Hiding transistor type.

Since next-level assassinphones will be brain-implants they will need all the protection they can get. Not just ' security through obscurity ' and some idiotic non-quantum ' arms race ' through stale chip technology but 'offence as best defense' and a wholehearted adoption of quantum-computing and assassination politics. As we move on up and out into deep space the enemy ' hackers' will be hostile xenomorphs. We can't let just one of those cop-like-bastards in here. COVID 19 is a huge wake-up call. Quarantine is a vital tool and total destruction of any Marxist-Borg-like threats is vital. We have a right to destroy those who would destroy us.

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 17:47:03 +0000 (UTC) professor turd <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> vomited:
As we move on up and out into deep space the enemy ' hackers' will be hostile xenomorphs. We can't let just one of those cop-like-bastards in here. COVID 19 is a huge wake-up call. Quarantine is a vital tool and total destruction of any Marxist-Borg-like threats is vital. We have a right to destroy those who would destroy us.
That's the perfect reply to the technofascist garbage constantly being spammed by jim bell. The sort of completely insane - and nazi - nonsense that professor turd just vomited is nothing but jim bell's own 'ideas' taken to their 'logical'(hi hi hi) conclusion.
participants (2)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0