fractal patterns even that could maximize voltage, if possible, or increase capacitance or whatever else may be optimized for energy harvesting of ~8 Hz signal vibrations. so, to simplify, imagine 'the cantilever' that is the concept already for the piezo film tab, a rectangle that moves back and forth on axis, and in doing so creates and stores charge that then can be dumped into a circuit, bit by bit if momentary, and seemingly constant alternating current if the signal is constant. the additional etched pattern atop the sensor, this being an additional layer, could be considered 'the antenna' for accessing Schumann resonance. yet, it could also be conceptualized as a cantilever that is in addition to the piezo device itself, also this. my vagueness here is not intentional, trying to write into a particular direction and context whereby this 'tuned antenna' atop a cantilever instead becomes this cantilever via a different manufacturing process, whereby the PVDF device is itself tuned to ~8 Hz, & moreso, perhaps taking on the form of cantilever. such that, the piezo elemen becomes a tuning fork that is tuned for this specific vibrational frequency, and then anode/cathode, into associated circuitry precedent, and note 'the scale' here, is with MEMs devices and micromachines and nanoscale devices where such extreme miniature 'antennas' can already be constructed and vibrate at known frequencies, and they take on the form of a cantilever (same functioning as energy harvesting sensors, as vibrating pendulums) and thus micro and nano radios can be made and other devices, where under microscope a furious activity is observed of what is basically a tuning fork that is naturally vibrating via its 'tuned resonance', (if not mistaken in interpretation of these events). so at this unobservable visual scale, little cantilevers can be made to vibrate via their tuning, and function essentially the same as cantilevers that at this scale are not envisioned or conceptualized to auto-vibrate via paired resonance. why is that i wonder, (embargo on thoughts, experiment, or secret domain perhaps) just consider a watch, the mechanisms required to wind and keep the watch spinning its intricate gears, as this relates to pendulum movement. now what if a cantilever existed that could vibrate automatically at ~8 Hz, and thus no more batteries, solar cell, nor wind-up mechanisms would be needed to provide the motive power need for its clockwork movement. and in this way, likewise- the cantilever is the antenna. the concept of the sensor as mechanical cantilever in its multiuse form, instead being reimagined as a tuned rectangle with additional layer of antenna, this as cantilever, or further, no rectangle and instead the PVDF is made into a cantilever, tuning fork vibrating at the frequency of the Schumann resonance, and in this way, potentially replacing batteries given the size of the cantilever and its effectiveness or efficiency. another way to consider this in terms of electronics and circuits is the (radio again) crystal oscillator that is included as a stand-alone timing device, matched to a particular frequency, lets say ~8 Hz for example... as i understand it, electrical current in a circuit - say involving resistors, capacitors, relays, switches, and wires on a prototyping breadboard - moves throughout this maze of components and can send electrons into the crystal oscillator, a timing device, that is activated by this electricity and generates a particular frequency in response to its being electrified, formatting resulting output as a given frequency, here 8 Hz, back into the circuit, where it could be used say by an IC chip that uses it to count cycles that trigger other activity, say an LED display that moves up a number every million cycles and continually counts 0-9 and starts over again. so the idea here is that this electronics component is partly doing what the PVDF sensor is, only in reverse. what the crystal "quartz" oscillator does is vibrate at a particular frequency (~8 Hz) which is the goal, and this is already achieved in a device related in some way already to piezo sensors (see: quartz). the main difference is that it requires external energy to generate the signal or the vibrations, (though if it were tuned to ~8 hz, might it vibrate without any external power?)... energy (in) ==> crystal oscillator ==> 8 Hz vibration (out) to put it another way, in terms of active concepts... electricity ==> vibration ==> timing in other words, in traditional radio or other timing circuits reliant upon crystal oscillators, electrical current (power) is input into the component that then "vibrates" at a given frequency, and then this signal is output as 'time' into the circuit, whereby the electrical current has this geometric patterning mapped into its structure which is then utilized by related or connected components, to format other action. what the piezo film sensor does is exactly the opposite: timing ==> vibration ==> electricity it takes some regular mechanical vibration when attached to a surface, and this vibration strains the sensor which in turn generates electrical charge via piezo electric properties and then stores this charge via its capacitance, which then can be output into the connected circuitry as AC electrical current. the main issue appears to focus upon controlling the timing or frequency, via TUNING the device (that is, creating a cantilever or antenna to automatically vibrate) in other words, if the 'timing' between the PVDF or other piezo sensor and the Schumann resonance could be established, matched in shared resonance (A=A) such that the 8 Hz signal would directly map to an antenna or cantilever structure tuned specifically for 8 Hz, then: matched-timing ==> perpetual vibration ==> free electricity where 'matched-timing' is pairing of signal with antenna of the piezo sensor (cantilever or not) in that the geometry is aligned (A=A) which then accesses and sustains this connection of 8 Hz vibration via 'shared resonance' that is a transfer of energy from the earth/ionosphere cavity, to the surface of the earth. the critical issue appears to be ~adjustable tuning of an antenna to allow for drift, such that "tuning" differences both small (Aa=Ab) and large (A=B) can be adjusted for, which also occurs in a realm of electronics and watchmaking, if not mistaken, that an additional level of fine-tuning and adjustkbility is involved and required in such intricate small scale technological if other ecosystems, because variances may exist/persist does this mean also that a crystal oscillator [7] is a step or two away from providing power to a circuit if only tuned to ~8 Hz - it would probably involve whatever piezo aspect of crystals, if they could output current as piezo sensors, when vibrating at this frequency, thus an issue of locating or manufacturing such crystals, tuning them as antennas. (should Superman be mentioned here, or metaphysics of crystals, predecessor to electronics, original components of nature, such that this is the foundation of the study, in this way, so too amber and lodestone, known or unknown) the key idea then is of tuning piezos, whereby the piezo element is itself the antenna, and this could be explored in various ways, etched onto the surface of an existing sensor element, such as with PVDF film tabs, or made into a cantilever such as a tuning fork vibrating at ~8 Hz that outputs energy into a self via its perpetual motion, and further, crystal oscillators tuned to this frequency of the Schumann resonance, if capable of generating or outputting electricity via alignment with this frequency, tuned into it in terms of energy harvesting versus timing for circuits or for receiving or transmitting radio waves. note: again, this is non-electromagnetic vibration that is accessed, so oscillators and piezos are functioning in an undescribed realm at macroscale, though within effects _known within music (as natural philosophy), described by composer/filmmaker Helen Hall. [8] the mythos involved includes a realm of the forbidden and of the fringe activity of outlawed energy research, access to 'free energy' that is believed to have earlier been accessed on earth by its inhabitants yet since disappeared within civilization, vanished along with its cosmology (of the aether), the plenum seemingly, edited out, removed from view via Michelson-Morley. and yet the idea of limitless energy, locating it as if an issue of dousing within the electromagnetic framework with various strange machines and contraptions, those seeking to tap into it, upon relating to and realizing its mystery that surrounds, encompasses, defines and yet cannot be tangibly defined in these same terms it exists because the basic model and approach are off, and just enough to send things in another direction, still unaware in other words, there is potential energy all around, the issues of dead cellphones after 5 hours moot should a small cantilever antenna find geometrical alignment that replaces its power source with one non-electromagnetic, non-polluting, attuned to nature and mind, in harmony and related to the larger order, not existing to destroy it. how to tap into it, where is it. how do you get there if electromagnetism is off-limits to investigation beyond an ideology of a protective technological priesthood. and then, how to imagine beyond electromagnetism if concepts are not understanding of this condition firstly, to realize what the encountered issues are, so that reasoning is possible in a shared framework the larger question, how to tap into the infinity that is within the electromagnetic circuit, open up that seam between zero and infinity, and use it to turn things at higher speeds and momentums or with greater force, limitless power of any magnitude, seemingly. this is essentially to break out of relativity and back into a non-warped model of nature, so anti-gravity and other such issues are basic and easy to advance beyond, though if living within lies of a false perspective this is not possible. so the worldview has to be taken down before any landspeeders are going to arrive in town -=-- 0. The 8 Hertz approximation was used by an expert on this issue, which is an easy round number to recall that stands-in for whatever the exact decimal place resonance may be for hooking up to the Schumann resonance. This expert was on a NOVA public television program who will be referenced in this text, and whose information follows... 1. Measurement Specialties PVDF technical manual (PDF) http://contactmicrophones.com/techman.pdf quote: Wide frequency range—0.001 Hz to 10^9 Hz 2. Cold Gold - Contact Microphones http://contactmicrophones.com/ "These film tabs usually need to be shielded {by copper shielding tape} to reduce hum." 3. technical manual, p.47 4. light-signals (urls) https://cpunks.org//pipermail/cypherpunks/2013-November/002201.html 5. NOVA: At the Edge of Space (PBS science program) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/edge-of-space.html 6. Earle R. Williams -- Research Overview http://web.mit.edu/earlerw/www/Research.html 7. Crystal oscillator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator (note: crystals as tuning forks) 8. Helen Hall - Art of Frequencies http://artoffrequencies.wordpress.com/ -- addenda: i forget another obvious and ubiquitous microcontroller platform, raspberry pi. should have included it as a main example -- {educational fair-use of copyright, 2013} raedi staedi 6⁰
participants (1)
brian carroll