Book: Two Hundred Years Together - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Two Hundred Years Together; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn First English translation of censored chapters translated (no cost) (Wednesday per week publishing expectation for additional chapters.) Translators note: Two Hundred Years Together is a long historical analysis on the history of Jews in Russia, written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. There have been attempts to translate this work into English though we don't have accurate translations of the censored chapters still. Until now. If you're interested in this work, we're publishing translations of censored chapters starting with chapter two here: I would appreciate it if you shared this blog. We have completed several chapters, and will be releasing every Wednesday. The material is strangely relevant to current events today. On behalf of the translator and editor, David Davidson

On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 02:05:33PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Two Hundred Years Together; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn First English translation of censored chapters translated (no cost)
Amazing. How times change. "The future Nicholas I, Grand Duke at that time, noted in his diary: “It is astonishing that they [Jews] remained surprisingly faithful to us in 1812 and even helped us where they could, at the risk of their lives.”20" "After 1814, the reunification of central Poland brought together more than 400,000 Jews. The Jewish problem was then presented to the Russian government with more acuteness and complexity. In 1816, the Government Council of the Kingdom of Poland, which in many areas enjoyed a separate state existence, ordered the Jews to be expelled from their villages—they could also remain there, but only to work the land, and this without the help of Christian workers. But at the request of the Kahal of Warsaw, as soon as it was transmitted to the Emperor, Alexander gave orders to leave the Jews in place by allowing them to engage in the trade of vodka, on the sole condition that they should not sell it on credit.22"

On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 02:05:33PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Two Hundred Years Together; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn First English translation of censored chapters translated (no cost)
(Wednesday per week publishing expectation for additional chapters.)
Translators note: Two Hundred Years Together is a long historical analysis on the history of Jews in Russia, written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. There have been attempts to translate this work into English though we don't have accurate translations of the censored chapters still. Until now.
If you're interested in this work, we're publishing translations of censored chapters starting with chapter two here:
I would appreciate it if you shared this blog. We have completed several chapters, and will be releasing every Wednesday. The material is strangely relevant to current events today.
On behalf of the translator and editor,
David Davidson
Russia Insider, with their CNN-sanctioned public discussion of the JQ, chimes in on one of Solzhenitsyn's most significant works. Read it while it's still available - all significant reviews are being censored (removed without notice) on Amazon, the continued official publishing (sale) of this book is in serious question, Solzhenitsyn's family does not consent to the English translation, and there's a general Western firestorm around this book. The firestorm is understandable of course, since the book is actually really bad and a complete and obvious fabrication which is why so many authorities want it buried. So you should definitely ignore this, nothing to see here and move along now - Solzhenitsyn is nothing but a rabble rousing fraud who should be absolutely ignored by all thinking humans - just as well it was heavily censored from the get go and still suppressed in certain ways to this day - such bunk must not go unanswered. What with "nigger" using books like Huckleberry Finn being banned from American schools, we can finally start to rest easy in the knowledge that that which we ought not be reading, is finally being removed from the public's attention. Solzhenitsyn's Damning History of the Jews in Russia - a Review "Published in the original Russian in 2002, the book was received with a firestorm of rage and denunciation from the literary and media world, from the Jews, and from almost the entire intelligentsia of the established order in the West… Immense efforts have been made by the Russian authorities and also by the Western liberal democratic power structure to ignore 200 YEARS TOGETHER, to suppress it as much as possible, and above all to prevent and interdict the book’s translation into foreign languages, most especially into English, which has become essentially the worldwide language of our epoch… The Russian authorities have to this date refused to allow any official English translation of the book to be published". (p. 2).

From the Gulag Archipelago to Two Hundred Years Together, censored and now freed, Solzhenitsyn receives worthy praise in tribute to the triggering truth from our Russkie bros.
Putin Unveils Huge Solzhenitsyn Statue with Christian Imagery in Moscow, Urges Young to Read Him (Video + Speech) On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 02:05:33PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Two Hundred Years Together; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn First English translation of censored chapters translated (no cost)
(Wednesday per week publishing expectation for additional chapters.)
