Spy Gear: SpecialServicesGroup stings via Dead Auntie
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qjdp95/this-secretive-surveillance-compan... https://qz.com/1486479/the-dea-is-hiding-surveillance-cameras-in-vacuum-clea... https://specialservicesgroup.us/ https://www.usaspending.gov/#/award/75353733 https://portervilleca.civicclerk.com/Web/GenFile.aspx?ad=2494 https://govtribe.com/vendors/special-services-group-llc-5sv48 https://cdn.muckrock.com/foia_files/2019/03/29/VOL001.pdf ... The company is so secretive that, when asked for comment for this story, it threatened VICE with legal action if we published this article. A surveillance vendor that works with U.S. government agencies is marketing spying capabilities including cameras that are hidden inside a tombstone, a baby car seat, and a vacuum cleaner.. an alarm clock, suitable for "hotel room stings," The "Phantom RFID Exploitation Toolkit" lets a user clone an access card or fob, and the so-called "Shadow" product can "covertly provide the user with PIN code to an alarm panel," the brochure reads. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence "release of the information could result in very serious jeopardy to the lives of law enforcement and military users of the technology RIGHT NOW IN PARTICULAR DUE TO RECENT WORLD EVENTS … the responsibility for any resulting harm should you go ahead and assist in the dissemination of this information to a wider public audience will fall squarely on your shoulders" lol
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