Rob Reiner Cucks the Tuck! (<ahem>) - was Re: The Triggering -- [MINISTRY] - that which you may not say - those whom you may not criticize

FINALLY, SOMEone cucks the Tuck! I never thought I'd see this day - Rob Reiner shall forever be a hero of the Neo-cons and the Hillery 2020 wanna be's like Mark ¿uckerberg¡ "somewhat suspect circumstances" (Also: brunette alert near end of Tucker's 'tube - gaze into those deep, green eyes and embrace your inner hissing weasel.) On some day, some Fuggum wrote:
On 09/22/2017 07:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 05:11:04PM -0400, Fuggum wrote:
On 09/19/2017 09:08 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Hey guys, you might enjoy this one :)
Heh, check this out. Tucker Carlson debates Rob Reiner on Russia hypocrisy. Riener tap-dances like Al Jolson. This is inline with the entirety of your post. Ric
Cool - can you send me the link please?
I enjoy watching "the Tuck" :)
Sorry! Here's what we could do to these people. <cackles> Ric
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness