Re: - BitLicense STX, MIA Coin and NYCCoin Litigation (Application)

Dear Madam Attorney General: My goodness, the defaults at DFS seem nearly out of control. Thank you, Gunnar Gunnar Larson - 646-454-9107 On Thu, Sep 29, 2022, 3:19 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Mr. Weber:
Are you holding up traffic on the George Washington Bridge again?
Gunnar Larson - 646-454-9107
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <> Date: Fri, Aug 5, 2022, 5:17 PM Subject: - BitLicense STX, MIA Coin and NYCCoin Litigation (Application) To: Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund <> Cc: cypherpunks <>
Dear Bitcoin Developer Fund:
Thank you for our recent correspondence.
Today, I would like to clarify the following details to -’s approach to Bitcoin innovation and our ultimate ask for your support in our BitLicense strategic blueprint.
May I also submit this as an international Blockchain Scholar looking to help pioneer next generation Bitcoin development.
Attached, kindly find - records requests considering STX. Note, STX opeates as a POX scheme on top of the Bitcoin Blockchain.
Out of New York, STX was approved for Coinbase custody that gave way to CityCoins obvious abuse of the Bitcoin Blockchain, engaging the now failed MIA Coin and NYCCoin projects.
xNY (the token concepet) has documentation from the City of Miami and United States Treasury confirming the probable cause for our concern that STX's POX scheme abused the Bitcoin Blockchain to exasperate fraud of the Mayor of Miami endorsing MIA Coin as a serious project.
NYCCoin is something that the Mayor of New York had immunity from given the BitLicense mandate. - has been found to be a true borderless protector of Bitcoin and as you see in the attached, New Yorl is half hearted to our reasonable approach to cultivate a pure approach to the next generation of Bitcoin developers.
We have a plan to all this and seek your assistance on the legal defense to our BitLicense approach.
Please advise if we may discuss this more.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
On Wed, Aug 3, 2022, 10:08 AM Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund <> wrote:
Hi Gunnar,
This doesn't appear to be a bitcoin developer-related matter and isn't without our fund's scope.
Regards, The Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund
On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 9:39 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund:
Thank you for your email. Below is a summary of the matter.
The USDP vs. USDD digital asset matter has become a unique delima for - considereding the New York BitLicense mandate. Our approach has been attacked as opportunistic considering other marketplace manipulation matters.
We seek to learn your esteemed appetite of potential assistance on this concern.
Thank you very much,
May 21, 2022
SpaceX Corporation Board of Directors One Rocket Road Hawthorne, California 90250
Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets
Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
From our New York headquarters, - embodies the notion that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and innovation is like a slide.
Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of potential market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG economy and Moon exploration. We do not see this as a stereotypical democrat versus republican battle (as Mr. Musk alludes). We see this as a risk arbitrage matter for -’s profit (subject to regulatory approval).
Some may argue a scheme to leverage the protection of “free speech” has led to Twitter deal advisors attempting a $44B LBO market manipulation exercise. Further cause for reasonable concern is warranted if similar intent is at play in the form of Tesla’s ESG scam claim. - indicators signal risk of possible intent to manipulate public and private markets prompting clarification of the SpaceX Corporation’s intent concerning Moon exploration and exploitation as a ESG digital asset vault.
To be very clear, SpaceX directors should understand -’s work to protect cross-border digital asset innovation was born before Twitter's prospective LBO. Our concern specific to the intent of Twitter’s LBO deal makers is party to our work in New York to usurp Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase board directors who may be potentially engaged in similar market manipulation referenced here:
1. - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement. 2. - | Memo #2 - JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors ESG Marketplace Manipulation. 3. -’s work also includes research into oil and nickel marketplace manipulation as an ESG concern.
The Twitter LBO includes Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase operating as deal advisors. As referenced above, claims of Twitter robot scams and claims of Tesla ESG scams display a pattern of questionable intent. - asks SpaceX to clarify your board's intent concerning the Moon and any connection to USDD (now in Moon phase). SpaceX directors may agree that the Moon can also be defined as one of the most valuable ESG digital asset vaults known to modern humanity.
Protecting the Moon from exploitation is fundamental to Space exploration. SpaceX is party to any potential Twitter deal maker advisors that may exercise questionable intent risking the Moon’s ESG vault potential. - is concerned with interlocking directorate syndicates that include SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Goldman Sachs and BitGo. This setup breeds a galaxy of third and fourth party risk(s) at the demise of pure cross-border digital asset innovation. Twitter robots are not the focus of the Orlando Police Department Pension Fund, who suggests that Twitter’s LBO is suspected of questionable intent as potentially illegal.
Mr. Musk’s ingenuity as an entrepreneur is historic and greatly respected as a model inside our organization. As a Gates Scholar and Blockchain Scholar holding international law distinction(s) The concept of the Moon being an ESG digital asset vault is logic USDD seemingly embodies. -
For obvious reasons, we seek SpaceX’s board to confirm if the intent behind your CEO’s Twitter LBO and Tesla ESG claims and if SpaceX is party to a USDD type matter given your syndicate’s close association with USDP. - kindly asks the SpaceX Corporation board of directors to respond within 15 days of receipt of this correspondence. Default in the form of no response within 15 days is not an extortion technique on our part. Rather, it is a design benefit in disclosing our intent post 15 days to ask for approval to engage New York’s False Claims Act in response to SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal and Meta interlocking directors potentially engaging in digital asset marketplace manipulation (exemplified by USDP and USDD) that may exploit Space and Moon exploration at -, PBC’s overall expense.
Respectfully yours,
Gunnar Larson | <> - <> MSc <> - Digital Currency MBA <> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107
On Wed, Aug 3, 2022, 9:06 AM Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund <> wrote:
Hi Gunnar,
Could you please summarize the matter in plain text?
- The Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund
On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 6:23 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Dear Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund:
Thank you for your email. Please find the attached which I am seeking your potential help with.
Greatly looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: *Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund* <> Date: Thu, Jul 21, 2022, 8:50 PM Subject: Re: -, PBC To: Gunnar Larson <>
Can you describe in more detail what you'd like to seek help with?
On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 4:15 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Thank you for your response.
I am a digital currency deveoper in New York and wonder if I may seek help from the defense fund.
On Mon, Jul 18, 2022, 3:58 PM Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund <> wrote:
Hi Gunnar,
We don't accept applications. We are a fund that simply exists to defend bitcoin developers.
Regards, The Bitcoin Developer Defense Fund
On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 12:26 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Hey there:
My name is Gunnar Larson and I am part of the team at -, PBC.
We heard about the Bitcoin Defense Fund and was wondering if you are considering potential applicants.
We are based in Manhattan and are engaged in cross-border digital asset innovation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
participants (1)
Gunnar Larson