Translators note: Two Hundred Years Together is a long historical analysis on the history of Jews in Russia, written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. There have been attempts to translate this work into English though we don't have accurate translations of the censored chapters still. Until now.
If you're interested in this work, we're publishing translations of censored chapters starting with chapter two here:
I would appreciate it if you shared this blog. We have completed several chapters, and will be releasing every Wednesday. The material is strangely relevant to current events today.
On behalf of the translator and editor,
David Davidson
Amazing. How times change.
"The future Nicholas I, Grand Duke at that time, noted in his diary: “It is astonishing that they [Jews] remained surprisingly faithful to us in 1812 and even helped us where they could, at the risk of their lives.”20"
"After 1814, the reunification of central Poland brought together more than 400,000 Jews. The Jewish problem was then presented to the Russian government with more acuteness and complexity. In 1816, the Government Council of the Kingdom of Poland, which in many areas enjoyed a separate state existence, ordered the Jews to be expelled from their villages—they could also remain there, but only to work the land, and this without the help of Christian workers. But at the request of the Kahal of Warsaw, as soon as it was transmitted to the Emperor, Alexander gave orders to leave the Jews in place by allowing them to engage in the trade of vodka, on the sole condition that they should not sell it on credit.22"
Russia Insider, with their CNN-sanctioned public discussion of the JQ, chimes in on one of Solzhenitsyn's most significant works. Read it while it's still available - all significant reviews are being censored (removed without notice) on Amazon, the continued official publishing (sale) of this book is in serious question, Solzhenitsyn's family does not consent to the English translation, and there's a general Western firestorm around this book.
The firestorm is understandable of course, since the book is actually really bad and a complete and obvious fabrication which is why so many authorities want it buried.
So you should definitely ignore this, nothing to see here and move along now - Solzhenitsyn is nothing but a rabble rousing fraud who should be absolutely ignored by all thinking humans - just as well it was heavily censored from the get go and still suppressed in certain ways to this day - such bunk must not go unanswered.
What with "nigger" using books like Huckleberry Finn being banned from American schools, we can finally start to rest easy in the knowledge that that which we ought not be reading, is finally being removed from the public's attention. Solzhenitsyn's Damning History of the Jews in Russia - a Review
"Published in the original Russian in 2002, the book was received with a firestorm of rage and denunciation from the literary and media world, from the Jews, and from almost the entire intelligentsia of the established order in the West…
Immense efforts have been made by the Russian authorities and also by the Western liberal democratic power structure to ignore 200 YEARS TOGETHER, to suppress it as much as possible, and above all to prevent and interdict the book’s translation into foreign languages, most especially into English, which has become essentially the worldwide language of our epoch…
The Russian authorities have to this date refused to allow any official English translation of the book to be published". (p. 2).
On Sun, Jul 01, 2018 at 09:50:34AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
"Bro' Nat" brings us some choice quotes and a well written article.
Trigger warning: article uses the word 'spiritual', e.g. in the opening sentence: "A spiritual imperative runs through Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s works."
And just a reminder: Solzhenitsyn was a political prisoner in Stalin's Gulags for 8 years, after which he "was sent to internal exile for life at Birlik ... His undiagnosed cancer spread until, by the end of the year, he was close to death ... It was during this decade of imprisonment and exile that Solzhenitsyn abandoned Marxism and developed the philosophical and religious positions of his later life, gradually becoming a philosophically-minded Eastern Orthodox Christian as a result of his experience in prison and the camps. He repented for some of his actions as a Red Army captain, and in prison compared himself to the perpetrators of the Gulag: "I remember myself in my captain's shoulder boards and the forward march of my battery through East Prussia, enshrouded in fire, and I say: 'So were we any better?'" - he evidently speaks and writes from first hand, hard "won" experience, lest any of a typically 'modern' "Western mind persuasion" would seek to belittle this giant among men.
…Solzhenitsyn was awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature "for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of Russian literature"
Solzhenitsyn's Forceful Condemnation of Jewish Influence on the Russian People
…Solzhenitsyn: “Jews ran the camps...”
On Sun, May 06, 2018 at 08:31:56AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Without doubt, Alexander Solzhenitsyn's legacy shall continue to grow as one of the historical “carers of humanity” of all time.
The latest rise is of course thanks to Jordan Peterson's not infrequent (and glowing) references to Solzhenitsyn's “Gulag Archipelago” - though this was by no means his only foundational written work.
The Untz Review floats this “preamble to Kholmogorov’s yet-unpublished Solzhenitsynean magnum opus” to guage interest in the possibility of The Untz Review doing a full 4-part series on Solzhenitsyn - so if you find this worth the time to read, forward it and we might see some more.
Continue to create your world fellow Souls,
** Alexander Solzhenitsyn - A Russian Prophet ------------------------------------------------------------ by Yegor Kholmogorov The Unz Review (881 views) on Sat, May 5, 2018 Translator’s Foreword (Fluctuarius Argenteus) Almost by necessity, all previous Kholmogorov translations have been those of his older texts, with a “lag” between the original and the translation varying between several days and several months. What you see now is a much rarer treat. Kholmogorov has just finished a long and engrossing article on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, clocking in at 16,000 words, to be published by a Russian conservative outlet. Publishing a complete translation on The Unz Review would require the text to be split into three or four parts, and would be an exercise in futility if the figure of Solzhenitsyn doesn’t attract enough attention from the readership in the first place.
Go Vienna¦
** 'Comrade Jew' - Vienna Jewish Museum Highlights Jewish Role in Soviet Communism ------------------------------------------------------------ by TNO Staff The New Observer (670 views) on Sat, May 5, 2018
The Vienna Jewish Museum is currently holding a special exhibition highlighting the Jewish role in the creation of the Soviet Union and Communism, titled “Comrade Jew: We Only Wanted Paradise on Earth” (Genosse. Jude. Wir wollten nur das Paradies auf Erden) using a Soviet era cartoon of Karl Marx in a Moses pose holding tablets inscribed with “Das Kapital” and the “Communist Manifesto.”
According to the Museum’s official website, the exhibition marks the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, and runs until May 1, 2018.
According to the write up which accompanies the official leaflet, the exhibition focusses on the fact that the Communists “attracted many Jews seeking a radical break after centuries of anti-Semitism in the Czarist empire,” and that the “utopian idea of an egalitarian society prompted them to support the new state.”
In Austria, the museum adds in its write up, “antisemitism in the bourgeois parties in particular made the workers’ movement into a political option for Jews, and there were close links between Russian and Austrian Marxists.
“The exhibition focuses on the failed dream of a better world. We look at the idea of an egalitarian society from an Austrian Jewish perspective and trace diplomatic, political, social, and cultural connections,” the exhibition introduction states.
…The NYT journalist, Jason Farago, feels obligated to tell his readers that “You don’t need me to tell you that this is still hot stuff, a hundred years on. …“Jews did make up a disproportionate percentage of leftist utopians.
…“A copy of the Russian newspaper Pravda, edited by the exiled Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) from Vienna, bellows for workers of the world to unite.
…“El Lissitzky, who earlier printed folksy lithographs of Passover stories, now painted geometric collisions such as ‘Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge’ (1920).”
…The NYT journalist of course cannot complete the article without referring to the “danger” of Austria’s Freedom Party. As it says:
“But downstairs, in the Jewish Museum’s permanent collection display, I saw something I have never before seen in a historical museum: a screenshot of a Facebook post, presented with the same care and regard as centuries’ worth of Judaica.
“The post features an image of a fat, sweaty banker, with a hooked nose and stars on his cuff links, gorging on delicacies while a starving fellow diner, labeled “the people,” has only a bone to eat.
“The man who posted it is Heinz-Christian Strache: the leader of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and, since December, the country’s vice chancellor. A specter is haunting Europe today, and it is not the one these comrades foresaw.”
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness