Re: [tor-relays] Legal Status of Relays Worldwide [was: kittens seized]

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Nagaev Boris <> wrote:
Unfortunately rarer things happen. The ongoing case in Russia: "According to TASS, he’ll be held for two months pending investigation."
Recent update on the story: students of MSU petitioning in support of Dmitry Bogatov during a public event in the university were asked to leave the event. The text (in Russian):
It seems to be the first such severe case in Russia.
There are ususally three parts, 1) Digging up what laws are on the books. 2) Divining what they mean philosophically / technically. 3) Determining what any respective govenment cares about them. News reports for RU linked above might mean 3) is very little. The reports also seem to say nothing about 1) 2) a) b). Which doesn't help make the legal status of relays there any clearer than mud.
If you know of places where... a) relays themselves are illegal or b) ISP style exceptions do not exist ... you should definitely reply with such a list.
participants (1)