How did it go down? Well, you may recall 2003 was the year PAM-Futuremaps was floated and Tim May posted a murder attempt on Paul Wolfowitz. Its in the archives. So much for posting murder attempts on this Mongoloids list. Then, in mid 2005, the net gained global ascendancy as the " American Century ' sunk without a trace. Then, in late 2010, I started demanding the USG surrender to the anarchic net by releasing all Drug-War prisoners and bringing back PAM. I've since been making this demand for so long now I had to add another condition - following the insult to the world that was Donald Dumbfuck - from 2016 on they have had to recognize " APster ' as they fulfilled the other two conditions. So, to sum up, things look very bright for full-spectrum cryptoanarchy - especially since the rise of our trillion dollar plus crypto-currency sector. Amazingly after all this time almost no-body has to die in this global anarchist revolution. The first ever world-wide revolution! Just a couple of your Batshit Kamaraden here and there - and you.
participants (1)
professor rat